Chapter 8 : Interest groups

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Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

1st Amendment protects campaign spending; legislatures can limit contributions, but not how much one spends of his own money on campaigns.

Nonprofit Interest groups that are NOT allowed to engage in lobbying, campaign, or legislative activities are known as ________. 403(b) organizations 457(b) organizations 501(c)(3) organizations 501(c)(4) organizations

501(c)(3) organizations

Apolitical nonprofit groups that focus on public policy issues and promote social welfare are called ________ organizations. 403(b) 501(c)(4) 401k 501(c)(3)

501(c)(4) organizations are tax-exempt groups that exist to promote social welfare and can advocate for specific policy issues.

In a(n) ________ society such as the United States, the tolerance people share for competing interest groups serves the public's common interest. religious abolitionist pluralist socialist

A pluralist view of democratic society is one in which interest groups compete over policy goals, and elected officials are often mediators of group conflict.

The top national association, representing interests of more than 38 million Americans, is the ________. American Federation of Teachers AARP National Rifle Association National Wildlife Federation

AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) is the largest interest group in the United States with over 38 million members.


Act of trying to persuade elected officials to adopt a specific policy change or maintain the status quo.

What type of interest group forms in response to a perceived threat? a. Reactive b. Grassroots c. Proactive d. Pluralist


Which interest group is unaffiliated with government and works hard to preserve its neutrality so it can operate in as many parts of the world as possible? a. Single-issue groups b. Nongovernmental organizations c. Foreign policy groups d. Trade associations

B. Non governmental organizations

What economic interest group aims to protect workers through safer working conditions and better wages? a. Professional associations b. Unions c. Trade associations d. Corporations

B. Unions

What does the First Amendment state Americans have the right to do? a. Refuse military service b. Peaceably assemble c. Overthrow government d. Protest without restriction

B. peaceably assemble

Issue oriented

Being aware of the issues facing the US

selective benefits

Benefits offered exclusively to members of an interest group.

Coined by Hugh Heclo, which term describes the fluid and open relationship between interest groups and government? a. Free rider b. Iron triangle c. Issue networks d. Grassroots

C. Issue Networks

Since the 1980s, the makeup company Mary Kay Inc. has been committed to ending domestic violence against women. In 2005, six sales directors drove to Washington D.C. to persuade Congress to renew the Violence Against Women Act. What democratic and legitimate form of petitioning did the Mary Kay employees perform? a. Campaigning b. Boycotting c. Lobbying d. Protesting

C. Lobbying

When citizens' ________ groups find evidence of wrongdoing in government, they blow a whistle by issuing reports and holding press conferences to inform the media and the public. single issue social media watchdog foreign policy

Citizens' watchdog groups monitor interest groups' influence on government activities and policies.

Pressuring elected officials to be responsive to their constituents and holding the government accountable for its actions are two ways that interest groups contribute to a ________. confederacy oligarchy democracy republic

Democracy , Interest groups contribute to a democracy by holding the government accountable for its actions, pressuring elected officials to be responsive to their constituents, and serving as a vehicle to equalize the influence of different groups of citizens in the policy process.

Groups that advocate international aid and support for human rights are part of a broader group of interest groups called ________ groups. foreign policy ideological interest economic interest issue-oriented

Foreign policy , Foreign policy groups generate support for favorable U.S. policies toward one or more foreign countries and include international aid groups and human rights advocacy groups.

If a group lobbies for public goods or collective benefits that are so widespread that members and nonmembers alike receive them, incentives to join the group disappear. What is this collective action dilemma called? a. Issue network dilemma b. Free rider problem c. Iron triangle d. Revolving door problem

Free rider problem

public goods

Goods or benefits provided by government from which everyone benefits and from which no one can be excluded.

Economic interest groups

Group formed to advance the economic status of its members.

grassroots movements

Group that forms in response to an economic or political event but does not focus on only one issue.

political action committees (PACs)

Groups formed to raise and contribute funds to support electoral candidates and that are subject to campaign finance laws. In one sense, PACs serve as gateways for expanding interest groups' political influence through financial involvement in campaigns.

interest group

Groups of citizens who share a common interest—a political opinion, a religious or ideological belief, a social goal, or an economic characteristic—and try to influence public policy to benefit themselves.

