Chapter X: Human Resource Management

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The law that prohibits employers from discriminating in hiring, pay, or promotion and requires reasonable accommodation for workers with disabilities is the:

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Human resource managers perform several important functions so the organization has the people it needs to achieve its goals. They include:

Recruitment and selection training and development developing compensation systems

Costs associated with terminating employees include:

lost investment in training and pay potential for costly wrongful discharge lawsuits

The change from traditional manufacturing to service and high-tech manufacturing requires highly ___ job skills.


Identify some of the job titles that are considered contingent workers.

temporary workers independent contractors

Increased flexibility in scheduling has become an important benefit for employers to offer because of:

the increase in two-income families the increase in single parent homes

The tool that lists ages, names, education, capabilities, training, specialized skills, and other relevant information about an organization's employees is called a:

human resource inventory

The Hay pay system is based on job ___, each of which has a strict pay range.


The training that is provided to new employees that initiates them into the organization's policies, practices, and objectives is called:


The negotiation process that clarifies the terms and conditions under which management and a union will operate for a specified period is ___ ___

Collective bargaining

Examples of fringe benefits that provide additional compensation to employees beyond wages include:

health insurance sick days paid vacation

Exit interviews can be helpful to a company because:

information can prevent the loss of good people in the future

Employees working 1 to 34 hours are considered ___-___ or contingent workers

part time

A corporate manager who supervises, coaches, and guides selected lower-level employees by acting as their organizational sponsor is acting as a(n) ___.


Companies trying to downsize sometimes offer special early retirement benefits known as a(n) ______ to encourage long-term employees with higher salaries to leave.

golden handshake

An effect of changing legislation on human resources professionals is that:

they must update company HR policies and procedures to stay current with legal changes they must stay current with changes in the law

Another employee who introduces lower-level employees to the right people and acts as a sponsor within the organization is a(n):


A corporate manager who supervise, coach, and guide lower-level employees who don't report directly to them are called ______.


A ___ plan gives employees some freedom to choose which hours to work, as long as they work the required number of hours.


Sick-leave and vacation pay, pensions, and health plans that provide additional compensation are called ___ benefits.


Another name for a negotiated labor-management agreement is a:

labor contract

An employee organization whose main goal is to represent its members in negotiations over job-related issues is a(n):


Gathering information and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines, in the best interest of the organization and the individual is the ___ process


The roles and responsibilities of HRM professionals have evolved primarily because:

changes in the law have written traditional practices organizations recognize that employees are their ultimate resource

Organizations that want to reduce personnel costs and provide opportunities for younger employees:

encourage early retirement with special incentives

Overtime rules and job assignments are frequently sources of employee ___ against management.


Selection is the process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired to meet company staffing needs, under ___ guidelines.


The effects of legislation on human resource professionals is important because:

legislation affects all areas of human resource management

Lost training costs is a factor in ___ employees.

terminating, firing, losing, or discharging

Reluctance to hire people in uncertain economic times is partially because there are high costs to terminating employees caused by:

the loss of investment in training an employee risk of lawsuits for wrongful termination

A challenge for human resource managers because of the change from traditional manufacturing to service and high-tech manufacturing industries is:

the need to retrain workers

The process of negotiation that clarifies the terms and conditions under which labor and management will operate over a period of time is:

collective bargaining

The objective of a well managed and competitive ___ plan is to attract and retain the people needed for the organization to succeed.


The information gathered from comparing an employee's work to an established standard is:

a performance appraisal

___ interviews of employees who are leaving the firm can identify problem areas within the company that need to be taken care of quickly.


A human resource ___ of an organization reveals the demographics of the firm's labor force and whether it is technically up-to-date and thoroughly trained, which is an important part of human resource management.


The law that prohibits employers from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in hiring, advancement, or compensation and requires them to adapt the workplace if necessary is the:

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

What is a performance appraisal?

the evaluation of employees' job performance and contributions to the organization

By requiring "reasonable accommodation," the Americans with Disabilities Act protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in:

public transportation public accommodations public telecommunications

Which of the following is a frequent source of employee grievances?

Layoffs Job assignments Overtime rules

Which pay system uses a tiered system of pay ranges based on know-how, problem solving, and accountability?

Hay pay

When two or more part-time employees share one full-time job it is called ___ ___.

Job sharing

Employees moving over to a new job or position rather than a higher level with more pay are experiencing a(n) ___ transfer in their job.

lateral or horizontal

Flatter organizations today often reassign an employee to a new job at the same level, which is known as a(n):

lateral transfer

When a new employee is trained at the work site by observing an experienced worker and then doing the task, it is:

on-the-job training

The schedule that lets two or more part-time workers share one full-time job is:

job sharing

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employers from discriminating against ___ individuals with disabilities.


The shift from traditional manufacturing industries to high-tech and service industries challenges human resource managers to:

re-train workers for more challenging jobs recognize that a company's people are its ultimate resource

Employers must make ___ accommodations for employees with disabilities under the ADA.


The process for obtaining qualified people is:


The set of activities for obtaining the right number of qualified people at the right time to fill the needs of the organization is:


What are two advantages of home-based work for employers?

reduces absenteeism saves office space costs

A(n) ___ is an employee organization that represents its members in negotiations with management over wages and working conditions.


Home-based work can save ___ for employers as they can save on office space.

costs, money, time, resources, expenses, or overhead

A schedule that allows employees to balance work-life demands is:


A(n) ___ plan allows employees to adjust to work-life demands.


A carefully managed compensation program provides employees with some sense of financial security through:

fringe benefits

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