Chapter 7 A & P

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Which of the following digits contain only 2 phalanges?


bone remodeling steps

1. bone fracture occurs 2. ruptured blood vessels leak blood, and a blood clot (hematoma) forms 3. new blood vessels invade, and a soft tissue fibrocartilage callus develops 4. a spongy bone callus replaces the soft tissue callus 5. bone remodeling occurs to restore the normal locations of compact and spongy bone, as well as the medullary cavity

steps of endochondral ossification

1. hyaline cartilage model of long bone forms in the embryo 2. a primary ossification center develops as the center of the diaphysis ossifies 3. osteoclasts carve out the medullary cavity as osteoblasts produce osteons 4. secondary ossification centers develop as the epiphyses ossify 5. bone lengthening continues as chondrocytes in the growth plates divide and become calcified

How many vertebrae comprise the thoracic region of the spine?


How many phalanges are located in the hand?


How many bones make up the nasal septum?


The adult hip bone consists of _____ regions.


Identify the typical number of vertebrae that fuse during development to form the coccyx.


How many lumbar vertebrae are in the vertebral column?


Name the number of vertebrae that fuse together to form the sacrum.


How many pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum?


Name the number of tarsals.


What cation is required to create additional bone matrix support?


What single factor plays the largest role in maintaining adequate bone strength


Which of the following structures would not be found within a vertebral foramen?

Intervertebral discs

Identify the location of the occipital bone.

Posterior surface and base of the cranium

Which region of the vertebral column is located superior to the thoracic region and which region is inferior to the thoracic region, respectively?

Superiorly: cervical and inferiorly: lumbar

Which of the following thoracic vertebrae is the largest?


The correct order (from start to finish) of fracture repair is __________.

The correct order (from start to finish) of fracture repair is __________.

Which of the following is true about the shoulder joint?

The glenohumeral joint is more mobile, making it less stable.

Old age affects many parts of the skeleton. Which of the following is NOT associated with old age?

The mandible continues to grow and thicken.

Why are the spines, tubercles, and crests of the pelvic girdle important to know and recognize?

These structures are the attachment points for many skeletal muscles and ligaments.

Identify the articulation site for a tubercle of a rib.

Transverse costal facet

The sella turcica is best described as:

a depression

Identify the articulation site for the femur.


The collagen in the osteoid bone matrix makes the overall bone matrix stronger by

allowing flexibility

Which of the following refers to a joint that is slightly movable?


Which region of the skeleton contains the humerus?



are amphiarthrotic joints, which means they have a limited amount of mobility.

phalanges on the foot

are toes

Which part of a hip bone specifically articulates with the sacrum?

articular surface of the ilium

To realign an anteriorly dislocated Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), a physician must push the mandible inferiorly and posteriorly in order to move the mandibular condyle past the temporal bone's ________.

articular turbucle

What is the name of the first cervical vertebra?


Identify the articulation site that allows us to rotate our head, e.g. shaking the head "no".

atlas- axis

What is the name of the second cervical vertebra?


This type of synovial joint has the greatest range of motion.

ball and socket

Identify the central portion of the sternum


Identify the major weight bearing part of a vertebra.


What is intramembranous ossification?

bone growth from fibrous membrane

Processes (bumps) on bones occur at locations where:

bone hypertrophies due to physical stresses such as muscles pulling on them at their points of attachment.

the pubic arch is

broader in the pelvis of a female than in the pelvis of a male.

These fluid filled sacs help provide cushioning at joints between bones and ligaments or between other joint structures.


Identify the anatomical term for the "heel bone".


This endocrine hormone stimulates osteoblasts to synthesize more bony matrix containing calcium.


What hormone is produced by the thyroid gland and plays an important role in storage of calcium in bone?


The mineral crystals that comprise much of the extracellular matrix of osseous (bony) tissue are mostly composed of:

calcium phosphate

Identify the bones that make up the wrist.

carpals. 8 make up the wrist


caused by repetitive joint use treatment requires rest of the joint


cells that dissolve bony matrix for remodeling and release of calcium


cells that synthesize the bony matrix and store calcium

Pregnant women may experience an exaggerated lordosis, or swayback. Which curvature is affected during pregnancy?

cervical region

Identify the general location of the zygomatic arch.


mandible is responsible for:

chewing food, structure of chin, structure of lower jaw

During childhood and adolescence, these types of cells are mitotic in the epiphyseal plates. This accounts for bone lengthening.


