Chapter 7 Communications

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nonverbal messages

the Primary Way We communicate Our Feelings and Attitudes

(1) look for nonverbal clues, (2) listen to the content of what the person says (3) measure such physiological responses as heart rate, breathing, and other factors.

the best ways to detect whether someone is telling the truth are to:

perception checking

Asking someone whether your interpretation of his or her nonverbal behavior is accurate.

Interaction adaptation theory

Theory suggesting that people interact with others by adapting to their communication behaviors.

intimate space

Zone of space most often used for very personal or intimate interactions, ranging from 0 to 1½ feet between individuals. .

social space

Zone of space most often used for group interactions, ranging from 4 to 12 feet between individuals.

emotional contagion theory

Theory that emotional expression is contagious; people can "catch" emotions just by observing others' emotional expressions.

Expectancy violation Theory

Theory that you interpret the messages of others based on how you expect others to behave.

speaking rate

Not only "ums" and "ahs" but also _______ ________ influences our perception of others.


Psychologist Albert Mehrabian concluded that as little as _____ percent of the emotional meaning of a message is communicated through explicit verbal channels.

racial or ethnic background as you do

There is also evidence that you can more accurately decode the facial expressions and other emotional expressions of someone who comes from the same what?

1. Cognitive Function- gives you information about a person's thought process. ex. if a partner breaks eye contact after you ask a question you can conclude that they are thinking of something to say. 2. Monitoring Fucntion- eye contact to monitor the behavior of others. 3. Regulatory function- eye contact regulates whom you are like to talk with. ex. looking at someone is like inviting that person to speak to you. 4. Expressive Function- the area around your eyes seven an expressive function. eyes reveal emotions to others.

4 functions of eye contact in interpersonal interactions


A nonverbal cue, such as a facial expression, body posture, or eye behavior, that gives away what we are thinking and feeling.


A person's facial expression and vocal cues communicate a specific emotional response; his or her posture and gestures communicate the ________ of the emotion expressed.

Immediacy arousal dominance

Albert Mehrabian has found that people synthesize and interpret nonverbal cues along what three primary dimensions?

gay males (we're not always accurate in using the cues to determine a person's sexual orientation, unless the cues are stereotypically pronounced or exaggerated.)

Although people tend to agree on which voices sound gay or straight, they are not always accurate. According to the research, ____________have a tendency to rate a voice as "gay sounding" more than straight males.

Yes. For example in France the "Ok" sign means worthless, These differences apply to Gestures, Eye Contact Facial Expression, space and Touch

Are there are cultural and gender differences in interpreting nonverbal messages?

nonverbal communication

Behavior other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone.


Facial Expressions is it more likely for you to be skilled at interpreting positive emotions expressions (happiness) than negative emotional expressions(sadness, anger, disgust)?


Feelings of interest and excitement communicated by such nonverbal cues as vocal expression, facial expressions, and gestures.

immediacy The principle underlying the communication of our feelings of immediacy is simple: We move toward persons and things we like, and we avoid or move away from those we dislike.

Feelings of liking, pleasure, and closeness communicated by such nonverbal cues as increased eye contact, forward lean, touch, and open body orientation.

-Be mindful of your nonverbal behavior -Observe others reactions to your nonverbal behavior -Ask others about your Nonverbal behavior -practice your nonverbal behavior

How to improve your skill at Expressing Nonverbal Messages

-Consider nonverbal cues in context (ex. someone with folded arms may just be cold not uninterested or defensive) -Look for clusters of nonverbal cues (ex.dont just focus on one thing instead look for things like eye contact, with how far the person is standing from you and are they facing you) -Consider past experiences when interpreting non verbal cues -Compare what you actually see with what you actually observe

How to use effective strategies for interpreting nonverbal messages

culture although there is some common basis for expressing emotions, there are cultural variations in how emotions are interpreted.

How you interpret emotions in others is strongly influenced by your______?

we adapt our behavior. Ex. if someone bows instead of shaking our hand when we first meet them, we would reciprocate.

If we are other-oriented and skilled in responding to other people, what do we do when people behave nonverbally in ways that we may not expect and violate our expectation?

Silence Silence communicates not only when we're interacting with someone in a face-to-face situation but also when we're sending an e-mail message. Research has found that if we send a message and expect an immediate reply but don't receive one—there is "silence"—then our expectations are violated and we think less of the person we're waiting for.

In addition to verbal and nonverbal communication, what else communicates out feelings?


In all, we communicate approximately _______percent of the emotional meaning of our messages nonverbally.

"Positive Silence"

In most long-term relationships, partners may not feel a need to fill the air with sound. Just being together to enjoy each other's company may be most fulfilling. Baker calls such moments....


Interpreting others' unspoken messages and appropriately expressing your own feelings through nonverbal communication are key components of being

disgust, shame, fear, jealousy, love, satisfaction, and sympathy.

