Chem ch 2

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42) Which of the following elements is a metalloid? A) As B) S C) Br D) Fe E) Kr


48) Which of the following elements is a transition metal? A) Ce B) N C) Br D) K E) Be


49) Cesium belongs to the ________ group of the periodic table. A) alkali metal B) alkaline earth metal C) halogen D) noble gas


59) All of the following elements are nonmetals EXCEPT A) arsenic. B) nitrogen. C) helium. D) oxygen.


38) Identify the instrument that is used to determine the mass of a molecule. A) mass spectrometer B) nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer C) infrared spectrometer D) gas chromatograph E) ultraviolet spectrophotometer


11) Identify a cation. A) An atom that has lost an electron. B) An atom that has gained an electron. C) An atom that has lost a proton and a neutron. D) An atom that has gained a neutron.


17) Which of the following statements about subatomic particles is TRUE? A) A neutral atom contains the same number of protons and electrons. B) Protons have about the same mass as electrons. C) Electrons make up most of the mass of an atom. D) Protons and neutrons have opposite, but equal in magnitude, charges. E) Neutrons and electrons are found in the nucleus of an atom.


2) All samples of a given compound, regardless of their source or how they were prepared, have the same proportions of their constituent elements. Which law does this refer to? A) Law of Definite Proportions B) Law of the Conservation of Mass C) Law of Modern Atomic Theory D) Law of Multiple Proportions E) First Law of Thermodynamics


2) Give the symbol for fluorine. A) F B) Fl C) Fo D) Fu E) Fr


20) Ions differ in the number of A) electrons. B) neutrons. C) protons. D) neutrons and protons. E) electrons and protons.


3) An atom of 131I contains ________ protons. A) 53 B) 184 C) 78 D) 124 E) 131


30) Which of the following elements is a lanthanide? A) Ce B) Na C) U D) Ar E) Rg


35) Semiconductors are A) metalloids. B) noble gases. C) nonmetals. D) metals.


36) In which of the following sets do all species have the same number of electrons? A) F-, Ne, Mg2+ B) Ge, Se2-, Br- C) K+, Rb+, Cs+ D) Br, Br-, Br+


37) Identify the green-yellowish gas that is used as a disinfecting agent. A) chlorine B) bromine C) iodine D) fluorine


1) In a chemical reaction, matter is neither created or destroyed. Which law does this refer to? A) Law of Definite Proportions B) Law of the Conservation of Mass C) Law of Modern Atomic Theory D) Law of Multiple Proportions E) First Law of Thermodynamics


12) Identify an anion. A) An atom that has lost an electron. B) An atom that has gained an electron. C) An atom that has lost a neutron and a proton. D) An atom that has gained a neutron.


15) What is the chemical symbol for titanium? A) Th B) Ti C) Tl D) Tm


18) Which element has the chemical symbol, Ru? A) rubidium B) ruthenium C) rutherfordium D) rhodium


20) Which are isotopes? An atom that has an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 42 is an isotope of an atom that has A) an atomic number of 21 and a mass number of 42. B) an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 40. C) 22 neutrons and 20 protons. D) 22 protons and 20 neutrons.


32) Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Halogens are very reactive elements. B) The alkali metals are fairly unreactive. C) Sulfur is a main group element. D) Noble gases do not usually form ions. E) Zn is a transition metal.


39) The atomic mass for cadmium is A) 48 B) 112.41 C) 40.08 D) 20


4) Which of the following is an example of the law of multiple proportions? A) A sample of chlorine is found to contain three times as much Cl-35 as Cl-37. B) Two different compounds formed from carbon and oxygen have the following mass ratios: 1.33 g O: 1 g C and 2.66 g O: 1 g C. C) Two different samples of table salt are found to have the same ratio of sodium to chlorine. D) The atomic mass of bromine is found to be 79.90 amu. E) Nitrogen dioxide always has a mass ratio of 2.28 g O: 1 g N.


45) Which of the following elements is a nonmetal? A) Ce B) N C) Br D) K E) Be


52) Barium belongs to the ________ group of the periodic table. A) alkali metal B) alkaline earth metal C) halogen D) noble gas


56) Which of the following elements is classified as a semimetal? A) calcium B) germanium C) fluorine D) uranium


58) Which one of the following elements is a poor conductor of heat and electricity? A) copper B) fluorine C) iron D) lead


62) Which of the following contains the MOST atoms? You shouldn't need to do a calculation here. A) 10.0 g Mg B) 10.0 g Ne C) 10.0 g Ca D) 10.0 g Rb E) 10.0 g Cs


16) What is the chemical symbol for mercury? A) Ag B) Au C) Hg D) Pb


17) What is the chemical symbol for copper? A) Co B) Cr C) Cu D) C


19) Which element has the chemical symbol, S? A) selenium B) silicon C) sulfur D) scandium


29) Which of the following elements is NOT a metal? A) Ba B) Mg C) Xe D) Pb E) Ga


31) Which of the following elements is a actinide? A) Ce B) Na C) U D) Ar E) Rg


33) Which of the following does NOT describe a metal? A) good conductor of heat B) good conductor of electricity C) tends to gain electrons D) forms ionic compounds with nonmetals E) found on the left side of the periodic table.