Ideological interest groups

Groups that form among citizens with the same beliefs about a specific issue.

citizens' groups

Groups that form to draw attention to purely public issues that affect all citizens equally.

who argues that interest groups, members of Congress, and bureaucrats all share information constantly, and that their interactions are open and transparent, not closed?

Hugh Heclo

The organization explains its purpose as "Over the past 20 years, [our members] have...worked together to play a leading role in ending the war in Iraq, passing landmark legislation such as healthcare reform, and advancing the cause of economic fairness." What type of interest group is a. Ideological interest group b. Concept-based c. Union d. Nongovernmental organization

Idealogical interest group

An interest group forms in order to tackle the environmental issue of fracking. The leaders decide to use social media sites and e-mail to ensure their members register and to provide updates on developments and legislation. What interest group activity does this represent? a. Contributing to campaign activities b. Informing c. Lobbying d. Political assembly


What lobbying strategy keeps policy requests narrowly tailored to the group's needs and tries to influence legislators directly? a. Campaign activity b. Outside strategy c. Coalition formation d. Inside strategy

Inside strategy

What kind of lobbying strategy works best when lobbyists want to keep the policy request specifically focused on the group's needs? Growth strategy Acquisition strategy Outside strategy Inside strategy

Inside strategy,

A group of citizens with common interests who try to influence public policy to benefit its members is called a(n) a. iron triangle. b. lobby. c. interest group. d. caucus.

Interest group


Interest groups of individuals who share a common type of employment and seek better wages and working conditions through collective bargaining with employers.

What theory suggests that leaders in any organization eventually behave in their own self-interest? a. Watchdog b. Iron law of oligarchy c. Iron triangle d. Free rider

Iron law of oligarchy

What makes an interest group private or public, most powerful? The age of its members Its connections to Washington, DC politicians Its budget only Its total membership

Its total membership, Having a large membership, regardless of high or low membership dues, carries a great deal of weight with government officials. For example, AARP now has about 40 million members and a budget of more than a billion dollars for its operations. In addition, AARP claims to represent all older Americans, who constitute close to 20 percent of the population, whether they join the organization or not.


Large corporations are a type of economic interest group in that they try to influence policy on their own as well as by joining trade associations comprising businesses with similar goals. Corporations such as Walmart, Comcast, and Boeing have thousands of employees, and that fact alone encourages politicians to listen to their concerns.

Mancur Olson

Mancur Olson argued that merely having something in common with other people was not enough to give a group life and keep it going as an effective organization.50 Olson focused on the costs of organizing and maintaining a group, noting that costs increase as a group grows in size and reach. The people who pay membership dues expect benefits in return. Since the governmental decisions that interest groups obtain are "public goods" that apply whether one has joined the group or not, Olson argues that the cost-benefit structure that underlies group formation contradicts Truman's claim that all groups naturally form and sustain themselves.

nongovernmental organizations

Organizations independent of governments that monitor and improve political, economic, and social conditions throughout the world.

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

Organizations independent of governments that monitor and improve political, economic, and social conditions throughout the world.

In what type of society do battles over public policy by varied interest groups produce a consensus that serves the public's common interest? a. Iron triangle b. Socialist c. Pluralist d. Elitist


In a(n) ________ society such as the United States, the tolerance people share for competing interest groups serves the public's common interest. religious abolitionist pluralist socialist

Pluralist , A pluralist view of democratic society is one in which interest groups compete over policy goals, and elected officials are often mediators of group conflict.

