Chapter 7

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Identify the correct statement regarding audio visional training?

It is not affected by an individual trainers goals and skills

Which of the following is a characteristic of task analysis?

It is usually conducted along with person analysis.

Which of the following is an example of an experimental training method?

Jeffry and his colleagues take part in a rafting course sponsee by their company

In the context of planning a training program, even though it is time consuming, putting together a. ____ is worthwhile because it helps an organization clarify training objective, compare vendors, and measure results.

Request for proposal

Terral Prime, an auditing firm, purchases a management information system called Alpha Duo. Most of Terral's employees are unfamiliar with the functional aspects of Alpha Duo, and management decides to approach external trainers to train its employees. Rebecca, the company's training coordinator, is tasked with finding suitable trainers. Rebecca sends an email, with a document outlining the company's training requirements, to multiple vendors and asks them to provide suitable trainer profiles and cost quotes. What is the document called that Rebecca sends out to training vendors?

Request for proposal

When using an outside expert, a complete ___ should indicate funding for the project and the process by which the organizations will determine its level of satisfaction

Request for proposal

For on-the-job training (OJT) programs to be effective, an organization should review OJT practices at companies in similar industries.


If a concept involved more than 5 items, the training program should deliver information in shorter sessions or chunks


Instructional design logically should begin with needs assessment


Orientation training is designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn a about the organization, and establish work relationships


Readiness for training is a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training


Social support refers to the way an organizations people encounter training


The process of sending employees directly into communities where they have to interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities is known as cultural immersions


Training programs use case studies to develop employee management skills


Training refers to any planned effort by a firm to facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge, skills, or behavior by employees. Such as knowledge, skills, or behavior by employees


___ Is a training method that coordinates the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal

team training

Identify the profession that would typically employ interns


Identify the statement that accurately describes an avatar used in training by simulation

A computer depiction of employees that can be manipulated in an online role-play

The HR department at Trevor Communications employee training has become to handle with expansion. Which of the following applications should the HR department use to help with employee training?

A learning management system

Which of the following forms of group building gives teams or work groups and actual problem, have them work on solving it and commit to an action plan and hold them accountable for carrying out the plan?

Action Learning

Which of the following statements is true of an apprenticeship?

An apprentice can earn an income while learning a trade.

Which of the following is true of an apprenticeship?

An apprentice usually assist a certified tradesperson at the work site

Which of the following is a work-study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on the job training and a class room training ?


Which of the following questions can be answered by performing a person analysis?

Are employees ready for training?

___ Involves training sessions in which participants observe other people demonstrating the desired behavior, then have opportunity to practice behavior themselves

Behavioral modeling

Identify the correct statement regarding case studies

Cases encourage trainees by giving them practice in weighing and acting on uncertain outcomes after evaluating a case.

Karen sales manager Apencience corp can read, write, and speak mandarin, English, and German. Which of Karens abilities is illustrated in this scenario?

Cognitive ability

Which of the following is the most accurate way to evaluate a training program?

Conducting pretests and then training only part of the employees

___ Is a team training method that trains a team on how to share information and decisions to obtain eh best team performance

Coordination training

Brown Industries, a consumer electronics manufacturer, has six-week on-the-job training programs for employees who move laterally between departments. The aim of the training programs is to educate employees about their new job roles and departments. Brown Industries uses instructional design programs aided by a learning management system to train its employees. Which of the following accurately describes the learning management system utilized at the company?

Crimson, an application that automates the process of administering and delivering training to Max and Brown's employees

Identify diversity training by some organizations involves sending employees have to interact with people from different cultures, races, and nationalities

Cultural immersion

Marlon Corp. implements a training program to improve the efficiency of its underperforming employees. Three months after the program's implementation, analysis reveals that the program has not made significant contribution either to increasing employee skill levels or increasing their productivity. Andrea, the company's CEO, concludes that the trainers are ineffective and decides they must be replaced. Which of the following, if true, could be used to persuade Andrea against replacing the trainers?

Employees are unproductive because of an unhealthy work environment and insufficient pay.

New employees are producing inadequate quantities of pesticides. HR manager conducts a person analysis to asses the needs for training these new employees. Which of the following reasons may have prompted Robin to conduct a person analysis?

Employees of the firms production department lack clarity in decision regarding minimum quality levels for manufacturing pesticides

Which step of the instructional design process is an organization in control of the least?

Ensuring readiness for training

A(n) ___ is a training method in which participants learn concepts and then apply them by simulating the behaviors involved and analyzing the activities connecting with with real life situations

Experimental program

A risk of diversity training programs is that they may alienate minorities.


According to the person analysis method, performance feedback is the only variable that can be affected by training.