It's generally easier to interpret anger, sadness, happiness, and nervousness from vocal cues alone and harder to identify

interactional synchrony

Mirroring of each other's nonverbal behavior by communication partners.

affect display (ex. hugging someone to express love.) (Facial expressions, vocal cues, posture, and gestures convey the intensity of your emotions. If you are happy, for example, your face will telegraph your joy to others. The movement of your hands, the openness of your posture, and the speed with which you move will tell others how happy you are.)

Nonverbal behavior that communicates emotions. (Express of emotion)

illustrators ex. slamming a book while announcing a negative message

Nonverbal behaviors that accompany a verbal message and either contradict, accent, or complement it.

adaptors (ex. when you are cold you wrap your arms around your chest, or scratching or combing your hair)

Nonverbal behaviors that satisfy a personal need and help a person adapt or respond to the immediate situation or your environment.

emblems (ex. applause at a concert, or holding up an index finger to your lips to get someone to stop talking in the library, or raising a hitchhiking thumb.)

Nonverbal cues that have specific, generally understood meanings in a given culture and may substitute for a word or phrase.

regulators ex. looking at someone when you wish to speak ) ( When you are eager to respond to a message, you make eye contact, raise your eyebrows, open your mouth, raise an index finger, and lean forward slightly. In a classroom, you may raise your hand to signal overtly that you want to talk.)

Nonverbal messages that help to control the interaction or flow of communication between two people.

verbal messages

Nonverbal messages work with what to create meaning?

Emoticons Underlining and Italics Capitalization (shouting) Punctuation Message length Response time Media choice

Often you may communicate online using only text, so it may seem odd to discuss the role of nonverbal communication as meta-messages when you are only tapping out words to others in tweets or text messages. But even a lean communication medium such as instant messaging or e-mail offers subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) nonverbal cues that provide meta-messages—information about the nature of your relationship with your communication partner. Examples are:

normal , baseline way of responding to others

One way to enhance your ability to interpret others' nonverbal communication is to be aware of someone's? .


Our Vocal Cues communicate what?


Power, status, and control communicated by such nonverbal cues as a relaxed posture, greater personal space, and protected personal space.

a stressed relationship

Research has found that in committed relationships, couples are less likely to be silent as a signal of irritation. Routinely avoiding problems by being silent (or what one researcher calls stonewalling) appears to be symptomatic of...

positive Men are more likely than women to initiate touch in casual romantic heterosexual relationships, yet women are more likely than men to reach out and touch their spouses.

Research has found that men generally have a more _________ reaction to intimate touch than women.

nonverbally expressive than are men in social situations.

Research suggests that women are typically more...


Researchers found that when under the influence of _________ you are more likely to express agitation, anxiety, and negativity toward others. In general, drinkers were less pro-relational and less positive during conversations. In addition, when intoxicated, you are likely to smile less and have less animated facial expressions.

high-touch-avoidance individuals

Some people just don't like to be touched; they are what researchers call

sadness (People sometimes have difficulty distinguishing love from sympathy, fear from sadness, and interest from happiness.)

Some vocal expressions of emotion are easier to identify than others. Expressions of joy and anger are obvious ones, whereas shame and love are the most difficult emotions to identify based on vocal cues alone. People are also likely to confuse fear with nervousness, love with ___________, and pride with satisfaction.

-When we ask someone to do something for us -When we share rather than ask for information -When we try to persuade someone to do something -When we are talking about intimate topics -When we are in social settings that we choose rather than in professional settings that are part of our job -When we are thrilled and excited to share good news -When we listen to a troubled or worried friend

Studies by researcher Nancy Henley show that most of us are more likely to touch people when we are feeling friendly or happy, or under some of the following specific circumstances:


Study of how animals and humans use space and objects to communicate occupancy or ownership of space.


Study of how close or far away from people and objects people position themselves.


Study of human movement and gesture.

territorial markers

Tangible objects that are used to signify that someone has claimed an area or space.

Interaction adaptation theory

The following is an example of what type of behavior theory? your friend leans forward to tell a story, you may lean forward to listen. Or if during a meeting you sit with folded arms, unconvinced of what you are hearing, you may look around the conference table and find others with similarly folded arms.

1. Intimate Space 2. Personal Space 3. Social Space 4. Public space

The four spatial zones that speakers in Western cultures sometimes define for themselves unconsciously

55 Vocal cues such as volume, pitch, and intensity communicate another 38 percent of our emotional meaning.

The most significant source of emotional communication is the face—according to Mehrabian's study, it channels as much as _______ percent of our meaning.


True or False? Your ability to accurately interpret emotions is a skill that does not appear to be related to race, education, or cognitive intelligence level.

backchannel cues examples- When we are finished talking, we may lower the pitch of our final word. When we want to talk, we may start by interjecting sounds such as "I . . . I . . . I . . ." or "Ah . . . Ah . . . Ah . . ." to interrupt the speaker and grab the verbal ball. We also may use such cues as "Sure," "I understand," "Uh-huh," or "Okay" to signal that we understand the message of the other person and now we want to talk or end the conversation.

