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(Q027) Which of the following was a Confederate advantage in fighting the Civil War?

The southern commander, General Lee, was a skilled tactician who hoped that a series of defeats would weaken the North's resolve.

(Q013) Population in the North was 22 million in 1860, while the white population of the South in 1860 was

5.5 million.

(Q019) In 1860, Union forces destroyed the orchards and sheep of this tribe and forced 8,000 of their people to move to a new reservation, a forced removal known as the

Navajo's Long Walk.

) In order to expand the Confederacy into western areas, Confederate units from Texas in1861 invaded

New Mexico.

(Q007) Most of the Union's victories in the first two years of the war occurred in the West, especially at

Shiloh and New Orleans.

(Q011) As Lincoln withdrew forces in the West to protect areas in the East, tensions flared between the Indians and settlers, leading to

Sioux Indians killing hundreds of white farmers.

(Q036) What was the meaning of the Civil War for poet Bret Harte?

The war led to the sacrifice of individual soldiers.

(Q005) A major hindrance during the outbreak of war included this railroad situation.

There was no national railroad gauge so trains built for one line could not run on another.

(Q029) Which of the following describes the Battle of Antietam?

This was the bloodiest battle of the war.

(Q039) More Americans died in the Civil War than in any other war in U.S. history.


(Q041) Clara Barton never received compensation from the government for her work as a nurse in the Civil War.


(Q042) Lincoln was initially not concerned with the issue of slavery as his paramount concerns were to keep the border slave states in the Union and to build the broadest base of support in the North for the war effort.


(Q044) Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg marked "the high tide of the Confederacy."


(Q064) The United States Army earnestly pursued the enlistment of black soldiers following the Emancipation Proclamation.


(Q066) The transformation of American government and society brought about by the Civil War was also called the Second American Revolution.


(Q030) During the first two years of the Civil War, most of the fighting took place in

Virginia and Maryland.

(Q008) A Sanitary Fair is

a grand bazaar that raised money for the care of Union soldiers.

(Q025) The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in December 1865,

abolished slavery throughout the Union.

(Q015) During the Civil War, the term "contraband camps" was used to refer to

camps of fugitive slaves.

(Q004) Which of the following groups was a major target of the New York City draft riots?

conscription officers

(Q022) By 1862, how many states composed the Confederate States of America?


(Q031) What did Frederick Douglass encourage African-Americans in the North to do as part of the war effort after 1863?

enlist in the United States Army

(Q010) Spiritualism, in the sense that Mary Todd Lincoln and others perceived it,

grew in popularity with such devices as séances.

(Q016) The Second Confiscation Act

liberated slaves of disloyal owners in Union-occupied territory, as well as slaves who escaped to Union lines.

(Q035) The Civil War shifted power from slaveowning planters to

northern capitalists.

(Q012) At the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, in December 1862,

northern forces suffered one of their worst defeats of the war.

(Q021) The Homestead Act

offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the West.

(Q018) Of the more than 180,000 black men who served in the Union army during the Civil War, how many died of disease, of wounds, or in battle?


(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

second Confiscation Act; Siege of Vicksburg; congressional passage of Thirteenth Amendment

(Q017) Abraham Lincoln's January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation freed

some slaves, but exempted those in areas under Union control.

(Q037) What major engineering feat was undertaken during the Civil War and completed at war's end?

the Capitol Dome

(Q024) At Vicksburg in July 1863,

the Union, under Ulysses S. Grant's leadership, was victorious.

(Q034) What did Germany and the United States have in common by 1865?

the experience of unifying a nation

(Q026) Which of the following was the Gettysburg Address specifically designed to communicate?

the need for national reconciliation after years of war

(Q038) What was General Grant's strategy in 1864 that became a turning point in the war for ultimate Union victory?

to base his troops in Canada for a final assault against Lee's army in Virginia

(Q032) Rose Greenhow

was a Confederate spy working in Washington, D.C.

In what 1863 speech did Lincoln assert that the sacrifices of the Union soldiers would ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"?

Gettysburg Address

(Q006) Which of the following is a true statement about Ulysses S. Grant before the Civil War?