44) Which of the following elements is a halogen? A) As B) S C) Br D) Fe E) Kr


50) Iodine belongs to the ________ group of the periodic table. A) alkali metal B) alkaline earth metal C) halogen D) noble gas


54) Which of the following elements is a gas at room temperature? A) bromine B) carbon C) helium D) sodium


55) Which of the following elements is not a solid at room temperature? A) Ag B) Al C) Xe D) Fe


6) Identify the description of an atom. A) neutrons and electrons in nucleus; protons in orbitals B) neutrons in nucleus; protons and electrons in orbitals C) protons and neutrons in nucleus; electrons in orbitals D) protons and electrons in nucleus; neutrons in orbitals E) electrons in nucleus; protons and neutrons in orbitals


10) Isotopes differ in the number of ________. A) beta particles B) protons C) electrons D) neutrons E) neutrons and protons


19) Give the symbol for silver. A) S B) Si C) Ar D) Ag E) Sl


3) When two elements form two different compounds, the masses of element B that combine with 1 g of element A can be expressed as a ratio of small whole numbers. Which law does this refer to? A) Law of Definite Proportions B) Law of the Conservation of Mass C) Law of Modern Atomic Theory D) Law of Multiple Proportions E) First Law of Thermodynamics


34) Which of the following does NOT describe a nonmetal? A) tend to gain electrons B) found in the upper right hand corner of the periodic table C) poor conductor of electricity D) nonmetals are generally unreactive E) poor conductor of heat


36) Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Anions are usually larger than their corresponding atom. B) Metals tend to form cations. C) Atoms are usually larger than their corresponding cation. D) The halogens tend to form 1+ ions. E) Nonmetals tend to gain electrons.


37) In which of the following sets do all species have the same number of protons? A) F-, Ne, Mg2+ B) Ge, Se2-, Br- C) K+, Rb+, Cs+ D) Br, Br-, Br+


41) Which of the following elements is a metal? A) As B) S C) Br D) Fe E) Kr


46) Which of the following elements is a alkali metal? A) Ce B) N C) Br D) K E) Be


51) Argon belongs to the ________ group of the periodic table. A) alkali metal B) alkaline earth metal C) halogen D) noble gas


53) Which of the following elements has chemical properties similar to tellurium? A) fluorine B) hydrogen C) nitrogen D) sulfur


57) Which of the following elements is a good conductor of heat and electricity? A) carbon B) iodine C) neon D) aluminum


8) The mass number is equal to A) the sum of the number of the electrons and protons. B) the sum of the number of the neutrons and electrons. C) the sum of the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. D) the sum of the number of protons and neutrons.


18) Which of the following statements about isotopes is TRUE? A) Isotopes of the same element differ only in the number of electrons they contain. B) An isotope of an atom with a larger number of neutrons is larger than an isotope of the same atom that contains fewer neutrons. C) Isotopes of the same element have the same mass. D) Isotopes of the same element don't usually have the same properties. E) Some elements have 3 or more naturally occurring isotopes.


4) An atom of 131Xe contains ________ electrons. A) 131 B) 185 C) 77 D) 123 E) 54


43) Which of the following elements is a noble gas? A) As B) S C) Br D) Fe E) Kr


47) Which of the following elements is an alkali earth metal? A) Ce B) N C) Br D) K E) Be


5) Which of the following statements is FALSE according to Dalton's Atomic Theory? A) Atoms combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds. B) All atoms of chlorine have identical properties that distinguish them from other elements. C) One carbon atom will combine with one oxygen atom to form a molecule of carbon monoxide. D) Atoms of sodium do not change into another element during chemical reaction with chlorine. E) An atom of nitrogen can be broken down into smaller particles that will still have the unique properties of nitrogen.


63) Which of the following contains the FEWEST atoms? You shouldn't need to do a calculation here. A) 10.0 g Na B) 10.0 g Li C) 10.0 g Ar D) 10.0 g Kr E) 10.0 g Cs


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