Chapter 7

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The development of fibrosis in the elderly causes

Rapid fatigue and limited repair capabilities following injury.

The quadriceps are a group of anterior thigh muscles that include the __________ muscles

Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedius

In an isometric contraction, the

Tension rises and the muscle shortens

In an isotonic contraction, the

Tension rises and the skeletal muscle's length changes

The muscle that inserts on the acrominon process and scapular spine is the


Of the following selections, the one that includes muscles that move the shoulder girdle is the

Trapezius, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, and subclavius

The muscular floor of the pelvic cavity is formed by muscles that make up the

Urogenital and anal triangle

The muscle that originates along the entire length of the linea aspera of the femur is the

Vastus medialis

The typical result of repairing aging skeletal muscle tissue is

Formation of scar tissue

Athletes training to develop anaerobic endurance perform

Frequent, brief, intensive workouts

The origin of the frontalis muscle is the

Galea aponeurotica

There is no clear evidence that the benefits of regular exercise throughout life include

-Control of body weight -Increase in bone strength -Improving the quality of life

What are the three layers of connective tissue that are part of each muscle?

-Epimysium -Perimysium -Endomysium

What are the four groups of muscles that comprise the axial musculature?

-Head and neck -Vertebral column -Oblique and rectus muscles -Pelvic floor

The axial musculature consists of

-Muscles of the head and neck -Muscles of the spine and pelvic floor -Muscles of the trunk

What two major groups of muscles comprise the appendicular musculature?

-Pelvic girdle and upper limbs -Lower limbs

An example of an activity that requires anaerobic endurance is

A 5-yd dash

Mitochondrial activities are relatively efficient, but their rate of ATP generation is limited by the

Availability of oxygen

The primary energy reserve in muscle tissue is

Creatine phosphate (CP)

The names of the muscles of the tongue are readily identified because their descriptive names end in


The muscle that inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur is the

Gluteus maximus

A muscle producing peak tension during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation is said to be ______________ tetany


The process of recruitment is the smooth but steady increase in muscle tension produced by

Increasing the number of active motor units

Two of the muscles comprising the rotator cuff are the

Infraspinatus and teres major

Resting tension in a skeletal muscle is called _______

Muscle tone

The thick filaments of a sarcomere consist of


What is the primary functional difference between origin and an insertion?

Origin: attachment point doesn't move Insertion: attachment point does move

The amount of oxygen used in the recovery period to restore normal pre-exertion conditions is referred to as the

Oxygen debt

Bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles make up the connective tissue fibers of the


The layer of connective tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves is the


Fast fibers are the type of muscle fibers that

Produce powerful contractions but fatigue rapidly

Complete Tetanus

Produces maximum tension

Highly coordinated activities such as swimming, skiing, or typing are examples of the skeletal muscle function of

Producing movement

The muscles that arise on the humerus and the forearm and rotate the radius without producing flexion or extension of the elbow are the

Pronator teres and supinator


Protein cover of active sites

During anaerobic glycolysis,

Pyruvic acid is produced

The iliac crest is the origin of the

Quadratus lumborum

Voluntary control over swallowing, defecation, and urination are controlled by skeletal muscles that

guard entrances and exits

List the three muscles that are included in the hamstrings

-Biceps femoris -Semitendinosus -Gastrocnemius

What are the five functions performed by skeletal muscles?

-Produce movement of the skeleton -Maintain posture and body position -Support soft tissue -Guard entrances and exits -Maintains body temperature

List the four muscles that are included in the quadriceps

-Tensor fascia latae -Vastus intermedius -Vastus medialis -Vastus lateralis

Slow fibers are the type of muscle fibers that contain

-an extensive network of capillaries -the red pigment myoglobin -a relatively large number of mitochondria

A resting muscle generates most of its ATP by

Aerobic respiration

________ exercise requires oxygen and is of ________ duration than __________ exercise

1. Aerobic 2. Longer 3. Anaerobic


A neurotransmitter

When muscles are actively contracting, the process requires large amounts of energy in the form of


The neurotransmitter released from the synaptic vesicles that initiates an action potential in the sarcolemma is


Skeletal muscle fiber contraction begins when

Acetylcholine is released into the neuromuscular junction and binds to receptors on the sarcolemma.

The thin filaments of a sarcomere consist of



Addition of one twitch to another

Tendons are bundles of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that

Attach muscle to bone


Attach, pivot, detach, return


Broad sheet of collagen fibers

From the following selections choose the one that includes only muscles of facial expression

Buccinator, orbicularis oris, risorius, frontalis

Active sites on the actin become available for binding when

Calcium binds to troponin

The presence of intercalated discs is a characteristic unique to

Cardiac muscle cells

The system that accelerates oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal in muscles is the ___________ system


A muscle that inserts on the body of the mandible is probably involved in




The dense layer of collagen fibers that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle is the


The three layers of connective tissues comprising each muscle are

Epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium

In the aging process, skeletal muscle fibers decrease in diameter, causing

Decreased muscular strength and endurance, and rapid fatigue

From the following selections, choose the one that includes the muscles that move the upper arm.

Deltoid, teres major, latissimis dorsi, pectoralis major

The system that releases hormones that adjust muscle metabolism and growth is the ___________ system



Expanded chambers of SR

Muscles that insert on the olecranon process of the ulna act to

Extend the forearm

When the gluteus maximus contracts it

Extends the thigh backward

In humans, slow fibers are not found in the muscles of the

Eyes and hands

Why do fast fibers fatigue more rapidly than slow fibers?

Fast fibers use anaerobic metabolism; better at generalizing short bursts of strength

What is the relationship among fatigue, anaerobic glycolysis, and oxygen debt?

Fatigue and the lack of oxygen cause anaerobic glycolysis.

When energy reserves in a muscle are exhausted or lactic acid levels increase,

Fatigue occurs

The superficial muscles of the spine are identified by subdivisions that include

Iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis

The system that defends skeletal muscles against infection and assist in tissue repairs after the injury is the ___________ system


What are the differences between isometric contraction and isotonic contraction?

Isometric: muscle stays the same length even if the force of contraction increases. Isotonic: muscle is at a constant pulling w/ the same force, but shortens

The ability of skeletal muscles to produce continuous contractions results in the ability of the body to

Maintain posture and body position

During a specific action, the insertion is the

More movable end of a muscle

The system that controls skeletal muscle contractions is the __________ system


Latent Period

No tension produced

The smallest functional unit of the muscle fiber is the


In response to action potentials arriving from the transverse tubules, calcium ions are released from the

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

The hamstrings are a group of posterior thigh muscles that include the __________ muscles

Semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and semimembranosus

A twitch is the type of contraction represented by a

Single stimulus-contraction-relaxation sequence

The system that provides for muscle attachment in the body is the _________ system


Sarcomere Contraction

Sliding filament theory

The type of muscle cells that contract either automatically or in response to environmental or hormonal stimulation are

Smooth muscle cells

The type of muscle tissue that lacks myofibrils, sarcomeres, and striations is

Smooth muscle tissue

The function of layers of skeletal muscles that comprise the abdominal wall and floor of the pelvic cavity is to

Support soft tissue

The endomysium is the layer of connective tissue that

Surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber and ties adjacent muscle fibers together.

The command to contract is distributed throughout a muscle fiber by the

T tubules

The final step involved in skeletal muscle contraction is

The muscle cell relaxes and return passively to its resting length

Thin filaments at either end of the sarcomere are attached to interconnecting filaments that make up the

Z Lines

The length of time a muscle can continue to contract while supported by mitochondrial activities is referred to as

aerobic endurance

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