chapter 7: international law
Export Promotion
the US Commerce Department plays a leading role in the NEI to help US Companies increase their export sales in high-growth developing markets and fast-growing sectors
Other Free Trade Agreements
the colombian trade agreement included provisions requiring an exchange of tax information and the panama bill incorporated labor rights assurances
Restrictions on technology exports
the flow of technologically advanced products and technical data can be restricted
the principle by which one nation defers to and gives effect to the laws and judicial decrees of another nation, as long as they are consistent with the law and public policy of the accommodating nation. This recognition is based primarily on respect
Antidumping Duties
the sale of goods in a foreign country at a price below the price charged for the same goods in the domestic market
the sales of goods and services by domestic firms to buyers located in other countries
Adopt Resolution
these organizations often adopt resolutions, declarations, and other types of standards that often require nations to behave in a particular manner
International Principles and Doctrines
used to resolve or reduce conflicts that involve a foreign element
Incentives and subsidies
used to stimulate other exports by aiding domestic business through the Export Trading Company Act
The Republic of Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA)
will eliminate 95% of each nation's tariffs on industrial and consumer exports
International Customs
Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice refers to an international custom as "evidence of a general practice accepted as law."
Export Controls
Article I, Section 9 states "no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state"
Create Uniform Rules
CISG spells out the duties of international buyers and sellers that will apply if the parties have not agreed otherwise in their contracts. CISG governs only sales contracts between trading partners in nations that have ratified the CISG
International Tort Claims
The Alien Tort Act (ATCA) allows even foreign citizens to bring civil suits in US courts for injuries caused by violations of international law or a treaty of the US
Indirect Exporting
US corporation may set up a specialized marketing organization in that foreign market by appointing a foreign agent or distributor
Direct exporting
a US company signs a sales contract with a foreign purchaser that provides for the conditions of shipment and payment for the goods
Doing Business Internationally
a US firm can establish foreign production facilities so as to be closer to the foreign market or markets in which its products are sold
Correspondent Bank
a bank in which another bank has an account (and vice versa) for the purpose of facilitating fund transfers
Choice-of-Language Clause
a clause in a contract designating the official language by which the contract will be interpreted in the event of a disagreement over the contract's terms
Joint venture
a company owns part of the operation and share responsibilities
Distribution Agreement
a contract between a seller and a distributor of the seller's products setting out the terms and conditions of the distributorship
Act of State Doctrine
a doctrine providing that the judicial branch of one country will not examine the validity of public acts committed by a recognized foreign government within its own territory
The Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity
a doctrine that immunizes foreign nations from the jurisdiction of US Courts when certain conditions are satisfied
a firm can license a foreign manufacturing company to use its copyrighted, patented, or trademarked intellectual property or trade secrets with payment of royalties
a firm establishes a subsidiary firm and retains ownership of all the facilities as well as total authority and control over phases of the operation
a government's seizure of a privately owned business or personal property for a proper purpose and with just compensation
a government's taking of a privately owned business or personal property without a proper public purpose or an award of just compensation
Normal trade relations (NTR) status
a legal trade status granted to member countries of the WTO
Forum-Selection Clause
a provision in a contract designating the court, jurisdiction, or tribunal that will decide any disputes arising under the contract
Force Majeure Clause
a provision in a contract stipulating that certain unforeseen events - such as war, political upheavals, or acts of God - will excuse a party from liability for nonperformance of contractual obligations
a set limit on the amount of goods that can be imported
a tax on imported goods which can cause consumers to purchase more domestic goods and fewer imported goods
Foreign Exchange Market
a worldwide system in which foreign currencies are bought and sold
Letter of Credit
a written document in which the issuer (usually a bank) promises to honor drafts or other demands of payment by third persons in accordance with the terms of the instrument
Bilateral agreement
agreement formed by two nations to govern their commercial exchanges or other relations with one another
an agreement or contract between 2 or more nations that must be authorized and ratified by the supreme power of each nation
assess the effects of dumping on domestic businesses and then makes recommendations to the president concerning temporary import restrictions
International Organization
composed mainly of member nations and usually established by treaty
Export quotas
congress sets export quotas on various items
The European Union (EU)
create a body of law to govern all the member nations by issuing regulations
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
created a regional trading unit to eliminate tariffs among these counties by reducing the tariffs incrementally over a period of time
decides whether imports were sold at less than fair value
Choice-of-Law Clause
designating the law that will govern the contract
Manufacturing Abroad
established to reduce their costs (labor, shipping, raw materials) to enable them to compete more effectively in foreign markets
Multilateral agreement
formed by several nations (ex. ANCOM, ASEAN, EU)
The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA)
governs the circumstances in which action may be bought in the US against a foreign nation. A foreign state is not immune from the jurisdiction of US Courts in the following situations:
International Law
if a nation violates an international law and persuasive tactics fail, other countries or international organizations have no recourse except to take coercive actions
When a Foreign Government Takes Private Property
important consequences for individuals and firms doing business with, and investing in, other countries
The National Export Initiative
in an effort to increase US exports, its goal is to double US exports by reducing outsourcing
Investment Protections
in order to protect investors from the possibility of confiscation, forms of statutory laws or provisions in international treaties are created
US Antitrust Laws
includes the Sherman law which subject firms in foreign nations to their provisions, as well as protect foreign consumers and competitors from violations committed by US citizen
Prohibited goods
no goods may be imported from nations that have been designated enemies of the US
Contract clauses
parties should include special provisions in the contract that designate the language of the contract, the jurisdiction where any disputes will be resolved, and the substantive law that will be applied in settling any disputes
The Value of a Letter of Credit
payment is made against the documents presented by the beneficiary and not against the facts that the documents purport to reflect
Antidiscrimination law
prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, and disability
The Central America-Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR)
reduces tariffs and improve market access among all the signatory nations
Political factors
some countries impose tariffs on goods from a particular nation in retaliation for political acts
Doctrine May Immunize a Foreign Government's Actions
tend to immunize (protect) foreign governments from the jurisdiction of US Courts.
Increased Export Financing
the Export-Import Bank of the US increased financing to small to medium-sized businesses