Chapter 7 Quiz - Long-term Memory: Encoding, Retrieval, & Consolidation

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Katie and Inez are roommates taking the same psychology class. They have a test in four days during a 10:00 - 11:00 AM class period. Both women intend to study for three hours, but because of different work schedules, Katie will study one hour for each of the next three days, while Inez will study three hours the day before the exam. What could you predict about their performances?

Katie should perform better because of the spacing effect

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal (mere repetition) in terms of establishing long-term memories?

Elaborative is more effective than maintenance

Elementary school students in the U.S. are often taught to use the very familiar word "HOMES" as a cue for remembering the names of the Great Lakes (each letter in "HOMES" provides a first-letter cue for one of the lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior). This memory procedure usually works better than repeating the names over and over. The use of this familiar word provides an example of

Elaborative rehearsal

(T /F) Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval.


According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words? a. Making a connection between each word ('s meaning) and something you've previously learned b. Deciding how many vowels each word has c. Generating a rhyming word for each word to be remembered d. Repeating the words over and over in your mind

a. Making a connection between each word ('s meaning) and something you've previously learned

According to levels of processing theory, deep processing results in better memory. However, studies have shown that shallow processing can result in better memory when the individual encodes _____ and is tested _____

auditorially; auditorially

According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is


People often report an annoying memory failure when they walk from one end of the house to the other for something and then forget what they wanted when they reach their destination. As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of

encoding specificity

The principle that we encode information together with its context is known as

encoding specificity

The story in the test about the balloons that were used to suspend a speaker in mid-air was used to illustrate the role of ______ in memory

organization (mental framework / big picture)

The maintenance rehearsal for learning a word is most likely to

produce some short-term remembering but fail to produce longer-term memories

Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many years. She is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as a dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on

the self-reference effect

Mantyla's "banana / yellow, bunches, edible" experiment demonstrates that, for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created

by the person whose memory will be tested

Free recall of the stimulus list "apple, desk, shoe, sofa, plum, chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants" will most likely yield which of these response patterns? a. "apple, desk, shoe, coat, lamp, pants" b. "apple, desk, shoe, sofa, plum, chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants" c. "apple, cherry, plum, shoe, coat, pants, lamp, chair" d. "apple, chair, cherry, coat, desk, lamp, plum, shoe, sofa"

c. "apple, cherry, plum, shoe, coat, pants, lamp, chair"

Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning? a. Last night, at the grocery store, Cole ran into a psychology professor he took a class with three semesters ago. He recognized her right away. b. Even though Walt hasn't been to the beach cottage his parents owned since he was a child, he still has many fond memories of time spent there as a family. c. Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio and she's in a lovely mood. d. Alexis always suffers test anxiety in her classes. To combat this, she tries to relax when she studies. She thinks it's best to study while lying in bed, reading by candlelight with soft music playing

c. Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio and she's in a lovely mood.

Which of the following learning techniques is LEAST likely to lead to deep processing of the information? a. Trevor is trying to understand how to use statistics by drawing associations between a set of data describing how adolescents respond to peer pressure and the theories he learned last semester in developmental psychology. b. Maggie is trying to learn new vocabulary words because she is taking the SAT next month. Each day, she selects one word. Throughout the day, she repeats the definition over and over to herself and generates sentences using it in her conversations that day. c. Bree has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up. d. For his history course, Bruce is trying to learn the order of the U.S. presidents by creating a silly sentence where each consecutive word starts with the same letter of the next president to be remembered.

c. Bree has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up.

Which statement below is most closely associated with levels of processing theory? a. Information enters memory by passing through a number of levels, beginning with sensory memory, then short-term memory, then long-term memory. b. Events that are repeated enough can influence our behavior, even after we have forgotten the original events. c. Deep processing of a stimulus than shallow processing results in better processing. d. People who were sad when they studied did better when they were sad during testing.

c. Deep processing of a stimulus than shallow processing results in better processing

_______ transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which the can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption


In Slameka and Graf's (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the

generation effect

Research shows that _______ does not improve reading comprehension because it does not encourage elaborative processing of the material


You have been studying for weeks for a nursing school entrance exam. You love the idea of becoming a nurse, and you have been enjoying learning about the material for your exam. Each night, you put on relaxing clothes and study in the quiet of your lovely home. Memory research suggests you should take your test with a _____ mind set.


_______ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory


Examples from your book describing real experiences of how memories, even ones from a long time ago, can be stimulated by locations, songs, and smells highlight the importance of ____ in LTM.

retrieval cues

According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are

short and across several days

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