Chapter 9 - Alcohol

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what are the possible causes of hangover

alcohol withdrawal, exposure to congeners, cellular dehydration, gastric irritation, reduced blood sugar, accumulation of acetylahyde

alcohol dehydrogenase

an enzyme in the stomach and liver that converts alcohol into acetaldehyde and then acetaldehyde+ aldehyde dehydrogenase converts into acetic acid and then released to kidneys.

American consumption per person per year Beer Spirits wine

beer 27 gallons or over 1 gallon of alcohol Spirits 0.75 gallons of alcohol Wine 0.33 gallon of alcohol

a danger sign of excessive alcohol use


how does liver responds to chronic intake of alcohol?

by increasing enzyme activity. It contributes to tolerance among heavy users.

states where people tend to approve of the use of alcohol to relieve stress

drinking norms

liver metabolizes about ______ ounces of alcohol per hour

0.25 ounces

standard drink has about ______ ounces of pure alcohol

0.5 ounces

______% is metabolized in the liver _______% of alcohol is excreted unchanged through breath, skin, urine.

90% 10%

_______ the alcohol is consumed by 10% of the drinkers

Half ( from 1 in 3 population- 2 people drink)

Two piece of advice when acute physiological toxicity occurs

if someone drinks enough to pass out do not leave the person alone place her or him on side and monitor breathing or take to ER immediately If someone drinks enough to vomit she should stop drinking vomitting reflex is suppressed at BACs above 0.20 and can quickly reach lethal levels

Alcohol is distributed throughout the body fluids not fatty acids and that is why lead person will have _______ BAC than a fatter person of the same weight.

lower. women have high body fats and are more susceptible to alcohol

Women absorb greater proportion of alcohol than men because

men has high amount of active alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme than women so women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

behavioral effects are?

mood change sexual behavior impairment blackouts crime and violence

Behavioral effects

mood changes include - euphoria (feel good) reduced anxieties reduced inhibitions (brave) alcohol behavioral effects depend on time course

What were the outcomes of prohibition ?

organized crime became more organized and profitable. Alcohol dependence and alcohol- related deaths declined.

Metabolism is based on a stable rate; coffee, exercise and other strategies do not speed up the rate of metabolism?


The darker the alcohol the higher the congeners it has?


Most beer sold in the US is mass- produced by the two largest brewers true or false?

true Anheuser- Busch and MillerCoors

symptoms of a hangover

upset stomach, fatigue, headache, thirst, depression, anxiety, and general malaise

physiological effects

peripheral circulation- dilation of peripheral blood vessels fluid balance- increases urine flow hormonal effects- chronic alcohol users can develop a variety of hormone related disorders.

Household words for alcohol

speakeasies, hip flasks, bathtub gin

if rate of intake is equal to the rate of metabolism then BAC is _______ If rate of intake exceeds rate of metabolism then BAC________

stable increases

chronic toxicity in heavy users

- brain tissue loss and cognitive impairment- wernickie- korsakoff syndrome (vitamin B deficiency)- confused, ataxia, abnormal eye movement, inability to remember new events and it is irreversible. - heart disease - liver disease- hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis impaired immunity

Before American Revolution

-most people drank more alcohol compared with water -drunkenness was viewed as misuse of positive product GIFT FROM GOD ALCOHOL was only thing they could drink everything else was contaminated even water.

Most Wines have 12% or 15% alcohol?


A 12 ounce can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:

12*0.04= 0.48

After the American Revolution

Alcohol itself viewed as the cause of serious problems, an active agent of evil Alcohol was first psychoactive substance to become demonized in American culture. ALCOHOL IS BAD

a measure of the concentration of alcohol in blood, expressed as percentage in terms of grams per 100 ml

Blood alcohol concentration

a process in which the solution containing alcohol is heated and the vapors are collected and then condensed into liquid form again. Steam vapors rise and collected much alcohol content


College students drink more than their non student peers, and many campuses have banned sale and advertising of alcohol

Drinking among college students

18th Amendment (1919) banned the sale of alcohol.

Federal prohibition

Production of alcohol from sugars through the action of yeasts is called


What is the production process of wine?

Fermented grapes and increase sugar content

Raw materials used to produce alcoholic beverage are?

