Chapter 7 to 12 Test Human Sexuality

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Erotic fantasies are generally considered a(n) ____ part of sexuality and may actually ____ a(n) relationship. a. healthy; enhance b. normal; damage c. unhealthy; damage d. healthy; damage


Even when used correctly, which of the following is the LEAST effective birth control method? a. Diaphragm and spermicide b. Estrogen-progestin pills c. Male condom d. Depo-Provera


Fertility awareness can include a. mucus, calendar, and basal body temperature methods. b. withdrawal, calendar, and basal body temperature methods. c. mucus, douching, and calendar methods. d. calendar, withdrawal, and rhythm methods.


Homosexuality is illegal in 76 countries and punishable by death in five, including a. Sudan. b. Argentina. c. Malaysia. d. Indonesia.


The continued progression from infatuation to the deep attachment characteristic of long-term loving relationships results, at least in part, from the brain gradually stepping up the production of a. endorphins. b. norepinephrine. c. PEA. d. dopamine.


The incidence of adolescent intercourse among very young teenagers: a. is increasing. b. has leveled off. c. has decreased slightly. d. has decreased dramatically.


The only temporary method of birth control for men is a. condoms. b. vasectomy. c. sterilization. d. male birth control pills.


The second stage of labor involves a. the birth of the infant. b. the delivery of the afterbirth. c. passing through the transition phase. d. the discharge of the mucus plug.


Both the ____ and ____ pill prevent conception from occurring by inhibiting ovulation. a. multiphasic; progestin-only b. combination; triphasic c. progestin-only; combination d. progestin-only; low estrogen


Currently, home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy through either ____ or ____. a. blood; urine b. urine; saliva c. saliva; skin cells d. skin cells; blood


The estrogen in the combination, triphasic, and extended-release pills prevents conception primarily by a. impairing tubal motility. b. inhibiting ovulation. c. altering endometrial lining. d. thickening cervical mucus.


The first menstrual period is called: a. menstruation. b. menarche. c. prima privea. d. pubertal discharge.


The knowledge that each partner in a relationship cares for the other and knows the care is reciprocated is called a. reciprocal rapport. b. mutual empathy. c. inclusion. d. unconditional positive regard.


The most important factor to consider in resuming sexual interaction after childbirth is the point at which a. the mother's breasts first produce colostrum. b. intercourse is physically comfortable for the woman. c. the flow of lochia has stopped. d. episiotomy incisions or vaginal tears have healed.


The multicellular descendant of the united sperm and ovum that implants on the wall of the uterus is known as the a. zygote. b. blastocyst. c. fetus. d. placenta.


The neurotransmitters that are partially responsible for the "high" that is associated with passionate love are chemically similar to a. morphine. b. amphetamines. c. antidepressants. d. psychedelic drugs.


The safest and most widely used technique for pregnancy termination between 13 and 21 weeks is a. suction curettage. b. dilation and evacuation. c. prostaglandin induction. d. intact dilation and evacuation.


34. When we are repeatedly exposed to a person who lives or works near us, we tend to find that person more appealing. This is called a. the equidistant effect. b. reciprocity. c. the mere exposure effect. d. the proximal relationship effect.


In ancient Greece, if a man engaged in a homosexual relationship, a. he would likely be put to death. b. he would be deified. c. he would be considered to demonstrate a superior intellectual and spiritual expression of love. d. he would be treated as a female and be expected to adopt female dress and roles within the culture.


In the 18th century, Italian adventurer ____ was noted for his animal membrane condoms tied with a ribbon at the base of his penis. a. Christopher Columbus b. Gabriel Fallopius c. Giovanni Casanova d. Anthony Comstock


Lactation, or milk production, begins about a. two to four days before birth. b. two to four days after birth. c. one to three days after birth.. d. one to three days before birth.


Love that involves a thoughtful appreciation of one's partner and encompassing tolerance for another's shortcomings is referred to as a. infatuation. b. passionate. c. companionate. d. intimacy.


"He just needs to find the right woman" is a statement that reflects a. the implication that biology is destiny. b. Freud's theory. c. the seduction myth. d. the "by default" myth.


In the Maltz hierarchy, a shared sense of deep connection both to oneself and one's partner, with reverence toward the body, reflects a. level +1. b. level -2. c. level -3. d. level +3.


In the survey of 300 happily married couples, all of the following were frequent reasons given for the success of the marriage EXCEPT that a. my partner is my best friend. b. marriage is a long-term commitment. c. my partner has grown more interesting over time. d. our sexual intimacy is the best it has ever been.


Individuals who are primarily heterosexual and have some degree of sexual interest in and/or experience with the same sex are referred to as a. asexual. b. sexually fluid. c. homoflexible. d. heteroflexible.


Love a. is a special kind of attitude. b. has strong emotional and behavioral components. c. is a phenomenon that eludes easy definition or explanation. d. is all of the above.


Margaret Sanger was responsible for all of the following EXCEPT a. opening an illegal clinic for women to obtain diaphragms. b. violating the Comstock Laws. c. publishing birth control information. d. establishing the first abortion clinic.


Oral contraceptives were first available in the United States a. at the turn of the century. b. in 1920. c. in 1945. d. in 1960.


Overall, ____% of girls in the United States will be menstruating by age 13.75. a. 25 b. 35 c. 75 d. 90


Positive attitudes toward homosexuality are associated MOST with which of the following? a. Authoritarian religious beliefs b. Traditional gender role beliefs c. Being male d. Being a college student


The vernix caseosa a. is a protective, waxy substance that covers the fetus. b. implants on the wall of the uterus one week after fertilization. c. is a reddish uterine discharge that is expelled after childbirth. d. is a thick, yellowish fluid secreted by the breasts in late pregnancy.


With respect to self-pleasuring techniques, which one is NOT true? a. Adults who masturbate are, in fact, engaging in self-pleasuring techniques. b. Adults who do not masturbate are developmentally inhibited. c. The glans of the clitoris is rarely stimulated directly, although it can be stimulated indirectly when covered by the hood. d. Dildos and vibrators that have a curve at the end are particularly good for G-spot stimulation.


____ is the MOST effective method of birth control EXCEPT abstinence. a. The pill b. Sterilization c. The IUD d. The condom


____ refers to entry of the penis into the vagina. a. Introital penetration b. Intromission c. Coitus d. Penile intrusion


According to Freud, which of the following statements is TRUE? a. If a boy has an overly close relationship with his father and a distant relationship with his mother, he is likely to develop a homosexual orientation. b. If a girl has an overly close relationship with her mother and a distant relationship with her father, she is likely to develop a homosexual orientation. c. Passing through a "homoerotic" phase is a normal part of psychosexual development. d. Having homosexual encounters for the first time as an adult may cause gender dysphoria.


An Olympic figure skater, a professional athlete, and a high-profile fashion model publicly announce their homosexuality. They are probably doing this because they want to a. set the stage for "outing" someone else. b. make more money in endorsements. c. challenge common stereotypes regarding homosexuals. d. attract others into a homosexual lifestyle.


Approximately ____ unmarried American teenage women become pregnant each year. a. 1,250,000 b. 250,000 c. 750,000 d. 1,750,000


Approximately ____% of infertility cases involve male factors. a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 60


Asking a "why" question a. lets the other person respond in a more open-ended way. b. gleans more information regarding the subject at hand. c. puts the other person on the defensive. d. makes the other person feel like he or she is being judged.


Assisted reproductive techniques are a. inexpensive. b. low-risk procedures as far as the mother is concerned. c. expensive with varying success rates. d. increasingly less expensive with each subsequent attempt.


Avoidant adults generally want a. others close to them. b. to be close to others but believe that others may not want to be close to them. c. less closeness than their partners seem to desire. d. to merge completely and be engulfed by partner.


Based on your text, if a female friend of yours confided that one of her favorite fantasies was being forced to have sex, which of the following assumptions would be the MOST reasonable for you to make? a. Your friend has negative feelings about sex in general. b. Your friend needs counseling because many women who have similar fantasies are susceptible to becoming rape victims. c. This kind of fantasy is common and harmless; it frees a woman from the responsibility and guilt of personal choice. d. It is highly likely that your friend's fantasies will become progressively more violent and masochistic.