Action learning uses challenging, structured outdoor activities, which include difficult sports


An experiential program is an example of a presentation method


Apprenticeship programs can only be sponsored by government agencies


Attending classes is a faster and more efficient method of learning new skills as compared to electronic performance support systems (EPSSs)


In coordination training, team members understand and practice each other skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another members place


Presentation methods are preferred over hands on training methods in helping trainees handle interpersonal issues


Putting together a request for proposal for a training program is a quick process


Tasks analysis determines whether an employee is ready to undergo training


The best stage to prepare for evaluation a training program is after the program has been implemented


The last step in the instructional design process involves choosing a training method.


The most accurate way to assess training effectiveness is to conduct Pre test and post test and then Tran all the employees


The training technique most widely used in the workplace is a behavior modeling


_____ refers to a process of symatically developing training to meet specified needs.

Instructional design

Carla, a college student pursing International Business as part of her program works at Wong for 6mo, where she will gain experience related to her field. Carla S employment at Wong consultin is an example of a(n)


Identify the on-the-go training program that is typically funded by an educational institution as a component of an academic program


A customer at Danielle, a French restaurant, complains to Jason, the manager, about a dessert being unacceptable. Jason inspects the dessert and finds that brie, a type of cheese, is overripe and has an ammonia-like taste. When Jason questions the pastry chef, Mario, he acknowledges that he knew the brie was bad. Jason analyzes the situation and concludes that Mario should be put through additional training to avoid such mistakes in the future. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen Jason's decision?

Mario was unaware that the overripe brie could have been substituted with camembert, another type of cheese.

Meryl situational constraint with training in an organizations re independent and don't impact social support. Miguel argues that situation constraint have significant influence on social support. In the context of readiness for training, who is correct and why?

Miguels argument is correct because an organization can encourage training only when it has the means to provide training

Which of the following work settings is most likely to benefit from team training?

Military brigade

What does a needs assessments determine?

Needs assessment is the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees tasks to determine what kind of training if any are necessary

Which of the following is an example of cross-training method?

Olivia, a cashier, is being trained to stock shelves in case there is a shortage of employees.

Faulkner and White wants to implement training programs for its employees as an HR initiative. Senior management proposes the use of an instructional design process. Which of the following should ideally be Faulkner and Whites next step?

Organization Analysis

Which of the training prepares employees to perform jobs effectively, learn about he organization, and establish work relationships?


Tehrep Technologies is awarded a project that involves working on a new software tool called popil, which none of its employees has worked on previously. Implementing training program which to identify the employee to under go popil training?

Person Analysis

Identify the training method that is used for converting facts or comparing alternatives

Presentation method

Which of the following training methods uses techniques like lectures, workbooks, video clips, podcast, and websites?

Presentation methods

In the context of principles of learning, which of the following is defined as the difficulty level of writte material


Which of the following is defined as a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit trainings?

Readiness for training

Fernando a hired firefighter. Training involves online training module and virtual scenarios. This form of training is referred to as a(n)


___ is the limit on trainings effectiveness that arises from the conditions with in an organization

Situational constraint

Which of the following process identifies knowledge, skills, and behaviors that should be emphasized by training?

Task Analysis

Along with physical elements, the training contest should include emotional elements


Which of the following main objectives of diversity training program that focus on behavior?

The change organization policies and individual conduct that inhibit employees personal growth and productivity

Identify the primary variable (s) in a person analysis that can be affected by training

The employees ability and skill

Ionia Inc. uses simulators to train its cable installers. Several employees who completed the simulation training did not pass the test in which they were supposed to demonstrate the necessary skills. The training manager investigated and identified the source of the problem. Which of the following would be the most likely source?

The simulation contained elements unlike those found in Ionia's work environment.

Effective Training objectives include performance standards that are measurable


Tom, enrolled a group in experimental paragraphs based on responses evoked. Which of the te following responses by the trainee could have resulted in their enrollment in experimental programs?

The trainees expressed a desire to be challenged and get out side fo their comfort zone but with in limits that keep their motivation strong

Matt, the training coordinator at Joaquim Solutions, inspected the written materials for a new training program and concluded that the materials were not very readable. Which of the following conditions would most likely lead Matt to this conclusion? A. The training material contained many checklists. B. Most statements of the training materials were limited to simple words. C. The training material was devoid of technical jargon. D. The text of the materials was combined with illustrations. E. The training material consisted of too many long sentences.

The training material was composed of too many long paragraphs

Which of the following characterizes electronic performance support systems?

They provide expert advice when a problem occurs on the job.

Which of the following includes on-the-job use of knowledge skills and behaviors learnin in training?

