Chapters 30-32 Workbook

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Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale

A pain assessment tool that uses six caricatures of a child's face representing no hurt to biggest hurt a child could ever have.

Failure to Thrive

A sign of inadequate growth resulting from inability to obtain or use calories required for growth.


(T/F) A 3-year old child can use a pain scale.


(T/F) Bowel training is usually accomplished after bladder training.


(T/F) Children can not tell you where they hurt.


(T/F) Children can tolerate pain better than adults.


(T/F) Children may believe that the nurse knows how they feel.


(T/F) Children may not admit having pain in order to avoid an injection.


(T/F) Children may not realize how much they are hurting when they are in constant pain.


(T/F) Failure to thrive (growth failure) occurs almost exclusively in third-world countries where food shortages and poverty are prevalent.


(T/F) Infants do not feel pain.


(T/F) Maternal smoking during and after pregnancy has been implicated as a contributor to SIDS.


(T/F) Narcotics are no more dangerous for children than they are for adults.


(T/F) Placing a healthy term infant who spits up part of his feedings on his side to sleep will reduce the risk for aspiration and further complications.


(T/F) Protein and energy requirements remain high to meet demands for muscle growth.


(T/F) Small amounts of stress help toddlers develop effective coping skills.


(T/F) The incidence of SIDS is associated with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines.


(T/F) The nurse should encourage the parents to sleep in the same bed as the infant being monitored for apnea in infancy in order to detect subtle clinical changes.


(T/F) The parents should be advised to position an infant on his or her abdomen to prevent SIDS.


(T/F) Virtual reality has been identified as a potentially effective tool for pain management.

Numerical Rating Scale

A Likert-style pain scale used in children 8 years and older that uses numbers 0 to 10 to denote intensity of pain.


A characteristic behavior of social development that occurs in the second half of the first year of life; depends on the interaction rather than reflex

Physiologic Anemia

A healthy 6 month old infant is seen in the well-child clinic with a hemoglobin of 9.0. The nurse is aware that this represents:

Object Permanence

A major accomplishment of cognitive development that develops at approximately 9 to 10 months of age; the realization that objects continue to exist after they leave one's visual field.

an abnormal sleeping pattern of this age

A mother of a 4 month old tells the clinic nurse that her infant son sleeps approximately 24 hours per day, combining naps and night time sleep. The nurse recognizes that this pattern of sleep in infancy is:

Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool

A multidimensional pain instrument for children and adolescents that is used to assess three dimensions of pain: location, intensity, and quality.

Pediatric Pain Questionnaire

A multidimensional pain instrument to assess patient and parental perceptions of the pain experience in a manner appropriate for the cognitive-developmental level of children and adolescents.


A necessary assertion of self control in the toddler.


A needle-free system containing 1% buffered lidocaine provides a rapid onset of action to reduce pain associated with peripheral IV insertions or blood draws. This is called:

7 to 10

By what age are most children able to use the 0 to 10 numeric rating scale that is currently used by adolescents and adults?

Positional Plagiocephaly

An acquired condition that occurs as a result of cranial molding during infancy; incidence has increased dramatically since implementation of the Back to Sleep campaign.

Stereopsis (depth perception)

Begins to develop by age 7 to 9 months but may not be fully mature until 2 or 3 years of age, thus increasing the infant's and younger toddler's risk of falling.

Stranger Fear

Behaviors that demonstrate a preference for the mother and are a result of the 5 to 6 month old infant developing the ability to distinguish the mother or primary caregiver from other individuals; results from improving cognitive development and peaks at 8 months of age.

Separation Anxiety

Between ages 4 and 8 months, the infant progresses through the first stage of separation-individuation and begins to have some awareness of self and mother as separate beings.

convertible car restraints and rear facing

Car safety for toddlers up to 24 months?


Cessation of breathing for 20 seconds or more.

parallel play

Characterized by the child playing alongside, but not with, other children.

has a difficult temperament

Colic is said to be more common in the infant who:

Nonpharmacologic Techniques

Distraction, relaxation, and guided imagery to help decrease pain perception.


Eutectic mixture of local anesthetics.

as needed

For postoperative or cancer pain control, when should analgesics be administered?


Fusion of two ocular images that begins to develop at 6 weeks and should be well established by age 4 months

permitting nutritious grazing between meals

Healthy ways of serving food to toddlers includes:

infant botulism

Honey should be avoided in infants younger than 12 months of age because of its association with the occurrence of:

pulls up to the furniture

If a mother is concerned about the fact that her 14 month old infant is not walking, the nurse would particularly whether the infant:

Underestimate the existence of pain in both children and adults

In regard to pain assessment, nurses tend to:

FLACC postoperative Pain Tool

Interval scale that includes five categories of behavior- facial expression, leg movement, activity, cry, and consolability; commonly used in children ages 2 months to 7 years.

biologically based manipulative treatments energy based mind and body techniques alternative medical systems

List the five classifications of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies and give an example of each.

toilet training

One of the major tasks of toddlerhood.


