CHD4615 Exam 1 fsu

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What is the Ecological Systems Theory?

This theory identifies different environmental systems with which an individual interacts.

Are policymakers more interested in the private or public value of family functions?

•Policymakers, in contrast, are more interested in the public value of the functions that families perform for the larger society.

What is Medicaid? What population was it created for and how does it support them?

-Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. -Provides prenatal care, hospital services, family planning, pediatric screening, diagnostic services

Structural vs Functional definition of family

-Structural: specify family memberships according to certain characteristics (e.g. blood relationships, legal ties, or residence) -Functional: specify functions that family members perform (e.g. charing economic resources, caring for young)

Define Social Welfare

-organized (usually government funded) public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups; specifically : social work.

What is meant by "rapid changes in family life?"

1. Delays in fertility & marriage 2. Increases in Cohabitation, Divorce, and Non-marital Childbearing 3. Rise in maternal employment since the 1960s 4. Face decreased social mobility, stagnant wages, higher poverty rates, and increased instability

What are the 5 explicit functions of families?

1. Family formation 2. Partner relationships 3. Economic support 4. Child rearing 5. Caregiving

What is meant by "Lack of professionals trained in evidence-based policies?"

1. Few trained in building evidence-based policies, or disseminating research findings to policy makers 2. Few tools to help professionals and policy makers consistently examine the impact of policies of families 3. Most researchers and professionals are trained in social science or in policy work, but not in both.

Why are family's marginalized in policymaking?

1. Rapid changes in family life 2. Skepticism about governments role in family life 3. *Lack of professionals trained in evidence-based policy

What are some examples of family marginalization in policymaking?

1. Supreme court decisions 2. Federal Laws 3. State & local laws 4. Workplace policies

What are Explicit policies?

Also known as direct policies. They are designed to achieve specific goals regarding families (e.g. adoption, childcare, and marriage)

What are implicit policies?

Also known as indirect policies. Not specifically or primarily intended to affect families, but that have indirect consequences on them (E.g. healthcare, substance abuse, unemployment)

What is meant by "governments role to support family life?"

Although the government supports family growth and there are more policies in place,.. Programs aren't unified and they are underfunded.

What population was the FERPA created for? How does it support that population?

Applies to students that reach 18 or attends a postsecondary institution, and all rights formerly given to parents transfer to the student. -The student has access to their education records and are able to file complaints or appeals.

What does the Individual system entail in the ecological systems theory?

Biological & genetic factors, Physical & cognitive abilities, Race/ethnicity

What does the Family system entail in the ecological systems theory?

Economic, social & economic support, quality relationships btwn family members, culture, racial/ethnic & religious values, traditions & behaviors

How does the FMLA support families?

Employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a year to care for new children or seriously ill family members, or to recover from their own serious health conditions. -Lets them take time off without worrying about being fired.

What is the FERPA?

Family and Educational Rights & Privacy Act. -This policy protects the privacy of student's educational records.

Is family a public or private matter?

Family is primarily private; yet it is also publicly seen, politically contextualized, and a societal good.

What does the Policy system entail in the ecological systems theory?

Federal policies (earned income tax credit EITC, Head Starts), State policies (state children's health insurance program SCHIP, marriage laws), Local policies (school funding, immunization, housing)

What is the head-start program?

Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children from low income families through agencies in their local community

How and when did head-start programs originate?

Head start programs began in the Summer of 1965 as a part of President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty.

What was the head start program intended to do?

Head start was designed to help break the cycle of poverty by providing preschool children of low income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs.

What are the 4 categories in the Ecological Systems Theory?

Individual, Family, Community and Policy

Individualism vs Familism

Individualism: thinking in terms of personal happiness and goals and the development of a distinct individual identity Familism: the virtual sacrifice of the individual family members needs and goals for the sake of the larger kin group. -Values: family togetherness, stability, focuses on the family as a whole

What is Medicare? Which population does this program support and how?

Medicare is a national health insurance program created for elderly (over 65) and disabled Americans. Designed to help with hospital insurance, medical insurance, nurse visits, medicare advantages plans, prescription drug plans..

How many children has head start served?

Over 30 million. Grew from an 8 week demonstration project to include full day/ full year services and many program options

What is Privatization and how does it support the Individual Lens?

