Chapter 8- nervous system

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Click and drag on elements in order Identify the phases of an action potential in chronological order, starting with the first phase at the top. Repolarization Local potential Depolarization Hyperpolarization

1. Local potential 2. Depolarization 3. Repolarization 4. Hyperpolarization

Indicate the correct order of events that occur during a single action potential, starting with the first at the top Local potential decreases membrane potential Depolarization spike Repolarization Hyperpolarization Resting membrane potential reestablished Threshold reached

1. Local potential decreases membrane potential 2. Threshold reached 3. Depolarization spike 4. Repolarization 5. Hyperpolarization 6. Resting membrane potential reestablished

Identify the two functional subdivisions of the peripheral nervous system - afferent division - sympathetic nervous system - spinal cord - efferent division - parasympathetic nervous system - brain

Afferent division Efferent division

Match the divisions of the nervous system with their appropriate descriptions Afferent division Efferent division Somatic nervous system Atomic nervous system Conducts nerve impulses from receptors to the CNS Conducts nerve impulses from the CNS to muscle and glands Conducts action potentials from the CNS to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands Conducts action potentials from the CNS to skeletal muscle.

Afferent division — conducts nerve impulses from receptors to the CNS Efferent division— conducts nerve impulses from the CNS to muscles and glands Somatic nervous system— conducts action potentials from the CNS to skeletal muscle Atomic nervous system— conducts action potentials from the CNS to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands

______ are NOT a structural type of neuron.

Afferent neurons

The division of the peripheral nervous system that transmits electrical impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS is the ___ division, whereas the division of the peripheral nervous system that transmits electrical impulses from the CNS toward muscle and glands is the ___ division.

Afferent or sensory Efferent or motor

Neuroglial cells that help form the blood-brain barrier between the blood and CNS are called ___.


Neuroglial cells that help form the blood-brain barrier between the blood and CNS are called ____.


______ are the type of neuroglia that can decrease or enhance signaling activity and help limit damage to neural tissue.


A single, long cellular extension from a neuron cell body would be a(n)_______.


The cell process that carries information away from the neuron cell body is the ______.


Select all that apply Which of the following are structural types of neurons? (Select all that apply.) Multiple select question. Bipolar neuron Multipolar neuron Efferent neuron Unipolar Afferent neuron Interneuron

Bipolar neuron Multipolar neuron Unipolar

In the PNS, ______ fibers have Schwann cells associated with them.

Both myelinated and unmyelinated

Match the parts of a neuron with the correct description. Cell body Axon Dendrite Collaterals Enlarged portion of a neuron that contains the nucleus and other organelles Branches of an axon Process of a neuron that transmits action potentials away from the cell body Process of a neuron that receives stimuli and generates local potentials

Cell body— enlarged portion of a neuron that contains the nucleus that contains the nucleus and other organelles Axon — process of a neuron that transmits action potentials away from the cell body Dendrite — process of a neuron that receives stimuli and generates local potentials Collaterals — branches of an axon

Match the divisions of the nervous system with the correct description. Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Afferent division Efferent division Enteric nervous system Consist of the brain and spinal cord Consists of sensory and motor neurons within the digestive system Conducts action potentials between receptors and the CNS and between the CNS and muscles and glands Conducts nerve impulses from the CNS to muscle and glands Conducts nerve impulses from receptors to the CNS

Central nervous system— consists of the brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system — conducts action potentials between receptors and the CNS and between the CNS and muscles and glands Afferent division — conducts nerve impulses from receptors to the CNS Efferent division — conducts nerve impulses from the CNS to muscle and glands Enteric nervous system — consists of sensory and motor neurons within the digestive system

During an action potential, an increase in membrane permeability to NA+ leads to a(n) ___ followed by an increase in permeability to K+ that leads to a(n) ____ of the membrane and a slight after hyperpolorization

Depolarization, repolarization

The nervous system that specifically controls the digestive tract, independent of the centeral nervous system, is the ___ nervous system.


The ______ is the independent subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that controls the digestive tract.

Enteric nervous system

True or false: NA+ has the greatest influence on resting membrane potential due to its high permeability in the membrane


True or false: motor neurons transmit nerve signals toward the CNS.


Group of related nerve cell bodies located outside of the central nervous system are called _____.


Select all that apply Which of the following are basic types of ion channels (select all that apply) - gated - polarized - electrical - leak

Gated , leak

There are several types of nonneuronal, support cells within the nervous system. As a group, these support cells are called ____.


The statement that best differentiates gray matter and white matter is ______

Gray matter consists of cell bodies and dendrites whereas white matter consists mostly of myelinated axons

Nerve tissue consisting primary of cells bodies and their dendrites is often referred to as ____ matter.