Identify the tailbone.


These x-rays show that the injured tibia has been fractured into multiple pieces. This is an example of a(n) _________ fracture.


Flat bones consist of spongy bone sandwiched between

compact bone

This type of osseous tissue is found around the edges of long bones:

compact bone

both the hand and foot

contain 15 phalangeal bones that form the fingers and the toes.

Identify the part of the mandible that serves as a site of attachment for the temporalis muscle.

coronoid process

Identify the landmark that serves as a site of attachment for the meninges

crista galli


crooked back/spine

Identify the articulation site for the head of a rib.

demi facet

synchondroses are

diarthrotic joints

Which digit is the radius closest to?

digit 1

Where in the skeleton is the ulna located in reference to the humerus?


At which joint would you expect to find the annular ligament wrapped around the head of the radius?


Which of the following characteristics do not belong to the lumbar region?

elongated spinous process

The long bones of the body begin developing in the embryo due to this type of ossification:


The arrows on this image are pointing to dark areas on an X-ray from a child. The dark areas represent these areas of tissue that are less dense than osseous tissue:

epiphyseal plates

Identify the hole that marks the opening of the ear canal on the superficial surface of the skull.

external auditory meatus

Which of the following categories is the best fit for the zygomatic arch?


Which bone articulates in the acetabulum?


Identify the bone found lateral to the tibia.


Identify the non-weight bearing bone of the lower limb.


Which movement decreases the angle between articulating bones?


Identify the location of the sphenoid bone.

floor of skull

Name the opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

foramen magnum

Which of the following foramen convey a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)?

foramen rotundum

What part of the nasal cavity is formed by the nasal septum?

forms medial wall of nasal cavity

Which of the following bones is unpaired


Which of the following landmarks found on the proximal end of the humerus?

greater tubercle

A deficiency in this hormone during childhood can lead to dwarfism.

growth hormone

Identify the part of a rib that articulates in the demi-facets of the thoracic vertebra.


Identify the region of the femur that forms part of the hip joint.


Identify the region of the radius that articulates with the ulna.


What part of the humerus articulates with the scapula to form the shoulder joint?


When you hit your elbow and say that you hit your "funny bone," you have actually hit a nerve that runs across the bone surface. Over which bone can this nerve be found?


Name the type of connective tissue that anchors the ribs onto the sternum.

hyaline cartilage

The __________ is the only bone in the body that does NOT directly articulate with any other bone.

hyoid bone

Hypercalcemia can be caused by_________.

hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone

The ridge like superior edge of the ilium is known as the _____.

iliac crest

When a hand is placed on the hip, which specific bone structure is the hand resting on?

iliac crest of the ilium

Identify the region of the coxal bone that articulates with the sacrum.


Which of the following is the largest region of the hip bone?


Which region of the hip bone articulates with the sacrum?


Which parts of the pelvic girdle make up the pelvic brim?

ilium and pubis

ndividual vertebrae articulate with each other forming the vertebral column. Identify the part of a vertebra that articulates immediately with the vertebra below it.

inferior articular processes

Where is the mandibular fossa located?

inferior surface of the zygomatic process


inflammation of the bursa caused by repetitive joint use

Identify the small hole on the maxillary bone located below the orbit.

infraorbital foramen

When chondrocytes in lacunae divide and form new matrix, it leads to an expansion of the cartilage tissue from within. This process is called __________.

interstitial growth

The flat bones of the skull develop through this type of ossification:


This type of ossification in the embryo starts from a sheet of fibrous connective tissue.



is an injury of a ligament; results in swelling and pain. RICE is recommended for treatment

head of ulna

is found at the distal end of the bone

The main role of the axial skeleton

is to protect and support vital organs

Which landmark of the hip bone can be felt on a hard chair?

ischial tuberosity

lyme disease/arthritis

it is caused by a bacteria in deer ticks it causes a characteristic "bull's eye" rash it can be cured if antibiotics are used in the early stages


it is caused by excess uric acid formation or decreased uric acid elimination it is more common in men and post menopausal women it is most common in the joint of the big toe

Identify the small facial bones found in the medial wall of the orbit.


