Chapter 9 Practice Stuff

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Turning questions into conversations

According to Spotlight on Skills in chapter 9, which of the following would improve your chances of getting the job?


Affirmative action requires that an employer take positive steps to guarantee promotion from within.


Age, race, and gender are included in the traditional dimension of diversity.


All managers are involved in human resource management

hiring the right people to become more competitive on a local basis

All of the following are current strategic issues of particular concern to managers EXCEPT:

turning over an effective workforce

All of the following are goals of human resource management EXCEPT :

"What was the volume of business over the past five years?"

All of the following are questions relevant to human resource planning EXCEPT:

drug usage test

All of the following are selection devices used for assessing applicant qualifications EXCEPT a(n)_____.

internal recruiting

An example of_____is when current employees are given preference when a position opens in their organization.


An exit interview is an interview conducted with departing employees to determine the reasons for their termination.


An in-house training and education facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees refers to on-the-job training


An invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from advancement to important lateral movement within the organization defines the glass ceiling.


An organization which accommodates several subcultures, including employees who would otherwise feel isolated and ignored refers to pluralism.

employer of choice

Artie's Pretzels is a small but wellknown company that receives thousands of job applications every year, though it only fills about 50 positions annually. Company managers have learned that Artie's human resource practices are one of the driving factors that attract potential employees. Artie's Pretzels is an example of a(n) _____.


Discrimination is the tendency to view people who are different as being deficient.

gender discrimination

Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is an example of::


People who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis are called "employees of choice."

a monoculture.

Phlex Plastic has a very strong set of corporate values. In fact, Phlex has been known to discourage the emergence of alternative values. Phlex is most likely:

corporate university

Pizza Deluxe University is an in-house center and education facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees. Pizza Deluxe University would be considered a(n)_______ .


Recruiters are now viewing the profiles and pictures of candidates on social networking sites such as Facebook.


Recruiting activities can be divided into (1) internal recruiting including "promote from within" policies, and (2) external recruiting including the use of headhunters.

Finding the right people

Recruiting and selecting employees involves which human resource management goal?

affirmative action

Recruiting methods that are used to promote the hiring, development, and retention of "protected groups" are examples of:


The percentage of contingent workers in the United States has shrunk as a result of the recession of the late 2010s.


The process of determining the value of jobs within an organization through an examination of job content refers to job evaluation.

performance appraisal.

The process of observing and evaluating an employee's performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee is referred to as:


The set of activities that are undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective work force refers to human resource management.

Only top-line managers are predominantly human resource managers

The strategic approach to human resource management recognizes key elements. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient in successful human resource management?

job analysis

The systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about essential duties refers to_______.


The term______refers to (1) all monetary payments and (2) all goods or commodities used in lieu of money to reward employees.

human resource management

The term_____refers to activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization


The three primary goals of HRM are to attract the right people, manage talent so people achieve their potential, and maintain the workforce over a long term.


The traditional dimension of diversity can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime.

behaviorally anchored rating scale BARS

The______is developed from critical incidents pertaining to job performance. Each job performance scale is anchored with specific behavioral statements that describe varying degrees of performance.

job specification

The______outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical abilities, and other characteristics needed to adequately perform the job.

application form

The_____is used to collect information about the applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics

Human capital

Today, more than ever, strategic decisions are related to human resource considerations. Which of the following refers to the economic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees?


Training is typically used to refer to teaching people how to perform tasks related to their present jobs, while development means teaching people broader skills that are not only useful in their present jobs but also prepare them for greater responsibilities in future jobs.

the glass ceiling effect

Trouser's Inc. top management is exclusively made up of older white males. Trouser's promotes from within and top management is most comfortable with individuals who are similar to them. Women and minorities at this company who wish to be promoted are likely to experience______


Unfortunately, companies that foster a diverse workforce increases turnover, absenteeism, and the risk of lawsuits


Wage and salary surveys show what other organizations pay incumbents in jobs that match a sample of "key" jobs selected by the organization

Exit interviews

Which are used to help determine why employees are leaving their jobs?

Sexual crimes

Which is the highest level of sexual harassment?

Civil Rights Act

Which of the following created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?


Which of the following group is expected to grow the most in employment from 2008 to 2018?