A classic study (Harlow and Harlow) demonstrated that when baby monkeys were denied physical contact with their mothers, a. they were able to readily transfer their affection and attachment to wire mesh substitute mothers. b. it negatively affected their subsequent motor development and coordination. c. they grew up to be extremely maladjusted. d. they became vulnerable to a wide range of physical illnesses.


A family in which of the following countries would be MORE likely to selectively abort a female fetus? a. Western European countries b. Eastern European countries c. China, India, and South Korea d. Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan


A fertilized ovum is called a(n) a. blastocyst. b. varicocele. c. zygote. d. embryo.


Accompanying your partner to a medical exam for birth control is an example of a. the buddy system. b. participant modeling. c. shared responsibility. d. policing your partner.


Chantarra and Eli met while vacationing in Mexico. Their physical attraction was immediate. They made a commitment to carry on a long-distance relationship. They will see one another very infrequently. Sternberg would characterize their love as a. romantic. b. infatuation. c. fatuous. d. consummate.


Children who display insecure attachments might be categorized as either a. anxious-ambivalent or secure-insecure. b. secure-insecure or avoidant. c. avoidant or anxious ambivalent. d. attached or detached.


Countries that are most supportive of homosexual rights tend to have a. low levels of economic development. b. high levels of religiousness. c. high levels of economic development. d. low levels of education.


Currently, most LBGT asylum seekers in the United States come from Jamaica, Russia, Grenada, Peru, and a. Indonesia. b. Argentina. c. Uzbekistan. d. Portugal.


Dave and Sam feel they can best express the profound love they feel for each other when they are sexually intimate, and they enjoy a sense of deep connection and spiritual ecstasy when they are together sexually. According to the Maltz Hierarchy, this couple is at a. level +1, Positive Role Fulfillment. b. level +2, Making Love. c. level +3, Authentic Sexual Intimacy. d. level -1, Impersonal Interaction.


Dildos have been found at archeological sites dating from a. 100 BCE. b. 1,000 BCE. c. 4,000 BCE. d. 10,000 BCE.


During childhood, ____. a. self-pleasuring is primarily observed in sexually abused children. b. ethnicity strongly predicts the types of sexual behaviors observed in children. c. responses to the child's expressions of affection help shape the way sexuality is expressed later in life. d. most girls learn about masturbation from childhood friends.


Fertility awareness is also referred to as a. ovulatory observation. b. cyclic monitoring. c. natural family planning. d. menstrual monitoring.


For Sternberg, intimacy a. refers to a relationship with a sexual component. b. is essential in any kind of relationship that we call love. c. involves emotional closeness and sharing private thoughts and feelings. d. is the behavioral component of his triangular theory.


Hormone-based contraceptives can work in all of the following ways EXCEPT by a. preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. b. inhibiting ovulation. c. constricting the fallopian tubes to block passage of the fertilized egg. d. altering cervical mucus so the passage of sperm is blocked.


If you wanted to improve your communication within a relationship, which of the following would be MOST helpful? a. Keep the focus of the conversation general; avoid discussion of specifics. b. When giving feedback, focus on aspects of the person's character rather than on his or her behavior. c. Use "I" language in order to avoid blaming the other person. d. Demonstrate conditional positive regard.


In Western societies, adolescence typically spans the period from ____ to ____ years of age. a. 10; 15 b. 11; 16 c. 12; 20 d. 13; 18


Lynn misses one menstrual period and three weeks later confirms the fact that she is pregnant. She decides to have an abortion and schedules the procedure to occur in four weeks. The procedure will MOST likely be a. prostaglandin induction. b. intact dilation and evacuation. c. suction curettage. d. dilation and evacuation.


Many of the negative attitudes toward masturbation are rooted in the early Jewish and Christian views that a. masturbation has mind- and body-damaging effects. b. masturbation is an intrinsically and seriously disordered act. c. procreation is the only legitimate purpose of sexual behavior. d. semen is made from blood and the loss of semen is debilitating to health.


Misha and Niko avoid having unprotected intercourse on days eight through 19 of each menstrual cycle because Misha's menstrual cycles are 28 days long. Niko and Misha are practicing a. the standard days method. b. the mucus method. c. the calendar method. d. the basal body temperature method.


Most young people prefer that their ____ be the primary source of sex information. a. friends b. siblings c. parents d. teachers


Of the following, which is the MOST effective birth control method when used correctly? a. Male condoms b. Diaphragm and spermicide c. Depo-Provera d. Female condoms


One possible explanation offered for the increase in research related to love is that a. major universities have allocated more funds for research in this area. b. an increasing number of therapists have demanded it. c. an increasing number of social psychologists have begun to study love. d. we are concerned about the increase in cohabitation.


Sensitive blood tests for HCG can detect pregnancy as early as ____ after conception. a. 24 hours b. two days c. one week d. three weeks


Since he joined Alcoholics Anonymous last month, Frank has decided to refrain from having sexual contact, although he continues to masturbate. Frank appears to have chosen a. asceticism. b. autoerotic exclusivity. c. partial celibacy. d. complete celibacy.


Some research has found a correlation between a. being bisexual and having older siblings for women but not for men. b. being bisexual and having older siblings for men but not for women. c. being homosexual and having older siblings for men but not for women. d. being homosexual and having older siblings for women but not for men.


Some studies show that marriages without children a. are not as fulfilling and satisfying as marriages with children. b. are more stressful than marriages with children. c. are happier and more satisfying than marriages with children. d. tend to last longer than marriages with children.


Which of the following factors has NOT been empirically found to be associated with later onset of coitus? a. strong religious beliefs b. high parental expectations c. poor athletic ability d. good school performance


Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of passionate love? a. Generalized physiological arousal b. Usually occurs early in a relationship c. Friendly affection and a deep attachment based on familiarity d. Usually does not last long


Which of the following is NOT considered to be a secondary sex characteristic? a. body hair b. breast development c. descent of the testes d. deepened voice


Which of the following is NOT true concerning the term "gay"? a. It has come into common usage among teens. b. It refers to men more than women. c. It is used exclusively by men and women born after 1970. d. It may have political and social implications.


Which of the following is NOT true of childhood sex play? a. It is most likely to take place between the ages of four and seven. b. Curiosity about the forbidden probably encourages early sexual exploration. c. Those who are more intelligent engage in this less. d. This may normally occur with either the same or the other sex.


Which of the following is TRUE of previous federal administrations and contraception? a. The current Obama administration denounces pro-choice groups. b. Due to legislation introduced during the George W. Bush administration, the teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. has declined dramatically. c. The George W. Bush administration's policies decreased the availability of contraception, not only in the U.S. but in other countries as well. d. Any federal administration consistently remains silent on the issue of contraception.


A term used for maintaining the false image of heterosexuality is a. passing. b. coming out. c. masquerading. d. primary self-deception.


According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, ____ declines in a relationship, whereas ____ builds gradually over time. a. passion; intimacy b. infatuation; philia c. passion; philia d. fatuous love; companionate love


According to a recent research summary, which of the following was MOST characteristic of men's sexual fantasies? a. Explicit sexual acts and nude bodies b. Emphasis on emotional feelings c. Prolonged nongenital touching d. Being sexually submissive to their partners


According to research findings, which of the following does NOT increase the likelihood of taking contraceptive risks? a. Feeling comfortable about having sex as opposed to guilty b. Using drugs and alcohol c. A history of abuse d. The fear of alienating partner by asking for his cooperation in using birth control


All of the following are reasons for performing a cesarean section EXCEPT a. mother's preference. b. fetal distress during labor. c. feet or bottom coming out of the uterus first. d. large fetal head.


All of the following medications reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives EXCEPT a. ibuprofen. b. St. John's Wort. c. ampicillin. d. tetracycline.


By the end of the ____, the internal organs of the fetus begin limited functioning. a. first trimester b. second trimester c. third trimester d. first month


Concordance refers to a. the degree to which identical twins are alike in terms of a particular trait. b. the degree to which people raised in the same household disagree with each other. c. the degree to which identical twins are dissimilar in terms of a particular trait. d. a measure of gender nonconformity.


Data from more than 3,600 research subjects showed that high sex drive in women who identified themselves as heterosexual was associated with a. increased sexual attraction to both men and women. b. increased sexual attraction to men only. c. increased sexual attraction to women only. d. decreased sexual attraction to both men and women.


