Chapter 7: The Skeleton (DEFINITIONS)

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sella turcica of sphenoid bone

"Turkish saddle" - located on the superior surface of the body - the seat of the saddle, called the hypophyseal fossa

frontal bone of the cranium

(forehead) shell shaped, anterior portion of the cranium

pubis - V-shaped __________ portion - body, superior, and inferior pubic rami - obturator foramen: large __________ formed by rami and body - pubic bones joined at pubic ____________ - pubic arch (subpubic angle): formed by ________, main difference between _________ & ____________ pelves

- anterior - - opening - symphysis - rami; male & female

Axis (C2) - has ______ and processes like other vertebrae - major feature is knoblike _____ that project superiorly into anterior arch of atlas - movement allows side to _____ rotation for saying "no"

- body - dens - side

Atlas (C1) - no _____ or __________ process - consist of ________ & ________ arches, and ___ lateral masses - superior surfaces of lateral masses articulates with occipital __________

- body; spinous - anterior, posterior; 2 - condyle

bone features of fibular (2)

- head - lateral malleolus

bone features of tibia (5)

- medial and lateral condyles - intercondylar eminence - tibial tuberosity - anterior border - medial malleolus

temporal bones of the cranium (2)

- paired bones - makes up inferolateral aspects of skull and parts of cranial base

clavicles: - S-shaped ______ end articulates with sternum medially - flattened _______ end articulates laterally with scapula - ________ muscles and acts as _______ to hold the scapulae and arms out laterally

- sternal - acromial - anchor; braces

forearm - 2 parallel bones: ______ & _______ - proximal ends articulate with _________ and each other - distally articulate with each other at the _____________ joint - _________________ membrane connects radius and ulna

- ulnal; radius - humerus - radioulnar - interosseous

general characteristics of the vertebral column (4)

-Extends from skull to pelvis -Also called spine or spinal column - transmit weight of trunk to lower limbs, surround and protect spinal cord, provide attachment points for ribs and muscles -Flexible curved structure contains 26 irregular bones called vertebrae in five major regions

1. Cervical 2. Thoracic 3. Lumbar 4. sacrum 5. coccyx

1. consists of 7 vertebrae 2. 12 vertebrae 3. 5 vertebrae (REMEMBER: meal time, 7am, 12 noon, 5pm) 4. 1 bone, formed from fusion of several bones, articulates with hip 5. also fused bones that form terminus of column

vertebrae have 7 processes: 1. spinous process... 2. transverse processes (2)... 3. superior articular processes (2)... 4. inferior articular process (2)...

1. projects posteriorly 2. projects laterally 3. protrude superiorly 4. protrudes inferiorly

The facial skeleton is made up of ______ bones and only the ______ and ______ are unpaired.

14; mandible and vomer (mandible, vomer, maxillary bones x2, zygomatic bones x2, nasal bones x2, lacrimal bones x2, palatine bones x2, inferior nasal conchae x2)

cervical vertebrae: C__ (atlas) and C__ (axis) have unique features

1; 2

inferior nasal conchae (face) a. paired bones that form part of the _______ walls of nasal cavity b. largest of _____ pairs of conchae, __________ bone forms other 2 pairs

3; ethmoid

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Condyle

A rounded knob

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: protuberance

a body outgrowth or protruding part

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: meatus

a canal

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: sinus

a cavity within a bone

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Epicondyle

a flare superior to a condyle

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: sulcus

a groove for a tendon, nerve, or blood vessel

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: foramen

a hole through a bone, usually round

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Crest

a narrow ridge

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: line

a raised, elongated ridge

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: tuberosity

a rough surface

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Fossa

a shallow, borad, or elongated basin

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: spine

a sharp, slender, or narrow process

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Fissure

a slit through a bone

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: tubercle

a small, rounded process

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Facet

a smooth joint surface that is flat or only slightly concave or convex

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: Canal

a tubular passage or tunnel in a bone

forearm: ulna a. medial bone b. major portion of _________ joint with humerus c. bone features... - olecranon & coronoid processes grip ____________, forming hinge joint. (process separated by _____________ notch - radial notch articulates with ________ of radius - ulnar head, knoblike _______ portion - ulnar styloid process is a ___________ attachment

