Chapter 7 Questions

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A driver of motivational commitment is A) internalizing the goals of the organization. B) acquiring rewards. C) avoiding punishment. D) all of the abov


According to Theory X as proposed by Douglas McGregor A) employees prefer to be directed or told what to do. B) work can be enjoyed as much as rest or play. C) given the opportunity, the average employee will eagerly accept and seek responsibility. D) employees are capable of exercising self-control and acting independently if they are committed to achieving organizational goals.


Alderfer's ________ needs are aligned with Maslow's physiological and safety needs. A) existence B) relatedness C) achievement D) growth


Charisma is a personal characteristic of strong leadership that was attributed to A) John F. Kennedy. B) Lee Iacocca. C) Anne Mulcahy. D) Stephen M. Case.


The two dimensions of leadership studied in the Ohio State research were A) consideration and initiating structure. B) production-oriented and employee-oriented behaviors. C) concern for production and concern for people. D) team management and country club management.


Which is not one of the major traditional approaches to understanding leadership? A) Production-centered leadership B) Trait approach C) Behavioral approach D) Situational approach


Which leader is associated with admiration, trust, and a willingness to be believed? A) Charismatic B) Transactional C) Transformational D) Directive


Which leadership approach stresses the individual responsibility of employees to develop their own work priorities fostered by empowerment and role modeling? A) Self-leadership B) Transactional leadership C) Leadership substitutes D) Postheoric leadership


Managers exercise influence in a more informal and unstructured manner while leaders occupy formal decision-making positions in the organization.


The leadership substitute view contends that most top executives, no matter how good they are, are limited in what they can do to solve problems.


Transactional leaders revitalize organizations by instilling in followers the ability to question standard modes of operation and tap people's creativity.


If Joe criticizes his subordinate for a poorly written report, he is using negative reinforcement.


Which of the following is a characteristic of someone with a high need for achievement as described by David McClelland? A) The need to accomplish things B) Desire to be liked by others C) Desire to influence or control others D) Desire to establish close interpersonal relationships


Which of the following is true concerning Fiedler's contingency theory? A) Leaders cannot change their style. B) Empirical evidence supports the main ideas of Fiedler's theory. C) The task-oriented leader focuses on maintaining good interpersonal relationships. D) A relationship-oriented leader performs best in very favorable and very unfavorable situations.


Which power base does not have to actually be used to exert influence? A) Coercive B) Legitimate C) Referent D) Expert


Which reinforcement technique is Matt using if he praises his subordinate for a job well done? A) Positive reinforcement B) Negative reinforcement C) Extinction D) Punishment


According to Blake and Mouton, the impoverished manager is ________ in concern for people and ________ in concern for production. A) high; high B) low; low C) high; low D) low; high


According to equity theory, when ratios are not equivalent, ________ is produced creating dissatisfaction. A) expectancy B) cognitive dissonance C) employee commitment D) valence


If Mark is more focused on the feelings, needs and well being of followers, he would be rated high as a leader on which of the University of Michigan study dimensions? A) Production-oriented behaviors B) Employee-oriented behaviors C) Concern for production D) Concern for people


Steve Jobs is a classic example of A) a transactional leader. B) the liability of charismatic leadership. C) a laissez faire leader. D) self-leadership.


The approach to understanding leadership that attempts to find a personality profile that distinguishes leaders from non-leaders is A) the behavioral approach. B) the trait approach. C) the situational approach. D) the production-centered approach.


The desire to use one's potential to the maximum, or be all that one can be reflects Maslow's A) esteem needs. B) self-actualization. C) need for achievement. D) social needs.


The key difference between Maslow's and Alderfer's theories is A) Alderfer collapses five needs to three. B) according to Alderfer, all three need categories can operate simultaneously. C) Alderfer's view of needs is less universally valid than Maslow's. D) Alderfer assumes a rigid hierarchy whereas Maslow does not.


The theory that suggests it is the leader's job to help followers achieve their goals and to influence followers to ensure that their goals are consistent with the overall objectives of the group is A) Fiedler's contingency model. B) House's path-goal theory. C) transactional theory. D) equity theory.


To be most effective and motivate people, goals should be A) unattainable to require people to stretch. B) specific, quantifiable, and measurable. C) intangible to allow for flexibility. D) all of the above


Which of the following is considered a contingency theory of leadership? A) Expectancy theory B) Path-goal theory C) Attribution theory D) Equity theory


Which of the following is not one of the power bases identified by French and Raven? A) Coercive B) Authority C) Referent D) Expert


Which of the following is true concerning leaders and managers? A) All managers are leaders; all leaders are not managers. B) Not all leaders are managers; not all managers are leaders. C) All managers are leaders; all leaders are managers. D) Not all leaders are managers; all managers are leaders.


Which reinforcement technique is Deanna using if she complains about Jeff's lack of work effort and stops only when he picks up the pace? A) Positive reinforcement B) Negative reinforcement C) Extinction D) Punishment


________ exercise influence in a more informal manner while ________ occupy formal decision-making positions. A) Managers; supervisors B) Leaders; managers C) Managers; leaders D) Top executives; managers


According to Herzberg, a raise is a(n) A) motivator. B) intrinsic reward. C) hygiene. D) reinforcer


An approach to goal setting that allows the firm to implement overall organizational objectives by breaking them down into specific objectives assigned to different units and individuals in the firm in a cascading fashion is referred to as A) reinforcement theory. B) path-goal theory. C) MBO. D) attribution theory.


