Chapter 8: Skills for Building Personal Credibility and Influencing Others
ABC Model
-Cognitive approaches to stress management that have the common goal of changing a person's self talk about stressful events -Chain of events that precedes feelings of stress -Something external happens (a stressful event) and then something internal follows (symptoms of stress) A. Triggering event (knocking coffee) B. Your thinking ("He must think I'm a real jerk." Changed to "Darn it! But it was just an accident") C. Feelings and behaviors (anxiety, etc. Changed to apologizing and helping clean up)
Leaders and followers can enhance the clarity of their communication:
1) It is helpful to be mindful of others' level of expertise, values, experiences, and expectations and how these characteristics affect their frames of reference 2) Create a common frame of reference for followers before communicating a message 3) Use familiar terms, jargon, and concepts 4) Use unambiguous and concrete terms 5) Send congruent verbal and nonverbal signals
Leaders take the following steps to successfully lead creative followers
1) set goals 2) provide adequate resources 3) reduce time pressures, but keep followers on track 4) consider nonmonetary as well as monetary rewards 5) recognize that creativity is evolutionary, not revolutionary
A commercial creative problem-solving approach finding analogies -Try putting in an idea of problem into a picture rather than into words
Conducting Meetings
Determine when it is necessary List the objectives Stick to the agenda Provide pertinent materials in advance Make it convenient Encourage participation Keep a record
frames of reference
It is helpful to be mindful of others' level of expertise, values, experiences, and expectations and how these characteristics affect their frames of reference
Our systems view of communication emphasized that effectiveness depends on both transmitting and receiving information Best listeners are active listeners, not passive listeners
Actively Interpret the Sender's Message
Paraphrase the sender's message
Two components of Credibility
Trust and Expertise
Nominal group technique (NGT):
a good way to generate ideas pertinent to a problem; it's an idea-generating activity conducted in a group setting; group members write down ideas on individual slips of paper, which are later transferred to a blackboard or flipchart for the entire group to work with
a technique designed to enhance the creative potential of any group trying to solve a problem
Pareto Principle
about 80 percent of the problems in any system are the result of about 20 percent of the causes
an effort to attain objectives by attacking or hurting others; direct forms- threats, verbal attacks, physical intimidation, emotional outbursts, explosiveness, bullying, and hostility; indirect forms- nagging, passive-aggressive uncooperativeness, guilt arousal, and other behaviors that undermine an adversary's autonomy
avoiding interpersonal conflict entirely either by giving up and giving in or by expressing our needs in an apologetic, self-effacing way; back down easily when challenged; leads to many negative feelings such as guilt, resentment, and self-blame, as well as low self-image
constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important
Problem Solving
identifying problems or opportunities for improvements, analyzing the causes, developing alternative solutions, selecting and implementing the best solution, assessing the impact of the solution
Assertive behavior
individuals that are able to stand up for their own rights (or groups' rights) in a way that also recognizes the concurrent right of others to do the same
Functional fixedness
it can be difficult to see novel uses for things we are familiar with
Abilene paradox
occurs when someone suggests that the group engage in a particular activity or course of action, and no one in the group really wants to do the activity (including the person who made the suggestion); leaders who fail to be assertive with friends and peers
Effective Stress Management
refers to the effects of environments Monitor your own and your followers stress levels identify what is causing the stress practice a healthy lifestyle learn how to relax develop supportive relationships keep things in perspective
specific characteristics in individuals, tasks, organizations, or the environment that pose some degree of threat or challenge to people
the ability to engender trust in others
Communication effectiveness
the degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said
the process by which we perceive and respond to situations that challenge of threaten us