Employee resource chart

Which of the following is NOT a method used in external recruiting?

An application form

Which of the following is a device for collecting information about an applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics?

A 360-degree feedback

Which of the following is a process that uses multiple raters, including self-rating, to appraise employee performance and guide development?

Realistic job preview

Which of the following is a recruiting approach that gives applicants all pertinent and realistic information about the job and the organization?

The glass ceiling

Which of the following is an invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions?

Applicant's ancestry/ethnicity

Which of the following is inappropriate to ask on an employment application?

Increased costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits.

Which of the following is not a dividend of workplace diversity?

Training and development

Which of the following is tied to the goal of managing talent in organizations?


Which of the following means that an organization accommodates several subcultures?


Which of the following means using computers and telecommunications equipment to do work without going to an office?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, and sex?


Which of the following refers to all monetary payments and all goods or commodities used in lieu of money to reward employees?


Which of the following refers to the process of determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job?


Which racial or ethnic category currently represents the largest and fastest growing minority group?

Generation Y

Which workforce generation category is characterized as ambitious but lacking loyalty to the organization?

widely used, not valid

While interviews ____are , they are generally______ predictors of subsequent job performance

matching model

With the ______, the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other.

job-based pay

With_____, compensation is linked to the specific tasks that an employee performs.

Employability, personal responsibility

____ is part of the new social contract for employees.

Choosing recruiting procedures

_____ the second step in attracting individuals who show signs of becoming valued, productive, and satisfied employees.


_________is the hiring or promoting of applicants based on criteria that are not job relevant

Stereotype threat

________is a psychological experience of a person who, usually engaged in a task, is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggesting he or she will not perform well on that task.


________means that an organization accommodates several subcultures, including employees who would otherwise feel isolated and ignored.

Halo effect

________occurs when an employee receives the same rating on all dimensions even if his or her performance is good on some dimensions and poor on others.

Performance appraisal

_______comprises the steps of observing and assessing employee performance, recording and assessment, and providing feedback to the employee

Opt-out trend

_______implies that women's commitment to their children limits their commitment to the company or their ability to handle the rigors of corporate management.


_______is defined as "activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied."


_______is the belief that groups are inherently equal


_______reflects the belief that one's own group is superior to other groups.

Contingent workers

______are people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis.

Internal recruiting, external recruiting

______generates higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction than does

Opt-out trend

______implies that women's commitment to their children limits their commitment to the company or their ability to handle the rigors of corporate management.


______is a rigid, exaggerated, irrational belief associated with a particular group of people

A job analysis

______is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties.


______is defined as activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied.

Behaviorally anchored rating scale

______is developed from critical incidents relating to job performance.


______is incentive pay that ties at least part of compensation to employee effort and performance.


______is the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal.

Human resource planning

______is the first step in attracting an effective work force

Human resource planning

______is the forecasting of human resource needs.

Managing diversity

______means creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized.


______means using computers and telecommunications equipment to perform work from home or another remote location

Human resource management

______refers to the activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization

Wage and salary surveys

______show what other organizations pay incumbents in jobs that match a sample of "key" jobs selected by the organization.

A job description

_____is a clear and concise summary of the specific tasks, duties and responsibilities for a particular job.

Affirmative action

_____is a policy requiring employers to be proactive in being certain that equal opportunity exists for all within their organization.


_____is defined as all the ways in which people differ

Job evaluation

_____is the process of determining the value of jobs within an organization through an examination of job content.

a. Inappropriate/offensive b. Coercion with threat of punishment c. Solicitation with promise of reward d. Generalized ***All of these***

_____is(are) categories of sexual harassment.


_____provide more challenging assignments, prescribe new responsibilities, and help employees grow by expanding and developing their abilities.

Human capital

_____refers to the economic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees.


A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is called a(n)_______.


A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is referred to as a(n)_________


A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs, produced by ethnocentrism, is known as monoculture.


A diverse workforce is better able to anticipate and respond to changing consumer needs.


A key element of the strategic approach to human resource management argues that human resource management is NOT a matching process and managers should avoid attempts to match or integrate employees to organization's strategy and goals.

affirmative action

A policy requiring employers to take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups is known as .

