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6. "Policies of Mughal ruler Akbar, growth of Hindu opposition to the Mughals"

Akbar implemented religious tolerance policies, but faced growing Hindu opposition as the Mughal empire expanded.

13. "Distinguish Atlantic Slavery from past examples of slavery especially the effect on African societies and states"

Atlantic Slavery differed in its scale and brutality, significantly impacting African societies through depopulation, economic disruption, and social disintegration.

7. "Impact of European establishment of empires in the Americas"

European establishment led to cultural exchanges, demographic shifts, and the Columbian Exchange.

3. "Reason for expansion of Portugal, Spain, France, and England"

Expansion motives included acquiring wealth, spreading Christianity, and gaining strategic advantages through overseas territories.

11. "Japanese government treatment of merchants in SE Asia 17th c, and treatment of Europeans by the Tokugawa Shogunate, treatment of Christianity"

In the 17th century, the Tokugawa Shogunate restricted European access, particularly targeting Christianity, and regulated merchants to control foreign influence and maintain internal stability.

2. "What is an example of mercantilist thinking?"

Mercantilist thinking is exemplified by the belief in accumulating wealth through a favorable balance of trade, where a nation exports more than it imports, illustrated in policies like tariffs and subsidies.

18. "Contrast Portuguese, Spanish Colonies in Latin America and the British colonies in N. America"

Portuguese and Spanish colonies sought wealth through exploitation, while British colonies focused on economic diversification, leading to different social and economic structures.

5. "Russian leaders' definition of empire, distinctive state and expansion ideas, reasons for Russian expansion in the 16th c, impact on the steppes and Siberia, results of westward expansion"

Russian leaders aimed for territorial expansion, driven by economic motives and the desire for strategic advantages, impacting both the steppes and Siberia.

17. "Spain's colonial economy over Aztec and Inca lands"

Spain's colonial economy exploited Aztec and Inca resources, imposing a tribute system and extracting wealth, contributing to economic prosperity for Spain.

8. "Columbian exchange, examples of items exchanged, results"

The Columbian Exchange involved the transfer of crops, animals, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds, impacting global agriculture, diets, and populations.

10. "Intersection of Little Ice Age, General Crisis and Great Dying"

The Little Ice Age contributed to a general crisis in agriculture and economies, leading to the Great Dying due to famines and population decline.

9. "Ottoman policies to Christian population"

The Ottomans implemented the millet system, allowing religious autonomy for Christian communities within the empire.

14. "Incentive for Portuguese for direct route to Asia"

The Portuguese sought a direct sea route to Asia to bypass costly intermediaries, facilitating direct access to valuable Asian goods and reducing trade expenses.

4. "Qing dynasty policy toward its possessions in Central Asia, distinctive state and expansion ideas, impact of adding Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet to the empire, impact of Chinese tax in the 1570s"

The Qing dynasty pursued a policy of maintaining control over diverse territories, incorporating regions like Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet, impacting the empire's cultural diversity and economic structure.

15. "How the Reformation spread (technology as well as origin and spread) Why was Luther's 95 Thesis revolutionary?"

The Reformation spread through the printing press, enabling the rapid dissemination of ideas. Luther's 95 Theses were revolutionary for challenging key aspects of Catholic doctrine, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

12. "Result of the fur trade in N. America and difference between North American and Russian Examples (also know it was called 'soft gold') and its role in early modern commerce"

The fur trade in North America resulted in economic prosperity for European colonists, with fur, known as "soft gold," playing a crucial role in early modern commerce. In Russia, it led to exploration and expansion into Siberia.

16. "Religions to read about - Wahabi Movement and communities, Bhakti movement, Kaozheng movement, syncretic religions of the enslaved Africans, principles upheld in Sikhism and what evidence was there that despite the rise of Christian empires, Islamic Empires were still powerful in the 1400s. (Think about the key date 1453)"

Wahabi Movement emphasized a return to Islamic purity, Bhakti Movement focused on devotion, Kaozheng Movement promoted empirical research, and syncretic African religions blended indigenous and foreign beliefs. Sikhism emphasized equality and monotheism. Despite Christian empires, Islamic Empires remained powerful, evident in achievements and influence until at least 1453.

1. "How are W. European empires distinguished from other empires?"

Western European empires were characterized by maritime strength, global exploration, and overseas colonies, distinguishing them from land-based empires in other regions.

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