Chapter 9: Gender and Sexuality

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family, schools, peers, media

Gender role socialization is accomplished primarily by four major agents of socialization, which are...

instrumental, expressive

Functionalists believe sex determines which roles men and women are best suited to; it is more appropriate for men to play ________________ roles and for women to play _________________ roles.


fear of or discrimination toward gay, lesbian, and bisexual people


fear of or discrimination toward transgender or other gender-nonconforming people

same-sex marriage

federally recognized marriage between members of the same sex; made legal in the United States in 2015


sexual attraction toward members of both genders


sexual attraction toward members of one's own gender


sexual attraction toward members of the other gender


social and cultural category - traits we associate with being male or female


term used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristic are neither exclusively male nor exclusively female


term used when gender identity and/or expression aligns with the sex assigned at birth

gender nonconforming

term used when gender identity and/or expression differs from societal expectations about gender roles


term used when gender identity and/or expression is different from he sex assigned at birth


the lack of sexual attraction of any kind; no interest in or desire for sex

gender role socialization

the lifelong process of learning to be masculine or feminine, primarily through agents of socialization


In Industrialism, women have managed to turn the corner and see their statuses...

third wave

the most recent period of feminist activism focusing on issues of diversity, globalization, and the variety of identities of women can possess

second wave

the period of feminist activism during the 1960s and 1970s, often associated with the issues of women's equal access to employment and education.


the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members

expressive role

the position of the family member who provides emotional support and nurturing

instrumental role

the position of the family member who provides material support; often an authority figure

social learning

the process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction


In Western countries today, women have achieved _______ or less full legal equality to men.


In agrarian societies, women were seen as _____________, and rape was seen as a crime against men.

suffrage movement

the movement organized around gaining voting rights for women


Those who believe the notions of gender are socially determined, such that a dichotomous binary system is just one possibility among many

gender expression

an individual's behavioral manifestations of gender


an individual's membership in one of two categories - male or female - based on biological factors

gender identity

an individual's self-definition or sense of gender

coming out

to openly declare one's true identity to those who might not be aware of it; short for "coming out of the closet," a phrase used to describe how gays and lesbians have felt compelled to keep their sexual orientation secret


literally meaning "rule of the water"; a male-dominated society


Before Agrarian society, all of human life consisted of a ____________ realm - there was no modern day notion of privacy or home life

more, dominance

Conflict theories believe that because of the traditional division of labor in families, males have had ______ access to resources and privileges and have sought to maintain their _______________.


Could women make any legal decisions over matters which affected their lives in agrarian societies?


Did women have any rights in Agrarian societies?


In industrialized societies, __________ women work outside the home than those who don't.

patrilineal descent

Kinship is traced through the father's side of the family and property

socialization, family, peers, schools, media

Symbolic interactionists believe that gender is learned through the process of ______________; gender inequalities are reproduced through interactions with ____________, ____________, ____________, and the _____________.


The first depictions of religious fertility figures were....


The first human societies to grow their own food were _________________ societies.

Symbolic interactionism

Theory that views: "Gender is socially constructed and maintained in our everyday lives"


Theory that views: "Men have control over most of society's resources and privileges and will continue to maintain their dominant status through the exploitation of women


Theory that views: "men and women should remain in traditional social roles to keep society stable"?


Under the horticulture gardening system, women enjoyed _____________ with men.


Widespread inequality really only comes about with the innovation of the...


Women still did the tedious tasks in agrarian societies that could not be mechanized, like ___________.


Women were ejected from important roles in the.....


Women were relegated to the ___________ sphere.


___________________ and its societies also marks the descent of women to low status human beings whose worth is not much better than that of property.

men's liberation

a movement that originated in the 1970s to discuss the challenges of masculinity

rape culture

a set of beliefs, norms, and values that normalizes sexual violence against women


a system of classification with only two distinct and opposite categories

men's rights movement

an offshoot of male liberationist whose members believe that feminism promotes discrimination against men

pro-feminist men's movement

an offshoot of male liberationist whose members support feminism and believe that sexism harms both men and women


belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; also the social movements organized around that belief.


belief in the superiority of cisgender persons and identities


belief in the superiority of heterosexuality and heterosexuals


biological category - X or Y chromosomes


everyday uses of ordinary language that may send denigrating messages to members of certain social groups


in agrarian societies, were women masters of their domain?


lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer

queer theory

social theory about gender and sexual identity; emphasizes the importance of difference and rejects ideas of innate identities or restrictive categories

outside sphere

society (economic activity, government, religion, etc.)

sexual orientation identity

the inclination to feel sexual desire toward people of a particular gender or toward both genders


the belief that heterosexuality is an should be the norm


the belief that one sex, usually male, is superior to the other


the character of quality of being sexual

first wave

the earliest period of feminist activism, from the mid-nineteenth century until American women won the right to vote in 1920

feminization of poverty

the economic trend showing that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, caused in part by the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single fathers, and the increasing costs of child care.

inside sphere

the home

second shift

the unpaid housework and child care often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor


those who believe gender roles have genetic or biological origin and therefore cannot be changed

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