360-degree feedback

A process that uses multiple raters including self-rating, to appraise employee performance and guide development is called____


A process that uses multiple raters, including self-rating, to appraise employee performance and guide development refers to 180-degree feedback

realistic job preview RJP

A recruiting approach that gives applicants all pertinent and realistic information about the job and the organization is called a(n)________


A rigid, exaggerated, irrational belief associated with a particular group of people defines prejudice.


A systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties refers to job design.


A type of rating error that occurs when an employee receives the same rating on all dimensions regardless of his or her performance on individual ones refers to the halo effect.


A type of training in which an experienced employee "adopts" a new employee to teach him or her how to perform job duties is known as on-the-job training

corporate university

A(n) _____is an in-house training and education facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees.

employer of choice

A(n)_____ is a company that is highly attractive to potential employees because of human resources practices that focus on tangible and intangible benefits, and that embraces a long-term view to solving immediate problems

job specification

A(n)_____ typically outlines the knowledge, skills, education, and physical abilities needed to perform the job adequately.

exit interview

A(n)_____is an interview conducted with departing employees to determine why they are leaving.

job description

A(n)_____typically lists job duties as well as desirable qualifications for a particular job.

1. it is mandated by ethical responsibility. 2. Opt-out trend

As the marketing director for Sarah's Sharks, Gloria Riviera is particularly well aware of diversity within the firm's clients in the market place. As a successful woman manager, she is also sensitive to the importance of diversity among employees at Sarah's Sharks. 1. Gloria has recognized that valuing diversity is good for her organization for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: 2. Although she loves her job, Gloria is contemplating leaving it to focus her energy on parenting her three children. This would demonstrate which factor affecting women's careers?


BARS stand for Behaviorally Administered Rating Scale and is used to measure performance evaluation errors.


Because employees with different backgrounds bring different options and ideas to the table, a diverse workforce may lead to increased conflict, anxiety, and misunderstanding

Human resource planning

Bryan, who works in the human resource department, is interested in gathering data on the projected number of resignations and retirements over the next ten years. He is most likely to perform which of the following activities?

Halo effect

Colby is a new interviewer who just finished an interview with Renee. Her professional style and her flawless grooming immediately struck him. Colby gave Renee a very good evaluation although her previous work experience and educational background were not that exceptional. What rating error did Colby succumb to?


Competency-based pay systems are also called skill-based pay systems.

generates increased employee commitment

Conolly Company uses internal recruiting whenever possible. This practice:

a monoculture.



Exit interviews are valuable HR tools only if the departing employee leaves voluntarily.


Family and Medical Leave Act require employers to provide up to___weeks unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption, or family emergencies.


Finding the right people to apply new information technology for e-business is a current strategic issue of particular concern for HR managers


Fortunately, today, part-time and temporary workers are not often used by most companies.

Incentive compensation

From the employer's viewpoint, which of these is part of new social contract?

classroom training

The most common form of formal corporate training is:

affirmative action

Greene, Inc. requires that all managers undergo gender sensitivity training with the intent of eliminating gender stereotypes in the organization. This is an example of:

1. Finding the right people 2. Assessment center 3. Managing talent

Gregory Trout has just received a memo explaining that because of his department's success with the newly developed Trout, Inc., that his request for three new employees has been approved. Gregory now faces the challenge of working with the areas of human resource management in recruiting, selecting, training and maintaining effective employees. 1. In recruiting and selecting employees for the new positions, Gregory will apply which human resource management goal? 2. To select high-potential individuals for management positions, what is the best selection device that Gregory could use? 3. In training employees for the new positions, Gregory will apply which human resource management goal?


Hiring and keeping quality employees is one of the most urgent concerns for today's organizations.


Homogeneous top management teams tend to be broadminded in their perspectives.

Traditional model

Hopetech Industries has a corporate diversity plan that limits diversity to areas that do not change throughout a person's lifetime, such as race, gender, age, and disability. Hopetech's diversity plan follows which model of corporate diversity?


Human resource planning refers to the forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected job vacancies


Human resource specialists, with the matching model, exploit the newly hired employees.

a. Childcare b. Flexible work schedule c. Home-based employment d. Maternity or paternity leaves ***All of these***

In a family where both parents work, which of the following may be helpful to accommodate the parents' needs?


