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-Both excitable and icily detached (Charles de Gaulle)

- Both intimate and distant (Sigmund Freud)

-Purposefulness is doubly charismatic in times of trouble. Since most people hesitate before taking bold action (even when action is what is required), single-minded assurance will make you the focus of attention.

- People will believe in you through the simple force of your character.

- The direction does not matter: pick a cause, an ideal, a vision, and show that you will not sway from your goal.

- People will imagine that your confidence comes from something real- just as the ancient Hebrew believed Moses was in communication with God, simply because he showed the outward signs

- It wasnt a flamboyant style and appearance that gave Elvis charisma, but rather the electrifying expression of his inner turmoil

-A crowd or group of any has a unique energy. Just below the surface is desire, a constant sexual excitement that has to be repressed because it is socially unacceptable.

-The eyes of the Charismatic never show fear or nerves

-All of these skills are acquirable.

People will fight for the slightest sign of your interest.

A guru is content and detached - a deadly Charismatic combination


-if any physical attribute is crucial in seduction, it is the eyes.

-Do not leave such an important attribute to chance

-practice the effect you desire

Keep your words vague, letting people imagine what they will

Remember: being aloof and distant only stimulates the effect.k

-This vulnerable side to charisma softens the self-confident side, which can seem fanatical and frightening

- SInce charisma involves feeling akin to love, you in turn must reveal your love for your followers.

-She spoke with authority, and she predicted things peopel wanted; the English would be defeated, prosperity would return.

- She also had a peasant's earthly common sense.

-They have an air of adventure and risk that attracts the bored.

-Be brazen and couragous in your actions

-Lenin walked openly on the streets, despite the death threats had received.

-Charismatics thrive in troubled waters; a crisis situation allows them to flaunt their daring, which enhances their aura

-John F. Kennedy came to life in dealing with the Cuban missile crisis

-Charles de Gaulle when he confronted rebellion in Algeria.

In 1490, the Florentine Girolamo Savonarola railed at the immorality of the pople and the Catholic Church

-Claiming to be divinely inspired, he became so animated during his sermons that hysteria wold sweep the crowd.

-The effect is ruined by trying too hard.

-It is essential to be self-aware, to have the ability to see yourself as others see you


-You need to believe in something, and to believe in it strongly enough for it to animate all your gestures and make your eyes light up

-Exhibit remarkable confidence and people will think your confidence comes from real knowledge.

-You will create a self-fulfilling prophecy: people's belief in you will translate into actions that help realize your visions.

A public figure who can affect people\s emotions, whjo can make them feel communal sadness, joy or hope has a similar effect.

An appeal to the emotions is far more powerful than an appeal to reason

The two exceptions to this are childhood and those moments when we are in love. n both cases, our emotions are more engaged, more open and active.

And we equate feelin emotional with feeling more alive.

The less obvious you are, the better: let people conclude that you are happy, rather than hearing it from you.

Let them see it in your unhurried manner, your gentle smile, your ease and comfort.


- Most of us must compromise constantly to survive, saints do not


-Charismatics display a need for love and affection.

-They needed these problems to seem charismatic, and in fact some have even accused them of stirring up situations that played to their love of adventure

-ex. Kennedy through his brinkmanship style of diplopmacy


-if people believe you have a plan, that you know where you are going, they will follow you instinctively.

They did not want to have to read Krishnamurti's books or to spend years practicing his lessons, they simply wanted to be near him, soak up his aura, hear him speak, feel the light that entered the room with him.

Krishnamurti adovcated simplcity as a way of opening up to the truth, but own simplicity just allowed peopel to see wht they wanted in him, attributing powers to him that he not only denied by ridiculed.

That is the appearance you want: you do not need anything or anyone, you are fulfilled.

People are naturally drawn to those who emit happiness; maybe they can catch it from you.

Charisma has little to do with an exciting physical appearance or a colorful personality, qualities taht elicit short-term interest.