a. b. elbow c. - trochlea; trochlea - head - distal - ligament

foot continued... a. metatarsal - ______ (hallux to little toe) - enlarged head of metatarsal I forms "___________________" b. phalanges - ____ bones of toes - digit I (hallux, big toe) has _____ bones, no middle __________ - digits II to V have _____ bones, ______, _______, and ________ __________

a. - five - ball of foot b. - 14 - 2; phalanx - 3; distal, middle, proximal phalanx

forearm: radius a. lateral bone b. bone features... - head articulates with ___________ & radial notch - radial tuberosity anchors ___________ - ulnar notch articulates with ___________ - radial styloid process anchors _____________

a. b. - capitulum - biceps - ulna - ligaments

a. palatine process b. frontal process c. zygomatic process d. maxillary sinuses

a. 2/3 of hard palate b. lateral bridge of nose c. articulates with zygomatic bones d. flank nasal cavity laterally

a. there are ___ parietal bones and ____ sutures of the cranium b. list the sutures

a. 2; 4 b. coronal, sagittal, lambdoid, squamous suture

The pelvic girdle a. ___ hip bones; _______ bones and _________ - attach lower limbs to axial skeleton with strong ________ - transmit ________ of upper body to lower limbs - support ________ organs b. less mobility but more _________ than shoulder joint c. three fused bones form coxal bone, list them d. deep socket, acetabulum, formed at point of fusion receives __________ of femur

a. 2; coal bones (os coxae) & sacrum - ligaments - weight - pelvic b. stability c. ilium, ischium, pubis d. head

upper limb consists of... a. ____ bones b. what 3 major parts and their subparts?

a. 30 b. Arm (humerus), Forearm (radius & ulna), Hand (8 carpal bones in the wrist, 5 metacarpal bones in the palm, 14 phalanges in the fingers)

metacarpus (palm) a. ____ metacarpal bones (I to V from thumb to little finger) form palm b. bases articulate with ___________, and heads articulate with __________ ___________

a. 5 b. carpals; proximal phalanges

paranasal sinuses a. formed from ____ skull bones b. list the skull bones c. contains ________-lined, ____-filled space d. functions include... - warm and _______ air - help to _______ skull - enhance resonance of _______

a. 5 b. frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, paired maxillary bones c. mucosa; air d. - humidify - lighten - voice

hand: metacarpus (palm) a. _____ metacarpal bones (I to V from thumb to little finger) forms ________ - ________ articulate with carpals, and __________ articulate with proximal phalanges

a. 5; palm - bases; heads

carpus (wrist) a. ____ bones in two rows b. proximal row... (4) c. distal row... (4) d. only _________, __________, and _________ form wrist joint

a. 8 (lateral to medial) b. scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform c. trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate d. scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum

phalanges (fingers) a. fingers (digits): numbered __ to __ starting at thumb (pollex) b. digit I (pollex) has ___ bones, no middle _________ c. digits II to V have __ bones; ________, ________, and ________ _________

a. I; V b. 2; phalanx c. 3; distal, middle, proximal phalanx

palatine bone (face) a. __-shaped bones made from _____ bony plates b. horizontal plate- completes posterior _/_ of hard palate c. perpendicular plate- forms part of _________ walls of the nasal cavity and a small part of the _______

a. L; 2 b. 1/3 b. posterolateral; orbits

maxillary bones... a. upper teeth held in _________ processes b. consists of.... (5) c. openings for nerves and blood vessels include... (3)

a. alveolar b. anterior nasal spine, palatine process, frontal process, zygomatic process, & maxillary sinuses c. inferior orbital fissure, infraorbital foramen, & incisive fossa and canal