Which bone is NOT considered to be part of the cranium?

lacrimal; it is a facial bone

Identify the large suture on the posterior surface of the skull at the border of the occipital bone.


Where is the radius located in reference to the ulna?


Which of the following landmarks is found on the distal end of the humerus?

lateral epicondyle

Name the noticeable bump on the outside of the ankle

lateral malleolus

Identify the region of the sphenoid bone that contains the optic canal.

lesser wings

Identify the landmark found on the diaphysis of the femur.

linea espera

What type of bone is a phalanx?


What type of bone is the fibula?


What type of bones are the phalanges?

long bone

When Elvis got fat, what type of abnormal spinal curvature did he likely develop to help compensate for his extra abdominal weight?


If you were working in forensics, how would you identify the gender of the skeleton described below: *square shaped mandible *angle of the pelvic arch is less than 90 degrees *coccyx bone not as flexible *epiphyses and diaphyses were disarticulated, indicating that cartilage located between them had degraded

male adolescent skeleton

Which of the following landmarks can be found on both the tibia and fibula?


Identify the skull bone that can move independent of head movement.


Identify the region of the mandible that forms part of the temporomandibular joint.

mandibular condyle

Which region of the mandible articulates with the cranium?

mandibular condyle

Identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the lower jaw.

mandibular fossa

Identify the region of the temporal bone that articulates with the mandible

mandibular fossa

Name the U shaped border found between the mandibular condyle and the coronoid process.

mandibular notch

Identify the shield shaped top of the sternum.



mature bone cells embedded inside the lacunae located inside the osseous tissue

A cleft palate arises when the right and left _____________ bones fail to fuse medially during fetal development.


Which facial bones fuse to form the upper jaw?


Which of the following facial bones contain a sinus?


rheumatoid arthritis

may be treated with immune suppressant drugs

Which surface of the maxillary bones fuse together?


The flat surface of the tibia that articulates with the femur is the superior surface of which landmark?

medial and lateral condyles

Identify the best description for the location of the head of the femur.

medial and proximal

Identify the anatomical landmark resulting in a noticeable bump found on the medial surface of the ankle.

medial malleolus

These fibrocartilage pads help provide extra cushioning between the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia.


Identify the bones that make up the palm of the hand.


Identify the bones that make up the middle portion of the foot.


zygomatic bones on males are

more prominent than females


most common form of arthritis bone spurs may grow on arthritic joints obesity, age, and repetitive joint actions are all risk factors for osteoarthritis

Which facial bones makeup the central portion of the bridge of the nose?


Which of the following bones do not contain a sinus?


Which of the following locations is not formed by part of the maxillae?

nasal septum

The condition known as a "fractured hip" is most often a break in the femur. Where is the femur particularly susceptible to a fracture?


What type of fracture has occurred based on the breakage along a diagonal across the bones?


Identify the large hole found in this bone.

obturator foramen

Identify the articulation site that allows us to nod our head "yes".

occipital bone- atlas

Identify the area of the occipital bone that articulates with the vertebral column.

occipital condyles

Identify the occipital bone landmark that can not be palpated from the surface of the head.

occipital condyles

Identify the region of the skull that articulates with the atlas.

occipital condyles

Identify the depression found on the posterior surface of the humerus.

olecranon fossa

Identify the region of the ulna that articulates with the humerus when the forearm is in full extension.

olecranon process

An imbalance that activates these bone cells would lead to a loss of bone density.


During endochondral ossification, these cells carve out the medullary canals of long bones:


What is the structural unit of compact bone?


Which of the following refers to a bone disorder found most often in the aged and resulting in the bones becoming porous and light?


Identify the posterior most region of the hard palate.

palatine bone

Which part of the maxillary bones form the roof of the mouth?

palatine processes

What gland produces a hormone that is crucial for releasing calcium from bone when the body needs to increase calcium levels in the bloodstream?


If blood calcium levels drop, which endocrine gland is stimulated to release a hormone?

parathyroid gland

Identify the bone that articulates superiorly with the temporal bone.

parietal bone

Identify the part of the ethmoid bone that contributes to the nasal septum.

perpendicular plate

Which part of the ethmoid bone forms the nasal septum?

perpendicular plate

What type of joint is formed between the radius and ulna?