The cortex and deeper nuclei of the brain consist primary of neuron cell bodies. They are frequently referred to as ____ matter


______ is NOT one of the phases of an action potential. - hyperpotential - hyperpolarization - depolarization - repolarization


The changes in membrane permeability that will promote a depolarization is(are) an ______.

Increase in NA+ permeability

The function of the myelin sheath is to ___.

Insulate the axon

Select all that apply Identify characteristics that are responsible for establishing the resting membrane potential. Select all that apply. - the plasma membrane is more permeable to NA+ than any other ion - k+ concentration is higher in the intracellular fluid and NA+ concentration is higher in the extracellular fluid - the plasma membrane is impermeable to large, intracellular anions - k+ tends to diffuse into the cell

K+ concentration is higher in the intracellular fluid and Na+ concentration is higher in the extracellular fluid. The plasma membrane is impermeable to large, intracellular anions.

Two basic types of ion channels are _____ and _____.

Leak channels and gated channels

Neuroglial cells of the CNS that remove bacteria and cell debris are called ____.


Match each of the cells of the nervous system with the correct description Microglia cells Bipolar neurons Oligodendrocyte Schwann cells Multipolar neurons Pseudo-unipolar neurons Most sensory neurons Found in special sense organs Forms myelin on axon of neurons in the CNS Forms myelin on axons of neurons the PNS Phagocytic cells of the CNS Most motor neurons and neurons of the CNS

Microglia cells- phagocytic cells of the CNS Bipolar neurons — found in special sense organs Oligodendrocyte - forms myelin on axons of neurons in the CNS Schwann cells- forms myelin on axons of neurons in the PNS Multipolar neurons — most motor neurons and neurons of the CNS Pseudo- unipolar neurons - most sensory neurons

In the nervous system, the term ______ refers to signal conduction from the CNS to effectors.


The somatic and autonomic nervous systems are subdivisions of the ______.

Motor division

A(n) ____ neuron carries information away from the central nervous system.

Motor or efferent

Which of the following is NOT a component of a neuron?


Which of the following is NOT a component of a neuron? - axon -cell body -myelin -dendrite


Depolarization occurs when ____ ion channels open, allowing that ion to move ____ the cell.

Na+, into

A bundle of axons and their sheaths in the peripheral nervous system is a(n) _____.


Match the term with the correct definition Nerve Ganglia Bundle of axons and their sheaths Collections of neurons cell bodies located outside the central nervous system

Nerve- bundle of axons and their sheaths Ganglia- collections of neuron cel bodies located outside the central nervous system

Central and peripheral are two major divisions of the ______.

Nervous system

A ganglion is a group of _____.

Neuron cell bodies

On myelinated axons in the PNS, small gaps exist between adjacent Schwann cells; these gaps are known as ____ of ____.

Nodes, ranvier

Match the following terms with the correct definition Nucleus Ganglion Tract Nerve Bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in PNS A cluster of cell bodies and their dendrites in the CNS A cluster of cell bodies and their dendrites in the PNS Bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the CNS

Nucleus — a cluster of cell bodies and their dendrites in the CNS Ganglion- a cluster of cell bodies and their dendrites in the PNS Tract — bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the CNS Nerve — bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the PNS

A cluster of neuron cell bodies in the CNS is referred to as a(n) ___ and a cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS is referred to as a(n) ____.

Nucleus, ganglion

Match each cell of the nervous system with the correct description Oligodendrocyte Astrocyte Ependymal cells Microglia Schwann cell Neuroglia that produce cerebrospinal fluid Neuroglia cell that form the myelin sheath around neurons of the CNS Neuroglia cell of the PNS that forms a myelin sheath Branched neuroglia that help to form the blood-brain barrier Neuroglia that remove bacteria and cell debris

Oligodendrocyte - neuroglia cell that forms the myelin sheaths around neurons of the CNS Astrocyte - branched neuroglia that help to form the blood - brain barrier Ependymal cells- neuroglia that produce cerebrospinal fluid Microglia - neuroglia that remove bacteria and cell debris Schwann cell- neuroglial cell of the PNS that forms a myelin sheath

______ is the electrolyte that has the greatest influence on resting membrane potential due to the greater permeability of the plasma membrane to this electrolyte.


Select all that apply Identify the functions of the nervous system. Select all that apply. Multiple select question. Receiving sensory input Stimulating muscle growth Controlling muscles and glands Controlling protein synthesis Integrating information

Receiving sensory input Controlling muscles and glands Integrating information

Select all that apply Which of the following would be found in a neurons cell body? (Select all that apply) Rough endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Nucleus Collateral axon

Rough endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Nucleus

The specific cells that are responsible for producing myelin in the PNS are the ____ cells.


Cells that produce myelin in the PNS are ____ ____ and cells that produce myelin in the CNS are ____.

Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes

In the nervous system, the term ______ refers to signal conduction toward the CNS.


What is the division of the peripheral nervous system that transmits electrical impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS?


