Chapters 1-5 Nursing Aide review

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Chain infection steps

1. Causative agent 2. Reservoir 3. Portal exit 4. Transmission 5. Portal entry 6. Susceptible

correct order to doffing (taking off PPE)

1. Gloves 2. goggles 3. gown 4. mask 5. wash hands

Correct order to donning (putting on) PPE

1. wash hands 2. gown 3. mask 4. goggles 5. gloves

Residents who stay at a facility for more than 6 months need

24 hour care

According to OBRA NAs must complete _____ hours of training before becoming employed


Purposeful mistreatment that causes physical, mental or emotional pain/injury to someone


The purposeful failure to give needed care, resulting in harm to a person

Active Neglect

Helps residents socialize and stay active

Activities Director

Legal documents that allow people to choose what medical care they wish to have if they cannot make the decision themselves

Advance Directives

A threat to harm a person, resulting in the person feeling fearful that he will be harmed


Nursing process

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Identifying Goal

What is an Ombudsman

Assigned by law as the legs advocate for residents

The intentional touching of a person without his/her consent


Being caring, concerned, considerate, empathetic, and understanding


Being guided by a sense of right and wrong and having principles


getting to work on time and doing assigned tasks skillfully


Legal document that tells medical professionals not to perform CPR if breathing/heartbeat stops

Do not resuscitate order

Physical, sexual or emotional abuse by spouses. intimate partners, or family members

Domestic Violence

Signed, dated, and witnessed legal document that appoints someone else to make the medical decisions for a person in the event he becomes unable to do so

Durable power of attorney for healthcare

Identifying with the feelings of others


Another name for a long-term care facility

Extended care facility

Places where health care is delivered or administered


The improper or illegal use of a person's money, possessions, property of other assets

Financial abuse

Health Plans that state that customers must use a particular doctor or group of doctors

HMOs (Health Maintenance organizations)

infections acquired in healthcare settings during the delivery of medical care

Healthcare-associated infection

Being truthful


Care given to people who have approximately 6 months or less to live is called

Hospice Care

Measures practiced in healthcare facilities to prevent and control the spread of disease

Infection Prevention

The separation of a person from others against the person's will

Insolvent Seclusion

Licensed professional who has completed 1/2 years of edu. and is able to administer meds and give treatments


Outlines the medical care that a person wants, or does not want, in case he becomes unable to make those decisions

Living will

confined to a specific spot in the body and has local symptoms

Localized infection

Cost-control strategies for health care

Managed care

Home health aides

May clean or shop for groceries

Helps residents get support services, such as counseling

Medical Social Worker

A tiny living thing that is only visible under a microscope


Actions, or failure to act or provide proper care, resulting in unintended injury to a person


Performs assigned tasks, such as vitals, personal care, and reporting observations to other care members

Nursing Assistant

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act sets minimum standards for

Nursing Assistant training

Helps residents learn to adapt to disabilities by training residents to perform ADLs and other activities

Occupational Therapist

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Occurs when blood supply is blocked or a blood vessel leaks or ruptures within the brain

A network of providers that contract to provide health services to a group of people

PPOs (preferred provider organizations)


Paralysis on one side of the body

What are the 4 parts of Medicare

Part A- Hospital/long-term care/home health care Part B- doctor/medical services Part C- private health insurance Part D- prescription medication

The unintentional failure to provide needed care, resulting in physical mental, or emotional harm to a person

Passive Neglect

People or organizations paying for health care


Mandated reporters

People who are legally required to report suspected or observed abyss or neglect

Intentional or unintentional treatment that causes harm to a person's body-includes slapping, bruising, cutting, burning, physically restraining, pushing, shoving, and rough handling

Physical Abuse

Administers therapy in the form of heat, cold, massage, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and exercise muscles, bones, and joints

Physical Therapist

Diagnose disease or disability and prescribes treatment

Physician or doctor

5 guidelines for managing time

Plan ahead Prioritize Schedule Shift Combine Activities Get Help

People or organizations that provide health care


Emotional harm caused by threatening scaring, humiliating, intimidating, isolating, or insulting, or by treating him or her as a child

Psychological abuse


Rash/cut pulse/skin

Why is feedback impt?