a. the mandibular body consists of _________ process that contains sockets for ______ and mandibular ________ ridge b. foramina includes __________ (for nerves) and ___________________ (for nerves and blood vessels)

a. alveolar; teeth, symphysis b. mandibular; mental foramina

hyoid bone a. DOES NOT ________ with any other bone b. anchored by _____________ c. acts as a movable base for ________ and site of attachment for muscles of _________ & ___________

a. articulate b. ligaments c. tongue; swallowing, speech

the appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the limbs and their girdles: a. pectoral girdle b. pelvic girdle

a. attaches upper limbs to body trunk b. attaches lower limbs to body trunk

nasal bone (face) a. _______ of nose b. articulates with ___________, _________, & _________ bones c. attaches to ____________ that forms tip of nose

a. bridge b. forntal, maxillary, ethmoid c. cartilage

zygomatic bones (face) a. forms ____________ and ______________ margins of orbits b. articulates with zygomatic processes of __________, ____________, and _________ bones

a. cheekbones; inferolateral b. temporal, frontal, maxillary

pectoral girdle: a. shoulder girdle consists of __________ (anteriorly) and __________ (posteriorly) - attach ________ limbs to axial skeleton - provides attachment sites for __________ that moves upper limbs - offers great deal of __________ because... 1. scapulae are _____ attached to axial skeleton 2. sockets of shoulder joint is ______ and does _______ restrict movement

a. clavicles; scapulae - upper - muscles - mobility 1. not 2. shallow; not

a. shoulder girdles consist of ____________ (anteriorly) and _____________ (posteriorly) b. they attach upper limbs to ____________ skeleton c. they provide attachment sites for ____________ that move upper limbs d. they offer great degree of ____________ because... - __________ are not attached to axial skeleton - socket of shoulder joint is _____________ and does not restrict ________________

a. clavicles; scapulae b. axial c. muscles d. mobility - scapulae - shallow; movement

the ethmoid bone... a. is the superior part formed by paired _________ plates that form roof of nasal cavity and floor of anterior cranial fossa b. list the 3 major parts

a. cribriform b. crista galli, perpendicular plate, & orbital plates

scapulae: a. thin, triangular flat bones on _______ surface of rib cage, between ribs ___ & ___ b. each has 3 borders... - superior: ________, sharpest border - medial (vertebral): runs _______ to spine - lateral (axillary): near ________, ends superiorly in _______ cavity fossa (shoulder joint) c. 3 angles where borders meet... - superior angle: between ______ & ______ - lateral angle: between ______ & ______ - inferior angle: between ______ & ______

a. dorsal; 2, 7 b. - shortest - parallel - armpit; glenoid c. - superior; medial - superior; lateral - medial; lateral

the lower limb: a. carries entire weight of __________ body b. subjected to exceptional forces during _________ or __________ c. three segments of lower limbs... (3)

a. erect b. jumping; running c. thigh, leg, foot

Orbits a. cavities that encase _______ and _______ glands b. site of attachment for ______ muscle c. formed by parts of _____ bones d. list the bones

a. eyes; lacrimal b. eye c. 7 d. frontal, sphenoid, zygomatic, maxilla, palatine, lacrimal, & ethmoid

thigh a. femur is the _________ and strongest bone (1/4 of person's height) b. articulates proximally with ___________ of hip, distally with ________ and _________ c. patella, sesamoid bone in quadriceps tendon, protects ________ joint d. bone features... - fovea capitis, small _____ in head - greater & lesser trochanters, ___________ attachment (intertrochanteric line & crest) - gluteal tuberosity blends into _________ _________ - distally, femur ends in _________ and _________ condyles that articulate with tibia - medial and lateral epicondyles: site of __________ attachment - patellar surface, articulates with ____________

a. largest b. acetabulum; tibia, patella c. knee d. - pit - muscle - linea aspera - lateral, medial - muscle - patella

mandible (face) a. define b. ____-shaped c. made up of ________ and 2 upright ______ d. what are the 4 major parts

a. largest, strongest bone of face b. U c. body (chin); rami d. mandibular angle, coronoid process, condylar process, mandibular notch

