Chapter 6- Telecommunications and Networking

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software-defined networks (SDNs)

-software controls decisions how network traffic flows across network devices are managed

A. extranet

An/The _____ connects network of multiple organizations so they can communicate securely. A. extranet B. intranet C. Internet D. externet

B. bits

Bandwith is stated in ____ per second. A. bytes B. bits C. beeps D. blips

broadband technologies

Cable and DSL are what?

broadcast media (wireless media)

Communications channels that use electromagnetic media (the "airwaves") to transmit data.

Network Access Points (NAPs)

Computers that act as exchange points for Internet traffic and determine how traffic is routed.


Metropolitan Area Network

B. Internet

The ___ layer of TCP/IP is responsible for addressing, routing, and packaging data packets. A. network surface B. transport C. Internet D. application

-Application -Transport Layer -Internet -Network Interface Layer

What are the 4 layers of the TCP/IP Model?

D. coaxial

___ is a cable medium. A. Radio B. microwave C. satellite D. coaxial

D. teleconferencing

____ does not allow participants to communicate face to face. A. telepresence B. videoconferencing C. videoprescence D. teleconferencing

A. dial up

____ modems convert information for use on the POTS and are almost extinct in most parts of the developed world today. A. dial up B. cable C. DSL D. fiber

C. cable

____ modems operate over coaxial cable. A. dial up B. DSL C. cable D. fiber


_____ are exchange points for Internet traffic. A. IAPs B. ISPs C. NAPs D. NSPs

DSL (digital subscriber line)

cable that is in your home and dorms

cable media (wireline media)

communications channels that use physical wires or cables to transmit data and information

ISP (Internt Service Provider)

company that provides Internet connections for a fee

fiber optic cable

consists of thousands of very thin filaments of glass fibers that transmit information through pulses of light generated by lasers, surrounded by coating that prevents the light from leaking out the floor


local area network


process in which highly prized workers are able to work anywhere at anytime

broad band

transmission capacity faster than 25 Mbps

twisted pair wire

-inexpesnive -widely available -easy to work with -advantages for?

adv. for coaxial cable

Higher bandwidth than twisted-pair Less susceptible to electromagnetic interference

B. workflow

____ is the movement of information as it progresses through the sequence of steps that make up an organization's work problems. A. collaboration B. workflow C. a workgroup D. a virtual team


____ is the protocol of the Internet. A. DSL B. Ethernet C. TCP/IP D. Fiber

B. high bandwidth

_____ is an advantage of coaxial cable. A. security B. high bandwidth C. cost D. easy to work with

TCP protocol

analyzing the packet size is NOT a basic function of what?


responsible for disassembling, delivering and reassembling data during transmission


underlying concept defining the structure of the World Wide Web.

3 functions of TCP

-manages movement of data pockets between computers by establishing a connection between the computers -sequences the transfer of pockets -acknowledges packets that have been trasnmitted

packet switching

-transmission that breaks text into pockets -each packet carries info that will help it reach its destination: -senders IP address, intended recipients IP address, number of packets in the message, and sequence of number of packets within the message

D. IPv4 is an example of an ____ address. A. IPv6 B. IPv2 C. IPv8 D. IPv4

Digital Signal

A discrete pulse, either on or off, that conveys information in a binary form.


A network stretching across New York City would be a _____. A. MAN B. WAN C. PAN D. LAN

commercial (public) portal

A website that offers fairly routine content for diverse audiences. It offers customization only at the user interface.

A. affinity

A(n) ___ portal offers a single point of entry to an entire community of affiliated interests. A. affinity B. commercial C. industry wide D. corporate

C. corporate

A(n) ____ portal offers a personalized, single point of access through a web browser to critical business information located inside and outside an organization. A. commercial B. industrywide C. corporate D. affinity

B. industrywide

A(n) ____ portal serves entire industries. A. corporate B. industrywide C. commercial D. affinity

B. twisted pair

According to the textbook, ____ is the most commonly used cable medium. A. satellite B. twisted- pair C. radio D. microwave


An Intranet that allows limited access to its partners, suppliers, and customers is called a(n):

D. commercial

An _____ portal is intended for broad and diverse audiences, and it offers routine content, some of it in real time. A. corporate B. industrywide C. affinity D. commercial

D. Internet

An/The ___ is a network of networks. A. intranet B. externet C. extranet D. Internet

fiber optic cable

Difficult to work with (difficult to splice) is a disadvantage for?

