Chapter 7

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_______ is an ancillary benefit to data mining

Unusual customer activity

Data mining helps answers all of the following questions except _______

Which database entitiy is the optimal data repository

A _________ would be a less-than-optimal source of information for data mining

operational data store

RFM is a _________ technique


RFM is a ___________ technique


What variable cluster categories are related to cluster data mining efforts?

: Demographic, psychographics, behavior, geographic

Which database entity(s) are normally used as a source of information for data mining?

A data mart or a data warehouse

Product usage rate is an example of ____________ variable


________ is an example of a data mining process

Browsing information in search of patters and anomalies

_____ is the process of placing customers into groups such that everyone in the group has similar traits


By adding the modeling component, organizations can enhane data minding by making is

Cost-justified, Measurable and optimal

What is primary data?

Data acquired directly from the original source

What is derived data?

Data created or inferred from the observation of other data

Data mining usually accesses a ________ for its souce of information

Data mart

Identifying transaction buyers is a ________ function

Data mining

A _____ would be the best source of information on the last 10 years of customer transactions

Data warehouse

A _________ can be learned by splitting the source set into subsets base on an attribute value test

Decision Tree

What is metadata?

Metadata is data that describes other data.

Home ownership is an example of a ___________Variable


A data warehouse could contain __________

Demographic information, product information, promotion information, and prospect information

Recently the term "dashboard" is used to describe a _______


What is EIS?

EIS is an abbreviation for Executive Information Systems. It provides information for high-level decision making

________ is not a common data mining method


T/F Cluster analysis uses three key variables as a part of its process: Recency, frequency and monetary


T/F Data mining has many benefits, but the ability to create new differentiation strategies is not one of them


T/F Fraud detection is a major benefit of dtat mining


T/F Is is extremely hard, if not impossible, for a small business to perform data mining


______ is not a challenge in data mining

Fraud detection

Define an ancillary benefit of data mining?

Fraud detection.

State and climate are examples of a _________ variable


________ Is not a data mining activity

POS sales transmission

Personality and lifestyle are examples of a _________ variable


__________ Is not a statitical model


What are the three variables used by an RFM data mining effort?

Recency, Frequency, and Monetary.

. Identify three data mining approaches excluding RFM, decision tree and clustering?

Regression analysis, correlation, data stream

CLuster analysis would not include ______ as a variable category


Which industry is usually looked on as a data mining leader and why?

The financial services industry due to their long history of managing complex customer transactions as part of their core competency.

RFM is dependent on the use of ______ variable


The best industry example of dynamic CRM is the


Decision trees are structured like a tree, where the leave represent classification and the branches represent conjunction of feature taht lead to these classifications


T/F A major data mining challenge is organizational obstacles to attaining the data necessary for analysis.


T/F An ancillary benefir of data minign is identification of unuasial customer activity


T/F Consumer Fatigue prevention is a benefit of data mining


T/F Fuzzy logis is not a data mining method


T/F Metadata is data that describes other data.


T/F Most data mining efforts use a data mart as their souce for data and information


T/F Organizations in the financial services industry are very proficient in data mining techniques


T/F RFM is an easy and cost effective data mining technique


T/F Regression analysis and correlation are statistic methods that can be used as part of the data mining process


T/F The casino industry is one of the best examples of dynamic CRM


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