Receive and understand

Licensed professional who has graduated from a two- to four year nursing program and coordinates, manages, and provides skilled nursing care

Registered nurse

Care given by specialists to restore or improve function after an illness or injury is called


Person whose condition, treatment, and progress are what the care team revolves around


People who live in long-term care facilities are usually called _______ because it is where they live for the duration of their stay


It is important for an NA to care for each resident as a whole person because

Residents don't have support groups and have less contact with the outside world

Valuing other peoples individuality and treating others politely and kindly


The forcing of a person to perform sexual activity against his or her will

Sexual Abuse

Any unwelcome sexual advance or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment

Sexual harassment

Teaches exercises to help the resident improve or overcome speech problems

Speech-Language Pathologist

The purpose of surveys in long-term care facilities is to

Study how well residents are cared for

The use of legal or illegal drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol in a way that is harmful

Substance abuse

Sharing in the feelings and difficulties of others


An infection that is in the bloodstream and is spread throughout the body

Systemic infection

Showing sensitivity and having a sense of what is appropriate when dealing with others


Most conditions in long-term care are chronic, this means that

The conditions last a long time

What is the purpose of Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act Includes?

To protect and secure the privacy of health information Patient's social security

Putting aside personal opinions and not judging others


Giving the same quality of care regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or condition


The use of spoken or written words, pictures, or gestures, that threaten, embarrass, or insult another person



Weakness on one side of the body

Verbal, physical, or sexual abuse of care team members by residents or other care team members

Work place violence

Objective Information

based on what you see, hear, touch, or smell (collected by senses)

Nonverbal communication

body language/ facial expressions 'how' something is said


changes in residents appearance

Four examples of how you think elderly people living in care facilities can benefit from culture change

core values, respect and dignity self-determination


difficulty swallowing

More than half of residents in a long-term care facilities are



fruity breath urine

Nursing Assistants will NOT

give meds or insert or remove tubes

Long-Term-Care LTC

given in long-term facilities for people who need 24-hour, supervised nursing care

The goal of joint commission is to

improve safety and quality of care


inability to control bladder/bowels

Receptive aphasia

inability to understand spoken or written words

How is eligibility for Medicaid determined?

income/special circumstances

occurs when pathogens invade the body and multiply


Emotional lability

laughing or crying without reason

Far sight

objects in distance appear more clear than objects up close

A harmful organism


Two groups of people who qualify for Medicare

people who are 65 and older people with permanent disabilities

Assisted living facilities are initially for

people who need some help with daily care


personal protective equipment

3 things NAs cannot do

prescribe meds sterile practice don't give diagnosis

Creates diets for residents with special needs

registered dietition

Near Sight

see near but not far

3 basic steps of communication

sending receiving feedback

Expressive aphasia

slurred speech or inability to speak


sneezing, wheeze, cough, tone of breathing

Subjective Information

something you cannot or did not observe, but it bases on something the resident reported to you that may/may not be true

verbal communication


Whom can NAs communicate with

supervisor care team mates resident


the knowledge of right and wrong what we SHOULD do (always tries to do what it right)

Adult daily services are

the type of care for people who need some assistance and supervision during certain hours

Airborne Precautions

used for diseases that are transmitted through the air after being expelled (TB, Measles, Chickenpox)

Droplet Precautions

used when disease-causing microorganism does not stay suspended in the air and usually only travels short distances after being expelled (Mumps)

Contact preacautions

used when there is a risk of transmitting or contracting a microorganism from touching and infected object or person


usually based on ethics what we MUST do Govt's establish laws to help people live peacefully together to ensure order and safety

Scope of practice

what you are allowed to do as an NA

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