________ are nonprofit interest groups that raise funds to support electoral candidates and are subject to campaign finance laws. Foreign policy groups Humanitarian rights organizations 501(c)(3) organizations Political action committees (PACs)

Political action committees PACS

Benefits that some large interest groups seek on behalf of its members—such as clean air by the Sierra Club or gun rights by the NRA—which are available to all people, whether they contributed toward the support of that benefit or not, are called ________. public goods tangible goods solidary benefits expressive benefits

Public goods

who warned of what he called the military-industrial complex, a self-serving interconnection among branches of the U.S. military, the defense manufacturing industry, and federal agencies overseeing scientific research. and was greatly concerned that the defense industry had undue influence that would be used to unnecessarily increase spending on defense programs?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-61)

What type of interest group is created in response to an opening or opportunity for social, political, or economic changes? a. Proactive b. Nonpartisan c. Reactive d. Pluralist


right of petition

Right to ask the government for assistance with a problem or to express opposition to a government policy, as protected by the First Amendment.

right of association

Right to freely associate with others and form groups, as protected by the First Amendment.

What did Robert Dahl argue?

Robert Dahl argued that in a pluralist society, the battles over public policy by the varied interest groups that emerge to represent their members will produce a consensus that serves the public's common interest.

iron triangle

Robert Michels - Insular and closed relationship among interest groups, members of Congress, and federal agencies.

special interests

Set of groups seeking a particular benefit for themselves in the policy process.

When an individual joins an interest group, the pleasure of associating with a group of like-minded people is called a(n) ________ benefit. solidary mental health expressive material


Which of the following are two of the most important resources interest groups have for affecting public policy? Many followers on social media and multiple bank accounts Strong legal teams and financial contributors Central offices and secure computer networks Strong membership and substantial budgets

Strong membership and substantial budgets

501(c)(4) organizations

Tax-exempt groups that exist to promote social welfare and can advocate for specific policy issues. Such groups include the Sierra Club, the NRA, Tea Party chapters, and Club for Growth.

What is the most biggest threat to unions?

The biggest threat to unions, however, is the loss of jobs in the industries they represent. American unions are both economically and politically powerful because they can mobilize their members to vote for candidates they see as favorable on issues such as higher minimum wages, standards for overtime pay, better access to health care insurance, worker safety, and international trade agreements.

Of the following, which is a threat to the survival of unions? Adherence to government regulations Corruption Loss of jobs in the industries they represent Collective bargaining

The notable threat to unions is the loss of jobs in the industries they represent. Automation, foreign competition, and periodic economic downturns have resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs in manufacturing and automotive industries.

iron law of oligarchy

Theory that leaders in any organization eventually behave in their own self-interest, even at the expense of rank-and-file members; the larger the organization, the greater the likelihood that the leader will behave this way.

What type of economic interest group aims to protect workers through safer working conditions and better wages? Unions Citizens groups Trade associations Corporations



View of democratic society in which interest groups compete over policy goals, and elected officials are mediators of group conflict.

issue network

View of the relationship among interest groups, members of Congress, and federal agencies as more fluid, open, and transparent than that described by the term iron triangle.

When citizens' ________ groups find evidence of wrongdoing in government, they blow a whistle by issuing reports and holding press conferences to inform the media and the public. single issue social media watchdog foreign policy

Watch dog , Citizens' watchdog groups monitor interest groups' influence on government activities and policies.

amicus curiae

a brief submitted by a "friend of the court" to provide information and persuade a judge's decision

special interest group

an organization of people with some common interest who try to influence government decisions


are a type of economic interest group that aims to protect workers through safer working conditions and better wages.

Professional associations

are formed by individuals who share similar jobs. Examples include the American Bar Association (lawyers), the American Medical Association (doctors), and the American International Automobile Dealers Association (car dealers). These associations are frequently responsible for setting guidelines for professional conduct—from business practices to personal ethics—and for collectively representing the members in the policy process.

Expressive benefits

are the least tangible in that they consist of having a specific opinion expressed in the larger social or political sphere. When individuals join a group, they know that their viewpoint is being actively represented in the policy system, and that knowledge can be gratifying all by itself.

Theodore Lowi, argued that in a democracy, some voices are louder than others and that government is more responsive to louder voices and will consistently serve such groups at the expense of those who cannot make their voices heard. Do interest groups balance out each other the way that Madison thought they would? According to Lowi, this kind of policy making is elitist and fundamentally antidemocratic.

argued that in a democracy, some voices are louder than others and that government is more responsive to louder voices and will consistently serve such groups at the expense of those who cannot make their voices heard.

