Chapter 7: Axial Skeleton

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Which of the following is a function of the paranasal sinuses?

- lighten the weight of skull bone - humidify and warm inhaled air - provide resonance to the voice

The {BLANK} along the floor of the cranial cavity contain depression for parts of the brain, grooves for blood vessels, and numerous foramina.

cranial fossae

The axis (C2) contains a prominent process called the {Blank}, which acts as a pivot for the rotation of both the atlas and skull.


Which suture lies along the midline of the cranium between the parietal bones

sagittal suture

Which area of the sphenoid bone house the pituitary gland?

sella turcica

The vertebral canal contains the {blank}, while the intervertebral foramina allows the passage of the {blank}

spinal cord, spinal nerves

Which structure of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) forms the vertebra prominens?

spinous process

The facial nerve (CN VII) passes through the following opening in the temporal bone.

stylomastoid foramen

Which features on the external surface of the occipital bone, often more prominent in males, act as attachment site for neck ligaments and muscle

superior and inferior nuchal line

The inferior lateral walls and part of the floor of the cranium are formed by the:

temporal bone

Which bone consist of petrous, squamous, and tympanic parts?

temporal bone

The fusion of the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone forms the:

zygomatic arch

Which facial bones helps to from the cheek and lateral part of the orbit?

zygomatic bones

Which of the following parts of the skull help to form the floor 9inferior border) of the nasal complex?

- Palatine processes of the maxillae - Horizontal plates of the palatine bones

The cranial bones perform the following functions:

- Surrounds and protect the brain - Provide attachment sites for serval jaw, head, and neck muscles

Which statements describe the false ribs?

- They articulate with the thoracic vertebrae - They indirectly articulate with the sternum through a shared costal cartilage

What is the function of the axial skeleton?

- a framework that supports and protects the organs - houses special sense organs (hearing, balance, taste, smell, and vision) - provide attachment of skeletal muscles - spongy bone of most axial skeleton contains hemopoietic tissue

Which of the following are functions of the vertebral column?

- provides support for the body - supporting the weight of the head - helping to maintain upright body position - transfer axial skeleton weight to the appendicular skeleton of the lower limbs - house and protects the delicate spinal cord - provides a passageway for the spinal nerves that connect to the spinal cord

Which cranial fossa, formed by the frontal bone, ethmoid bone, and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone, houses the frontal lobes of the cerebrum?

Anterior cranial fossa

Which bone has a unique butterfly shape composed of a body greater and lesser wings?

Sphenoid bone

A {Blank} is an immovable joint forming the boundary btw cranial bone.


Which of the following are the primary curves present in the vertebral column of a newborn?

Thoracic curvature and sacral curvature

Which features on both the maxillae and mandible house the teeth?

alveolar process

What are the two main division of the skeletal system

axial and appendicular

Which part of the brain is house in the posterior cranial fossa


The crista galli of the {Blank} bone acts as a point of attachment for the falx cerebri.


Which bone in the skull helps to form the floor of the cranium, the roof of the nasal cavity, and the medial wall of the orbit?

ethmoid bone

Which of the following bone contains the paranasal sinuses?

ethmoidal, frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal

True or false: The inferior nasal conchae are part of the ethmoid bone.


The last two pairs of false ribs lack connection with the sternum, so they are classified as:

floating ribs

The {blank} allows the cranial bones of the fetal skull to overlap as a baby passes through the birth canal.


The largest foramen in the skull, visible on an inferior (basal) view, is:

foramen magnum

Which foramen penetrate the greater wings of the sphenoid bone?

foramen ovale, spinosum, rotundum

Which areas of the skull are formed in part by the frontal bone?

forehead, calvaria, orbits

When you put your hand on you forehead, you are feeling which bone?

frontal bone

Which cerebral lobe is housed within the anterior cranial fossa

frontal lobes,

Which structure from both the floor of the nasal cavity and part of the roof of your mouth

hard palate

Which part of the maxillae helps to forms the majority of the hard palate?

horizontal medial extensions of both maxillae, called palatine processes

Which bone forms the posterior portion of the hard palate?

horizontal plate of the palatine bone

Which nerve passes through the hypoglossal canal of the occipital bone as it travels to supply the tongue muscle?

hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

The mandible foramen acts as a passageway for the blood vessels and nerves that innervate the:

inferior teeth

The {Blank} {Blank} are pads of fibrocartilage separating adjacent vertebral bodies.

intervertebral discs

Which facial bones helps to form the medial wall of the orbit?

lacrimal bones

This opening in the lacrimal bone provides a passageway for the nasolacrimal duct:

lacrimal groove

Which views of the skull clearly shows the squamous suture btw the parietal and temporal bones?

lateral view

Identify the auditory ossicles housed within the petrous part of the temporal bone.

malleus, incus, stapes

Which of the following bones forms the lower jaw?


Which bones articulate at the mandibular fossa to form the temporomandibular joint?

mandible, temporal bone

The temporal bones and mandible articulate to form the tempormandibular joint at the:

mandibular fossa

The bump you feel posterior to your ear lobe on your lateral skull corresponds to which structures of the temporal bone?

mastoid process

Which bones come together to form the upper jaw?


What features of the sphenoid bone allows for the attachment of jaw muscles?

medial and lateral pterygoid plates

The pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone form which of the following features:

medial and lateral pterygold plates

The bones and cartilage that enclose the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are called the:

nasal complex

The perpendicular plate that vomer come together to form the:

nasal spetum

The bridge of the nose is formed by the

nassal bone

Which feature of the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra?

occipital condyle

Which cranial nerve passes through the cribriform foramina in the the cribrifrom plate of the ethmoid bone?

olfactory nerves (CN I)

Which passageway in the sphenoid bone allows the optic nerve (CN II) to enter the brain?

optic canal

The coronal suture forms the boundary btw the following bones?

parietal and frontal

The lambdoid suture forms the boundary between the {blank} and {blank}.

parietal and occipital bone

The following bones can clearly be seen on a superior view of the skull

parietal bones

The {Blank} gland is housed within the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone


Which part of the orbit is formed primarily by the sphenoid bone?

posterior wall of orbit

The facial bones of the skull perform the following function.

protect the entrance to the digestive and respiratory system as well as providing attachment sites for facial muscles

The costal facets or costal demifacets present on the thoracic vertebrea represent sites of articulation with bones called


In the sacral region of the vertebral column, the vertebral canal is known as the:

sacral canal

The thoracic cavity consist of the:

thoracic vertebrae posteriorly, - the ribs laterally, - the sternum anteriorly

Which characteristic feature of sacral vertebrae represent the remnants of the horizontal lines of fusion btw the five vertebrae?

transverse ridge

The entrance to the external acoustic meatus is located in the {blank} part of the temporal bone.


The appendicular skeleton consist of the bones of the {BLANK} limbs and the {Blank} limbs; as well as the {Blank} and {Blank} girdles.

upper, lower, pectoral and pelvic

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