chapter 9

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Why are black people attacking white people on a ship in the 1840 engraving of the Amistad?

Black slaves are killing white captors as they take over a slave ship.

How did the New York Liberty Party interpret the Constitution?

They felt that it outlawed slavery throughout the entire country

What did Joseph Cinque and Madison Washington have in common?

They both led successful revolts aboard ships to gain their freedom.

How did southern postmasters frequently respond to the delivery of antislavery literature to their communities?

They burned the literature.

Which of the following statements is true about the riots during the 1830s and the 1840s?

They grew in number as the abolitionist movement grew

What was the general impact of the black nationalistic efforts on the antislavery movement?

They had little effect.

What were the most important results of the black convention movement?

They provided a venue for abolitionists to discuss issues and adapt to American sectionalism.

What types of arguments did the American Anti-Slavery Society use to convince people that slavery should be abolished?

They tried to convince people that slavery led to brutality and violence.

How did the Gag Rule controversy end in Congress?

It was repealed in 1844 through the efforts of John Quincy Adams.

How does the humorous story related in the Voices excerpt titled "Frederick Douglass Describes an Awkward Situation" reveal the central problems confronting abolitionist lecturers in the 1830s and 1840s?

Lecturers confronted racist assumptions about segregation and black people

The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society was formed by which of the following men?

Lewis Tappan

What political party became the first antislavery political party?

Liberty Party

A colleague of Frederick Douglass who sometimes collaborated with him in writing articles for The North Star was_________.

Martin R. Delany.

Frederick Douglass was born a slave in______ in 1818.


The strategy of__________was adopted by the American Antislavery Society in the 1830s as a tactic to persuade whites to act against slavery.

Moral Suasion

Frederick Douglass escaped to______ in 1838

New England

In early 1846 President James Polk, fearing a war, backed away from confronting Britain over ____, agreeing to split its territory along the 49th degree of latitude.


Examine Map 9-1. Where were the worst and most frequent race riots?


Who did the native born Protestants in the U.S. view as culturally subversive?

Roman Catholics immigrants

How did whites address racism in the 1830s and 1840s?

Scientists argued that white people white Americans were a superior race culturally, physically, and intellectually; they were, therefore, entitled to rule over other races.

The Compromise of_____ subjected African Americans to additional violence because part of the Compromise met slaveholders' demands for a stronger fugitive slave law.


Examine the broadside announcing an abolitionist meeting in New York that appears in Chapter 9. What message does the broadside proclaim to American readers?

Abolitionism is God's law and should be embraced

What was the most significant abolitionist society?

American Anti-Slavery Society

Study Figure 9-1. What is the connection between abolition, racism towards blacks, and incidents of mob violence in the North between 1812 and 1849?

As abolitionism increased, mob violence increased.

What was the relationship between free black population numbers and free black community institutions in northern cities during the antebellum era?

As free black population numbers increased, community institutions increased

Why did black militancy rise in the 1840s?

Black abolitionists came to believe that white abolitionists enjoyed debate more than action against slavery

What influence did black newspapers exert on the antislavery movement?

Black newspapers played a major role in denouncing slavery and slaveholders.

How are the Amistad and Creole slave revolts linked to the final end of slavery in 1865?

Both inspired both northern whites and blacks to end slavery

Where did Madison Washington take the Creole to gain his and his shipmates' freedom?

British Bahamas

Who were the main leaders of the Underground Railroad in the early 1840s

Charles T. Torrey and Thomas Smallwood

How were black churches important to the abolitionist movement?

Clergy attacked slavery and discrimination

The blac_____ movement revived during the 1840s as the antislavery movement became more militant.


What aspects of the 1845 cover illustration for sheet music indicates the stereotype that Douglass found himself trapped within as he continued to lecture for the American Anti-Slavery Society?

Douglass is shown in romanticized escape gear and clothing as the fugitive slave.

The American School of______ justified white Americans in their continued enslavement of African Americans and extermination of American Indians.


In the excerpt from Martin Delany in the Voices section, how does Delany connect Black Nationalism to the problems of the black community?

He says blacks need to band together, form their own organizations, and go back to Africa.

How did Frederick Douglass address issues of integration and black nationalism?

He was an ardent integrationist

Why did Frederick Douglass become disillusioned with the AASS?

His white colleagues seemed to value him more for being a fugitive slave than for his oratory and intelligence

Abolitionists criticized northern _______ who thrived by manufacturing cloth from cotton produced by slave labor.


Why did free blacks in the northern states embrace the New York wing of the Liberty Party?

It advocated the most aggressive action against slavery and helped slaves escape

How did the Underground Railroad help to end slavery?

It helped slaves escape and undermined slavery in the South.

What were the activities undertaken by the Free Produce Association in the early 1830s?

It pressured slaveholders by lobbying against buying produce grown by slaves.

What role did the Black Convention Movement play in the abolitionist movement?

It provided a forum for antislavery ideas and the development of black leadership.

Examine the only surviving photograph of Mary Ann Shadd Cary. What aspect of the photograph would suggest that she was a supporter of racial integration?

It shows a mixed race woman.

Why do we know very little about the Underground Railroad?

It was a secret and unofficial organization with no centralized command

Which of the following statements is true of the Underground Railroad?

Technology such as railroads and steamboats often helped slaves to escape

In 1836_____won independence and, as a slaveholding republic, applied for annexation to the United States as a slave state.


What was the main difference between the Liberty Party and the "Old Organization" of the AASS?

The "Old Organization" stopped participating in politics, and the Liberty Party was an official third party in the American political system.

What was the extent of black participation in the new AFASS versus the AASS?

The AFASS allowed blacks a more prominent leadership role.

How did the black community interact with the abolitionist movement?

The black community supported and protected the abolitionist movement

If names were removed from the photograph of the Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society that appears in Chapter 9, how would historians know that this was a group of American abolitionists?

The membership of the group is racially diverse, well dressed, and includes women

Why did some black abolitionists become increasingly militant during the 1840s?

They were inspired by several slave rebellions and mutinies on ships.

How were blacks treated in the American Anti-Slavery Society?

They were often refused leadership roles or significant influence in decision-making

How did northern white mobs impact the antislavery movement?

White mobs made a significant impact by attacking abolitionists and newspapers.

What were some of the problems the antislavery movement encountered in its early efforts?

Whites refused to allow blacks to have equal status in the organizations.

Which of the following were the frequent targets of antiblack mobs?

black newspapers and neighborhoods

What was the most important black institution during the antislavery movement?


Where did most slaves on the Underground Railroad originate?

the Deep South

According to Map 9-1, most anti-black and anti-Abolitionist riots took place in what region of the nation?

the Northeast

What were the goals of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)?

the immediate end to slavery, with no compensation for owners

The 1840 engraving of a slave uprising on board the Amistad provides insights into what aspects of the Amistad slave revolt?

the violence and chaos of the slave revolt

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