Vocal cues that signal your wish to speak or stop speaking.

Nonverbal cues

What are the primary means by which we access the feelings and emotions of others?

surprise or anger (because of the similar position of the eyes and especially the area around the brow)

What are you most likely to confuse the expression of fear with?

vocal cues or lack of vocal cues ( We're able to make a variety of inferences about other people based on the pitch, rate, volume, and quality of their voices and on their skill in pronouncing words and articulating speech sounds. We make guesses about a person's personality, power, credibility, and sexuality based only on vocal cues.)

What communicates emotions and helps us manage conversations.

The face

What is the single most important source of information about which specific emotion someone may be expressing.

Side Baker's theory of silence

Which theory suggests that the more at ease you are when you share a silence with a close friend, the more comfortable you are with just being together and enjoying each other's companionship.

Because nonverbal messages are more ambiguous(unclear, or open to more than 1 interpretation) than verbal messages.

Why could your interpretation of someone's nonverbal behavior not be accurate?


You are more likely to accurately interpret someone's emotional expression if it is?

Help people respond and adapt to others

You sense that your best friend is upset. Even though she doesn't tell you she's angry, you sense her mood by observing her grimacing facial expression and lack of direct eye contact with you. To help lighten the mood, you tell a joke. This is an example of how Nonverbal messages do what?

see and hear others.

Your ability to interpret emotions improves as you get older; your skill declines as age begins to have an effect on your ability to accurately .... .

public space

Zone of space most often used by public speakers or anyone speaking to many people, ranging beyond 12 feet from the individual.

Personal space

Zone of space most often used for conversations with family and friends, ranging from 1½ to 4 feet between individuals.


__________ expressions are more likely to be confused. The more dramatically different the emotions being expressed are the more likely you are to accurately identify these emotions based on facial expression alone.

1. Observe their nonverbal behavior 2. Form a mental impression of what you think they mean 3. Ask questions to check whether your perception is accurate

how to check your perceptions of others non verbal cues

both conversational and physical intimacy

increased touching usually means an escalation in


laughter is ...

1. Nonverbal messages are often ambiguous 2. Nonverbal messages are continuos 3. Nonverbal cues are Multi channeled 4. Nonverbal interpretation are culture based

limitations of interpreting nonverbal messages:


nonverbal communication researchers concluded that it's primarily your voice that communicates your level of ______________ with others when you express your ideas.


people evaluate such synchrony as __________; somewhat synchronized behavior (but not so synchronized that it feels as though someone is purposefully imitating you) communicates partners' mutual interest and positive regard.


psychologist Raymond Birdwhistell suggests that as much as ________percent of the social, or relational, meaning in messages is based on nonverbal communication.

●You can control some facial expressions. ●Facial expressions are contagious. ●Smiling is cross cultural. ●There may be a universal basis for interpreting facial expressions. ●Complex facial expressions are easier to interpret. ●It's likely you can spot a phony smile. ●You express micro expressions. (fleeting facial expressions that may last only .05 of a second.)

research conclusions about the expression and interpretation of facial expressions:

faster speaking rate

researchers found that North Americans evaluated speakers with a moderate or slightly __________ _________ __________ as more "socially attractive" than speakers who have a slow rate of speech.

nonverbal communication

this affects the quality of your interpersonal relationships -also a primary source of relationship cues

1. Nonverbal cues help us mange verbal messages ( Specifically, our nonverbal cues can substitute ( like a hitchhikers thumb) for verbal messages, as well as repeat, contradict, or regulate what we say.) 2. Nonverbal cues augment (increase or decrease) the emotional meaning of verbal messages. ( Our unspoken cues accent and complement verbal messages to increase or decrease the emotional impact of what we say.)

what are the two ways verbal and nonverbal cues work together to hep us make sense of others' messages?

intimate touching

what is vital to your personal development and well-being.

put too much emphasis on just one cue. Look for clusters

when identifying nonverbal cues be careful not to....

-write more words, -use more references to the senses (seeing, touching, hearing), -use more other-oriented pronouns ("You should consider this . . .") and fewer self-oriented pronouns ("Here's what I think . . ."). So when you're trying to detect deceit in others, don't just rely on nonverbal cues. Consider the words as well.

when trying to detect deceit in electronically mediated settings, liars:

Nonverbal Messages

which type of messages are usually more believable nonverbal or verbal?


who is more likely to accurately interpret emotions in others?

voice (you use your voice to present one message on the surface with words and usually a more accurate expression of your feelings with your vocal quality.)

your __________ is a major vehicle for communicating your emotions and a primary tool for communicating information about the nature of relationships between you and others.

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