Chapters 18, 19, and 20

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to relate cause and effect or result

therefore, consequently, as a result of


When might you write an opening paragraph?

Linger longest in the reader's mind.

When writing a conclusion, the final paragraphs of an essay much what?

The result.


State or Restate Your Thesis

End by stating main point.

Topic Sentence near beginning of paragraph

2nd sentence might be the topic sentence because the 1st could be a transition.

analyzing- divide it into its parts and then deal with one part at a time.


Step by step process

Analyzing a process

Ask a Question

Ask a question then answer it.

Everything that leads to the effect.


classifying- to sort into categories






define- "to set bounds to" can be used for an entire paper.

Defining (Latin)

divide- to break some down into components


End with the Thesis Sentence

End with a statement of the essay's main point.

End with Brief Emphatic Sentence

For an essay that traces causes or effects, evaluates, or argues, a deft concluding thought can reinforce your main idea.

exemplum- "one thing chosen from amoung many."

Giving Examples (Latin)

Topic Sentence Implied

Has a topic idea.

Introduce your Subject/Position/ and comment on it

Introduce a subject then expand on it, bringing vital details.

detail- "any specific, concrete piece of information." A fact, a bit of historical record.

Providing Details

Stop When Story is Over

Quiet ending can be effective, as long as it signals clearly that the essay is finished.


Repeating a key word or phrase to clarify the relationship between 2 sentences, paragraphs, or ideas


Serve as transitions by making readers refer back as well. Keep coherent. Use for flow

Begin with story

Simple anecdote can capture your reader's interest and thus serve as a good beginning.


Small units, each more or less self-contained, each contributing some new idea in support of the thesis or main point of the essay. This provides signposts to guide your readers through what you say. A paragraph indention signifies a pause, as if you are taking a breath before moving on.

End with Quotation

This can round out an essay.

using topic sentences

This spells out the main idea of the paragraph in the body of an essay. Good ones of these are interesting, accurate, and limited. It should be accurate because it serves as a guide to the rest of the paragraph. It should be limited for the same reason: you don't want to mislead readers about what you intend to cover in a paragraph.

Topic Sentence as first sentence

Topic sentence appears first in the paragraph followed by sentences that clarify, illustrate, and support what it says.

Transitional Paragraphs

Used when moving clearly from one idea to the next, in long and complicated essays.

1. End with Quotation 2. State or Restate Your Thesis 3. End with Brief Emphatic Sentence 4. Stop When Story is Over

What are the four Kinds of Conclusions?

1. Begin with Story 2. Introduce your Subject/Position/ and comment on it. 3. Ask a question. 4. End with the Thesis Sentence

What are the four Kinds of Openings?

1. Topic Sentence as first sentence. 2. Topic Sentence near beginning of paragraph. 3. Topic Sentence at end of paragraph. 4. Topic Sentence implied.

What are the four Kinds of Topic Sentences

Topic Sentence at the end of paragraph

Writer concludes with the topic sentence because piles detail on detail to persuade reader.

to summarize or restate

in other words, on the whole, to sum up

to qualify

mainly, in most cases, generally

to emphasize

of courses, without a doubt, clearly

to contrast

on the other hand, on the contrary, instead

to mark time

recently, later, in the past

to compare

similarly, likewise, in like manner

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