Chapter 7 Yawp

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What policies did Jefferson sought to implement?

- he worked to reduce taxes and cut the governments budget. -Jefferson was determined to live in peace and that believe led him to reduce America's national debt while getting rid of all internal taxes during his first term. -his crowning achievement of his presidency was that he authorized the acquisition of Louisiana from France and is considered the largest real estate deal in American history. (Should get a tv show)

Henry Moss

-A slave in Virgina who arguably was the most famous black man of the day when white spots appeared on his body in 1792, turning him visibly white within 3 years. -As he changed he marketed himself as a "great curiosity" in Philadelphia and soon earned enough money to buy his freedom.

Jefferson vs Federalists

-Jefferson set out to differentiate his administration from the federalist -Jefferson defined American union by the voluntary bonds a fellow citizens towards one another and towards the government. -federalist supposedly imagine a union defined by expansive state power and public submission to the rule of aristocratic elites.

Random facts

-Jeffersons version of the quality contrasted harshly with the reality of a nation along lines of gender class race and ethnic city being equal. (So basically he was fake woke) -Prior to the revolution many Indian nations have balance a delicate diplomacy between European empires. -indigenous people dominated social relations


-Made no secret of their hostility towards the direct control of the government by the people. -many of the nations founders argued that pure democracy would lead to anarchy.

Movements that swept through indigenous North America during the 18th century.

-The Delaware prophet had a vision of native independence, cultural renewal, and religious revitalization. -Neolin, the master of life, urged native people to shrug off their dependency on European goods and technologies and restart their faith in native spirituality and rituals, and to cooperate with one another against the white peoples Ways and nature.

What lessons did Gabriel's rebellion teach Virginas white residents?

-it suggested that enslaved blacks were capable of preparing and carrying out a sophisticated and violent revolution. -it demonstrates that white efforts to suppress news of other slave revolts-especially the 1791 slave rebellion in Haiti-had failed.

What happened because of Jefferson getting presidency?

-many citizens willingness to assert greater direct control over the government as citizens started happening.

What happened because of the Haitian Revolution

-port cities were flooded with news and refugees. -free poc embraced the revolution, understanding it as a call for full abolition and the rights of citizenship denied in the U.S

What did some of the conspirators plan to do

-set diversionary fires in the city's warehouse district -attack Richmond's white residents,seize weapons, and capture Virgina governor James Monroe.

What effect did Jefferson have over women in America after he became president?

-since the revolution women were repeatedly called for a place in the conversation. -Women all over the country were urged to participate in the discussion over the constitution. -American women were more than mothers to soldiers they were mothers to liberty


A slave who led a group of close to 1000 enslaved men planning to end slavery in Virginia by attacking Richmond in late August 1800.

America wanting land

Americans pushed for more land in all their interactions with native diplomats and leaders. But boundaries were only one source of tension. Trade, criminal jurisdiction, roads, the sale of liquor, and alliances were also key negotiating points. -even as native people proved vital trading partners against hostile nations they were also condemned by white settlers and government officials as savages.

What did Samuel Smith believe and write about his book called "Essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species?

He and others believed that the proper society could gradually "whiten" men the way nature chose to spontaneously whiten Henry Moss. Thomas Jefferson disagreed.

What did tecumseh believe?

He believed in the need for cultural and religious renewal and wanting to bring back traditions and rituals of indigenous religions and Christianity. He emphasize apocalyptic visions that he and his followers usher in a new world and restore native power to the continent.

What did Jefferson want to prove?

He desired to convince Americans that a government that answer directly to the people would lead to a lasting national union and not an anarchic division. He wanted to prove that free people could govern themselves democratically

More of tecumseh I'm tired of it

He proclaimed that the master of life tasked him with the responsibility of returning native lands to the rightful owners.

What did Jefferson believe?

He thought Native Americans could improve and become "civilized" and declared in his "Notes on the state of Virginia" that black people were incapable of mental improvement and that they might even have a separate ancestry-this theory is known as polygenesis.

What happened to Gabriel?

He was seized,tried, and hanged along with 25 others.


He was the leader of the Shawnee and he and his brother ,the prophet, helped envision an alliance of North America's indigenous populations.He traveled to many diverse Indian nation and called for unification and restoration of sacred power.

Throughout the early republic diplomacy was preferred to war because violence and warfare carried in Enormous cost for all parties.

I have nothing to say here that was all

David Walker

In 1829 David Walker wrote an appeal that called for resistance to slavery and racism. He called "Haiti the "glory of the blacks and terror of the tyrants". He also proved that given equal opportunities poc could achieve just as much as whites.

Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)

Inspired free and enslaved black Americans, and terrified white Americans.

What did the first decades of the new American republic bring?

It coincided with a radical shift in understandings of race.

What did Jefferson's election to the presidency represent?

It represented A victory for non-elite white Americans and their bid to assume more direct control over the government.

What happened because of the British attacking the USS Chesapeake in 1807?

Many Americans called for war but the president decided on a policy of peaceful coercion and Congress agreed. They closed all American ports under the embargo act in hope of avoiding war. The embargo hurt the US economy.

Sh*t hitting the fan with Jefferson (also Jefferson is a terrible person but the federalist are REALLY annoying omg just shut up)

James calendar published accusations, that were later proven by Credible by Dna evidence, that Jefferson was involved in a sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings, one of his slaves. Calendar referred to Jefferson as our little "Melado president", suggesting that sex with a slave had somehow compromised Jeffersons racial integrity.

Rufus King

Last federalist to run for president. Lost to Monroe in 1816. #Loser

More of tecumseh (guys I'm tired of it no more)

Many native leaders refused to join him and instead maintain their loyalties to the American republic. After many failures and a loss at the battle of Tippacanoe his confederation laundered. During the war of 1812 between the United States and Britain it offered new opportunities for him and his followers. With the United States distracted he confederate army sees several American ports on their own initiative.


Many native profits kept his message your life well encouraging indigenous people to resist Euro American encroachments. Indigenous people waged war against the American republic although this confederacy ultimately suffered defeat at the battle of Fallentimber's, this native coalition achieved a number of military victories against the republic. They destroyed two American armies and force President Washington to reformulate federal Indian policy.

Native American diplomats

Native American diplomats developed relationships with the United States and maintained relations with the British Empire while also negotiating the relationship with other native nations. (ooo popular)

The red sticks

Native Americans in the early 1800s who wanted war with the white settlers. They had similar ideas to, he who shall not be named. They joined him and his resistance movement while seeking to purge creek society of its American dependencies. Creek leaders who maintained relationships with the United States believe that accommodation and diplomacy might work better than violence

Native Americans and whites

Native diplomacy testified to the complexity of indigenous cultures and their role in shaping the politics and policy of American communities and government. Yet white attitudes and words frequently relegated native people to literal and figurative margins and were called ignorant savages. Poor treatment like this inspired hostility and calls for pan-Indian alliances from leaders of distinct native nation.

Why did the attack not happen?

On August 30, two enslaved men revealed the plot to their master who notified authorities.

What tension arose because of enlightenment thinkers?

People like Carolus Linnaeus, Comte de Buffon,Johann Fredrick Blumenbach(they sound like cartoon villains) created connections between race and place as they divided people based on racial types according to skin color,cranial measurements,and hair.

Ways this helped women and did not.

Pro-Women got to choose their sexual partner now because it was crutial to the health and well-being of both the party and nation. They only wanted women to marry"real republicans". Bleh Con-They steeped in the gendered assumptions about female sexuality and domestically that denied women an equal share of the political rights men enjoyed. Bleh x2

What is the "Babalition" broadsides?

Published in Boston in the 1810s crudely caricatured African Americans.

What message did Haiti send?

That enslaved and free blacks could not be omitted from conversations about the meaning of liberty and equality.

What message did their executions send?

That others would be punished if they challenged Albert. The Virgina public increased restrictions on people.

What did these men claim?

They claimed that years under the hot sun and tropical climate of Africa darkened their skin and reconfigured the skulls of the African race. Where's the cold northern latitudes of Europe molded and sub stained the Caucasian race.

What did enlighten the thinkers think?

They fostered beliefs in common humanity, the possibility of societal progress, the remaking of oneself, and the importance of ones social and ecological environment.

How did the Federalist attack Jefferson?

They often accused him of acting against the interest of the very public he claimed to serve. Federalist scramble to stay politically relevant it became apparent that their ideology was no longer tenable. (Basically they were irrelevant)

What did white leaders do in response to Haiti's revolution?

They scrambled to use violence of the Haitian revolt to reinforce white supremacy and pro slavery views by limiting the social and political lives of poc.

Jeffersons foreign policy, the embargo act of 1807.

This act elected the most outrage from his federalist critics. England France and Spain refused to respect American ships neutrality and the greatest offense came from Britain who resume the policy of impressment seizing thousands of American sailors and forcing them to fight for the British army. oof

What is the term "republican motherhood"?

This term was used to describe the early American beliefs that women essential in nurturing the principles of liberty in this citizenry.

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