A. The Web

E-learning refers to learning supported by ________. A. The Web B. an intranet C. an extranet D. the internet

fiber to the home

FTTH stands for?

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names

ICANN stands for?


IPv6 will allow for _________ unique IP addresses.

updated webcrawlers

Most Internet search engines maintain an index of billions of Web pages. These indexes are updated using:

A. the rules for communication within the network

Network protocols describe ____ A.the rules for communication within the network B.the number of nodes in the network C.the connections between the nodes in the network D.the number of nodes in the network and the connections between them

virtual universities

Online universities in which students take classes via the Internet at home or an off-site location.

C. network surface

The ____ layer of TCP/IP places packets on, and receives them from, the network medium, which can be any networking technology. A. Internet B. application C. network surface D. transport

internet backbone

The primary network connections and telecommunications lines that link the computers and organizational nodes of the Internet.

NAPs (network access points)

Traffic exchange points in the routing hierarchy of the Internet that connects NSPs

fiber optic cable

Very high bandwidth Relatively inexpensive Difficult to tap (good security) -advantages for?

-direct/ server computing - peer to peer processing (P2P)

What are the two types of network processing?

all the way to the right

Where in a domain name do you find the top-level domain (TLD)?

C. Cost

Which of the following is a benefit of e-learning? A. Integrity B. Computer literacy C. Cost D. Interaction


Which of the following is the correct order of networks from largest to smallest? A.WAN, MAN, PAN, LAN B. WAN, MAN, LAN, PAN C. MAN, WAN, LAN, PAN D. MAN, WAN, PAN, LAN

B. difficult to work with

___ is a disadvantage of fiber- optic cable. A. security B. difficult to work with C. bandwith D. cost

B. twisted- pair

___ is the slowest cable medium. A. Microwave B. twisted- pair C. radio D. satellite


____ are/is a tool for democratizing higher education. A. MOCs B. e- learning C. distance learning D. DSLs

B. IPv4

____ consists off 32 bits. A. IPv8 B. IPv4 C. IPV2 D. IPv6

D. high bandwidth

____ is NOT an advantage of twisted- pair wire. A. easy to work with B. availability C. cost D. high bandwidth

C. ethernet

____ is a common LAN protocol. A. twisted pair B. fiber C. ethernet D. internet

C. promotion time

____ is a disadvantage of telecommuting. A. productivity B. retention C. promotion time D. family life

D. visibility

____ is a disadvantage of telecommuting. A. stress- level B. family life C. proudcitivity D. visibility

C. a virtual team

____ is a group of people working in different locations. A. a workgroup B. collaboration C. a virtual team D. workflow

B. productivity

____ is an advantage of telecommuting. A. Connection B. Productivity C. visibilty D. promotion time

C. crowdsourcing, outsourcing

_____ involves ______ a task to an undefined, general large group of people in the form of an open call. A. crwodsourcing, insourcing B. telecommuting, insourcing C. crowdsourcing, outsourcing D. telecommuting, outsourcing


____s cover large geographical areas. A.WAN B. LAN C. PAN D. MAN

enterprise network

an organization's network composed of interconnected multiple LANs and WANs

distance learning

any learning situation in which teachers and students do not meet face to face

Corporate backbone networks

are high speed central networks to which multiple smaller networks connect.


connects two or more devices in a limited geographical region, usually within the same building, so that every device on the network can communicate with every other device. -uses Ethernet (hint: type of network)

coaxial cable

disadvantages of: Relatively expensive and inflexible Easily tapped (low to medium security) Somewhat difficult to work with

twisted pair wire

disadvantages: Slow (low bandwidth) Subject to interference Easily tapped (low security)

hyper text transport protocol

http stands for?

coaxial cable

insulated copper wire; used to carry high-speed data traffic and television signals

distributed processing

network architecture that divides processing work between two or more computers, linked together in a network


network's transmission capacity

World Wide Web (WWW)

system of universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, and displaying information via a direct/ server architecture


The Internet is a ____ A.LAN B. PAN C. MAN D. WAN

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