French and Raven's power bases are A) possessed by every manager. B) possessed by everyone in varying amounts. C) not independent. D) independent.


Jason avoids making decisions. As a result, his employees have low satisfaction levels and low performance levels. Which leadership style is Jason using? A) Democratic B) Autocratic C) Laissez-faire D) Country club


The "one best way" approach to leadership research was replaced by A) the behavioral approach. B) the trait approach. C) the contingency approach. D) all of the above


The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan studies took which approach to understanding leadership? A) The behavioral approach B) The trait approach C) The situational approach D) The managerial grid


The approach to leadership that attempts to identify what good leaders do is A) the behavioral approach. B) the trait approach. C) the situational approach. D) the production-centered approach.


The idea that the major function of the leader is to be blamed or given credit for a bad or a good situation, even if the leader has little or no control over the factors that led to the results is known as A) contingency theory. B) reinforcement theory. C) attribution theory. D) path-goal theory.


The key point of the ________ approach is that leadership success depends on the fit between the leader's behavior and decision-making style and the requirements of the situation. A) behavioral B) trait C) contingency D) one best way


The view that having the strength to act in a particular way depends on people's beliefs that their actions will produce outcomes they find valuable and attractive is the basis of A) equity theory. B) attribution theory. C) expectancy theory. D) path-goal theory.


When others derive satisfaction by identifying with Mary, she has which type of power? A) Coercive B) Legitimate C) Referent D) Expert


Which of the following is not a characteristic associated with transformational leaders? A) Inspire other people to follow a vision articulated by the leader B) Make followers feel good and proud about identifying with the leader C) Closely monitor followers to ensure that performance problems are detected D) Empower followers and energize them to get better


Which of the following is not a linkage in expectancy theory? A) Effort-performance B) Performance-outcome C) Cognitive dissonance D) Valences


Which of the following is not included as a management skill for successful leadership? A) Influence skills B) Delegation skills C) Planning D) Motivational skills


Which reinforcement technique is Jennifer using if she refrains from laughing at Matt's jokes when they have important matters to discuss? A) Positive reinforcement B) Negative reinforcement C) Extinction D) Punishment


Which theory explains why 20 percent of CEOs at the largest U.S. companies are replaced during a given year after stock prices fall or the company fails to meet its performance goals? A) Contingency theory B) Reinforcement theory C) Attribution theory D) Path-goal theory


Which theory reminds managers that providing additional rewards to meet a need will motivate people only if the need has not already been satisfied? A) McClelland's Need theory B) Attribution theory C) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs D) Reinforcement theory


According to Blake and Mouton's managerial grid A) the country club manager is low in concern for people and high in concern for production. B) the middle of the road manager requires the highest attention to concern for production. C) they focused on traits of effective managers. D) the most effective managers relate well to their followers and efficiently delineate what needs to get done, designated as the 9,9 manager.


According to Fiedler's contingency model, a determinant of leader behavior is A) leader-member relations. B) task structure. C) position power. D) all of the above


Hackman and Oldham suggest that the critical psychological states that affect personal and work-related outcomes are more likely to be present when jobs are designed so that employees A) utilize a variety of skills. B) are responsible for completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work. C) enjoy autonomy and discretion in decision making. D) all of the above


Jessica is warm and friendly and shows concern about the problems and needs of subordinates. According to House's path-goal theory, which leadership style is Jessica using? A) Participative leader B) Directive leader C) Achievement-oriented leader D) Supportive leader


Leadership by managers includes A) supervising. B) acting as boundary spanners. C) meeting personal needs of subordinates. D) all of the above


The view of leadership that most top executives, no matter how good they are, are limited in what they can do to solve problems, so that leadership responsibilities are spread throughout the firm, is known as A) self-leadership. B) transactional leadership. C) leadership substitutes. D) postheoric leadership.


Transactional leaders A) attempt to instill in followers the ability to question standard modes of operation. B) are capable of tapping people's reservoir of creativity. C) generate passion and excitement. D) use legitimate, coercive, or reward power to elicit obedience.


Which of the following is an attribute of emotional intelligence? A) Self-awareness B) Impulse control C) Empathy D) all of the above


Which of the following is not a need theory of motivation? A) Maslow's hierarchy B) Alderfer's ERG theory C) McClelland's Need theory D) House's path-goal theory.


Which of the following is true of path-goal theory? A) Subordinates who are highly authoritarian prefer a directive leadership style. B) Directive leadership improves followers' satisfaction when the tasks are ambiguous and stressful. C) Achievement-oriented leadership increases subordinates' satisfaction and group productivity when the organization can provide rewards contingent on the performance of the group. D) all of the above


Which reinforcement technique is Jim using if he docks Mary's pay when she comes in late to work? A) Positive reinforcement B) Negative reinforcement C) Extinction D) Punishment


According to expectancy theory, if a person perceives that they are being inequitably treated, they may reduce their inputs by cutting back on the level of effort.


According to Fiedler, the better the leader-member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger the position power, the more control or influence a leader enjoys.


According to French and Raven, the five power bases are not independent.


According to Maslow, the only need that can never be fully satisfied is self- actualization.


Often when people who are promoted on the basis of technical ability fail in their new jobs, it is because they lack emotional competencies that are crucial at the higher level.


The ability to influence other people is agreed on by many as an essential part of being an effective leader.


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