Arm: Humerus a. __________ & ________ bone of upper body b. articulates superiorly with _________ cavity, inferiorly with _______ & ________ c. head: proximal end that fits into _________ cavity of scapula d. anatomical neck: slight __________ inferior to head e. greater tubercle is separated from lesser tubercle by the ____________ sulcus f. surgical neck: most frequently ________

a. largest; longest b. glenoid; radius, ulna c. glenoid d. constriction e. intertubercular f. fractured

radius (forearm) a. _______ bone b. bone features... - head: articulates with ____________ and ________ notch - radial tuberosity: anchors _________ - ulnar notch: articulates with __________ - radial styloid process: anchors ____________

a. lateral b. - capitulum - biceps - ulna - ligaments

Arm: Humerus a. largest & ___________ bone of upper limb b. articulates superiorly with ___________ cavity, inferiorly with radius & ____________ c. head- d. anatomical neck- e. greater tubercle is separated from lesser tubercle by the ___________________ sulcus - sites of attachment of __________ cuff muscles f. surgical neck: most frequently ____________

a. longest b. glenoid; ulna c. proximal end that fits into glenoid cavity of scapula d. slight constriction inferior to head e. intertubercular - rotator f. fractured

Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5): a. L1-L5 "small of back", bodies are _________ b. Other characteristics: - short, thick ________ & _______ - flat, hatchet-shaped spinous processes point __________ - vertebral foramen = ______________ - orientation of articular facets locks lumbar vertebrae together to prevent ___________

a. massive b. - pedicles; laminae - posteriorly - triangular - rotation

Ulna (forearm) a. _______ bone b. major portion of _______ joint with humerus c. bone features... - olecranon & coronoid processes: grib trochlea, forming ________ joint (processes separated by trochlear notch) - radial notch: articulates with head of _________ - ulnar head: ________like distal portion - ulnar styloid process: lightment _____________

a. medial b. elbow c. - hinge - radius - knob - attachment

lacrimal bone (face) a. forms ________ walls of orbits b. articulates with _________, ____________, & __________ bones c. lacrimal fossa that houses lacrimal sac allows passageway for _________ to drain

a. medial b. frontal, maxillary, ethmoid c. tears

a. petrous region of the temporal bone is part of the _________ cranial fossa b. and consists of... (7)

a. middle b. jugular foramen, carotid canal, foramen lacerum, internal acoustic meatus, styloidmastoid foramen, mastoid process (chew), and styloid process (styloid on record player, pointy)

bone features of the arm: humerus a. deltoid tuberosity, site of deltoid _________ attachment b. radial groove, carries radial _______ c. trochlea, distal ________-shaped condyle d. capitulum, distal _______-liked condyle e. medial & lateral epicondyles, points of _________ attachment f. medial & lateral supracondyle ridges g. fossae: coronoid, olecranon, radial

a. muscle b. nerve c. hourglass d. ball e. muscle f. g.

sacrum: a. triangular, shapes posterior wall of _______, made from 5 fused vertebrae (S1-S5) b. superior articular process with L__ c. articulates inferiorly with _______ & laterally with hip bone via ___________ surface, forming ____________ joints d. sacral promontory e. transverse ridges are mark lines of __________ f. anterior sacral foramina are lateral ends of ridges; openings for _______ & ________ g. alae are winglike ___________ h. posterior sacral foramina are large openings for _______ spinal nerves

a. pelvis b. 5 c, coccyx; auricular; sacroiliac d. e. fision f. nerves; vessels g. expansions h. sacral

