Chapter 7 world history

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According to the map titled "The Slave Trade, The British imported approximately how many slaves to North America?

0.5 Million

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, 1789

A Slave Ship

The Columbian Exchange caused all of the following EXCEPT

African diseases were introduced to Europe

What explorer was North and South America named after?

Amerigo Vespucci

The practice of "indentured labor" in the seventeenth century (1600s) can best be described as

An agreement to work for some years in exchange for passage to the New World

According to the map titled "The Slave Trade, the greatest number of African slaves were taken to


Which of the following consequences of the Columbian Exchange MOST affected Native Americans in the sixteenth century (1500s)?

Diseases causing the Great Dying

Which Native American civilization did Pizarro conqueror?


What was one goal of mercantilism?

Increasing the wealth of the parent country by increase trade exports from colonies

Between 1500 and 1800, Europeans were primarily interested in tropical colonies in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and in the Caribbean because

Large profits could be made from products like sugar, coffee, and pepper

Which of the following factors helped bring about the rapid fall of both the Aztec and Inca empires?

Mass numbers of Indians died or were weakened by foreign diseases

What was the most important new food introduced into European diets by the Columbian Exchange?


What major mine in Bolivia produced 80% of the world's silver resulting in increased Spanish wealth?


What role did some African states play in the slave trade?

Some African states kidnapped and delivered slaves from the interior to the coast

The trend shown on the graph above was caused by the expansion in the production of


Which of the following was one result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The Spanish Empire was larger than the Portuguese Empire

Which of the following events created economic conditions that motivated Christopher Columbus's voyage in 1492?

The fall of Constantinople to the Turks, which cut off trade routes to Europe

According to the map titled "The Slave Trade," where were most slave forts located?

The west coast of Africa

The map above illustrates what major system?

Triangular Trade

In which New World society did the slave population grow mainly through natural increase and not continued importation?

Virginia and South Carolina

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