Chapter 8 Religion Christians of the Roman Empire ( AD 313-476)

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Name 2 people who had positive impact on the church . Discuss contributions

1. Constantine he became emperor after winning the Battle of Millivan Bridge. He issued the edict of Milan, because the Christian were persecuted for faith and martyr for it. It granted religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire in 313 AD. Christian allow worship their faith. 2. Saint Jerome father of the church who translated the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. It was important to translate bible into Latin to spread faith.

Name the six Heretical?

1. Gnostic, 2. Doncetist, 3. Marcionites,4. Donatist, 5. Arians, and 6. Monophysite

Name the 4 Fathers of the Church?

1. Origen who study and explain stricture 2. Tertullian to develop a vocabulary to describe the faith 3.saint John Chrysostom- the golden mouth 4. Saint Jerome transfer the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin

Edict of Milan

Constantine issued edict in 313 AD granting religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire.

Great persecution

Emperor Diocletian issued the order that led to persecution of thousands of Christian in the year 303 AD. Christian were martyr from the faith.

Saint Jerome

Father of the Church from 327 -420 AD. Translated bible into Latin from Hebrew and Greek.

Old testament

God covenant the agreement that Go made people of Israel (the old Covenant) 46 books in Old Testament

Who was Emperor Constantine?

He ruled from 312 to 337 AD. He became emperor after winning the battle of Milivan Bridge. He did not officially become a Christian until end of life. He issued the Edict of Milan granting religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire. He return church property that was seized under Great Persecution and allowed freedom to worship openly.

Who is Emperor Diocletian?

He ruled from the period to 284 to 305 AD. He wanted to be worshipped as a god.. In the year 303 AD issued orders lead to what is called as "The Great Persecution." Thousands of Christian were martyr for their faith under his reign. Church property was taken and Christian books were burned.

Council of Chalcedon

Held in 451 AD is the considered the greatest of the first four ecumenical council.there the bishops affirmed the teachings of pope Leo the great of no interfere with each other divine nature.

St. John Chrysostom

Lived from 347-407 AD. A great preacher whose names means golden mouth.

Who is Helena?

Mother of Emperor Constaine . She rembereed for founding churches and serving the poor. She vistied Palestine in the year 326 AD, and found the "true cross of Christ." The cross of christ became a sign of victory for all Christains.

Emperor Theodosius I

Ruler from 379 to 395 AD made Christian the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Christian enjoyed worship and no longer fear being persecuted for worship their faith.


Scared scripture. The are 73 books in bible. Divided in 2 parts. Testaments old and new

New Testament

The agreement brought to fulfillment in Jesus the new covenant 27 books in New Testament


They claim that Jesus was less then divine


They claimed that God revelation was available only as secret few. The church knew however that Jesus welcome everyone telling his disciples to all nations


They claimed that Jesus only pretend to be human and so didn't really suffer on the cross. The teaches however that fully human and fully divine. Hid suffering were real.


They claimed that Jesus was only divine and thus fully human


They claimed that only saints can belong to church. Both the church both sinners and saints


They claimed that the material world is evil and created by evil spirit the church knew that all creation was Made by God who is all Good.

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