Chapter 7 Med terms test review

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what happens in the alveoli

02&co2 are exchanged

how long does the flu last

10-14 days

how fast does a sneeze release air


how many times a day does an average adult take a breath


how many lobes does left lung have and why

2 because of heart

at what age is it considered sudden infant death syndrome

2-6 months

what is a common cold due to

200 different virsuses

how many lobes does the right lung have


how many minutes can you choke before it causes brain damage


how long after excersising can induced asthma start and what other two things could be triggers

5-15 min cold air and allergies

how fast does a cough release air


what is laryngospasm sometimes associated with


the surface area of a human lung is equal to what

a tennis court

what does the diaphram seperate

abdomen and thoracic cavity

what is hypercapnia

abnormal build up of co2 in blood

what is pulmonary edema

accumulation of fluid in lung tissue especially alveoli

what is another name for croup

acute respiratory infection

what is the flu

acute, highly contagious, viral infection

what three things does the sinuses do

aids in sound makes bones of skull lighter provides mucus

what are para nasal sinuses and where are they located

air filled pockets skull

what is pneumothorax

air in pleural space

what does TB do

attacks weakened immune system

what is nasopharynx and what does it recieve

back of nasal cavity air

what is tuberculosis considered

bacterial infection

what type of infection is pertussis


what is tracheorragia

bleeding from mucus membranes of the trachea

what is pneumorragia

bleeding from the lungs

what is atelectasis due to

block of air passage or pneumothorax

what is hemothorax

blood in pleura cavity

what is hemopytisis

blood or blood stained sputum from bronchial tubes or pumonary or bronchial hemorrage

what is the primary function of the lungs

bring o2 to the body and remove Co2 and some water waste out

what 5 things does the lower respiratory tract consist of

bronchi bronchioles alveoli bronchial tree lungs

what happens during copd

bronchial airflow is obstructed

what is the larynx protected by


what are treatments of cystic fibrosis and what does it do

chest percussion to remove excess mucus from the lungs

what is hemothorax result from

chest trauma or disease/surgery

in what age group does the croup affect

children and infants

what are the two related conditions of copd

chronic bronchitis emphisema

what 2 things is bronchorrhea caused by

chronic bronchitis or asthma

what three things does chronic bronchitis cause

chronic cough difficulty breathing lung infection

what is bronchiectatis caused by

chronic infection and inflammation

whats the primary function of the epiglottis

closes off the trachea when swallowing

what is atelectasis

collapsed lung or an incomplete expansion of part or all of a lung

when does cheyne-strokes respiration normally occur

comatose patients or those near death

what is another name of allergic rhinitis and what does it produce

common allergy excessive snot

what is another name for upper respiratory disease

common cold

what is hypoxemia and what is it due to

condition of low o2 levels in blood respiratory disorder

what makes breathing happen

contraction and relaxation

what is a bronchospasm

contraction of bronchi squeezing airway shut

what is expectoration

coughing up body fluids

what does dipthrea cause

damage in the heart muscle and peripheral nerves

what does cystic fibrosis do

damages lungs, poor growth, nutritional deficiencies

what are three things that characterize emyhysema

decrease in alveoli enlargement in remaining alveoli destruction of walls in remaining alveoli

what is altitude hypoxia

decreased 02 in the air at higher altitudes above 8000 feet

what happens when hyperventillating and what two things does it lead to

decreses co2 dissiness and tingling in fingers and toes

what do alveoli produce and what does that do

detergant like substances which reduces tension and keeps alveoli from collapsing during exhaul