Fruits (grapes) cereal grains- starch is converted into sugar before making the alcoholic beverage.

clear, tasteless, nearly pure alcohol (190 proof- 95% pure alcohol content) produced by distillation, NOT ODORLESS. They are used to make beverages such as Gin and vodka

Grain neutral spirits

Three types of distilled spirits

Grain neutral spirits Liqueurs or cordials whiskey (rye, blended, corn)

types of beer

Lager and Ale Lager: most common type in the US. In german meaning to "TO STORE" Uses a type of yeast that settles to the bottom of the mash to ferment cool temperature and slower fermentation lighter in taste Ale: uses a top- fermentation yeast. warm temperature and shorter fermentation. Ferments faster in warm temperature. has stronger taste Light Beer has low calories, lighter taste and less alcohol. Light beers have 10 percent less alcohol and 25 to 30 percent fewer calories. more sugar converted into alcohol.

Similar in some ways to fortified wines. Made with brandi mixed with flavorings from herbs berries or nuts. Old recipe and still a secret

Liqueurs or cordials

What is the production process of Beer?

Made by adding barely malt to other cereal grains. Hops give beer its distinctive flavor.

Absorption of alcohol occurs where?

Mostly the SI and stomach. Food and water slow the process. faster process in the presence of carbonated beverages.

which state has the highest alcohol consumption?

New Hampshire

__________third of US population abstain (do not drink)

One third of population

Why was prohibition repealed?

Previously, the government heavily relied on alcohol taxes before the income tax in 1913. They hoped that income taxes could be reduced by repealing prohibition. Widespread disrespect for Prohibition Laws.

States began passing prohibition laws in 1851 By 1917, 64% of Americans lived in 'dry' territory But people drank illegally in private clubs, drank from the patent medicines. Laws reflected issues of class, ethnicity, religion, immigration.


Regulation after 1933

Some states remained dry initially, but most allowed beer sales. Mississippi was the last dry state and allowed alcohol purchase and consumption in 1966. In 1970s, drinking ages were lowered to 18-19 in 30 states but raised again to 21 following safety concerns Board will not give money to the states who do not enforce age 21 for drinking.

stages of withdrawal

Stage 1: tremors, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, heavy sweating, loss of appetite, insomnia Stage 2: hallucinations (auditory, visual, and/or tactile) Stage 3: delusions, disorientation, delirium Stage 4: seizures

Federal and state taxes and licensing= about half the price of an alcoholic beverages When the taxes go up, consumption goes down.


This movement was started by Benjamin Rush who was medical physician and was first one to say 'alcoholism is a disease'. He says: Heavy drinking= health problems alcohol use damage morality alcohol addiction = liver disease. Initially promoted abstinence from distilled spirits only. People should drink beer and wine moderately but avoid hard liquor Later promoted total abstinence Became fashionable to 'take the pledge ( will not drink alcohol)

Temperance Movement

What are the fermentation products

Yeast (has limited tolerance for alcohol) Raw materials

explain why women are more susceptible to alcohol than men

absorption: women tend to weigh less and have higher proportion of body fat alcohol dehydrogenase is less active in women

withdrawal syndrome

abstinence syndrome is medically more severe and more deadly than opioid withdrawal it untreated, mortality-> as high as 1 in 7

Mechanism of Action

central nervous system depressant, slows CNS. alcohol enhances the GABA receptor - inhibitory effect similar to barbiturates and benzodiazepines. At high doses, alcohol blocks glutamate. Alcohol also affects dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine neurons.

This kind of substance is formed when alcohol is formed. contains 5% because too much of it can be toxic.


homicide assault, including family violence, sexual assault and date rape suicide

crime violence

Consumption patterns are influenced by________________?

cultural factors

Males are more likely to drink than females and drink more

gender differences for Alcohol consumption in US

a measure of a beverage's alcohol content; twice the alcohol percentage

proof 90 proof whiskey is 45 percent alcohol.

When alcohol is present in heavy alcohol users, what happens to the rate of metabolism to other drugs present in the system

rate of metabolism of other drugs is slower. when alcohol is not present metabolism of other drugs is faster.

alcohol use may enhance the interest in sex but impair physiological arousal

sexual behavior

Where people experience a great deal of social stress and tension

stress index

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