McCutcheon et al. v. Federal Election Commission (2014)

by removing the overall limits on the amount of money one individual can contribute to all federal elections; there are still limits on how much money can be given to one candidate, but an individual can now contribute to every single candidate running for federal office, as well as political parties.

A solidary benefit

describes a non-material benefit members receive from their affiliation with an interest group; for example, the simple pleasure of being surrounded by people with similar interests.

To remain financially stable, many interest groups rely on ________ from members to cover their operating expenses. volunteerism dues donated goods likes on social media


Large corporations such Walmart, Comcast, and Boeing are examples of ________ interest groups that try to influence policy on their own and by joining trade associations composed of businesses with similar goals. social economic personal political

economic , Large corporations are a type of economic interest group in that they try to influence policy on their own as well as by joining trade associations that include businesses with similar goals.

Trade and professional associations, such as the National Association of Manufacturers and the American Bar Association, are examples of ________ formed to advance the economic status of its members. single-issue groups human rights groups economic interest groups ideological interest groups

economic interest groups

Because of the large amount of money they spend on campaign support, one of the biggest criticisms of political action committees (PACs) is that they ________. only support Republicans, not Democrats exert a disproportionate influence over legislators have a poor track record for predicting the outcomes of elections do not pay enough taxes

exert a disproportionate influence over legislators , Given the amount of money that PACs spend on campaign support, many observers have expressed concern that PACs exert a disproportionate influence over legislators, which creates an imbalance in government responsiveness toward some groups.

What is the name for the small, divisive groups James Madison feared would divide the young nation? a. Factions b. Fraternities c. Interest groups d. Cults


Special interest groups such as the American Association of Automobile Manufacturers have the power to pass and implement laws. True False


trade association

focus on particular businesses or industries and make up a subcategory of economic interest groups. Examples include the National Association of Manufacturers, the Chamber of Commerce, the National Retail Federation, and the Semiconductor Industry Association. Trade associations form because business owners believe that they will have more influence on the policy process collectively than they would individually.

When an interest group has trouble recruiting new members because the impact of its lobbying efforts is so widespread that both members and nonmembers alike receive them, the dilemma is called the ________ problem. political change financial stability exchange theory free rider

free rider

A(n) ________ interest group is one that encourages members to provide international assistance. economic political ideological human rights

human rights , Interest groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch focus attention on human rights violations or starvation in certain areas of the world.

The National Organization for Women is an interest group whose members share a common ________ that determines the specific campaigns they get involved with and which side of an issue they take. quorum economy advocacy ideology


In an age of 24-hour news access, social media, and other telecommunication innovations, some political scholars suggest that the relationship between members of Congress, bureaucrats, and interest groups is more open and transparent and better described as a(n) ________. issue network special investigation team press club trade association

issue network

When an inside strategy doesn't work as expected, groups may adopt an outside lobbying strategy by getting ________ involved. the media activists the government a political action committee

media , When an inside strategy does not work, groups adopt a more public or outside lobbying strategy by getting the press and their members more directly involved.

Senator Jim DeMint, a Republican from South Carolina, resigned from office in 2013 to become the head of a conservative think tank called the Heritage Foundation. This demonstrates the concept of a(n) a. watchdog group. b. revolving door. c. iron triangle. d. grassroots organization.

revolving door

Especially during campaign season, well-funded ________ groups are often criticized for exerting a disproportionate amount of power to influence the government. grassroots movement special interest foreign policy trade association

special interests

When the self-interest of a leader no longer mirrors the majority opinion of the group, the theory of ________ is used to explain their behavior. national socialism unitary states the iron law of oligarchy transactional leadership

the iron law of oligarchy , The iron law of oligarchy is the theory that leaders in any organization eventually behave in their own self-interest, even at the expense of rank-and-file members.

revolving door

Movement of members of Congress, lobbyists, and executive branch employees into paid positions in each other's organizations.

