Chapter 8 MT: The sixth and ninth commandment

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1. We still have to be open to new life 2. know the church's teachings 3. have a serious reason for limiting the number/spacing of children

3 criteria for NFP

- Sixth: You Shall not commit adultery - Ninth: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

Identify and write out the 2 commandments discussed in this chapter.


deliberately using mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to intentionally prevent conception during sex. the pill, condom, depo shot, Mirena


drugs/devices that can cause an abortion or prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb. IUD, the pill, Plan b

abuse, abandonment, adultery

valid reasons for divorce in the Church's perspective

1. causes severe emotional/psychological damage to the offended party 2. leaves deep/permanent scars on the children who need to know, during their early years that their parents love each other

what are 2 effects of adultery that concern the church

the Church acknowledges that these temptations are inevitable/natural but it is all in how we handle them; if we recognize them and push them aside. we have made a good moral choice, if we dwell on them/entertain/have fantasies/get aroused, we have sinned

what does the Church teach about impure thoughts/desires

against it under any circumstances, does not matter if the couple is monogamous, truly in love, goes to Mass or engaged to be married.. it is still married

what does the church about premarital sex?

to consider oneself completely invulnerable to temptation

what is the greatest mistake a person can make regarding fidelity?

1. violated the conjugal act 2. betrays the commitment made before God

why is adultery never justifiable under any circumstance

1. violates the natural law/not established by God to be this way 2. They cannot procreate which is a purpose of marriage

why is the Church against homosexual acts

1. no procreation happens 2. cause psychological damage

why is the Church against oral and anal intercourse even for married couples?

1. sex should only be between married people 2. humans become objects for use 3. ruins the integrity of the viewer 4. addictive

why is the Church against porn?

1. if you go on to have future sex, it is considered adultery 2. it leaves emotional and pyhscological scars on the person filing, the innocent spouse, the children, and even soicety

why is the Church opposed to divorce

marriage is only between one man and one woman

why is the Church opposed to polygamy

1. the way you get sperm is by masturbation which is a sin 2. the couple is not having sex 3. using non-spousal sperm/surrogate mothers is considered a form of "clinical adultery" 4. the extra embryo are destroyed

why is the church against artifical insemination

it is violating the purpose of marriage for procreation

why is the church against birth control

1. it destroys the family harmony 2. violates the natural by causing physical deformities

why is the church against incest

1. sex should be enjoyed in marriage 2. needs to be new-life centered not self-centered

why is the church against masturbation

it makes no judgement on what causes people to be gay (genetics, psychology, etc); they welcome homosexuals into the Church but ask them to remain chaste

why the church is not opposed to homosexuality


a sign created by Christ that spiritually changed our soul


a virtue which helps integrate sex into our lives while mastering self-control

community of persons

teaching that states the union between husband and wife should reveal God's image

Unitive: to show love and express livelong commitment Procreative: to be open to the possibility of conception

2 purposes of sex in marriage

exclusive and indissolvable

2 properties of marriage

sexuality and marriage

chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis outlines the foundation of the teachings of

common sense norms for dating

the younger a person is, the more exclusive the relationship, the longer the relationship lasts when marriage is not imminent, the more difficult it becomes to practice chastity, important to establish dating rules before high school, look at relationships are temporary, socialize, not be tied down and it is better to be open to friendship

spirit of the loving sacrifice

this concept states that in order for a marriage to keep its true meaning, kindness, affection, patience, and self-giving must be continually present or the marriage losses its meaning


to be open to the possibility of conception


to show love and express lifelong commitment

passivity and ambiguity

2 characteristics that prepare the way for major pitfalls in sexual morality

firm commitment to Christ, prudent use of media, modesty in dress, common sense norms for dating

4 effective ways to grow in the virtue of chastity

1.) Shows/practices sacrifice 2.) Opens the doors of communication up between the couple

Although many married couples view abstinence during the fertile time as a negative experience, according to the Church, how can this actually be positive? Be sure to explain each.

God created man/woman (2 distinct sexes) in His image and likeness Man/woman were created to be companions in a state of unity Man/woman were created to make a new family when/after they leave their parents Man/woman become "one flesh" or "two in one: in biblical language which describes marriage/consummating that marriage Their relationship has a procreative purpose created by God to be this way They cooperate with God in His plan for a new person

Absolute truths of the faith

Close friendships outside the marriage may be tempting so "emotionally infidelity" may take place. - To consider oneself completely invulnerable to temptation.