Particularly in times of trouble, people are not looking for entertainment - they want security, a better quality of life, social cohesion

it is an illusion in the eyes of those who see you as having what they lack

Particularly in times of trouble, you can enhance that illusion through calmness, resolution, and clear-minded practicality

- that you radiate a dangerous sexuality, have no fear of death, are delightfully spontaneous.

-Even a hint of these qualities will make people think you more powerful than you are.


- A Charismatic is larger than life, has extra presence


- A Charismatic relies on the power of words.

-Describe these things in great detail, with an air of authority, and suddenly you stand out.

- And if your prophechy -of prosperity, say- is just what people want to hear, they are likely to fall under your spekl and to see later events as a confirmation of your predictions

-A prerequsite for fiery belief is some great cause to rally around - a crusade

- Become the rallying point for people's discontent, and show that you share none of the doubts that plague normal humans

-Saintliness goes far beyond religion; politicians as disparate as George Washington and Lenin won saintly reputation by living simple. despite their power - by matching their political value to their personal lives

- Both men were virtually deified after they died.

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to power amidst the Depression, much of the public had little faith could turn things around.

- But in his first few months in office he displayed such confidence, such decisiveness and clarity in dealing with the country's many problems, that the public began to see him as their savior, someone with intense charisma.

- Her visions were intense; she could describe them in such detail that they had to be real

- Details have that effect; they lend a sense of great disorder, she was supremely focused, as if her strength came from somewhere unworldly.

-the next step is to show, as simply and subtly as possible, that you live what you believe.

- Finally, the appearance of being mild and unassuming can eventually turn into charisma, as long as you seem completely comfortable with it

- It was the possession of this quality that transformed artists like Wagner and Picasso into charismatic idols

- Its cousin is a fluidity of body and spirit; while the repressed are rigid

-if the audience does not sense tghis quality in you they will turn away from you

- On the other hand, you must never seem manipulative or needy.

- This cannot be faked.

- Politicians inevitably lie to the public; what distinguishes Charismatics is that they beleive their own lies, which makes them that much more believable

Adah Isaacs Menken, took the world by storm through her unbridled sexual energy, and her fearlessness.

- She would appear on stage half-naked, performing death-defying acts,

- She had surely heard descriptions of Charles on the road to Chinon; once at court, she could have sensed the trick he was playing on her, and could have confidently picked out his pampered face in the crowd.

- The following years, her visions abandoned her, and her confidence as well - she made many mistakes, leading to her capture by the English. She was indeed human

- Albert Einstein too had a saintly aura - childlike, unwilling to compromise, lost in his own world.

- The key is that you must already have some deeply held values; that part cannot be faked, at least not without risking accusations of charlatanry that will destroy your charisma in the long run.

-During the Spanish Civil War, Dolores Gomez Ibarruri, known as La Pasionaria gave pro0-Communist speeches that were so emotinallly powerful as to determine several key moments in the war

- To bring off this kind of eloquence, it helps if the speaker is as emotional, as caught up in words, as the audience is.

-a problem that creates opportunities for the Charismatic, who can become a kinf of screen on whcih others project their secret fantasies and longings

- You will first have to show that you are less inhibited than your audience

-it is often better to reveal your contradiction slowly and subtly

- if you throw them out one on top of the other, people may thnk you have an erratic personality.

-on the other hand, we are drawn to people who seem more comfortably human, who do not bother to disguise their contradictions. This was the source of Rasputin's Charisma

-A man so authentically himself, so devoid of self-consciousnesss or hypocrisy, was immensely appealing

- few women could darre such things in the Victorian period, and a rather mediocre acress becmae a figure of cultlike adoration

-An extension of your being uninhbited is a dreamlike quality in your work and character that reveals your openness to your unconscious.