The Hyde Amendment a. restricted the use of federal Medicaid funds for abortion. b. established that states are required to provide Medicaid funds for abortion. c. defined viability at six months of pregnancy. d. gave state legislatures the right to impose limitations on abortions.


The Kinsey scale gives an impression that all people have a fixed, stable sexual orientation. In reality, we can say that a. sexual orientation is more accurately determined by patterns over time. b. sexual orientation is determined at the age of consent. c. Kinsey was correct. d. sexual fluidity occurs for men but not for women.


The first indication of pregnancy is usually a. the absence of the menstrual period. b. nausea. c. breast tenderness. d. increased sexual desire.


The procedure called ZIFT involves a. fertilizing an ovum in vitro and then placing the zygote in a woman's fallopian tube. b. stimulating the ovaries with fertility drugs to provide multiple mature ova. c. injecting a sperm into an egg. d. placing donated sperm and ova into the fallopian tube.


The rate of teen pregnancy in the United States: a. is the highest among Western industrialized nations. b. has steadily decreased over the last 25 years and is now the second highest in the western world. c. has steadily increased in the last twenty years. d. is probably unknown as so many girls lie about this.


The two types of celibacy are ____ and ____. a. partial; complete b. religious; secular c. short term; long term d. permanent; temporary


Typically, the first ejaculation occurs ____ after the growth spurt has begun. a. a year c. six months b. a month d. three months


What is a good position to use during pregnancy? a. Rear entry b. Face to face, side-lying c. Tailgating d. Man above


The rhythmic manipulation of the genitals associated with adult masturbation generally does not occur until: a. six months of age. b. a child is two to three-years-old. c. a child is five to six-years-old. d. preadolescence -- ages nine to eleven.


The sex of the fetus can often be distinguished by the a. first trimester. b. second trimester. c. third trimester. d. first month.


The theory that evolution has biased mate preferences in humans as it has in other animals exemplifies the a. cross-cultural theory of attraction. b. sociobiological theory of mate selection. c. the sociopsychological theory of mate selection. d. the evolutionary theory of mate selection.


The three components of Sternberg's theory of love are a. friendship, trust, and intimacy. b. passion, intimacy, and commitment. c. caring, inclusion, and commitment. d. passion, friendship, and trust.


The way we feel toward casual acquaintances is what Sternberg refers to as a. empty love. b. nonlove. c. fatuous love. d. consummate love.


There is a scarcity of data on childhood sexuality for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons? a. People are concerned about introducing sexual ideas to children. b. The data would have little practical application. c. It is difficult to obtain financial support for basic research in this area. d. Federal guidelines make such research impossible or difficult.


Thomas Jefferson was among the political leaders who a. was a closet homosexual. b. suggested reducing the punishment from death to castration for men who committed homosexual acts. c. first promoted a rudimentary conversion program for homosexual men who desired to change their sexual orientation. d. suggested changing the punishment from incarceration to capital punishment for men who committed homosexual acts.


When a fetus dies after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is sometimes referred to as a a. elective abortion. b. stillbirth. c. miscarriage. d. spontaneous abortion.


With in vitro fertilization (IVF), a. semen is mechanically introduced into a woman's vagina. b. a woman's eggs are removed and fertilized in the laboratory by her partner's sperm and then introduced into her uterus. c. semen is introduced into a woman's fallopian tube. d. the sperm and ova are placed directly into the fallopian tube.


Which of the following is TRUE of the research done by Sprecher, Sullivan, and Hatfield? a. Men are less willing to marry a partner who is not likely to hold a steady job than women. b. Women are less likely than men to marry a partner who already has children. c. Women are more likely than men to marry a partner who is five or more years older than themselves. d. Neither women nor men are willing to marry someone who has been married before.


Which of the following is TRUE? a. Passionate love is less intense than companionate love. b. Companionate love generally fades over time. c. Companionate love tends to be emotionally less intense than passionate love. d. Women are more likely to experience companionate love than men.


Which of the following is the MOST accurate statement regarding celibacy? a. Celibacy is practiced only for the purpose of religious fulfillment. b. There is no such thing as partial celibacy. Either one abstains from all sexual activity or one is not considered celibate. c. Historically, some women practiced celibacy in order to pursue educational or occupational goals. d. None of the above are true.


Which of the following statements concerning lesbians is TRUE? a. In general, lesbians are less attractive than heterosexual women. b. According to Bell's research, homosexual women dated less frequently during high school than heterosexual women. c. Most lesbians have identified themselves as homosexual prior to their first same-sex contact. d. Lesbianism is usually the result of distrust of men rather than attraction toward women.


Which of the following statements concerning the Stonewall incident is FALSE? a. It was the symbolic birth of gay activism. b. It is named after a gay bar that was raided by the police. c. It took place shortly after World War II ended. d. It promoted the formation of various gay rights organizations.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Male infants have been observed experiencing what appears to be an orgasm. b. Female infants have been observed experiencing what appears to be an orgasm. c. Some male infants have been observed ejaculating after stimulating themselves. d. It is difficult to determine what early masturbatory behavior means to infants.


According to your text, attitudes toward homosexuality can change as a result of a. deliberate effort. b. experience. c. education. d. all of the above may produce changes in attitudes.


All of the following are part of the definition of homophobia EXCEPT a. irrational fears of homosexuality in others. b. the fear of homosexual feelings within oneself. c. self-loathing because of one's homosexuality. d. self-loathing because of one's gender dysphoria.


All of the following are ways in which a man might share in his partner's decision to have an abortion EXCEPT for a. helping her clarify her feelings about the procedure. b. sharing the medical expenses. c. accompanying her to the clinic. d. refraining from having intercourse with her.


All of the following may indicate a woman is pregnant EXCEPT a. breast tenderness. b. nausea and vomiting. c. human chorionic gonadotropin in blood test. d. the presence of HGH in a blood test.


All of the following substances pass through the placenta EXCEPT for a. nutrients. b. oxygen. c. waste products. d. maternal blood.


At the onset of puberty, the ____ secretes hormones that trigger the pituitary gland to release ____. a. gonads; gonadotropins b. hypothalamus; estrogens or testosterone c. gonads; estrogens or testosterone d. hypothalamus; gonadotropins


The euphoric intensity associated with passionate love may be due, at least in part, to a. release of pheromones. b. testosterone surge from the adrenal glands. c. neurotransmitters called endorphins. d. neurotransmitters such as PEA and norepinephrine.


The leading method of birth control in the United States and around the world is a. spermicide. b. hormone-based contraceptives. c. fertility awareness. d. sterilization.


The onset of puberty is approximately ____. a. the same for girls and boys. b. three years earlier for girls than for boys. c. one year later for girls than for boys. d. two years earlier for girls than for boys.


The physical chemistry that existed when Linh and Bryan met was overwhelming for both of them. They enjoy the sexual energy in their relationship and are becoming more intimate. Neither one is discussing long-term plans or commitments, as they both wish to pursue their education and careers. Sternberg would characterize their love experience as a. infatuation. b. fatuous love. c. empty love. d. romantic love.


The progestin-only pill may be associated with a. an increase in PMS symptoms. b. endometrial cancer. c. an increase in benign breast disease. d. breakthrough bleeding.


There is evidence that for many women, sexual desire and frequency ____ for several months following the birth of a baby. a. increase significantly b. increase slightly c. return to the same level they were prior to pregnancy d. decrease


Throughout history, which of the following has NOT been used in an attempt to "cure" homosexuality? a. Lobotomy b. Psychotherapy c. Castration d. Gender reassignment surgery


To better understand the relative influences of social environment (nurture) and genetic makeup (nature), researchers often use a. hormonal studies. b. positron emission tomography (PET) technology. c. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology. d. twin studies.


