Chapter 7 Theology

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When ___________ of Jesus' day taught, they typically _____________ prominent teachers to back up their positions. But ____________ quoted no other rabbi and gave ____________, penetrating, and profound ___________________ when he quoted Scripture.

rabbis; quoted; Jesus; novel; interpretations

_______________, the region to the south of Galilee, was home to the _________________ who descended from foreigners who ____________________ with the old northern Israelite tribes. They accepted the _____________ _________, but did not accept the prophetical or wisdom writings and rejected the Jerusalem ___________.

Samaria; Samaritans; intermarried; Mosaic Law; Temple

What are three important towns in the region of Judea?

(a) Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus; (b) Bethany, the home of Jesus' friends Lazarus, Martha and Mary; (c) Jericho where Jesus healed a blind man and met Zacchaeus

What three towns in Galilee were important in the Gospels?

(a) Cana was the site of Jesus' first miracle; (b) Bethsaida was the home of Peter, Andrew, and Philip; (c) Capernaum was the headquarters of Jesus' Galilean ministry

. What is hyperbole? What is an example from Jesus?

.Hyperbole is an exaggeration to make a point. Jesus said, "If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away..."

The land of Galilee was ______________ and prosperous while the Sea of _______________ provided a living for fishermen. Jews and some ________________ lived in the region which caused some Jews from ____________ to doubt the _______________ fervor of the Galilean Jews

.fertile; Galilee; Gentiles; Judea; religious

Parable Themes

1. God's Kingdom is for ALL 2. Sinners are welcome 3. The Kingdom is HERE 4. Repentance Is a Prerequisite for Entering the Kingdom 5. The Kingdom Belongs to the Poor 6. There is Rejoicing in God's Kingdom

True or False? Owning many things and hoarding money can make us humble to the workings of God in our midst.

False. Owning many things and hoarding money can make us miss the humble workings of God in our midst.

True or False? When Jesus' fellow citizens realized the full impact of Jesus' claim, they offered expressions of gratitude.

False. When Jesus' fellow citizens realized the full impact of Jesus' claim, they showed outrage.

Jesus and most of his Apostles were from ______________ in the ____________ region of the Holy Land. Jesus grew up in the small town of ________________, just an hour's walk from ________________, a former ______________ of Galilee where Herod Antipas lived.

Galilee; northern; Nazareth; Sepphoris; capital

What does it mean to say that Jesus used parallel statements? What is an example?

It means that he repeated thoughts a second time in a slightly different form to drive home an idea. For example, Jesus said: "Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow."

_______________ is God's presence in the world, the one who brings the ____________. He is the one who gatehrs all people into the unity of the _________________ through his preaching and miracles, and ultimately in the event of the _____________________.

Jesus Christ; Kingdom; Blessed Trinity; Paschal Mystery

What was the meaning of Jesus' statement: "Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing?"

Jesus was claiming that in him Isaiah's prophecy about the Messiah was taking place, that in him, God's Kingdom was present.

What revealed Jesus' identity?

Jesus' actions and teachings revealed his identity.

What qualities made Jesus and outstanding teacher?

Jesus: was genuine, available, understandable, spoke Aramaic, a poetic language, taught with authority, was a brilliant debater, and challenged his listeners.

The Pope ___________ XXIII believed that the Church should be like a "__________________," open to everyone, and in a special way to the ________. He stated: "What counts the most in life is blessed _________________, his holy Church, his Gospel, ____________ and goodness.

John; welcoming mother; poor; Jesus Christ; truth

____________ was the southern part of the Holy Land and _________________ was its principal city. It served as Judea's ______________, political, and economic center and most of the Judean ______________ lived in or near the city.

Judea; Jerusalem; religious; population

How was Jesus like the Old Testament prophets?

Like the Old Testament prophets Jesus called on people to repent, he used creative teaching methods, engaged in symbolic, attention-grabbing actions, warned of God's judgment at the end of time, and performed healings and other miracles.

God's Kingdom is for All

Mustard Seed: Kingdom of God may have a small beginning like a seed, it can grow into a very large bush with room for all The Sower: To receive the Word of God successfully, you must have "rich soil" (a receptive heart). However, there are many obstacles that can prevent you from receiving and accepting the Word. Those who able to hear and accept God's Word and overcome the obstacles, his Words grow well and bears much fruit.

Repentance is a prerequisite to the Kingdom

Two Foundations: people who listen to Jesus' words, believe them, and then act on them have built their house on a foundation of rock. When hard times come, their foundation stands firm. Building a life around God's Word creates a strong foundation that can help you resist spiritual challenges. Two Sons: The son represents the People of Israel, who repented when John the Baptist called them-even though they were sinners. The 2nd son represents religious leaders who did not repent when John asked them to. Though people considered them to be holy, they did not express sorrow for their sins.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, how did Jesus the word "Amen"?

The CCC says, "Our Lord often used the word 'Amen,' sometimes repeated, to emphasize the trustworthiness of his teaching, his authority founded on God's truth."

What is the Father's will? How does he accomplish this?

The Father's will is to share his divine life with all human beings. He accomplishes this by gathering all persons around his Son Jesus Christ.

What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is not a place, Rather, it is the active presence of God's love, justice, truth, and Salvation working in the world.

The Kingdom belongs to the Poor

The Last Judgement: He requires that you love vulnerable people as a condition of entering his Kingdom. Jesus came to preach to the poor, and he blessed them. He lived as a poor person himself, experiencing hunger, thirst, and privation.

Sinners Are Welcome in the Kingdom

The Lost Sheep & Prodigal Son: God not only welcomes sinners but actively seeks them out. The Lost Coin: God persists in seeking those who have deviated from his way until they are at home again with Him.

True or False? Although Jesus did not allow his Apostles to preach to the Samaritans, he showed loved to them.


True or False? Jesus defended himself by relating that no prophet ever received honor in his own hometown.


True or False? To say that Jesus was genuine means that his deeds backed up his words.


There is Rejoincing in God's Kingdom

Weeds Among the Wheat: teach people to rejoice that the Kingdom of God will triumph in the end. The Rich Fool: TOMORROW MIGHT BE TOO LATE! The time to choose Jesus and his Kingdom is NOW. The Hidden Treasure: those that accept God's Kingdom have found the hidden treasure. Jesus says that you should stake everything you own and your very life on Jesus.

The Kingdom is Here

Workers in the Vinyard: God does not reward people the way humans do. The Great Feast: God does not only reward those who repent and listen to his word early on; he also rewards those who take longer to come to him.

When Jesus came out of the ______________ after his forty-day retreat, he returned to _____________ in the power of the Holy Spirit. He began to teach in the ________________ throughout the region and people began to ______________ him for his ________________.

desert; Galilee; synagogues; praise; message

Jesus told _____________ to challenge his listeners to use their __________________, emotions, and minds to grapple with the truth he wants to teach. They ______________ something very familiar to an unfamiliar truth, usually some aspect of God's __________________.

parables; imaginations; compare; Kingdom

Jesus used down-to-earth _________________ language. His use of metaphors and ____________ created vibrant images that made his listeners take _____________. He appealed to our _____________ using vivid images to teach about our ___________________.

pictures; similes; notice; senses; vocation

Jesus _____________ against a person trying to earn or merit the gift of God's ____________. We enter God's _______________ only through the miracle of God's grace. We need to be humble, have faith, and ____________ in God alone.

warned; grace; Kingdom; miracle; trust

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