Chapter 7: Founding a Nation, 1783-1791

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Within the electoral college, it is possible for none of the candidates to win a majority of electoral votes. Though rare, if this occurs, the responsibility of electing a president falls to the - where they choose from among the top - candidates, with each state casting -. The - would then select the vice president.

- House of Representatives - three - one vote - senate

Which statements describe the laws mandated by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

- It prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest. - It pledged 'the utmost good faith' would be observed toward local Indians and that their land would not be taken without consent. - It created at least three states out of the Northwest Territory.

Identify the basic political principles outlined in the Constitution.

- federalism, or the division of power, which is the relationship between the state and the national government - a system of checks and balances that prevents any branch of national government from dominating the other two

Identify the groups of people who were denied the opportunity to become fully naturalized American citizens in America's first century as a sovereign country.

- persons of colors - nobility who wished to retain their titles

Building upon the framework of the Ordinance of 1784, in what way did the Ordinance of 1785 aim to further regulate western settlement?

- reserving land and funds for public education - empowering the federal government to survey and subdivide western lands into square-mile sections

The participants in Shays's Rebellion were acting in opposition to the spirit of the Revolution.


The American Constitution was unique for its time because it remained secular, clearly separating church from the state.


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