chapter quizzes pt 2

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Real smiles engage muscles around the mouth and eyes, whereas fake smiles only engage muscles around the mouth. Given what you know about cultural variations in which parts of a facial expression are observed, which of the following people will have the most difficulty distinguishing between a real and fake smile?

Julia, who lives in a culture where people are encouraged to express their emotions

Color terms from different cultures around the world

all correspond to a small number of different possible sets of terms.

Analytic and holistic thinking differ in that analytic thinking involves ____________________ and holistic thinking involves ____________________.

gaining knowledge by applying fixed, abstract concepts; gaining knowledge through experience

Cultures that tend to encourage self-consistency also tend to support the belief that success comes from

innate abilities.

Recall that Kashima and colleagues (1995) had men and women from various Western and Eastern cultures complete several measures of independent and interdependent self-views. Their study found gender differences for

only the interdependent facet of relatedness.

Which of the following accurately lists the five personality traits that make up the five-factor model of personality?

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see a strong divide between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of?

independent theory of self

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the research findings on cultural influences on primary and secondary control?

Both Japanese and U.S. participants report that primary control experiences feel more powerful than secondary control experiences.

Which of the followings statements accurately describes the relationship between social class and individualism?

Higher social class is associated with independence in Western cultures and interdependence in Eastern cultures.

Why do motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among East Asians than among Westerners?

In the West, self-consistency correlates more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in East Asia

Your roommate is from a high-context culture. As a result, which of the following is most likely to be an exchange between the two of you?

You ask your roommate if you can use her hairdryer. She does not want you to, but she says, "I guess so," with a very subtle disapproving expression.

When completing the Twenty-Statements Test (TST), people from non-Western cultures, in contrast with people from Western cultures, are more likely to write which of the following?

"I am a student."

The most collectivistic states of the United States are

Hawaii and Utah.

Research suggests that the emotion of ___________ is also universal but is expressed with the whole body, not just the face.


According to research by Alesina and colleagues (2011), regions that used _____________________________ in farming centuries earlier were found to have ____________________________________ today.

plow cultivation; less egalitarian gender norms

Kosuke is a Japanese student who has just won a drawing competition. Jack is a Canadian student who has also just won a drawing competition. Immediately after their victories, they are asked to create another drawing. Compared to Kosuke, what is Jack more likely to do?

spend more time drawing than Kosuke

Your friend Lon is from an interdependent, collectivistic culture. Knowing this, which of the following statements would you expect Lon to convey to describe his personal theory of satisfaction?

"It is valuable to achieve a balance between positive and negative life experiences."

You are considering asking your Japanese friend Hideaki for some help with studying for your final exams and you want to ensure that your request is effective. Given what you know about cultural influences on cognitive dissonance, what information could you include in your request to increase the likelihood that Hideaki will agree to help?

"Our mutual friend Daisuke would help if he were here."

Sybil was born and raised in the United States, and Yuchin was born and raised in China. Sybil and Yuchin are eating dinner together at their favorite restaurant, but are disappointed by the poor service. Based on what you know about cultural differences in attribution, Sybil is likely to think _______________________, whereas Yuchin is likely to think _______________________.

"Our waiter lacks the skills needed to work at this restaurant"; "Our waiter must have too many tables to serve"

A person who takes a dialectical view on life is LEAST likely to say,

"When faced with contradictory information, a person needs to decide what is right and what is wrong."

Joan Miller conducted pioneering cross-cultural research on causal attributions made by students in India and the United States. The results of her cultural comparisons revealed that:

-Indians become increasingly likely to make situational attributions as they age. -cultural differences in attributions are evident in adults but not in young children. -Indian adults show evidence for a reverse fundamental attribution error. -Americans do not become increasingly likely to make situational attributions as they age.

Which of the following statements about cultural variation in self-enhancement motivations is TRUE?

-Research has found cultural differences in the percentage of people who report having high self-esteem. -Research has found cultural differences in the percentage of success versus failure memories that people recall. -Research has found evidence for cultural differences in self-enhancement among both children and adults. -Research has found evidence for cultural differences in the degree to which people enhance the qualities of their relationship partners and groups.

Siya, an Indian student starting her first year in college, is deciding on a major. Based on what you know about decision-making among people from collectivist cultural backgrounds, which of the following factors is most likely to guide her decision-making process?

Advice from her parents: Siya's parents expect her to pursue a professional career after college, so she is considering a business major.

Which of the following situations would predict greater subjective well-being for Alex, who is from a collectivistic culture?

Alex abides by his culture's norms.

You are tutoring freshman students who are the first in their family to attend college (i.e., first-generation students). Given what you know about social class, college enrollment, and motivation, which of the following statements will be most motivating for your students?


In a study, five people are asked to taste test three dishes, one of which tastes like garbage. They must then judge which dish was the best. However, four of the people are confederates and are told to always say that the garbage dish is the best. The real participant (the fifth person) is then asked to give his or her judgment. This study is done in both an individualistic and a collectivistic culture. Based on the results obtained using Asch's paradigm across cultures, what do you expect to happen in this case?

A lot of participants from the individualistic culture will say that the garbage dish is the best one, but even more participants from the collectivistic culture will say the same.

Do East Asians really self-enhance less than North Americans? Research has examined a number of alternative explanations. Which of the following has been supported by research?

