Chapter 7 Imperialism Test

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Name the Presidents and their and Their Foreign Policies

- Theodore Roosevelt, Open Door Policy - William Howard Taft, Dollar Diplomacy - Woodrow Wilson, Moral Diplomacy

Who was Captain Alfred T. Mahan? What did he do?

- U.S. Navy admiral - argued that prosperous nations from the past had large navies to protect merchant ships and defend their right of trade

Define Jingoism

aggressive nationalism within Republican party

Define Anti-Imperialism

being against imperialism

Define Protectorate

colonial territories where imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control & military protection was provided in exchange for allowing imperialist to advise the government ((example: Cuba))

Define Convened

come together/meeting

Who was George Dewey? What did he do?

commander of the american naval squadron, victory in battle of Manilla bay

Define Imperialism

economic & political domination of a strong nation over the weaker nations

Define Superiority

higher in rank, status, or quality

What is one thing that Anglo Saxonism caused?

loss of languages

Define Inferiority

lower in rank, status, or quality

Define Annexed; name example

permanent acquisition and incorporation of a territory ((ex. Hawaii))

Describe Platt Amendment

*Made Cuba an American Protectorate 1) Cuba couldn't make any treaty with another nation that would weaken it's independence 2) Cuba had to allow the U.S. to buy or lease naval stations in Cuba 3) Cuba's debts had to be kept low 4) the U.S. would have the right to intervene to protect Cuban independence

How did Manifest Destiny relate to imperialism?

- 1890s, people were ready to continue expansion - west-ward expansion slowed - Didn't end at pacific coast - some people saw overseas opportunity

Describe Open Door Policy

- All countries would be allowed to trade with China - Involved a lot of war - Examples Include: Russo-Japanese War, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary

What were the main causes of the Spanish-American War?

- Cuban rebellion against Spain - American desire to protect investments in Cuba - Yellow Journalism - Explosion of the USS Maine

Who was Matthew C. Perry and What did he do?

- Matthew C. Perry was the commodore of the U.S. Navy - He opened Japan to trade with the U.S. with a show of weapons, ships, and technology

How was Hawaii annexed?

- Missionaries and planters who settled in Hawaii established a provincial government despite resistance. - Hawaii's new leaders didn't restore the Queen's power - They waited until President Cleveland's term was up - The U.S. annexed Hawaii

Reasons not to get involved in the war?

- cost lives and money - therefore hurt the economy

Reasons not to annex Philippines:

- costly - competition of jobs - violated american principles

Reasons to Annex Philippines:

- economic and military benefits - naval bases - large market for american goods

Goals of the new markets?

- find a place to sell goods - find overseas places to invest financially - make economy stronger

Why was the U.S. interested in Hawaii?

- harbors - naval bases - sugarcane growth and other plantation opportunities

Why did the U.S. want to annex Hawaii?

- it was the only way to increase sales in sugar - benefits such as harbors, and naval bases

Describe Dollar Diplomacy

- less work toward military force, more toward helping Latin American industry - increase trade and profits - "rise out" of poverty - replaced European loans with american bank loans - BASICALLY: American took over government and economy of Honduras and Nicaragua - Examples Include: Honduras, Nicaragua

What were the causes for a large U.S. navy?

- more international affairs - if U.S. did not acquire more bases overseas, Europe would shut out all foreign markets. - European imperialism threatened America's security - Mahan's ideas

Why were some people against imperialism, also known as anti-imperialists?

- not everyone agreed that the U.S. should expand - some felt it was morally wrong - some felt it would cost too much money

Who was José Martí? What did he do?

- poet - leader of the Cuban Rebellion - brought together Cuban exile groups living in the U.S. - the groups prepared for an invasion of Cuba

Describe Moral Diplomacy

- set up "a government based upon law, not arbitrary or irregular law force" - Policy meant well but things went down fast and destroyed U.S. relationships - Examples: Mexican Revolution, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic

When was the Treaty of Paris signed, by who, and what did it promise?

- signed on Dec. 10, 1898 by U.S. and Spain - Cuba became independent nation - U.S. acquired Puerto Rico and Guam - U.S. paid $20 million for the Philippines - U.S. became imperial power

Reasons for the U.S. to get involved in the Spanish American War?

- some supported the rebels - Cubans needed help and conflicts enraged americans

What sparked ideas of Cuban Independence?

1868, Cuban rebels declared independence after one-third of the Cuban population was enslaved

When and What was the cause of Imperialism?

1880s - economic and military competition - desire for new markets - desire to become world power

What was the USS Maine?

A United States ship the exploded in Havana Harbor; there has been a lot of controversy over why and who exploded the ship

How did America build support for Imperialism?

America became more willing to risk war and support for a more modern navy increased

How was Anglo Saxonism relate to Manifest Destiny?

American destiny to expand to other countries and spread civilization

Describe War in Cuba

Between U.S. and Spanish; Santiago Harbor, attacks on several villages

Brief Description of the Spanish American War

Conflict fought between U.S. and Spain in 1898 including events of the explosion of the USS Maine, and Cuban Independence

Describe the Battle of Manilla Bay.

Dewey sent U.S. ships to destroy Filipino ships; Americans won victory

New Markets were caused by Imperialism, who were they between?

Europe & the U.S.

Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

Filipino revolutionary leader who had unsuccessful act or resistance against Spanish

Who was Valeriano Weyler? Nickname? What did he do?

General; Cuban governor appointed by Spain; Nicknamed "the Butcher" ; created harsh policies and herded people into concentration camps

What did the U.S. gain as a result of victory of Battle of Manilla Bay?

Guam, Phillippines

Who were Captain Mahan's strongest supporters?

Henry Cabot Lodge, Albert J. Beveridge, Benjamin Tracy, President Harrison, and President McKinley

How did the United States become a world power?


Anglo Saxonism

John Fiske's idea that english speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government ; dominate the planet

What Anglo Saxonism advocate convinced many people to support expansion overseas?

Josiah Strong

List 4 main people involved in the Spanish American war.

José Martí; William McKinley; Dewey; E. Aguinaldo

How were nations competing during the time of Anglo Saxonism?

Nations were competing politically, and economically.

Where did the U.S. first look to expand?

Pacific Areas and Asia including: - Japan - East Asia - Pacific Islands

What was the name of the idea in which the U.S. and Latin America should work together?


What did the U.S. gain as a result of victory of War in Cuba?

Puerto Rico

Who were some major opposers of Hawaii's annexation?

Queen Liliuokalani, President Cleveland

How did Social Darwinism apply to imperialism?

Social Darwinism supporters believed: - nations competed with each other politically, economically, and militarily - only strongest nations would survive - increasing american influence

Define the Roosevelt Corollary

Stated that the U.S. would intervene in Latin American affair when necessary to maintain economic and political stability

Describe the near annexation of the Philippines.

The Treaty of Paris had the U.S. pay millions for the Philippines but Filipinos ended up rebelling and the U.S. grand them independence

Define Manifest Destiny

The U.S. 's destiny to expand to the west coast in the 1840s

Who was William McKinley?

U.S. president who sent the USS Maine

Describe the DeLome Letter

U.S. wrote to Spain reagrding future events for peace over the Cuban Revolution; leaked by the U.S. press

Who were some major presidents during the time of Imperialism?

William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt

Define Autonomy

the right to their own government

Explain Yellow Journalism.

type of journalism used in the late 1800s; exaggerated and made up stories to attract readers

Define Rough Riders

volunteer calvary group including cowboys, miners, and law officers ; placed several attacks

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