- The Charismatic may be both proletarian and aristocratic: Mao Zedong

-Both cruel and kind ( Peter the Great)

-Show heroism to give yourself a charisma that will last you a lifetime

-COnversely, the slightest sign of cowardice or timidity will ruin whatever charisma you had

-Most of us are a mix of the devil and the saint, the noble and the ignorable, and we spend our lives trying to repress the dark side.

-Few of us can give free rein to both sides, as Rasputin did, but we can create charisma to a smaller degree by ridding ourselves of self-consciousness, and of the discomfort most of us feel about our complicated natures.

-People believed in him because of the depth of his conviction

-His example has more relevance today than ever: people are more and more isolated, and long for communal experience

-They reveal excitement, tension, detachment, without a word being spoken

-Indirect communication is critical in seduction and also in charisma

-We may no longer believe in miracle, but anything that hints at strange, unworldly, even supernatural powers will create charisma.

-The psychology is the same: you have visions of the future, and of the wondrous things you can accomplish

-His wickedness and saintiliness were so extreme that it made him seem larger than life.

-The result was charismatic aura that was immediate and preverbal; it radiated from his eyes, and from the touch of his hands

-They must live out their ideals without caring about the consequences/

-The saintly effect bestows charisma

- The reason is simple: words are the quicklest way to create emotional disturbance.

-They can uplift, elevate, stir anger, without referring to anything real.

-Since most people are predictable, the effect of these contradictions is devastatingly charismatic.

-They make you hard to fathom, add richness to your character, make people talk about you

-Fidel Castro's aggressive gaze can reduce his opponents to silence

-When Benito Mussolini was challenged, he would roll his eyes, showing the whites in a way that frightened people.

-This dark side he deeply repressed as a young man, it included all kinds of fantasies which he could only give in to when he was alone, although his unconventional clothing may also have been a symptom of it.

-When he performed though, he was able to let these demons loose.

- show your mysteriousness gradually and word will spread

-You must also keep people at arm's lenght, to keep them from figuring you out

Her tremulous voice could make audiences weep; because of this, people saw in her great charisma. She never forgot the experience.

Her every public act was framed in dramatic and religious motifs. Drama is condensed emotion, and the Catholic religion is a force that reaches into your childhood, hits you where you cannot help yourself.

the drama saint

most of us live in a semi-somnambulistic state; we do our daily tasks and the days fly by

-If you have the ability to rouse those desires, the crowd will see you as having charisma. The key is learning to access your own unconscious, as Elvis did when he let go.

You are full of an excitement that seems to come from some mysterious inner source.

It was her ability to dramatize her goodness.

You must learn to exploit the two great purveyors of emotion: drama and religion

- This was a key component to the charisma that Marilyn Monroe radiated on camera.

_In front of a camea, Monroe suddenly came to life, flirting with and exciting her unseen public

The Guru

Krishnamurti had no desire to be a guru or Charismatic, but he inadvertenlty discover a law of human psychology that disturbed him. People do not want to hear that your power comes from years of efforts or discipline.


Charismatics are unconventional

-They came out as a dangerous sexual [power. Twitching, androgynous, uninhibited, he was a man enacting strange fantasies before the public.

-The audience sensed this and was excited by it.

- the crowds at his rallies were often moved to tears.

-The crowds at his rallies were often moved to tears

-Actods have studied this kind of presence for centuries; they know how to stand on a crowded stage and command attention.

-Surprisingly, it is not the actor who screams the loudest or gestures the most wildly who works this magic best, but the actor who stays clam, radiating self-assurance

One on one, or in a Zurich cafe before the revolution, Lenin had little or no charisma.

his confidence was attractive but many found his strident manner irritating

The Miraculous Prophet

-Miracles and saintliness aside, Joan of Art had certain basic qualities that made her exceptional.


-Most people are repressed, and have little access to their unconscious


-Mystery lies at charisma's heart, but it is a particular king of mystery - a mystery expressed by contradiction.

-Be seen taking risks for the good of others.