There are no limits on how much money an individual can donate to a single candidate running for federal office. True False

False , There are limits on how much money can be given to one candidate, but an individual can contribute to every single candidate running for federal office, as well as to political parties.

Special interest groups such as the American Association of Automobile Manufacturers have the power to pass and implement laws. True False

False , nterest groups do not pass or implement laws. Instead, they try to influence state and federal governments to enact their policy goals.

single-issue groups

Groups that form to present one view on a highly salient issue that is intensely important to members, such as gun control or abortion.

Private economic interest groups do NOT include which of the following? Identity groups Interest groups Professional associations Labor unions dues in private sector unions are too high for most workers to afford

Interest groups, Professional associations, labor unions and identity groups are all considered to be private interest groups with economic agendas.

Which of the following are two of the most important resources interest groups have for affecting public policy? Many followers on social media and multiple bank accounts Strong legal teams and financial contributors Central offices and secure computer networks Strong membership and substantial budgets

Strong membership and substantial budgets The most important resources interest groups have to affect public policy include the size of their membership and their budget.

The financial advantage that some interest groups have over others causes the government to respond unequally across all citizens. True False


Job losses in a single industry can have a negative impact on an interest group's membership stability. True False

True , Changes in the economy and the political environment can have a negative impact on a group's membership stability.

What is the most amount of money an individual can donate to all candidates running in federal elections? $100,000 Equivalent to the individual's annual salary Unlimited $50,000

unlimited , In 2014, a Supreme Court ruling removed the overall limits on the amount of money one individual can contribute to all federal elections.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

A 2010 landmark Supreme Court case that ruled that individuals, corporations, and unions could donate unlimited amounts of money to groups that make independent political expenditures.

Foreign Policy

A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations

inside strategy

A strategy employed by interest groups to pursue a narrow policy change and influence legislators directly rather than using a wider grassroots approach.

What type of briefs may interest groups submit as a "friend of the court"? a. Amicus curiae b. Concurring c. Dissenting d. Quid pro quo

A. Amicus Curiae

A group formed to advance the financial status of its members is called a(n) a. economic interest group. b. grassroots movement. c. ideological interest group. d. citizens' group.

A. Economic interest group

Established in 1974, the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust "engages the public in educational and aesthetic experiences to foster an appreciation of architecture, design, and the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright." Because it is a 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status, the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust is forbidden from a. explaining issues to the public that might be brought up during the election. b. campaigning for a candidate or party. c. producing voter education guides. d. counseling citizens on election procedures.

B. campaigning for a candidate or party

Which Supreme Court decision that upheld limits on donations to congressional campaigns resulted in the expansion of political action committee (PACs)? a. Griswold v. Connecticut b. Marbury v. Madison c. New York Times v. Sullivan d. Buckley v. Valeo

Buckley v valeo


Defined by Madison as any group that places its own interests above the aggregate interests of society.

AARP is a powerful political interest group that also maintains a lucrative business providing health and life insurance to its members. What does AARP's strategy suggest about an interest group's ability to secure financial stability? a. It is beneficial for an interest group to behave as a capitalist. b. It is worthwhile for an interest group to create a not-for-profit business. c. It is essential for an interest group to expand its membership. d. It is useful for an interest group to spread around its resources.

It is worthwhile for an interest group to create a not-for-profit business.

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in McCutcheon et al. v. Federal Election Commission? a. It removed limits on how much money can be given to one candidate. b. It removed limits on the amount of money one individual could contribute to all federal elections. c. It decided that unions can spend as much money as they want on issue ads. d. It ruled that an individual cannot contribute to every single candidate running for federal office.

It removed limits on the amount of money one individual could contribute to all federal elections.

free rider problem

Problem faced by interest groups when a collective benefit they provide is so widespread and diffuse that members and nonmembers alike receive it, reducing the incentive for joining the group.