Under which of the following circumstances should a backup method of contraception be used? a. During the first cycle of the pill b. When taking medications such as antibiotics c. When first learning to use a new method of birth control d. All of the above


Which is NOT one of the goals of the gay rights movement? a. decriminalization b. Antidiscrimination c. Positive rights d. Proselytization


Which of the following are cited in your text as reasons for choosing abortion? a. Women who already have one or more children cite their desire to be a good parent and the difficulties in meeting their current responsibilities as a mother. b. Women without children often say they are unprepared for motherhood. c. The family is not financially able to support the child. d. All of the above


Which of the following are symptoms of masturbation, according to social and medical attitudes of the early 1900s? a. General debility b. Sore eyes and blindness c. Stupidity, loss of energy, and insanity d. All of the above, and more


Which of the following countries have national laws that protect homosexuals and bisexuals from discrimination? a. United States b. Colombia c. Iran d. Norway


Which of the following is FALSE with regard to laboratory techniques that separate X- from Y-bearing sperm? a. This is now in widespread clinical usage. b. This requires artificial insemination. c. This is of benefit to couples with X-linked disease risks. d. Success rates are better for male babies than female babies.


Which of the following is FALSE with respect to remaining childless? a. In general, childless marriages are less stressful. b. Childless marriages leaves more time for intimacy in an adult relationship. c. Childless marriages often leaves more opportunity for fulfillment in a professional life. d. Ending a childless marriage by having a baby can often help a troubled relationship.


Which of the following is LEAST likely to be one of the traits possessed by people prone to jealousy? a. Having low self-esteem b. Seeing a large discrepancy between who they are and who they would like to be c. Placing a high value on wealth, fame, popularity, and attractiveness d. Growing up in a single-parent family


Which of the following is NOT cited as a reason for why a person may choose celibacy? a. The concern about contracting a sexually transmitted disease b. The concern about pregnancy c. The desire to focus on personal development without the distraction of sexual involvement d. The desire to avoid physical as well as emotional intimacy with a spouse


Which of the following is TRUE regarding contraception for women who smoke cigarettes? a. Their best option is the constant-dose combination pill. b. They should avoid IUDs. c. The benefits of the pill outweigh any potential risks. d. They should use the pill only under close medical supervision.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding oral sex? a. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cannot be transmitted through oral sex. b. Oral-genital contact has become less common in the last 15 years. c. Most adults believe that sexual intercourse is more intimate than oral sex. d. Human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted through oral sex.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy? a. It was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. b. Great Britain and Australia have essentially the same law. c. It declared homosexual individuals as fit for military service. d. An estimated 13,000 gays and lesbians were expelled from the military during the years this policy was in effect.


Which of the following is TRUE with respect to the frequency of masturbation? a. Women and men both masturbate more in their teens than in their twenties. b. It is unhealthy to never masturbate. c. It is probably unhealthy (psychologically) to masturbate more than once a day. d. College men masturbate more frequently than do college women.


Which of the following is a problem with defining "real-sex" as coitus? a. It excludes homosexuals from being able to have "sex." b. It defines everyone who has engaged in some sort of sexual activity, but not coitus, as "technically virgins." c. It would label a woman who was raped, but has never had coitus with anyone else, as a non-virgin. d. All of the above.


Which of the following statements concerning jealousy is FALSE? a. Jealousy is usually defined as an aversive emotional reaction. b. Many people think that jealousy is a measure of devotion. c. Some believe that jealousy is related more to people's fear of losing what they want to possess than it is to love. d. Jealous people are rarely able to change their attitudes or behavior.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Initial menstrual periods may occur without ovulation. b. Initial menstrual periods may be irregular. c. There are significant differences in the ages at menarche for different racial and ethnic groups in the United States. d. Adolescent women may experience delayed menarche if they are overweight.


Which of the following statements regarding miscarriage is FALSE? a. Many occur before the woman finds out that she is pregnant. b. Later miscarriages might involve uncomfortable cramping and heavy bleeding. c. Early miscarriages may appear as a heavier than usual menstrual flow. d. A miscarriage is usually indicative of unsuccessful future pregnancies.


Which of the following would be LEAST likely to cause female fertility problems? a. Being underweight b. Smoking cigarettes c. Severe vitamin deficiencies d. Being overweight


Which statement BEST describes the relationship between the education of women and average number of children? a. There is no relationship worldwide between women's education and family size. b. Educated women in third-world countries have more living children as they can afford better healthcare. c. Only in the United States do women with more education have smaller families. d. Worldwide, women with more education have smaller families.


____ is to penis as ____ is to vulva. a. Anilingus; cunnilingus b. Fellatio; tribadism c. Anilingus; tribadism d. Fellatio; cunnilingus


____ outlined the Catholic Church's view that the fetus develops a soul 40 days after conception for males and 90 days for females. a. Pope Pius IX b. Pope John Paul II c. Martin Luther d. St. Thomas Aquinas


Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to masturbate? a. A married, college educated Caucasian man b. A married, high school educated African-American man c. A single, college educated African-American woman d. A single, high school educated Hispanic woman


Which of the following types of kissing tends to be MORE affectionate rather than sexual? a. Tantric kissing b. Closed-mouth kissing c. French kissing d. Kama Sutra kisses


Which two factors are closely correlated with the delay of first intercourse? a. having been sexually victimized and religious affiliation b. high-quality parent-child relationships/communication and religious affiliation c. affluence and substance abuse d. affluence and marital disruption


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the study of normative sexual behavior in children, as reported by their mothers? a. Observed sexual behaviors peaked at age five. b. Ethnicity was not significantly related to reported childhood sexual behaviors. c. Friedrich and his colleagues suggested that it is likely that children become more private about sexual expression as they mature. d. A five-year-old boy who touches his genitals on and off should be watched for possible sexual abuse.


Depo-Provera a. is an injectable contraceptive that needs to be given once every 12 weeks. b. is implanted in a woman's arm and is effective for three years. c. is taken orally on a daily basis. d. is inserted into a woman's vagina.


All of the following affects male fertility EXCEPT a. smoking. b. low percentage of body fat. c. alcohol abuse. d. environmental toxins.


A medical abortion is 99% effective in ending pregnancies of a. less than seven weeks. b. less than eighth weeks. c. less than nine weeks. d. less than ten weeks.


A method called ____ attempts to facilitate implantation by transferring fertilized ova to a fallopian tube. a. ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer) b. IVF (in vitro fertilization) c. artificial insemination d. GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer)


____ % of abortions occur after 21 weeks. a. Approximately 1 b. Greater than 5 c. Nine d. About 15


Research indicates that sexual orientation is MOST often established a. during adulthood. b. upon birth. c. during puberty. d. before school age.


Tantric sex a. emphasizes spiritual enlightenment. b. was developed in Africa. c. is done in temples. d. should be done while fasting.


Homosexual adolescents are more likely to have unusually high incidences of depression, substance abuse and suicide attempts. Which of the following offers the MOST likely explanation for this? a. Negative societal attitudes toward homosexuality and sexuality in general. b. Negative societal attitudes toward homosexuality, but positive attitudes toward adolescent sexuality in general. c. Homosexual behavior is dysfunctional in adolescence and should not be explored until adulthood. d. Homosexual behavior itself is inherently dysfunctional.


In 2010, the FDA approved the emergency contraceptive Ella, which works up to a. 5 days after unprotected sex. b. 3 days after unprotected sex. c. 7 days after unprotected sex. d. 10 days after unprotected sex.


In complete celibacy, a person a. neither masturbates nor has sexual contact with another person. b. engages in masturbation but does not have sexual contact with another person. c. does not masturbate and has no physical contact, sexual or affectionate, with another person. d. engages in masturbation and oral sex but not sexual intercourse.


In one study of 49 societies, what was found to be true of cultures where children were nurtured with physical affection? a. There were few instances of adult violence. b. There were higher rates of childhood and adolescent masturbation. c. There was more androgynous behavior among women and men as adults. d. There were higher rates of child abuse and molestation than in other cultures.


In reality, ____ are young people's principal source of sexual information. a. friends b. parents c. teachers d. siblings


In some cases, fantasy can influence a person in a way that harms others. This is of particular concern a. in the case of people who sexually assault children or adults. b. when expressed in online multiplayer erotic games. c. because it leads to excessive masturbation. d. because such fantasies are against the law.


Johnna and Jonathan have decided to try ICSI as a method of becoming pregnant. This means that a. one of Jonathan's sperm cells will be injected into a harvested egg from Johnna. b. they will hire a surrogate mother certified by ICSI. c. they will make sure to have intercourse at the time of ovulation. d. a sperm and an egg will be implanted directly into Johnna's fallopian tube.