-Napoleon made sure his soldiers saw him at the cannons in battle

_believe it or not, a plain-looking man or woman with a clear vision, a quality of single-mindedness and practival skills can be devastatingly charismatic, provided it is matched with some success.

-Never underestimate the power of success in enhancing one's aura. But in a world teeming with compromisers and fudgers whose indecisiveness only creates more disorder, one clear-minded soul wil;l be a magnet of attention-will have charisma

-Whe he spoke, no one could take their eyes off him.

-Once you know how to command attention this way, heighten the effect by appearing in ceremonial and ritual events that are full of exciting imagery, making you look regal and godlike.

-You cannot help being the way you are, so be genuine. That is what attracts us to animals: beautiful and cruel, they have no slef-doubt. That quality is doubly fascinating in humans.

-Outwardly people may condemn your dark side, but it is not virtue alone that creates charisma, anything extraordinary will do.

The Authentic Animal

-People are more complicated than the masks they weak in society

-Another aspect of mystery is a hint of the uncanny. The appearance of prophetic or psychic gifts will add to your arua.

-Predict things authoraitively and people will often imagine thaty what you have said has come true

-President Kusnasoro Sukarno of Indonesia had a gaze that seemed as if it could have read thoughts.

-Roosevelt could dilate his pupils at will, making his stare both hypnotizing and intimidating.

- Yet eloquence can be learned: the devices La Pasionaria used catchwords, slogans, rhythmic repititions, phrases for the audience to repeat - can easily be acquired.

-Roosevelt, a calm, patrician type, was able to make himself a dynamic speaker, both through his style of delivery, which was slow and hypnotic, and through his brilliant use of imagery, alliteration, and biblical rhetoric

Demonic Performer

-Some have attributed it to the death, at birth of his twin brother

- They are open to their audience, and in fact feed off its energy

-The audience in turn is electrified by the Charismatic, the current increasing as it passes back and forth

-Napoleon spent hours in front of a mirror, modeling his gaze on that of the great contemporary actor Talma.

-The key is self-control. The look does not necessarily have to be aggressive; it can also show contentment. Remember: your eyes can emanate charisma, but they can also give you away as a faker.

-De Gaulle understood that self-awareness was key to his charisma; in the most turbulent circumstances

-he retained an Olympian composure that played beautifully against the hysteria of his colleagues.

- the man who seems so noble and gentle is probably disguising a dark side, which will often come out in strange ways;

-if his nobility and refinement are in fact a put-on, sooner or later the truth will out, and his hypocrisy will disappoint and alienate.

-The demeanor of Charismatics may be poised and calm, but their eyes are magnetic

-they have a piercing gaze that disturbs their target's emotions, exerting force without words or action.

This is the guru effect, and it is surprisingly simple to create. The aura yo are after is not the fiery one of most Charismatics, but one of incandescence, enlightenment.

An enlightened person has understood something that makes him or her content, and this contentment radiates outward.

It also helps to have a seductively simple message. Call it the Savior Syndrome: once people imagine you can save them from chaos, they will fall in love with you, like a person who melts in the arms of his or her rescuer.

And mass love equals charisma. How else to explain the love ordinary Russians felt for a man as emotionless and unexciting as Vladimir Lenin

he won charisma when he was seen as the man who could save the country

Charisma is not a mysterious quality that inhabits you outside your control.

Evita's uplifted arms, her staged acts of charity, her sacrifices for the common folk—all this went straight to the heart.

It was not her goodness alone that was charismatic, although the appearance of goodness is alluring enough.

Drama cuts out the useless and banal in life, focusing on moments of pity and terror; religion deals with matters of life and death.

Make your charitable actions dramatic, give your loving words religious import, bathe everything in rituals and myths going back to childhood.

The Savior

There are all kinds of misconceptions about charisma, which, paradoxically only add to its mystique.

They prefer to think that it comes from your personality, your character, something you were born with

They also hope that proximity to the guru or Charismatic will make some of that power rub off on them

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