Pain assessment tool that consists of six photographs of a Caucasian child's face representing no hurt to biggest hurt possible; also includes vertical scale with numbers 0-100.

Breakthrough Pain

Pain not relieved with the usual scheduled dose of pain medication.

Chronic Pain

Pain that persists for 3 months or more beyond the expected period of healing.


Paroxysmal abdominal pain manifested by a duration of more than 3 hours and by drawing up of the legs to the abdomen in an infant under the age of 3.

extreme changes in appetite from day to day

Physiologic anorexia in toddlers is characterized by:

Maladaptive or absent attachment

Reactive attachment disorder stems from:

stress a threat to their autonomy a need to revert to dependency

Regression in toddlers occurs when?


Self- report observational scales and interview questionnaires for pain may not be a reliable measure of pain assessment in what kind of children?

Kangaroo Care

Skin-to-skin holding of an infant.


Soft bacterial deposits that adhere to the teeth and cause dental decay and periodontal disease.

cognitive impairment

The Non-communicating Children's Pain Checklist is a pain measurement tool specifically designed for children with what?

6 months

The age at which most infants can roll from back to abdomen is:

protect the child from injury

The best approach for extinguishing a toddler's attention-seeking behavior of a temper tantrum with head banging is to:

12 to 18 months

The child's anterior fontanel usually closes by:


The child's emergence from a symbiotic fusion with the mother.

early childhood caries

The destruction of teeth resulting from the process of bathing teeth in a cariogenic environment for a prolonged period, most often affects the maxillary incisor and the molars.


The developmental stage in which the toddler relinquishes dependence on others.


The most common side effect from opioid therapy is what?


The need to maintain sameness and reliability.

has a moderately acute illness without fever

The nurse should withhold the vaccine if the child:

reaches a height of 35 inches

The parents should consider moving the toddler from the crib to a bed after the toddler:


The proves of giving up one method of feeding for another; usually refers to relinquishing the breast or bottle for a cup.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The unexpected and abrupt death of an infant under 1 year of age that remains unexplained after a complete postmortem examination, including an investigation of the death scene and a review of the case history; the leading cause of death in children between the ages of 1 month to 1 year.

Multimodal Analgesia

The use of swaddling, non-nutritive sucking, and concentrated oral sucrose during a newborn heelstick


The usual number of words acquired by the age of 2 years is about:

World Health Organization

These standardized reference growth curves are globally representative of infant growth velocity and reflect breastfeeding as the feeding norm for infants.


This vaccine is administered at 2, 4, and 6 months to protect from pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus.

influenza vaccine

This vaccine is administered in early fall and is repeated yearly for ongoing protection; may be given to infants as young as 6 months.


This vaccine is administered to protect against severe diarrhea in infants and young children.

Prevnar 13

This vaccine protects against Streptococcal pneumococci, which are responsible for a number of bacterial infections in children under 2 years; these include generalized infections such as septicemia and m meningitis or localized infections such as otitis media, sinusitis, and pneumonia.


This vaccine protects against a number of serious infections caused by haemophilus influenza type b, especially bacterial meningitis, epiglottitis, bacterial pneumonia, septic arthritis, and sepsis.


Vaccination; responsible for the decline of infectious diseases over the past 60 years.

Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine

Vaccine now given only by intramuscular route in the United States; protects against muscle paralysis.

Distress Behaviors

Vocalization, facial expressions, and body movements that have been associated with pain.


What is the third-leading cause of infant mortality in the US?


When using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with children, what is the drug of choice?


Which characteristic of vision begins to develop by 6 weeks of age and should be well established by 4 months?

allowing the child to brush his or her own teeth

Which method is most effective in plaque removal?


Which nutritional requirement increases during the toddler years?

The infant who displays head lag at 6 months of age

Which of the following assessment findings would be considered abnormal?

understands the meaning of fear and punishment

Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of the toddler's developing spirituality?

Using an infant swing

Which play activity would be least appropriate to suggest to the mother for her 3 month old infant to promote auditory and tactile stimulation?

lack of anxiety during separation from parents

Which skill is not necessary for the toddler to acquire before separation and individuation can be achieved?

provide a doll for the toddler to imitate parenting

Which strategy is appropriate for parents to use to prepare a toddler for the birth of a sibling?

ask the dentist to reserve a thorough examination for another visit

Which strategy is least appropriate for the parent to use to help the toddler adjust to the initial dental visit?

inject the less painful immunization first

Which technique has been demonstrated by research to be the most successful when two or more immunizations are given at one visit?

mother or caregiver

Who is an important source of information during an assessment?


the retreat from one's present pattern of functioning to past levels of behavior.


those achievements that mark children's assumption of their individual characteristics in the environment.

parallel play

which type of play increases in frequency as the child moves through the toddler period?

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