a. mandibular angle b. coronoid process c. condylar process d. mandibular notch

a. point where rami and chin meet b. superior end of rami c. posterior to coronoid, forms part of temporomandibular joint d. separates processes

ischium a. ____________ region b. body and ramus c. three important markings... - _______ spine - lesser _________ notch - ischial __________

a. posteroinferior b. c. - ischial - sciatic - tuberosity

scapulae a. spine b. acromion c. coracoid process d. suprascapular notch e. & several large fossae named according to location

a. prominent ridge posteriorly b. lateral projection that articulates with acromial end of clavicle to form acromioclavicular joint c. anterior projection that anchors bicep muscle of arm d. opening for nerves

scapulae a. thin, triangular flat bones on dorsal surface of ________ cage, between ribs _____ & ______ b. each has _____ borders - - - c. and _____ angles where borders meet - - -

a. rib; 2, 7 b. 3 - superior - medial (vertebral) - lateral (axillary) c. 3 - superior angle - lateral angle - inferior angle

scapulae bone features: a. spine: prominent ______ posteriorly b. acromion: lateral _________ that articulates with acromial end of clavicle to form acromioclavicular joint c. coracoid process: anterior __________ that anchors ______ muscle of arm d. suprascapular notch: opening for _________ e. several large ________ named according to location

a. ridge b. projection c. projection; bicep d. nerve e. fossae

hand: carpus (wrist) a. proximal row (lateral to medial).... b. distal row (lateral to medial)... c. only _______, ________, & __________ form wrist joint

a. scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform b. trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate c. scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum

Arm: Humerus bone features a. deltoid b. radial groove c. trochlea d. capitulum e. medial & lateral epicondyles f. medial & lateral supracondyle ridges g. fossae

a. site of deltoid muscle attachment b. carries radial nerve c. distal hourglass-shaped condyle d. distal ball-like condyle e. points of muscle attachment f. g. coronoid, olecranon, & radial

Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12): a. T1 to T12 increase in ______ and ______ with ribs b. unique characteristics: - body is heart shaped with 2 small _________ that articulate with ribs (T10-12 have only single facet, not two) - vertebral foramen is _________ - long, sharp spinous process points _________ - transverse processes have transverse ______ facets that articulate with ribs - location of articular facets allows _________ of this area of spine

a. size; articulates b. - demifacets - circular - inferiorly - costal - rotation

clavicles a. S-shaped ____________ end articulates with sternum medially b. flattened ___________ end articulates laterally with scapula c. anchor ____________ and act as braces to hold the scapulae and arms out ____________

a. sternal b. acromial c. muscles; laterally

Ilium of coxal bone: a. _________ region b. body and winglike ______ - iliac crest: thickened superior margin of _____ - iliac crest ends at __________ superior iliac spine and __________ superior iliac spine c. greater sciatic notch: sciatic _______ passage d. gluteal surface contains three ridges, list them e. iliac fossa: ____________ on ala f. auricular surface articulates with _________ g. arcuate line defines pelvic ________

a. superior b. ala - ala - anterior; posterior c. nerve d. posterior, anterior, inferior gluteal lines e. concavity f. sacrum g. brim

perpendicular plate (ethmoid) a. define b. lateral masses extend medially to form ___________ and __________ nasal conchae

a. superior part of nasal septum b. superior; middle

sutural bones of the cranium a. tiny, irregularly shaped bones that appear within _________ b. significance is ____________, as not everyone has these

a. sutures b. unknown

foot a. consists of __________, _____________, & __________ b. tarsus: ____ bones form posterior half - Body weight carried primarily by ________ and ____________ - Calcaneal tuberosity: part that touches the __________ - Other tarsal bones: (5)

a. tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges b. 7 - talus, calcaneus (heel) - ground - cuboid, navicular, and medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiform bones

hand: phalanges (fingers) a. fingers (digits), numbered I to V starting at ________ (pollex) b. digit I (pollex) has ______ bones, no __________ phalanx c. digits II to V have _____ bones. ________, __________, & ____________ phalanx