Transfer of training

___ Requires that employees actually learn the context of the training program and that the necessary conditions are in place for employees to apply what they learned

Transfer of training

According to Trevor, when faced with instructor led classroom training and computer based training one must always choose computer based training. Which of the following, if true waken Trevor's claims?

Unlike computer based training, classroom training involves more interact and therefore provides a better possibility that trainees will retain the information gained

Russel claims that an apprenticeship prepares one better for a job than an internship. Which of the following, if true strengthens Russels claims?

Unlike interns who mostly file paperwork, apprentice have hands-on experience during training

Cognitive ability is defined as the ability of a person to:

Use written and spoken language, solve math problems and use logic to solve problems

The stage to prepare for evaluating a training program is:

When the program is being developed

Identify a guideline that will help increase readability of training materials

add checklists and illustrations to clarify the text

The difference between adventure learning and cross-training is that:

adventure learning helps team members understand themselves and each other, while cross-training helps team members learn each other's job roles.

Allinall, a firm that specializes in building construction, hires Kyle, an unemployed teenager, to work in its carpentry division. Since Kyle does not have the required skills to work as a carpenter, he is provided training that helps him pick up carpentry skills on the job. Kyle learns by assisting other master carpenters and journeymen. In addition to the skills Kyle acquires, he is paid by Allinall. The form of training exemplified in this scenario is called _____.


Identify the correct example of an on the job training method?


Identify the kind of profession that would typically employ an apprentice.


Which of the following is described as a detailed description of a situation that trainees analyze and discuss and is designed to develop higher order thinking skills?

case study

Peter, a logistics manager, is trained to handle inventories and make procurement decisions in the absence of the purchasing manager. Which of the following training methods was received by Peter?


Team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place is referred to as:


Roger, the manager of a car dealership, finds it impossible to train his mechanics on the details of every potential repair problem because of the increasing complexity and variety of today's automobiles. Hence, he provides them with a training program to familiarize them with the basics of engine, emission, and other types of repair, and in case of a particular problem, seek expert advice through an online computer application program. Which of the following learning approaches is being implemented by Roger?

electronic performance support system

KYG Instruments, a firm that produces manufacturing equipment for various industries, experiences an influx of new sales employees due to a recent expansion. Despite possessing a vast amount of sales experience, most of the new employees perform poorly. This is because the new recruits possess inadequate technical knowledge about the products sold by KYG. To address the issue, the HR department decides to implement a training program using the instructional design process. As part of the process, the HR department's first step should be to:

identify that the sales representatives need technical training.

Behavior modeling is especially useful for improving:

interpersonal skills

Organizations provide orientation to their new employees because?

it relieves the shock and surprise experienced when starting a new job.

Organization Analysis looks at training needs in the light of the :

management's support for training activities.

James, the marketing manager for an automobile manufacturer, observes frequent conflicts between two of his subordinates, Jeff and Kevin. He asks the human resource department to help, and the department's training manager, Kelly, investigates. She tells James that the two subordinates lack interpersonal communication skills, but would be likely to improve with proper training. This scenario suggests that Kelly has conducted a(n) _____.

person analysis

Using avatars for training purposes would be an example of _____.


KTPO Telecom wants to implement an on-the-job training program for its sales staff who are unaware of the technical aspects of the firm's products. The lack of technical knowledge among its sales staff is harming the company's prospects of securing lucrative contracts. Although KTPO's IT team is well versed in various technologies, it is not well suited to handle a training program. However, the best IT trainers in the industry cost more than what KTPO can afford to spend on the training program. This scenario illustrates _____.

situational constraints

Openze Technology, a firm that manufactures mobile phones, has a three-week training program for all of its new recruits. During the training program, the new employees are constantly encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas. Good ideas are rewarded immediately by the trainers, thereby encouraging active participation. This scenario exemplifies _____.

social support

Readiness for training depends on which of the following broad characteristics of the work environment ?

social support

___ Refers to the ways an organizations people encourage training

social support

Adam, a team leader at a business process firm, believes that new employees should have a training session on time management to help them plan their time more efficiently. This scenario indicates that Adam has conducted a(n) _____.

task analysis

Which of the following consists of an organizations planned effort to help employees acquire job related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors?


Filler Mayo Inc. recognizes the need for providing on-the-job training to employees because whose technical skills are lacking. The company's HR department is tasked with coordinating the entire training process. This function of the HR department at Filler Mayo is called ________.

training administration

Simplest approach to evaluating training is to:

use only a posttest.

Identify the application of hands-on methods of training

used to teach specific skills

Which of the following is a computer-based technology that provides an interactive, three dimensional learning experience?

virtual reality

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