Leading researchers in the field of sex education recently concluded that: a. "comprehensive sex education has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing negative sexual outcomes such as teenage pregnancy and STIs, whereas abstinence-only programs have not." b. "abstinence-only programs has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing negative sexual outcomes such as teenage pregnancy and STIs, whereas comprehensive sex education have not." c. "both comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only programs have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing negative sexual outcomes such as teenage pregnancy and STIs." d. "both comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only programs have yet to demonstrate its effectiveness in reducing negative sexual outcomes such as teenage pregnancy and STIs."


Maltz sees sexual energy as a(n) a. neutral force. b. positive force. c. negative force. d. alternating positive and negative force.


Mark and Alyssa are both teens. Mark is sexually inexperienced, but Alyssa has had sex with a few different boys. Under the sexual double standard, how are Mark and Alyssa likely to be labeled? a. Mark will probably be considered a sissy and Alyssa will be considered "easy." b. Mark will be respected for his decision, but Alyssa will be labeled a slut. c. Mark will be considered a wimp and Alyssa will be respected by her peers. d. Since the sexual double standard has all but disappeared in the United States, it's hard to say how they would be labeled.


Masturbation a. has been a source of social concern and censure throughout Judeo-Christian history. b. has been accepted throughout history. c. provides pleasure primarily for males. d. remains illegal.


Most research shows that there is a. a progressive decline in sexual interest and activity over the nine months of pregnancy. b. a progressive increase in sexual interest and activity over the nine months of pregnancy. c. a progressive decline in sexual interest and activity until the third trimester, at which time there is a dramatic increase. d. little change in sexual interest or activity over the nine months of pregnancy.


Numerous studies have found that a. gay and bisexual men begin puberty earlier than heterosexual men, but that the timing of puberty for lesbians is the same as for straight women. b. gay and bisexual men begin puberty later than heterosexual men, but that the timing of puberty for lesbians is the same as for straight women. c. lesbians begin puberty earlier than straight women, but that the timing of puberty for gay and bisexual men is the same as for heterosexual men. d. lesbians begin puberty later than straight women, but that the timing of puberty for gay and bisexual men is the same as for heterosexual men.


Passionate love typically occurs a. early in a relationship. b. in the middle of a relationship. c. at the end of a relationship. d. throughout a relationship.


Psychologists emphasize the importance of being touched and held in early childhood. This is commonly referred to as: a. contact comfort. b. sensate focus. c. affectional conditioning. d. tactile grounding.


Puberty comes from the Latin pubescere meaning: a. "to be covered with hair." b. "to mature rapidly." c. "to increase hormone production." d. "to increase in height."


Relationships of anxious-ambivalent adults are characterized by a. rollercoaster emotional shifts and obsessive sexual attraction and jealousy. b. fear of intimacy. c. satisfaction, trust, and reciprocal emotional support. d. the belief that love is only transitory.


Rubin's love scale revealed that "strong lovers" a. made more eye contact with each other than weak lovers. b. held hands more than weak lovers. c. made more suggestive remarks to each other than weak lovers. d. laughed together more than weak lovers.


Sixty percent of couples that attempt to become pregnant succeed within ____. If attempts are unsuccessful after ____, a couple should consult with a physician. a. three months; six months b. six months; a year c. nine months; a year d. one year; three years


Which of the following BEST describes Kinsey's continuum of sexual orientation? a. A seven-point scale ranging from 0 (exclusive heterosexual contact and attraction) to 6 (exclusive homosexual contact and attraction) b. A six-point scale ranging from 1 (exclusive homosexual contact and attraction) to 6 (exclusive heterosexual contact and attraction) c. A ten-point scale ranging from 0 (exclusive homosexual contact and attraction) to 9 (exclusive heterosexual contact and attraction) d. A five-point scale ranging from 1 (exclusive heterosexual contact and attraction) to 5 (exclusive homosexual contact and attraction)


Which of the following BEST summarizes the research conducted into the causes of sexual orientation? a. While many studies have been conducted, it is still unclear as to what determines sexual orientation. b. The majority of studies support the theory of a solely biological basis to sexual orientation. c. The majority of studies support the theory that sexual orientation is learned. d. The majority of studies support the theory that sexual orientation is a choice.


Which of the following does the text describe as a reason that some individuals abstain from masturbation? a. Their religious beliefs b. Fear they will be caught c. A belief that it is a mental disorder d. None of the above


Which of the following is NOT a cause of low sperm count and motility? a. Childhood measles b. A varicocele c. Smoking d. Marijuana use


Which of the following is TRUE regarding childhood masturbation? a. It is a normal part of childhood development and is harmless. b. It should be discouraged so that the child does not become overly sexual. c. It is harmful to the genitals because they are not fully developed. d. There are vast differences among different ethnicities in the frequency of childhood masturbation.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding teenagers and oral sex? a. Most teenagers view oral sex as not really "having sex." b. Far fewer teenagers have had oral sex than sexual intercourse. c. Teenagers view oral sex as more intimate than sexual intercourse. d. Most teenagers view anal intercourse as not really "having sex."


Which of the following is one of the LEAST likely symptoms of postpartum depression? a. Jealousy b. Insomnia c. Anxiety and panic attacks d. Feelings of hopelessness


Which of the following statements regarding sex play with same sex friends during childhood is FALSE? a. Parents are advised to discourage this behavior as it may "set the stage" for a homosexual orientation. b. It is common during the late childhood years. c. It is usually transitory. d. This behavior may or may not be indicative of a homosexual orientation.


Which of the following was NOT discussed in your text regarding sexual variety? a. Sexual variety is essential for a quality long-term relationship. b. Communication is an important aspect of sexual variety. c. Planning for sexual time can help maintain closeness. d. Reading books together on sexual techniques may enhance sexual relationships.


Which one is NOT true with respect to miscarriage? a. The best way to cope with an early miscarriage is to become pregnant again right away. b. Emotional shock is one possible factor that can cause a miscarriage. c. An underactive thyroid gland has been suspected of causing miscarriages. d. Some parents have found it helpful to have a memorial service following a miscarriage.


Which statement below BEST illustrates the effect of the sexual double standard on adolescents? a. Steve brags to his male friends about the kind of sex he and his girlfriend have; Emily tells her friends little about sex with Steve, fearing they'll think she's a slut. b. Jose is proud of being a virgin and doesn't care what his friends think about it; Lora is determined to have intercourse so she'll feel like a real woman. c. Carmen wishes that her boyfriend would wear the earring she bought for him; Dave is worried that his classmates will think he's a sissy since he seldom dates. d. Sierra feels proud of her body and enjoys wearing sexy clothes; Kyle loves to "catch" a girl and then drop her as soon as she falls for him.


With respect to male contraceptive pills, research has shown that a. most women say they would trust their partners to use such a pill. b. both men and women think that the responsibility for contraception lies with the women. c. most women say they would not trust their partners to use such a pill. d. few men would use a male contraceptive pill if it were available.


____ provides fluctuations of estrogen and progestin levels during the cycle. a. The triphasic pill b. The combination pill c. The extended-cycle pill d. Depo-Provera


____% of men and ____% of women report that fertility problems actually helped their marriage. This is highly dependent on ____ within the relationship. a. Twenty; 25; communication b. Ten; 15; the frequency of sex c. Twenty; 25; the frequency of sex d. Fifteen; 30; communication


A lasting love relationship a. is facilitated by avoiding conflict. b. requires frequent positive interaction. c. is probably easier today than in the past. d. won't happen if you are aware of your partner's flaws.


A medical abortion is 91% effective in the ____ of pregnancy. a. seventh week b. eighth week c. seventh to thirteenth week d. second trimester


According to Buss's cross-cultural study on sex differences in partner preferences, men placed more value on ____, and women placed more value on ____. a. attractiveness and financial prospects; attractiveness and intelligence b. youth and attractiveness; financial responsibility and dependability c. chastity and intelligence; attractiveness and sociability d. youth and good character; financial responsibility and chastity


According to one study of dating couples, which of the following love components were predictive of relationship stability and longevity? a. Intimacy only b. Intimacy and commitment c. Passion and commitment d. Passion and intimacy


According to research, what is a major source of disenchantment for many couples with children? a. Disagreement on how much each parent spends with the children b. Conflict about who does what for the children c. Disagreement on how much time is spend with each individual child d. Conflict on who gets to do the "fun" stuff with the children


According to the Maltz hierarchy, a rapist is at the ____ level of sexual expression. a. -4 b. -3 c. -2 d. -1


All of the following are advantages of nursing EXCEPT that it a. provides the infant with antibodies. b. inhibits ovulation, so it can be used as a reliable method of birth control. c. is an emotional and sensual experience for the mother. d. helps the uterus return to prepregnancy size.