a. thumb b. 2; middle c. 3; distal, middle, proximal

leg a. two parallel bones, ________ & _________ - connected by ____________ membrane b. tibia: medial, receives weight of body from ___________, transmits to ________ c. fibula - not __________ bearing - articulates proximally and distally with ___________

a. tibia, fibula - interosseous b. femur; foot c. - weight - tibia

forearm a. 2 parallel bones, __________ & ______________ b. proximal ends articulate with _____________ and each other c. distally articulate with each other at the ________________ joint d. interosseous membrane connects _________ & ___________

a. ulna, radius b. humerus c. radioulnar d. radius, ulna

all vertebrae have common structural patterns a. Body, anterior _______-bearing region b. Vertebral Arch... - 2 pedicles: short _____ form sides of arch - 2 laminae: fused, flattened _____ form posterior arch c. Vertebral Foramen- enclosure formed by body and vertebral arch coming ___________ d. Vertebral Canal- series of vertebral __________ e. Intervertebral Foramina- lateral openings between vertebrae for passage of spinal ________

a. weight b. - pillars - plates c. together d. foramina e. nerves

Ligaments of the vertebral column

along with trunk muscles, help support vertebral column

Surface Features (Markings) of Bone: process

any bone prominence

glabella (frontal bone)

area between orbits (between eyebrows)

"keystone" sphenoid bone

articulates with all cranial bones

three borders: superior- medial (vertebral)- lateral (axillary)- three angles: superior angle- lateral angle- inferior angle-

borders - shortest, sharpest border - runs parallel to spine - near armpit, ends superiorly in glenoid cavity fossa (shoulder joint) angles - between superior & medial - between superior & lateral - between medial & lateral

hand consists of

carpus, metacarpus, phalanges

Regions and curvatures of vertebral column (5)

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx (28" long column)

sphenoid bone of the cranium

complex, bat-shaped bone

orbital plates (ethmoid)

contribute to medial wall of orbits

intervertebral discs of the vertebral column

cushion-like pad sandwiched between vertebrae, acts as shock absorbers

Ethmoid bone of the cranium

deepest skull bone

tympanic region (temporal bone)

external acoustic meatus (ear canal)

squamous region (temporal)

flat area of temporal bone

the occipital bone consists of... (5)

foramen magnum (and occipital condyles), external occipital protuberance, external occipital crest, superior nuchal lines, and inferior nuchal lines

what are the three pairs of processes of the sphenoid bone

greater wing, lesser wing, & pterygoid processes

hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica

houses the pituitary gland

upper limb consists of

humerus, ulna, radius, carpals (8), metacarpals (5), phalanges (14) 30 bones total

foramen magnum means "______________" and it's flanked by a pair of occipital ______________

large hole; condyles

The frontal sinuses are located

lateral to the glabella

maxillary bones (maxillae) (face)

medially fused to form upper jaw

petrous region (temporal bone)

middle and internal ear cavities

sphenoidal sinuses of sphenoid bone

on either side of the body, inferior to the sella turcica, and found within body

vomer (face)

plow-shaped bone; forms part of the nasal septum

what are the 3 major regions of the temporal bone?

squamous, tympanic, & petrous

foramina on sphenoid bone (4)

superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, optic canal


tailbone, 3-5 fused vertebrae

mandibular fossa is part of the ______________________ joint


supraorbital foramen (notch) of frontal bone allows...

the supraorbital artery & nerve to pass to the forehead

crista galli (ethmoid)

triangular process, point of attachment for dura mater

Supraorbital margin (frontal bone)

underneath eyebrow (think: supra = above, orbital = eyes)

The occipital bone forms most of the skull's posterior _______ and posterior _______ _______

wall; cranial fossa

squamous region (temporal bone)

zygomatic process articulates with zygomatic bone which forms zygomatic arch (cheekbone) and mandibular fossa

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