In a recent survey, 37 percent of highly qualified women report that they voluntarily left or "opted-out" of the workforce at some point in their careers

contingent workers

In the new workplace,______are people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis


In the____process, employers attempt to determine the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job.

on-the-job training

In______, an experienced employee is asked to take a new employee "under his or her wing" and show the newcomer how to perform job duties.

on-the-job training

In______, an experienced manager shows a new employee how to perform job duties.


Intentionally reducing the company's workforce to the point where the number of employees is deemed to be right for the company's current situation is referred to as______ .

All of these are relevant

Jenna has been given the assignment of determining how many new tellers her bank will need to hire over the next five years. Which of the following questions is irrelevant to her task?


Job description is the process of determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a particular job


Job evaluation comprises the steps of observing and assessing employee performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee.

Glass ceiling

Josephine would like to become part of an elite manager network at her company so she can get access to general and line management experience to help her succeed within the company. However, she learns that the manager network is made up exclusively of men. This demonstrates which factor affecting women's careers?


Lainie was denied a promotion to partner in her accounting firm because of her gender. Lainie is a victim of _____.


Managing diversity means creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized.


Many people believe that men make better managers because of their more collaborative, less hierarchical, relationshiporiented approach that is in tune with today's global and multicultural environment

coercion with threat of punishment.

Matthew is Mandy's supervisor. He promises to fire her if she does not engage in sexual activity with him. This type of sexual harassment would be categorized as:


Most organizations make a conscious effort to shift from a pluralism perspective to one of monoculture.

race or color of skin.

On employee applications and during interviews, it is appropriate to ask all of the following EXCEPT:


One of the consequences of diversity in the workplace is that there is a decreased quality of team problem solving


One of the most dangerous performance evaluation errors is_____, which places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics.

social networking sites

One of the newest ways of gauging whether a candidate is right for the company is by checking:


One of the questions that human resource planning should consider includes "what is the profit margin and inventory turnover rate?"


Research shows that companies with several senior-level women underperform financially and organizationally in comparison to those without senior-level women.


Research shows that realistic job previews lower employee satisfaction and increase turnover.

Opt-out trend

Riya was a highly successful manager at Optics International. After ten years with the company, she decided to leave and become a fulltime mother and caregiver to her ailing father. This example demonstrates which factor affecting women's careers?

the use of realistic job previews

Rock Bottom, Inc. (RBI) has a relatively high turnover rate among its new employees. Recently, the human resource department conducted a series of interviews with employees who were choosing to leave RBI after a short period of time. It was concluded that unmet expectations were the primary reason these people were leaving so soon. RBI can begin to solve this problem by emphasizing:

job evaluation

Sandra, a human resources manager at an advertising firm, is currently in the process of determining the value and worth of advertising executive positions within the agency. This is referred to as .


Sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act


Sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.


Skill-based pay means linking compensation to the specific tasks an employee performs

Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

Smileline Inc. has an onsite daycare facility and provides employees fulltime daycare at a very low cost. The company implemented this years ago when managers realized that childcare responsibilities were contributing to high turnover and absenteeism. This example highlights which dividend of workplace diversity?


Solicitation with the promise of reward is the highest level of sexual harassment.


Stephanie is nervous about giving a presentation at the marketing firm where she works. One of her male coworkers told her, "Don't be such a girl, attack that presentation!" Now Stephanie is so concerned about appearing tough that she can barely concentrate on the content of the presentation. Stephanie's anxiety stems from


Stereotype threat describes the psychological experience of a person who, usually engaged in a task, is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggesting that he or she will not perform well on that task


Stereotypes assume that all members of a group have the same characteristics.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


The average U.S. worker, today, is_______than ever.


The belief that ethics are not absolute but instead need to be evaluated relative to the situation refers to ethnorelativism.


The belief that one's own group or subculture is inherently superior to other groups or cultures is known as ________


The belief that your group and subculture is not as good as other groups and subcultures is ethnocentrism.


The economic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees refers to personal capital.


The first three steps involved in attracting an effective work force are HR planning, choosing recruiting sources, and selecting the candidate


The forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected job vacancies is referred to as human resource


The hiring of applicants based on criteria that are not job-related is called:

glass ceiling

The invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions is known as the _________

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