At what age does a woman's fertility typically peak? a. 17 - 18 years b. 20 - 24 years c. 25 - 30 years d. After the age of 30


Extreme absorption and strong physiological arousal in response to another person defines a. companionate love. b. passionate love. c. agape. d. practical love.


Given the reasons discussed in the text for why people fall in love with whom they do, a romance would be most likely to develop in all of the following situations EXCEPT a. they were both very attracted to one another physically. b. she likes to dance and attend parties; he enjoys spectator sports and refurbishing classic cars. c. he was flattered by her interest in and attraction to him, and as a result, he found himself wanting to spend more time with her. d. she likes to kayak, snow ski, and hike; he enjoys river rafting and snow skiing.


Immediately prior to ovulation, the basal body temperature a. rises slightly. b. drops slightly. c. rises significantly. d. drops significantly.


In Tantric sex, the male learns to a. thrust the clitoral area. b. control and delay his own orgasm. c. control the angle and style of movement to create arousing stimulation. d. stimulate the G-spot.


In one study comparing male and female heterosexuals' attitudes toward bisexuality, researchers found that a. straight men equally accepted bisexual men and women. b. straight women equally accepted bisexual men and women. c. straight women were less accepting of bisexual men than of bisexual women. d. straight men were less accepting of bisexual women than of bisexual men.


In what type of tubal sterilization is the incision made through the back of the vaginal wall? a. Minilaparotomy b. Culpotomy c. Laparoscopy d. Recanalization


Masturbation when married a. is often a sign of dissatisfaction with the partner. b. is common. c. is highly likely to cut down on the frequency of intercourse. d. is associated with dissatisfaction for women but not men.


Matt and Sandra want very much to have a baby. To maximize the possibility of pregnancy, they should have intercourse a. frequently for five days following ovulation. b. frequently within the six-day period ending on the day of ovulation. c. once a day for several days beginning the third day of the menstrual cycle. d. at least seven days a month in the morning.


Micah wants to be close to others but believes that others don't want to be close to him. Micah displays a. avoidant attachment. b. anxious-ambivalent attachment. c. avoidant-ambivalent attachment. d. anxious attachment.


Most causes of male infertility are related to abnormalities in sperm ____ and shape. a. temperature b. motility c. absorbency d. viscosity


One form of emergency contraceptive includes giving larger than normal doses of a. androgens and estrogens. b. estrogens and progestins. c. prostaglandins. d. antibiotics.


One strategy the authors suggest for providing sex education to one's own children is to: a. wait to have "the talk" until puberty is imminent. b. integrate information about sex into everyday conversations, where appropriate. c. avoid expressing the idea that sex is pleasurable. d. be sure to provide detailed responses every chance you get, even though the child may not want a thorough reply.


Positive parent-adolescent communication about sex has been linked to a(n): a. increased incidence of teenage pregnancies. b. decreased risk of contracting STIs. c. less consistent use of birth control. d. less effective use of birth control.


Research indicates that most children begin asking questions regarding how babies are made by about age: a. three. c. six. b. four. d. seven.


Research reveals that violence precipitated by jealousy is MOST commonly directed toward a. one's self. b. one's partner or lover. c. the third-party rival. d. anyone or anything within range.


Rosa has been using the mucus method of birth control. She knows to avoid unprotected intercourse a. when her basal body temperature rises slightly. b. when a white or yellow sticky discharge begins. c. 24 hours after a cloudy discharge begins. d. three days before she begins to menstruate.


Sarah has recently begun dating Joe. On their third date, he tells her that he has decided to be celibate for awhile. Based on the information in the text, what would you be MOST likely to infer from this? a. Joe has sexual problems and wants to avoid facing them with Sarah. b. Joe wants to make sure that his personal criteria for a good relationship are met before he engages in sex. c. Joe is not sexually attracted to Sarah, and this is a way for him to get out of the relationship. d. Joe is hoping that Sarah will be more sexually aggressive in response to his decision.


Some tests for pregnancy are based on the fact that the blood and urine of a pregnant woman contain a. trophoblast hormone. b. human chorionic gonadotropin. c. follicle-stimulating hormone. d. prostaglandins.


Sterilization a. is the third leading method of birth control in the United States. b. can be performed on both males and females. c. can be reversed easily and effectively. d. may have a detrimental effect on sexual satisfaction.


Studies conducted in the United States have shown that from early to late adolescence, the percentage of teens involved in romantic relationships: a. ranges from 5% to 50%. b. approximately doubles from about 30% to about 70%. c. approximately doubles from about 20% to about 40%. d. ranges from 10% to 100%.


Tantric sex differs from the way that many North Americans think about intercourse in that a. pregnancy is always the desired outcome. b. orgasm is not always the goal. c. orgasms are considered sinful. d. intercourse is rarely practiced.


The IUD is the most effective emergency contraceptive method in preventing pregnancy and can be inserted up to a. 10 days after unprotected intercourse. b. 7 days after unprotected intercourse. c. 14 days after unprotected intercourse. d. 4 days after unprotected intercourse.


The MOST commonly used oral contraceptive in the United States is the a. multiphasic pill. b. combination pill. c. progestin-only pill. d. "morning after" pill.


The earliest signs of puberty for a girl are: a. a growth spurt and increase in vaginal secretions. b. breast budding and growth of pubic hair. c. an increase in vaginal secretions and menarche. d. menarche and breast budding.


Which of the following MOST closely corresponds to Freud's view of masturbation? a. Because ejaculation reduces precious "vital fluids," it is discouraged in any form except intercourse. b. Masturbation is normal during childhood, but if continued into adulthood, could result in the inability to form good sexual relationships. c. Masturbation during childhood could result in an abnormal preoccupation with sex, but it is a healthy outlet for adults alone or with partners. d. Masturbation is how we discover eroticism, so it should be learned and practiced throughout the life cycle.


Which of the following is MOST accurate? a. Sex play with friends of the same sex increase during adolescence. b. Childhood same-sex encounters are replaced by the heterosexual relationships of adolescence. c. Bisexual experiences increase during adolescence d. Sex play during adolescence remains largely the same as in childhood


Which of the following is NOT true concerning Supreme Court decisions about abortion? a. Roe v. Wade occurred in 1973. b. Roe v. Wade allowed women to decide for themselves if they wish to have an abortion up until the time of quickening. c. The Supreme Court has ruled that states may require minors to notify parents prior to an abortion. d. Since the Hyde Amendment, the Supreme Court has made additional rulings that allow states to place restrictions on abortion.


Which of the following is NOT true concerning the role of physical attractiveness in mate selection? a. It may be important to men because it is an indicator of good health and reproductive value. b. It is the highest priority for men in both early and long-term stages of a relationship. c. Sociobiology theory has been used to explain the importance for men of physical attractiveness. d. Men in all cultures surveyed have placed greater emphasis on attractiveness than women.


Which of the following is TRUE of the Catholic Church and contraception? a. Most U.S. members of the Catholic Church rely on the rhythm method. b. Even though the Church still objects to contraception, many of its members in the U.S. use contraception. c. The stance of the Catholic Church changed in the late 20th century. d. Membership in the Catholic Church has steadily declined since the late 19th century because of its stance on birth control.


Which of the following is known as a possible cause of miscarriage? a. Overactive thyroid gland b. Rejection of abnormal fetus c. Maternal age greater than 30 years d. More than two alcoholic drinks per week


Which of the following is the BEST definition of the term homosexual? a. Someone who has sex with others of their own sex. b. Someone who is sexually, emotionally, and socially attracted to a member of their same sex. c. Anyone who has had at least one sexual encounter with someone of their same sex. d. Anyone who is not heterosexual.


Which of the following is the MOST accurate statement regarding pregnancy after age 35? a. Women over 35 demonstrate more anxiety and depression during pregnancy than first-time mothers in their mid-20s. b. Women over 35 may have higher rates of premature delivery and low birth weight babies than younger women. c. Women over 35 have an increase risk of perinatal mortality. d. Women over 35 have no higher risk than younger women of having a child with birth defects due to chromosomal abnormalities.