Policies that change public programs/agencies into privately run enterprises subject to competitive market forces. -This creates more individualism and makes it more difficult for families to benefit from these policies

Define Evidence-Based Policy

Policy or practice that is guided by the most up-to-date research outcomes in that field of study.

Policy vs Family policy

Policy: Plan or course of action carried out through a law, rule, code, or other mechanism in the public or private sector Fam policy: Policy that aims to protect, promote, and strengthen families by addressing one or more of the five explicit functions families perform: (a) family formation, (b) partner relationships, (c) economic support, (d) childrearing, and (e) caregiving.

Are professionals more interested in the private or public value of family functions?

Professionals are typically more interested in the private value of the functions that families provide for their members and how family members benefit from policies and programs they participate in.

How family policy can shape your career and/or life?

Professionals often find their ability to deliver services constrained by policies that place families in harm's way. -Family policy works best when promoted by professionals who understand what it takes to make families work and who grasp how the public policy process works.

What does the Community system entail in the ecological systems theory?

Public institutions (law enforcement, social services, public health nurses), Private institutions (faith based organizations, community organizations, and employers), Internal institution (neighbors, peer networks)

Why does family policy matter?

Public policy can support family functioning by shaping the environment in which families operate. Also, investments in keeping the family foundation strong today have been proven to pay back tomorrow.

What is the "illusion of knowledge"?

Some students fail to see how studying family policy is important to their lives and careers. They fall into a "trap"—the illusion of knowledge—and fail to see that success in family policy takes knowledge and skills.

What was the nations first and only law designed to help women and meet the dual demands of work and family?

The Family & Medical Leave Act. (FMLA)

What was the Civil Rights Movement? (1950-60's)

The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for blacks to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. The civil war ended slavery but discrimination was still very alive.

What is the Family Impact Lens? (FIL)

The critical implicit roles that family considerations can play in any policy even if it does not explicitly address families or family functions as (a) a criterion for deter- mining the impact of any policy or program on families; (b) a means for achieving other un- related policy goals; and (c) administrators of public policy by determining eligibility for benefits and by distributing them to members. (ex: immigration status; tax returns)

What are some reasons as to why "family" can be defined in many ways?

The definition varies due to: 1. cohabitation and financial support of children 2. same-sex partnerships and parenting 3. racial/ethnic differences in the importance of marriage 4. globalization and its impact on the migratory flows of transnational families.

What is the 3 fold mission of WIC?

This mission is carried out by (1) providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, (2) nutrition education (including breastfeeding promotion and support), and (3) referrals to health and other social services.

What were the Collective Bargaining Protests in 2011?

Took place in Wisconsin in response to the Wisconsin Budget Repair bill, a bill that addressed their 3.6 billion budget deficit, in which they took percentages of people's pensions, health insurance, etc. The Collective bargaining (process of negotiation between employees and employers) bill was passed and protestors dwindled form 100,000 to about 1,000.

What was the Egyptian Uprising in 2011?

also known as the January 25th revolution or the Egyptian Revolution of Dignity. Unprecedented mass demonstrations against poverty, corruption, and political repression. Almost 3 weeks after the protests, the president stepped down, leaving the Egyptian military in control of the country.

What was the Tea Party Movement in 2009?

conservative populist social and political movement that emerged in 2009 in the US, generally opposing excessive taxation and government intervention in the private sector while supporting stronger immigration controls. -Successfully reshaped the politics of the Republican Party T.E.A= "Taxed Enough Already"

What was The Occupy Movement in 2011?

young people camped out on Wall Street to protest the affect that large corporations (and their $$) controls policy decisions

What are 4 main ways that family's contribute to society?

•Generate productive workers. •Contribute to the raising of caring, committed citizens. •Make efficient investments of public resources to reach societal goals.(family caregiving) •Promote positive child and youth development. (reduced child poverty & teen pregnancy)

How does the US government play a smaller role in family policy than other countries?

•The U.S. provisions for family leave are unpaid and shorter in duration. •The U.S. system of child care requires payments by parents with some state and federal subsidies. •The US' reliance on tax benefits and credits instead of direct cash transfers ends up treating higher-income families more generously than lower-income families.

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