The Supreme Court ruled that if a campaign advertisement could be reasonably viewed as issue-based, it was protected under the guarantee of free speech. a. True b. False


The financial advantage that some interest groups have over others causes the government to respond unequally across all citizens. True False

True , Because a well-funded interest group can more easily pressure the government to produce policies that are beneficial to its members, the government responds unequally across all citizens.

The relationship among interest groups, members of Congress, and federal agencies that work together to seal off access to public policy making is called the ________. golden circle front line perfect square iron triangle

iron triangle

In an age of 24-hour news access, social media, and other telecommunication innovations, some political scholars suggest that the relationship between members of Congress, bureaucrats, and interest groups is more open and transparent and better described as a(n) ________. issue network special investigation team press club trade association

issue network , . Issue network is a term that describes the relationship among interest groups, members of Congress, and federal agencies as more fluid, open, and transparent than that described by the term iron triangle.

Successful interest groups that have established an enduring voice in democracy measure how well they accomplish their goals in four ways: membership outreach, financial stability, ________, and ________. economic impact; government accountability leadership accountability; public influence organizational self-interest; group transparency social media reach; political change

leadership accountability; public influence , The measure of a successful interest group is how well it accomplishes its goals. Success can be measured in four ways: leadership accountability, membership outreach, financial stability, and public influence.

Solidary benefits

less tangible , They range from the simple pleasure of being surrounded by people with similar interests and perspectives to the networking benefits of interacting with people who share professional or personal concerns.

The common pathways for individuals to become a lobbyist include experience working ________. in the foreign service, owning a large corporation, or being a member of a trade organization on a political campaign or at a university or belonging to a union on Capitol Hill, in the executive branch, or on a political campaign at a university, belonging to a union, or being a Congressman

on Capitol Hill, in the executive branch, or on a political campaign

who wrote about extensively about the disproportionate impact of the wealthy on public policy making and demonstrated that ideas put forth by groups that represent the interests of the wealthy, especially in the issue areas of tax policy and social welfare, receive more attention from lawmakers than other groups.

political scientists Larry Bartels and Martin Gilens have each written extensively about the disproportionate impact of the wealthy on public policy making and demonstrated that ideas put forth by groups that represent the interests of the wealthy, especially in the issue areas of tax policy and social welfare, receive more attention from lawmakers than other groups.

One way interest groups attract and keep members is by providing benefits exclusive to members, such as discounted travel or monthly magazines. This is otherwise known as a. public goods. b. bribes. c. factions. d. selective benefits.

selective benefits

Opportunities for networking with people who share common interests, discounts on rental cars, and receiving monthly magazines are examples of ________ that interest groups use to attract and retain members. selective benefits tangible goods volunteer assistance programs bribes

selective benefits , are benefits offered exclusively to members of an interest group.

Especially during campaign season, well-funded ________ groups are often criticized for exerting a disproportionate amount of power to influence the government. grassroots movement special interest foreign policy trade association

special interest : Well-funded interest groups are in better positions to pressure the government to produce policies that are beneficial to its members in the policy process. In this view, financial advantage appears to create an artificial imbalance of influence that impedes equality.

material benefits

such as direct monetary benefits from policies that the group advocates, discounts on travel or prescriptions, and even monthly magazines.

501(c)(3) organizations

tax-exempt groups that are prohibited from lobbying or campaigning for a party or candidate are likely to be charities, religious organizations, public service organizations, employee benefit groups, and fraternal societies, which are exempt from paying federal tax. Although they cannot engage in lobbying in any significant way, they can produce voter education guides or other nonpartisan educational materials that explain issues brought up during a political campaign and keep the public informed.38

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) considers itself the voice for radio and TV broadcasters across the United States. Specifically, it "advances the interests of our members in federal government, industry and public affairs; improves the quality and profitability of broadcasting; encourages content and technology innovation; and spotlights the important and unique ways stations serve their communities." What type of interest group is the NAB? a. Issue-oriented group b. Trade association c. Nongovernmental organization d. Citizens' group

trade association

There are three common pathways to becoming a Washington lobbyist:

working on Capitol Hill, working in the executive branch, or working on a political campaign.

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