Which of the following might be considered a disadvantage of having children? a. Children only receive love; they do not give it. b. Children increase the stress in a marriage. c. The challenges of raising children can destroy self-esteem. d. Having children typically gives life less meaning.


Which of the following statements about a person who is a homosexual is FALSE? a. A man or woman who is primarily homosexual and has some sexual interest in the opposite sex is called homoflexible. b. Lesbians or gay males who refer to themselves as "queer" have a low self-concept. c. A person may be in a heterosexual marriage, have children, and still be homosexual. d. LGBTQ is an inclusive acronym used to describe nonheterosexual people.


Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. Most adolescents are inadequately informed about AIDS, and as a result, continue to engage in high-risk behavior. b. Most adolescents are adequately informed about AIDS, but continue to engage in high-risk behavior because they don't believe it will affect them. c. Most adolescents are adequately informed about AIDS and as a result, have decreased the extent to which they engage in high-risk behavior. d. Most adolescents are somewhat informed about AIDS to the extent they have decreased the degree to which they engage in intercourse, but participation in other high-risk behaviors has increased.


Which of the following statements regarding infertility is FALSE? a. Infertility is a result of male factors, female factors, or a combination of both. b. Once a couple is able to conceive a child the first time, it is highly unlikely they will have fertility problems the second time. c. Infertility can have a demoralizing effect on the infertile individual's sense of self and on the couple's sense of their integrity as a healthy unit. d. Despite medical and scientific advances, the causes of infertility may be difficult to determine.


Which of the following statements regarding masturbation during adolescence is TRUE? a. It increases in frequency in both sexes, but more girls engage in it than boys. b. It increases in frequency in both sexes, but more boys engage in it than girls. c. It increases in frequency in both sexes, and approximately the same number of boys and girls engage in it. d. Available research is dated so there is no current information at this time.


Which of the following statements regarding sex education in schools is MOST accurate? a. The majority of parents do not support the idea of sex education in schools. b. Only a minority of American schools offer comprehensive sex education courses. c. Research indicates that sex education promotes sexual experimentation. d. Research indicates that sex education promotes sexual abstinence.


Which one is TRUE with respect to the sharing of sexual fantasies? a. This activity is unhealthy. b. Some people find this exciting and informative. c. This is fine as long as it involves only movie stars and not animals. d. Committed couples should be able to comfortably share fantasies about other lovers.


Which one of the following was NOT found to be characteristic of long-term successful marriages? a. The parents of both had happy marriages. b. The couple had at least one child. c. There was an adequate and steady income. d. They had similar attitudes and personality styles.


Stonewalling occurs when a. one challenges a partner's right to influence patterns of interaction in the relationship. b. one partner attacks and the other defends and counterattacks. c. a person concludes that any response to a partner's criticism or complaint will not be helpful or productive and therefore decides not to respond at all. d. communication is degraded to an even more intense level of negativity by adding insults, sarcasm, and even name-calling to the critical commentary.


The Kama Sutra outlines how many kinds of kisses? a. 2 b. 10 c. 17 d. 41


The MOST common reversible birth control method among women in the United States is/are: a. tubal sterilization. b. Depo-Provera. c. oral contraceptives. d. spermicide.


The MOST recent technique for sex preselection is based on a. a laboratory procedure that separates X- from Y-bearing sperm. b. using an alkaline douche to conceive a boy and an acidic douche to conceive a girl. c. preimplantation genetic diagnosis. d. altering hormone ratios prior to attempts at conception.


The Maltz hierarchy of sexual interactions is a model that clarifies a. the degree to which kissing, oral sex, intercourse, etc., are considered intimate sexual behaviors. b. the frequency with which various sexual behaviors occur in heterosexual relationships. c. the degree to which sexual energy is positively or negatively expressed. d. the gender differences that exist regarding genitally focused and nongenitally focused sexual activity.


The active ingredient in Depo-Provera is a. testosterone. b. steroids. c. progestin. d. estrogen.


The ideal of religious celibacy is to a. gain new dimensions and fulfillment. b. refocus on the self. c. transform sexual energy into service to humanity. d. be so caught up in other aspects of life that sex is simply not a priority.


The initial appearance of sperm in the ejaculate typically occurs at what age? a. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 16


The median age at menarche for all girls in the United States and other developed nations, ____. a. 10.43 years, has remained stable for the last 50 years. b. 12.43 years, has decreased since 50 years ago. c. 12.43 years, has remained stable for the last 50 years. d. 12.43 years, has increased since 50 years ago.


The onset of puberty in the general population is typically a. 24 months later for girls than for boys. b. 24 months later for boys than for girls. c. 12 months later for boys than for girls. d. 12 months later for girls than for boys.


Toni and Jodie have lived together for many years and enjoy an intimate, committed relationship with one another, although their relationship is no longer the priority it once was. Sternberg would characterize this type of love as a. non-love. b. consummate love. c. companionate love. d. friendship love.


Tony and Tina are 13-year-old twins. They are both starting to grow hair under their arms, Tina is developing breast buds, and Tony's voice cracks on occasion. These are all examples of ____. a. primary sex characteristics. b. intersexed characteristics. c. secondary sex characteristics. d. postpubescence.


Tubal sterilization involves a. removing the fallopian tubes. b. inserting gel into the fallopian tubes. c. severing or tying the fallopian tubes. d. removing a woman's ovaries and her fallopian tubes.


Viability is a term used to describe a. the health of the infant in the first six months. b. the health of the mother postpartum. c. the ability of the fetus to survive independently of the woman's body. d. the integrity of the sperm upon ejaculation.


What can be concluded from research examining Freud's theory of sexual orientation? a. Gay men tend to come from families with a domineering mother and absent father. b. Lesbians are more likely than heterosexual women to have identified with their father. c. No particular family life pattern is associated with developing a heterosexual or homosexual orientation. d. Penis envy is typically found among lesbians with poor father-daughter relationships.


What is the leading cause of developmental disabilities and birth defects in the United States? a. Taking thalidomide during pregnancy b. Maternal smoking during pregnancy c. Fetal alcohol syndrome d. Taking tetracycline during pregnancy


What role might the male partner play in deciding whether or not to seek an elective abortion? a. He has a legal right to demand an abortion. b. He has a legal right to demand that the woman carry the child to term. c. While he has no legal right to demand or deny an abortion, talking with him may help to clarify the situation for the woman. d. He has no place at all in determining whether or not to seek an abortion.


When the quality or quantity of semen is poor, ____ might be a good alternate to conventional conception. a. IVF b. GIFT c. ICSI d. ZIFT


Which of the following BEST describes gender nonconformity rates in childhood? a. They are higher for female homosexuals than heterosexuals. b. They are higher for male homosexuals than heterosexuals. c. They are higher for both female and male homosexuals than heterosexuals. d. They are approximately the same for both homosexuals and heterosexuals.


Which of the following BEST reflects Masters and Johnson's views on touching? a. Touch is second only to what stimulates us visually and is an important aspect of sexual communication. b. Touching is overemphasized; verbal communication is more important during sex. c. Touch is a primary form of communication, an end in itself. d. The process of shared touching culminates in the ultimate goal of sexual union.


Which of the following blood tests should a woman have before becoming pregnant? a. HIV b. Immunity to rubella c. Both a & b d. None of the above


Which of the following does NOT present an ethical dilemma arising from the use of ART? a. Some techniques result in extra embryos. b. Women are now able to bear children in their 50s and 60s. c. More couples are now able to bear their own biological children. d. Multiple births are increasingly possible.


According to the authors, couples should be having sex ____ in order to maintain intimacy. a. at least twice a week b. at least one every two weeks c. at least once a month d. as often as they like


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding condoms? a. In the United States, fewer than half of male and female sexually active adolescents reported using a condom at last penile-vaginal sex. b. Some condoms are designed with "ribs" to supposedly decrease sensation. c. Natural-membrane condoms contain small pores that can permit the passage of viruses associated with several STIs, including AIDS, genital herpes, and hepatitis. d. HIV can pass through latex condoms, but not through natural membrane condoms.