In order to be faithful to your spouse, the Church reminds us to be "on guard." What does this mean/what is it referring to? What is the greatest mistake that a person can make?

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

Ninth Commandment

You shall not commit adultery

Sixth commandment

abuse, abandonment, adultery

The Church realizes that a valid marriage could take a turn for the worse and a couple may have to break ties. Provide three valid circumstances (discussed in this chapter) that the Church would understand why a couple should separate.

1.) If you go on the have future sex, it is considered adultery 2.) It leaves a terrible emotional and psychological scars on the person filing, the innocent spouse, the children, and even society.

What are the 2 effects that adultery causes that concern the Church? Give multiple ideas here!

1.) we still have to be open to new life 2.) know the church's teachings 3. Have a serious reason for limiting the number/spacing of children (health/financial reasons)

What are the 3 criteria which must be met in order to use NFP?


any act of self-stimulation


any intimate relations between relatives or in-laws within a degree that prohibits marriage between the,. condemned in the book of Leviticus

homosexual acts

any sexual acts between members of the same gender


any sexual relations between 2 people when one or both of them are married to someone else. condemned in the book of exodus

puritannical approach

believes all sex/sexual desires sinful and a product of Orginial Sin; they view sex as necessary to procreate, but it is still a sin; there have been times they say marriage itself is sinful because it "sexually tempts"

self-centered approach

believes that sex is for self-gratification; it is discussed casually, the experience is sought and carried out openly; sexual partners are discarded and replaced; and there is no shame/guilt for this lifestyle

firm commitment to Christ

if we are centered on our faith, we naturally want to remove those obstacles that impair a relationship with Him, first step to leading a clean life

prudent use of the media

images on the internet, television, magazines, movies, literature, and conversation give rise to temptation so use with discretion

file for a declaration of nullity

in order for a catholic to remain in the life of the church after divorce, one must

free union

involves a man and a woman living together, having sex, but have no intentions of marrying each other in the future


involves exhibiting images that expose the human body/show sexual actions for gratification

declaration of nullity

is only done by the Church, and the Church affirms after thorough investigation, that there was never a "sacramental marriage" due to an impediment at the tie you wed whether you realized it or not

premarital sex

known as fornication, refers to sex outside of marriage, does not just refer to any act designed to illicit sexual pleasure outside of marriage which includes passionate kissing, sexual petting, or oral intercourse

trial marriage

man and woman living together and having sex with the intention of marrying each other in the future, aka cohabitation

in vivo fertilization

medical procedure that inserts the sperm of a husband or donor directly into the woman's uterus for fertilization

natural family planning

method in which a couple abstains from sex during the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle which can be calculated roughly 14 days after the first day of her last period

theology of the body

teaching created by pope John Paul II; this teaching states that every human being should be given love for his or her own sake and never become and object for use

1. shows/practices sacrifice 2. opens the doors of communication up between the couple

positive effects of abstaining during marriage


practice that consists of having more than one wife

artificial insemination

procedure seeks the conception of new life outside the marital act.

in vitro fertilization

procedure that takes a woman's egg and a man's sperm; fertilization happens in a lab, then inserts them back into the woman for implantation; if the woman cannot carry, the fertilized egg can be inserted into a surrogate mother.


refers to the civil dissolution of marriage in which one deliberately breaks the lifelong commitment


refers to the conception of a new person through marital relations


refers to the idea that man and woman are compatible mutually benefit one another both physically and spiritually according to God's plan like pieces of puzzle fit together to make a complete picture


sex with an animal condemned in levitticus and exodus

modesty in dress

shift to elegance which reinforces dignity and away from immodest attire which sends the message that a person is defined mainly by his/her sexual attractiveness

too young, under the influence, not in the right state of mind, felt pressured

some reasons the Church grants annulments


the marital property that states that God intended marriage to be a permanent and not broken by anyone


the marital property that states that the gift can never be shared with a third party

the Bride of Christ

the relationship between Christ and His Church


the sacrament by which a man and a woman, according to God's plan, are joined in a lifelong union of love and life


the theory that pleasure is primary good and end of every action

the relationship between Christ and His Church looks like

the union between husband and wife should reflect


the use of sexually arousing imagery in literature or art

the Gospel of Life

writing by Pope John Paul II that states that the intentional withholding of one's fertility is the refusal to totally give yourself to the other person and limits giving such a unique gift of self that can never be duplicated

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