Chapter 7

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Which of the following is true about the earliest human settlement of Australia?

-Recent archaeological findings at Madjedbebe cave extends it back to at least 65,000 B.P. -Based on genetic dating, it happened around 50,000 B.P.

The fossils found at Dmanisi date to

1.77-1.7 m.y.a.

The first hearths date back to no more than

500,000 years.

The earliest reliable date for a human presence in Australia is ________ B.P.


The oldest Homo habilis and Homo erectus fossils can be found on which continent?


Which of the following statements best describes the time period during which Homo habilis and Homo erectus overlapped?

The species overlapped between 1.9 m.y.a. and 1.4 m.y.a., but after that only Homo erectus endured to perhaps 0.5 m.y.a. (or 500,000 years ago).

What are some characteristics of the oldest known hominin fossil in Europe?

-It's from Spain. -It's more than one million years old.

Recent analyses of fossil DNA suggest that the common ancestor of Neandertals, Denisovans, and AMHs

-Separated into two lineages around 460,000 B.P., one jointly ancestral to Neandertals and Denisovans, the other ancestral to AMHs. -Lived around 660,000 B.P.

Migrations of AMHs out of Africa took place

-Starting around 80,000 years ago -Between 194,000 and 177,000 B.P. -Sometime before 270,000 B.P.

Which of the following occurred as a result of glacial retreat?

-The gathering of plants grew in importance. -The quantity and variety of edible marine life increased.

Which statement best describes the "Mitochondrial Eve" hypothesis?

Analysis of modern mtDNA samples suggest that everyone today has mtDNA inherited from a woman who lived 200,000 years ago in sub-Saharan Africa.

The most important early out-of-Africa site is Dmanisi, which is located

At the easternmost edge of Europe.

What new kinds of tools (not made in Middle- and Lower-Paleolithic times) did Upper Paleolithic toolmakers create by hammering materials from a core?

Blade tools

H. rudolfensis overlapped in time with which of the following hominins?

-H. erectus -H. habilis

Which of the following are true about Homo luzonensis?

-It has been dated to 67,000-50,000 B.P. -Body size was likely small.

Which of the following sites is associated with Neandertal remains?


Hunting was an important cultural behavior marking a significant step for a human ancestor. Which ancestral species does the fossil record indicate was the earliest habitual hunter?

Homo erectus

The Acheulean hand ax, associated with the species ______, represents a type of tool that requires a mental template in the mind of the maker, a significant advance in human evolution.

Homo erectus

Which of the following statements best describes the earliest migration of human ancestors out of Africa?

Homo erectus was the first species to range out of Africa for hunting and gathering.

The species named ______, discovered in Indonesia, had a cranial capacity smaller than that of a chimpanzee.

Homo floresiensis

Which of the following species was a miniature hominin that lived on an Indonesian island until at least 60,000 B.P.?

Homo floresiensis

Great variation in mtDNA among Africans means that

They have been evolving for the longest amount of time.

Becoming fully human, associated with evidence of symbolic thought and artistic creativity, may have occurred as much as 200,000 years ago or only 45,000 years ago. What is the term used by anthropologists for these abilities?

Behavioral modernity

How is Homo erectus is like modern humans?

Both share a similar height and body shape.

A type of spear point called a(n) ______ originated and spread throughout North America between 13,250 and 12,800 years years ago.

Clovis point

The traditional view has been that modern behavior originated fairly recently and only after Homo sapiens pushed into Europe. What is the basis of this view?

Evidence for human creativity 45,000 years ago in the form of ceremonial burials, jewelry, and symbolic cave paintings

What is another term for ice ages?


Evidence that AMHs lived on the shore of an ancient lake, where they hunted and fished using blades and hand axes, was found with the

Herto skulls in Africa.

Announced in April 2019, fossilized teeth and bones from the feet, hands and thigh of at least three individual hominins, recovered from Callao Cave on the island of Luzon, Philippines, have been assigned to the species _______ ______.

Homo Luzonensis

Some of the earliest likely members of H. heidelbergensis come from northern Spain's Atapuerca Mountains, where the site of Gran Dolina has yielded the remains of 780,000-year-old hominins. The Spanish researchers who excavated them call this group

Homo antecessor.

Which human ancestral species was the first to migrate out of Africa?

Homo erectus

Which of the following ancestral human species had an average cranial capacity of around 900 cm3?

Homo erectus

Which of the following human ancestral species is associated with the tool type known as Acheulean?

Homo erectus

What is the name of the ancient hominin species dating to 2.03-1.78 m.y.a., and associated with the skull labeled KNM-ER 1470, which has an unusual combination of a large brain (775 cm3) and very large molars?

Homo rudolfensis

What ability set apart Homo erectus from Homo habilis and Au. boisei?

Hunting ability

DNA analysis shows that Native Americans descend from two major ancestral groups. The genome of a baby girl who died 11,500 years ago in what is now central Alaska places her

In neither of those branches, but rather with the ancient Beringians.

What are long warm periods between ice ages?


The stone-tool technology associated with Neandertals is called


Where was the first evidence of Neandertals discovered in 1856?

Neander Valley, Germany

Mousterian tools include a wide variety of stone scrapers and notched tools designed to make clothing from animal hides and to be used for sawing and piercing. Which hominin group made these tools?


In 2010 scientists identified the Denisovan hominin group as cousin species of


Why were the "underground astronauts" who excavated H. naledi remains from the Rising Star cave all young, slender women?

Only such a body type could navigate the narrow passages leading to the fossils.

What is an anthropological term for early American Indians in North America?


The earliest human ancestors appeared during the geological time period called the ______, which began about two million years ago and endured until 11,700 years ago.


The oldest known evidence for AMHs in Europe stem from what skeletal remains found in England and Italy?


The three subdivisions of the Pleistocene reflect

The age of the fossils

Which of the following is true about H. naledi?

The fossils have been dated somewhere between 335,000 B.P. and 236,000 B.P.

Scientists related the Denisovans to other groups by studying

Their DNA.

Which statement best describes the findings associated with the Herto skulls?

These three AMH skulls, dating to 154,000-160,000 years ago, showed signs of ritual use.

Which of the following statements best describes early anatomically modern humans (AMHs)?

They originated in Africa.

Which of the following is true of some tools considered part of the Upper Paleolithic tradition of toolmaking?

They were found in the upper layers of sedimentary deposits.

True or false: The findings at Israel's Manot Cave provides the first evidence that Neandertals and AMHs were living together in the area around 55,000 B.P. and suggest that inbreeding between the two species may have occurred in the Middle East.


As the sea level rose during glacial retreat, southwestern European economies became

Less specialized.

How did the first settlers of the Americas enter North America?

Some crossed Beringia, following big game animals such as woolly mammoths; others came by boat along the the Pacific coast.

The current prevailing view among scientists is that H. erectus

Split into separate groups, one ancestral to the Neandertals and the other ancestral to anatomically modern humans (AMHs).

Which ability of Homo erectus provided protection against predators?

Control of fire

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