Which of the following statements regarding homosexuals is TRUE? a. The American Psychiatric and Psychological Associations categorize homosexuality as a mental illness, although few counselors and therapists regard it as such. b. Changing one's sexual orientation has been highly successful if a combination of cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic therapy is used. c. In working with homosexual clients, therapists often try to help them love and live in a society that still harbors considerable hostility toward them. d. Eliminating gender nonconformity would go a long way to eliminating homosexuality.


Which of the following would be LEAST likely to appear on a scale measuring passionate love? a. "I think about ____ all the time; I just can't seem to get enough of him (her)." b. "I get extremely depressed when things don't go well in my relationship." c. "We have so many interests and activities in common." d. "No one could love ____ like I do."


Which one is NOT true concerning anti-abortion activists? a. Anti-abortion activists are also called pro-life extremists. b. Anti-abortion activists have resorted to killing physicians and other associated personnel who provide legal abortions. c. Anti-abortion activists have decided to work more with changing individual attitudes than changing laws. d. Anti-abortion activists have been known to block clinic entrances where abortions occur.


Which one is NOT true with respect to pregnancy after age 35? a. Almost twice as many women between the ages of 35 and 44 become pregnant now than was the case in 1980. b. Most physicians find that pregnancy for healthy women after 35 is safe. c. Fertility levels remain steady as women get older until a year or so before menopause. d. Fetal defects due to chromosome abnormalities increase with maternal age.


Who was responsible for developing techniques to reduce the anxiety associated with childbirth? a. Sigmund Freud b. Margaret Sanger c. Fernand Lamaze d. Charles LeFont


With respect to the extent of involvement in his partner's abortion, the male partner: a. has a legal right to demand an abortion. b. has a legal right to deny an abortion. c. can help pay medical expenses as a way to support his partner. d. rarely experiences much emotional distress.


Yashiko has gay friends. During conversations with them, she says that she accepts them, but still believes that their homosexual behavior is abnormal and unnatural. Yashiko's attitude is reflective of a. homophobia. b. heterophobia. c. heterosexism. d. homophilia.


You are watching TV with your five-year-old son and he begins masturbating. How should you respond to this? a. Scold him and tell him to go to his room. b. Just ignore it. c. Let him know that you understand that it's pleasurable. If he doesn't figure it out on his own, let him know that this is best to do that in the privacy of his own room. d. Tell him calmly that it's unacceptable behavior and that nice boys don't do it.


Your friend asks you how the oral contraceptives work to prevent pregnancy. Which of the following would be your BEST answer? a. They work by preventing the production of hypothalamic hormones. b. They work by preventing the maturation of eggs. c. They work by preventing ovulation and changing the lining of the uterus to make it inhospitable. d. They work by increasing the flow of cervical mucus and by preventing ovulation.


A homosexual orientation appears to result from which of the following? a. Seduction during childhood or adolescence by an older homosexual b. A family background that includes a dominant mother and a passive, detached father c. A hormonal imbalance d. There are no definitive conclusions regarding what causes homosexual orientation at this time.


About ____% of women have mixed feelings about being pregnant. a. 5 b. 15 c. 30 d. 40


According to a 2009 survey by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, over ____ of schools lack comprehensive programs for addressing and countering antigay bullying. a. 40% c. 30% b. 60% d. 80%


According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, an asexual is a. someone who fantasizes about same-sex partners during masturbation. b. curious, confused, or experimenting. c. a person who prefers sexual intimacy with bisexual individuals. d. someone who does not experience sexual attraction.


Based on research, if a child is rarely touched and held during the first few months and years of life, his or her behavior as an adult is MOST LIKELY affected in what way? a. The person would be less likely to engage in violent behavior as an adult. b. The person would be more likely to be intellectually focused as an adult. c. The person would be more likely to want to touch and be touched than the average person. d. The person would be more likely to have difficulty establishing intimate relationships.


Birth control is suggested to have all but which of the following advantages? a. It results in better health for mothers. b. It results in better health for children. c. It helps alleviate overpopulation. d. It delays menopause.


Census data show that a. 37% of lesbian and gay couples are raising children. b. 27% of lesbian and gay couples are raising children. c. 7% of lesbian and gay couples are raising children. d. 17% of lesbian and gay couples are raising children.


Cigarette smoking during pregnancy a. can cause fetal deformities. b. accelerates fetal growth. c. increases the probability of sensory and motor defects in infants. d. is related to low birth weight and breathing irregularities in infants.


Developing self-acceptance can be important because research finds that internalized homophobia is associated with increased a. asexuality. b. gender nonconformity. c. belligerence, fear, and domineering behavior. d. relationship problems.


Factors that affect contraceptive availability and choice in contemporary times include a. gender-role expectations. b. insurance coverage. c. religious mandates. d. all of the above


Generalized physiological arousal and strong sexual desire are components of a. compassionate love. b. companionate love. c. paraphilic love. d. passionate love.


In 1976, the Vatican issued a "Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics," which described masturbation as a. "forgivable only in small children who were unaware of their behavior." b. "forgivable as early adolescent exploration but condemnable for adults." c. "an act ,which, if not done to excess, could clear the mind for the pursuit of God's work." d. "an intrinsically and seriously disordered act."


In a recent survey in which college men and women were asked to respond to the question, "What is your favorite intercourse position?", the majority of women said ____, and the majority of men said ____. a. woman on top; doggie style b. woman on top; woman on top c. man on top; doggie style d. man on top; woman on top


In infancy and childhood, ____. a. sexuality does not exist for most in a normal upbringing. b. sexuality exists but is of no importance. c. sexuality can best be described as dormant. d. many experiences of this time have great impact on the future expression of adult sexuality.


In pregnancies with no risk factors, sexual activity and orgasm may continue a. through the sixth month of pregnancy. b. through the seventh month of pregnancy. c. through the eighth month of pregnancy. d. as desired until labor begins.


In terms of forming adult relationships, which of the following individuals is LIKELY to have issues with trusting or depending on a partner? a. Susan, who is securely attached b. John, who is securely attached c. Mary, who displays an anxious-ambivalent attachment style d. Robert, who displays an avoidant attachment style


In the 1870s, who was instrumental in enacting national laws that prohibited the dissemination of contraceptive information through the U.S. mail? a. Margaret Sanger b. Sigmund Freud c. Katherine McCormack d. Anthony Comstock


Obstacles to effective communication about sex include a. anxiety. b. lack of a suitable language for sex. c. differences in intimate communication ability. d. all of the above.


People who respond to conversation by staring into space, perhaps murmuring an "uh-huh" now and then, are called ____; people who respond by making brief comments, asking questions, and changing their facial expressions are called ____. a. paraphrasers; validators b. validators; paraphrasers c. active listeners; passive listeners d. passive listeners; active listeners


Research by Alan Bell and his colleagues on the family backgrounds of homosexuals has a. found relationships for women but not men. b. confirmed the pattern of a dominant, overprotective mother. c. confirmed the pattern of an abusive, violent father. d. found that no particular phenomenon of family life is especially consequential to the development of sexual orientation.


Research indicates that women are ____ to experience orgasm in sexual encounters that include cunnilingus. a. unable b. least likely c. occasionally able d. most likely


Research regarding men who have older brothers a. conclusively proves that it increases their chances of being bisexual. b. conclusively proves that it decreases their chances of being homosexual. c. is mixed as to whether there is a statistically significant correlation between male homosexuality and childhood experiences. d. is mixed as to whether there is a statistically significant correlation between male homosexuality and older brothers.


Semen from a woman's partner is mechanically introduced into her vagina, cervix, or uterus in order to facilitate conception. This procedure is called a. IVF (in vitro fertilization). b. GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer). c. ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer). d. artificial insemination.


Sexual orientation is BEST evaluated by a. a person's sexual behavior at a given point in time. b. analyzing the content of a person's sexual fantasies over a given length of time. c. a description of a person's sexual self-identity at a given point in time. d. observing a person's patterns of sexual thoughts and behavior over a lifetime.


Some researchers liken the pain, anxiety, and despair that follows the break-up of a relationship to a. the increase in norepinephrine. b. a lack of sexual intimacy. c. alcoholism. d. the withdrawal from amphetamines.


Some topics never get discussed, at least at the proper time, unless parents take the initiative. These topics may include: a. menstruation c. nocturnal orgasms b. first ejaculation d. all of the above


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