The two subdivisions of the motor or efferent division are the ___ nervous system and the ___ nervous system.

Somatic , autonomic

Select all that apply Which are functions of astrocytes? Select all that apply - stimulation or inhibit action of neuronal signaling - formation of myelin sheaths in the CNS - formation of a permeability barrier between the blood and CNS - Production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid - providing structural support

Stimulation or inhibit action of neuronal signaling Formation of a permeability barrier between the blood and CNS Providing structural support

Multipolar, bipolar, and pseudo-unipolar neurons are ______ classifications of neurons.


Neurons can be classified based on their function as well as their ______.


The two subdivisions of the atomic nervous system are the ___ and ____ divisions.

Sympathetic , parasympathetic

______ are the two subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic

True or false: gray matter is the portion of nervous tissue that is composed primary of cell bodies and dendrites


True or false: oligodendrocytes are associated with both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.


True or false: the general types of cells that make up the nervous system are neurons and glial cells.


The portion of the CNS that are primary of myelinated axon bundles are often referred to as ____ matter.


The sensory division is also known as the ____ division of the nervous system.


Neurons are classified based upon the ______.

arrangement of the processes

What are neuroglial cells that help form the blood-brain barrier between the blood and CNS called?


Match each of the cells of the nervous system with their appropriate description Astrocytes Ependymal cell Oligodendrocyte Schwann cells Multipolar neurons ' Pseudo-uni polar neurons Most motor neurons and neurons of the CNS Forms myelin on axons of neurons in the CNS Forms myelin on axons of neurons in the PNS Lines ventricles of the brain Most sensory neurons Forms the blood-brain barrier

astrocytes- forms the blood-brain barrier ependymal cell- lines ventricles of the brainlines ventricles of the brain oligodendrocyte- forms myelin on axons of neurons in the CNSforms myelin on axons of neurons in the CNS Schwann cells- forms myelin on axons of neurons in the PNS.forms myelin on axons of neurons in the PNS. multipolar neurons-most motor neurons and neurons of the CNSmost motor neurons and neurons of the CNS pseudo-uni polar neurons matches Choice, most sensory neuronsmost sensory neurons

The division of the motor nervous system that is under involuntary control and innervates glands, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle is the ______ division.


The division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands is the ______ nervous system, whereas the division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward skeletal muscle is the ______ nervous system.

autonomic and somatic

The ______ are the two major subdivisions of the nervous system.

central and peripheral nervous systems

The gray matter in the brain is composed of neuron cell bodies and makes up both the ______.

cortex and deep cerebral nuclei

Branched cytoplasmic extensions of the neuron that receive input and transmit signals toward the cell body are ___.


The highly branched cytoplasmic extensions of a neuron cell body that are specialized to receive input and conduct signals toward the cell body are called ______.


When the resting membrane potential shifts to a more positive value, this is referred to as ____.


Neuroglial cells that aid in the production of cerebrospinal fluid are the _____ cells.


The speed of an action potential along myelinated axons is ______ the speed of an action potential along an unmyelinated axon.

faster than

The factor that contributes to the resting membrane potential is a ______.

higher concentration of K+ inside the cell

When the membrane potential decreases, the inside of the membrane becomes _____ negative. This is called ______.

less, depolarization

Stronger stimuli will produce ____ action potentials.

more frequent

The nervous system directly controls ______.

muscles and glands

The layer called the ____ ____ insulates axons, both in the CNS and PNS.

myelin sheath

Action potentials (nerve messages) are able to travel faster along ______ axons.


Neurons and glial cells are cells of the ______ system.


_______ are structural elements in a neuron cell body that help organize the cytoplasm into distinct areas.


Supporting cells such as oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells are examples of ______ cells.


Another name for nerve cell is ______.


The structural unit of the nervous system that consists of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon is the ______.


Glial cells that form myelin sheaths within the CNS are the ____.


The glial cells that form myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord are ______.


In the CNS, the cells that are responsible for forming myelin sheaths around axons are _______, whereas the cells that help form the permeability barrier between blood and neurons are ______.

oligodendrocytes; astrocytes

The afferent and efferent divisions are the two functional subdivisions of the ______ nervous system.


The plasma membrane has opposite charges arranged across the membrane and is thus said to be ____.


When opposite charges are arranged on opposing sides of a membrane, the membrane is said to be ______.


The role of the NA+ -K+ pump in membrane potential regulation is that it ____.

reestablishes correct ion distribution, compensating for ion leakage

The difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane in an unstimulated cell is called the ______.

resting membrane potential

The propagation of action potentials from one node of Ranvier to another along a myelinated axon is called ____ conduction.


The sodium-potassium pump transports ______ ions out of the cell and ______ ions into the cell.

sodium and potassium

Nervous tissue of the CNS that is composed primarily of myelinated axons is often referred to as ______ matter.


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