All of these alternative explanations have been studied, but none of these claims have been supported by research; this suggests that East Asians really do self-enhance less than North Americans

Participants are sitting in their own separate testing rooms and have been asked to write statements about what they think about themselves. After a while, a mirror mysteriously appears on the wall in each room. How much do their self-descriptions written before and after the mirror appeared differ?

American participants viewed themselves more negatively after the mirror appeared but Japanese participants did not change their views after the mirror appeared.

A group of East Asians and Americans have won a contest, and each person is allowed to pick a car from a selection of cars. All the cars are of the same make, model, and year. The only thing that differs between them is that they can be one of two colors. Furthermore, there is an extremely unequal proportion between the two colors, making the minority color very rare. Given this scenario, which of the following statements is true?

Americans will choose minority-colored cars.

Claudia and Hideki are math students. Claudia has a self-enhancement orientation, whereas Hideki has a self-improvement orientation. The best way to encourage them both to persist when studying for their upcoming math exam is to give

Claudia very easy sample questions but give Hideki very difficult sample questions.

Because Mariana, a Brazilian woman, had a terrible morning, she was very angry when she got to work at the office. As a result, her facial expression greatly resembled the basic emotion expression of anger. She walked by two coworkers on her way to her desk: Felipe (who is Brazilian) and Satoru (who is Japanese). Which of the following is most likely to occur?

Felipe is more likely than Satoru to recognize that Mariana is angry.

Which of the following statements about language and emotional descriptions is true?

If an emotion word has no equivalent in English, it is likely that English-speaking people will experience that emotion differently.

Imagine viewing an image of a fish tank containing two red fish, a zebra-striped fish, and pink rocks and sand on the floor of the tank. You view and study this image for 2 minutes before it is removed. Which of the following statements is most true of you if you are field dependent?

If shown an image of the zebra-striped fish in a different underwater scene, you will have difficulty recognizing the fish.

A research study by Williams and Best (1990) examined gender equality by asking men and women from 14 different countries to answer questions about how each gender should act. Which of the following statements is an accurate description of their findings?

In most of the countries surveyed, men had more traditional views on gender than women.

Which of the following people is taking an outside-in perspective on the self?

Lily, who perceives herself as smart after learning that her roommates saw her all-A's report card.

Maris is preparing to apply to graduate programs this December, and she has asked two of her professors to give her advice on her personal statement. Professor Markus said, "You talk too much about your personal life in your statement," whereas Professor Sedikides said, "You should talk more about your personal life in your statement." As a dialectic thinker born and raised in China, how do you think Maris will respond to this contradictory feedback?

Maris will respond positively and think the contradiction is an interesting puzzle to resolve.

Which of the following statements is consistent with findings from research studies examining cultural influences on talking and thinking?

Miko, a mother from Japan, speaks to her infant daughter less than does Mabel, a mother from the United States.

Given what you know about cultural influences on the Twenty-Statements Test (TST), which of the following women is most likely to respond primarily by describing her important roles and responsibilities within her family?

Naserian, a Kenyan woman from the Masai tribe

You have a set of photographs of Fore people from Papua New Guinea displaying happiness, disgust, sadness, and fear. You present these photographs to groups of participants from the United States, Argentina, and Japan and ask them to identify which emotion is being expressed. Which of the following results is most likely?

People from all cultural groups will be able to identify emotions correctly in the majority of the photographs.

Independent and interdependent self-views differently influence how people engage with close others as opposed to strangers. Considering this phenomenon, which of the following statements accurately reflects this difference?

People with independent (versus interdependent) self-views are more likely to trust a stranger.

Which of the following statements accurately reflects the historical underpinnings of analytic and holistic thinking?

Plato and Aristotle perceived objects as possessing specific properties that defined them and their actions, a perspective that encouraged a more analytic way of thinking.

Your classmate Teodora describes herself as having an interdependent self-view. Knowing only this, which of the following would be INCONSISTENT with this characterization of her self-concept?

Teodora says that she is the same person she was in high school and that she also acts the same in class, at home, with her parents, and with her friends.

Choong-hyun is motivated to maintain face, especially among his co-workers. Consequently, Choong-hyun is also motivated to

ensure that his coworkers view him positively.

In cultures where expressing anger has more (versus less) potential to disrupt social harmony, people

experience anger less and express it less.

Countries that have a more heterogenous history of immigration are more likely to have cultural display rules that encourage people to

express emotions.

The research evidence for self-enhancement motivation shows that stronger self-enhancement motivations are associated with

high scores—above the midpoint—on self-esteem questionnaires.

You are chatting with a stranger in a coffee shop. Every time you ask him something about himself, he talks about associations to which he belongs and clubs he has joined. He rarely talks about his own attributes. Which of the following best describes him?

interdependent view of self

Your friend, while describing her recent trip to India, concluded, "India is a very collectivistic culture, so all Indians possess an interdependent view of the self." Is this conclusion consistent with research on collectivist cultures? Why or why not?

no, because the self-views of individuals cannot be categorized so neatly into "independent" and "interdependent" categories; not all individuals within a culture are the same

Kartika believes that people should have emotional "smoothness." This means that she

tries to avoid strong displays of emotions.

Researchers find ___________ support for the Big Five in less industrialized, subsistence cultures. This may be due to ___________________________________.

weaker; lack of familiarity with answering questions in an interview format that consequently affects the quality of the data

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