what 3 things happen during inhaulation

diaphram contracts throacic cavity expands air moves in

what 4 things happen during exhaulation

diaphram relaxes and moves up cavity becomes smaller air is forced out

what can be a cause of emphysema

difficulty breathing

what is pyothorax also known as

emphyma of pleural cavity

what is pleural effusion

escape of fluid from vessels into tissues or body cavities

what are the four things that can trigger asthma attacks

excersise cold air dust pollen

what is the primary function of the alveoli

exchange gases with the pulmonary capillary blood

what is hyperpnea associated with


what does mucus help with

filtering air

what three things is pharyngitis a symptom of

flu,cold,sinus infection

what are the four pairs of para nasal sinuses

frontal maxillary sphenoid ethmoid

what is dysphonia

hard to speak

what is stridor and what is it caused by

harsh, high pitched sound caused by a blockage present when breathing

what four things is hypoxia due to

head trauma carbon monoxide high altitudes suffocation

what 6 things does the mediastinum contain

heart esophogus trachea bronchi thymus gland lymph nodes

what is dyspnea a first sign of

heart failure

what is edema a symptom of

heart failure

what 2 things is sudden infant death syndrome due to

heart problems or interrupted breathing

what three things do para nasal sinuses do

helps sound produces mucus makes skull bones lighter

what does the croup cause and what does it result in

horesness and swelling around vocal cords resulting in barking cough/whistle

what is the treatment of diptherea


what is bronchorrhea

increase in discharge of mucus from bronchi

what two things happen during pleural effusion

increased fluid in cavity shortness of breath due to lungs not expanding

what is plerisy

inflammation of the pleura

what is chronic bronchitis and why

inflammed airways from increased mucus

what is silicosis due to

inhauling silica dust

what is a viceral and what does it do

inner layer of pluera covers lungs

what is cheyne-strokes respiration

irregular pattern of breathing

what does the c shaped rings of cartilage do

keeps trachea open or compress to move down behind it in the epiglottis

what does the croup obstruct


how many beats per minute classifys breathing as bradypnea

less than 10 beats per minute

what is the cause of copd

long term smoking

what is aphonia

loss of ability to produce normal sound

what is apnea

loss of breath while sleeping

what is asphyxia

loss of consciousness when body cant get o2 it needs

what does pneumothroax cause

lung collapse

what is acute respirtatory distress syndrome and what 5 things is it caused by

lung condition trauma,pneumonia,smoke,inhauled vomit, sepsis

what is silicosis

lung disease

what is cystic fibrosis

lungs and pancreas are clogged with large amounts of thick mucus

why do people end up with barrel chest

lungs never deflate

where is TB found

lungs or other body parts

what 2 things happen when you have emphysema

lungs over inflate barrel chest

what are the tonsils part of

lymph system

what is the pluera

membrane on outer surface of the lungs and inner throacic cavity

what is mediastinum

middle section of chest between lungs

what classifies breathing as tachypnea

more than 20 beats per minute

what does the epiglottis do

moves down to close off larynopharynx so food doesnt enter the trachea

where are the olfactory reseptors located

mucus membranes in upper nasal cavity

what are adnoids

nasopharyngeal tonsils

what are olfactory reseptors

nerve endings in the nose

what 6 things does the respiratory tract contain

nose mouth pharynx epiglottis larynx trachea

what is epistaxis and what three things is it caused by

nose bleed dry air injury meds

what are cilias and what do they do

nose hairs filters air

what are the four steps to the breathing process

nose/mouth-trachea-bronchi-sac-o2 and co2 exchange

what is a parietal and what two things does a parietal do

outer layer of the pluera lines the walls of the thoracic cavity covers the diaphram

what is bronchiectasis

permanant dialation of the bronchi

what 2 things is dyspnea due to

physical activity lung damage

what are two symptoms of TB

pleurisy coughing blood

what is latent

present but not active

what is emphysema

progressive and long term

what do the tonsils do

protect against infection

what surrounds each alveoli

pulmonary capillaries

what is pyothorax

pus in pleural cavity between layers of the membrane

what is emphyma

puss in any body cavity

what does the pharynx do

recieves air and food as it passes through the nose and bouth

what 2 things characterize pertussis

recurrent cough breathlessness/ noisy inspiration

what is chronic bronchitis due to

recurrent exposure to cigarret smoke

wheat is multidrug

resistant TB

what is the whooping cough a sickness of


how is the flu spread

respiratory droplets

what are the three symptoms of the flu

respiratory inflammation fever chills

which lung is smaller than the other

right lung

what is pleurodemia

sharp pain when inflammed membranes rub against each other when inhauling

what is diptherea

short term, bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract

what is dyspnea

shortness of breath

what is emphysema due to


what closes off the nasopharynx during speech

soft palate

what is pharyngitis known as

sore throat

what two things can cause pneumothorax

stab wound rupture in pluera

what do phrenic nerves do

stimulates the diaphram to contract

what are sleep related breathing disorders associated with

storke and cardiovascular disease

what is a laryngospasm

sudden spasm of the larynx

what is edema


what is sepsis

systemic bacterial infection in the blood

what happens when you inhaul

the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward

what happens to the larynx during speech and what does it cause

they close and air passes through to cause vibration

what is a plueral cavity and what does it do

thin and fluid filled space between the parietal and viceral layers acts as a lubracant so membranes slide easily during respiration

what three things describe the pleura

thin, moist, slippery

what is the lower respiratory system protected by

thoracic cavity

what is the pharnyx and what does it recieve

throat recieves food and air

which cartilage is the biggest and what is it known as

thyroid adams apple

what is the primary function of the larynx

to make speech possible

what is the primary function of the bronchi

transports air from the trachea to the lungs

whats the primary function of the pharynx

transports air to and from the nose to the trachea

what is the primary function of the trachea

transports air to and from the pharynx to the bronchi

what is the main functions of the respiratory system

transports o2 and exchanges it for co2

what is laryngopharynx and what does it recieve

under mouth air and food

where is the lower respiratory tract

under the larynx

what classifys respiratory failure

very low o2 and very high co2

what is oropharynx and what does it recieve

visable when looking in mouth food and air

what is the larynx

vocal cords

what is laryngitis

voice loss

What three things does the nose do

warms, moisture's, and filters inhaled air

what is a sound of airway obstruction


what is pertussis

whooping cough

what is the trachea


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