He resigned from the army in part because of allegations of excessive drinking.

(Q046) Many late-nineteenth-century "captains of industry" made their initial fortunes during the Civil War.


(Q048) Photographs of battlefields, soldiers, war dead, war encampments, and so forth carried the war into millions of Americans' living rooms.


(Q050) By making the Union army an agent of emancipation and joining together the goals of Union and abolition, the Emancipation Proclamation sounded the eventual death knell of slavery.


(Q051) Black soldiers played a crucial role in winning the Civil War and in defining the war's consequences.


(Q056) Not since the American Civil War had mass armies confronted each other on the battlefield with the deadly weapons created by the industrial revolution.


(Q060) The Battle of Gettysburg is the largest battle ever fought on the North American continent.


(Q061) As the Civil War progressed, millions of northerners who had not been abolitionists became convinced that preserving the Union as an embodiment of liberty required the destruction of slavery.


(Q063) Lincoln referred to the United States in speeches primarily as a "nation," and not the "Union," by the end of the Civil War.


(Q070) During the Civil War, the state of Georgia passed a law allowing the death sentence to southerners who were loyal to the Union cause.


(Q014) The Civil War is sometimes called "the first modern war" because it used weapons and other technological advances of the industrial revolution. Which of the following was one of these advances?


(Q028) What military action started the American Civil War?

the Confederate shelling of Fort Sumter

(Q002) Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation immediately following

the battle of Antietam.

Q009) In order to expand the Confederacy into western areas, Confederate units from Texas in1861 invaded

New Mexico.

(Q057) In March 1865, the month before the Civil War ended, the Confederate Congress authorized the arming of slaves to fight for the South.


(Q059) The Wade-Davis Bill, introduced in Congress to begin Reconstruction in the summer of 1864, required a majority of white male southerners to pledge support for the Union, and guaranteed blacks equality before the law, but not the vote.


(Q069) During the Civil War, the Confederate Congress authorized military officers to seize farm goods to supply the army, paying with increasingly worthless Confederate money.


(Q045) Over the course of the war, Confederate troops were better supplied than Union troops.


(Q054) Before going off to war, many Civil War soldiers sat for photographs, which were reproduced on small cards and distributed to friends and loved ones.


(Q055) During the Civil War, Congress granted up to 100 million acres to the Union and Pacific railroads.


(Q047) During the Civil War, more men died in battle than by wounds, infections, or disease.


(Q049) During the Civil War, the North instituted a draft, but the South never did.


(Q033) General William T. Sherman moved his forces from Tennessee into this state, seizing the main railroad center in 1864.


(Q023) George E. Pickett's crack division marched across an open field toward Union forces into withering gunfire in July 1863 at


(Q001) Northern Republicans labeled those opposed to the war


(Q040) General George B. McClellan was notorious for his military recklessness.


(Q043) Invoking the extraordinary dangers of the moment, Lincoln called for a suspension of regular elections for the duration of the war.


(Q052) Abraham Lincoln was a firm supporter of votes for black Americans prior to the Civil War.


(Q053) Government involvement in the economy decreased during the Civil War.


(Q058) The Sea Islands experiment was a Confederate government experiment in the Sea Islands of South Carolina during the Civil War in which a large breakwater was constructed to stop massive flooding of plantations during hurricanes.


(Q062) The Emancipation Proclamation immediately freed all enslaved persons in the United States.


(Q065) Because of the harsh cruelties she witnessed during the war, Mary Livermore believed the extension of suffrage to anyone other than white men was to blame. For the rest of her life, she opposed all forms of political enfranchisement, including woman suffrage.


(Q067) Religion was not an integral part of the Civil War outside of local personal beliefs and practices.


(Q068) Compared to Lincoln, Jefferson Davis was much more politically flexible and had acquired a common touch among the people.


(Q072) General Grant surrendered the Civil War to General Lee at the Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.


(Q071) General Grant decided to establish a "negro paradise" in Mississippi where emancipated slaves divided land among themselves and established a system of government, including electing their own judges and sheriffs.


(Q073) Later in life, Ulysses Grant traveled on a two-year world tour with his wife, and was generally greeted as a modern-day hero.


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