Chapter 7 History Questions

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How did Charles V divide his empire when he abdicated his throne? What areas did Philip II of Spain control by the end of his reign?


How did Henry II of France die?

Henry II died tragically after he was pierced in the eye with a jousting sword. The royal surgeon tried to save him but he eventually died of septicemia.

What did Henry IV (of Navarre) mean when he said "Paris is well worth a Mass?"

Henry IV meant that he would get any religion so that he would be able to ascend to the throne of France and be the ruler of Paris.

What caused the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? What was the result?

It was an assassination attempt. It was a religious riot. The massacre resulted in between 5 and 30 thousand were killed.

What role did Catherine de Medici play in the religious wars of France? What was most important to her throughout this unrest?

She encouraged tolerance and she stated the Catholics said not to kill. She wanted peace and stability and she wanted to keep her sons in power.

How did the French Civil Wars (religious war)begin? Who were the leaders of the different sides in this war?

The French Civil Wars began between the Catholics and Protestants. Henry of Navarre was the Huguenots and Charles IV was the leader of the Catholics.

Who fought in the Hapsburg-Valois Wars? What were they fighting over? Who were the leaders in these wars (in the beginning & then at the end)?

The French and the Germans fought in the Hapsburg-Valois wars. They fought over religion as a main belief but also the fact that so many nobles were Huguenots. The townspeople wanted to bring them down as quickly as possible because they believed that they were not ruling or governing fairly.

How did the War of the Three Henry's begin? Who were the three Henrys?

The war of the three Henry's began when . This brought an end to the wars of the religions. Henry III of France, Henry IV Navarre, and Henry I of Spain.

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