Identify the best description of the mandibular condyle.

projection on the mandible

Functions of the bones

protection of the lungs protection of the brain movement through lever action formation of blood cells

Which organic molecules form the major structural materials of the body?


Dysplasia of the hip may occur due to congenital malformation of the __________.


This type of tissue fills the spaces between the trabeculae of spongy bone:

red bone marrow

Identify the primary function of the ethmoidal sinuses

reduce the weight of the skull

Which of the following structures is common only to the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar vertebrae?

rib facets

Osteoid-producing osteoblasts must rely upon this organelle to produce primary structures leading to the formation of collagen and calcium-binding proteins.


A deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to "soft bones" as part of this disorder.


What regions of the hip bones articulate to form a symphysis?

right and left pubic bodies

Which region of the vertebral column is immediately inferior to the lumbar region?


What region of the vertebral column does the hip bone articulate with?

sacral region

Identify the bony posterior wall of the pelvis.


This type of joint is responsible for the opposable thumbs that humans have.


What type of joint is formed between the wrist and the first metacarpal?


The nasal septum occupies which anatomic plane?


Disorder caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C


What structures develop as a result of gravity acting on the skeleton after birth?

secondary curvatures

Identify the region of the sphenoid bone in contact with the pituitary gland.

sella turcica

Identify the best description of the mandibular fossa.

shallow depression

lumbar vertebrae

short flat spinous processes

a healthy gomphosis

should be synarthrotic, which means that the joint is immovable.

Which cranial bone spans the width of the cranial floor?


Name the vertebral projection found in a median plane.

spinous process

This fracture occurred due to a violent twisting of the bone. How would you classify it?


osteogenic cells

stem cells that can specialize and become osteoblasts


study of joints

Identify the landmark on the temporal bone that is a pointy spine.

styloid process

Identify the projection found on distal end of the ulna.

styloid process

Which of the following regions of the radius help form the wrist joint?

styloid process

Identify the type of movement enabled by the articulation between the radius and ulna at the elbow.


Identify the type of joint found between the distal end of the tibia and fibula (distal tibiofibular joint).


This is responsible for providing lubrication of synovial joints.

synovial fluid

This thick liquid helps lubricate the articular surfaces of joints:

synovial fluid

Identify the tarsal that articulates with the tibia and fibula.


The only diarthrotic joint between two skull bones.

tempomandibular joint

Identify the region on the zygomatic bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

temporal process

What is the weakest part of a developing, adolescent long bone?

the epiphyseal plate

Identify the cranial nerve that passes through the olfactory foramina.

the olfactory nerve (CN I)


the subunit of compact bone

Which region of the vertebral column is immediately superior to the lumbar region?


Identify the bone that articulates with the distal end of the femur.


Name the bone that articulates with the distal end of the femur.


Identify the 2 bones that the fibula articulates with in the skeleton.

tibia and talus

Identify the blunt elevation found on the anterior surface of the tibia between the lateral and medial condyles.

tibial tuberosity

the female pelvis is

tilted further down than the male pelvis and also thinner than a male's


tiny subunit of compact bone

How would you describe a fracture of the humerus in which the breakage occurs horizontally across the entire bone, and one of the ends of the broken bone protrudes through the skin?

transverse and compound

Identify a lateral projection of a vertebra.

transverse process

Identify the landmark that is unique to the femur.


Which of the following is a site for a muscle or ligament attachment?


Identify the region of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.


Identify the primary region of the ulna that forms the hinge joint with the humerus.

trochlear notch

The female sex hormones induce growth plate closure earlier than male sex hormones.


Identify the region of a rib that articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra.


Which forearm bone(s) contribute(s) most heavily to the elbow joint?


Osteoclast activity requires this vitamin.

vitamin a

This vitamin is required for collagen synthesis.

vitamin c

This vitamin increases absorption of calcium from the small intestine.

vitamin d

Which bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum?


What part of the sternum is palpated prior to giving CPR?

xiphoid process

What is the anatomical name for the facial bones known as "cheekbones"?


Identify the 2 bones that make up the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic bone and temporal bone

Identify the region of the temporal bone that forms part of the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic process

Identify the region on the temporal bone that forms much of the zygomatic arch.

zygomatic process

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