Chem ch3,4,5 Exam Study guide

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Families of Organic Compounds

Alcohols: -ol name ending, R-OH Ethers: ether name ending, R-O-R' Aldehydes: -al name ending, R-C double-bonded to oxygen above it-H Ketones: -one name ending, R-C double-bonded to oxygen above it-R' Carboxylic acids: acid name ending, R-C double-bonded to oxygen above it-OH Esters: - ate name ending, R-C double-bonded to oxygen above it-OR' Amines: amine name ending, RNH2

Mass percent composition

An element's percentage of the compound's total mass. Mass percent of an element = (mass of element in 1 mol of compound, g) / (mass of 1 mol of compound, g) * 100%.

Combustion analysis

An unknown compound undergoes combustion in the presence of pure oxygen in order to obtain the empirical formula for unknown compounds. A combustion reaction is a chemical reaction where a substance combines with oxygen (O2) to form one ore more oxygen-containing compounds. Emit heat.

Pure substances (elements)

Atomic: elements whose particles are single atoms, e.g. Ne. Exist in nature with single atoms as their basic units. Most elements fall into this category. Molecular: diatomic molecules, others are polyatomic.

Ionic bonds

Bonds that occur between metals and nonmetals. Involve the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. Metals transfer one or more of their electrons to the nonmetal. The metal becomes a cation (positively charged), and the nonmetal becomes an anion (negatively charged). The oppositely charged ions attract each other via electrostatic forces and form an ionic bond. Made of a lattice of alternating cations and anions in the solid state.

Covalent bonds

Bonds that occur between two or more nonmetals. Involve the sharing of electrons between atoms. Lowers the potential energy of the atoms through electrostatic interactions with the nuclei. The electron lies between the 2 protons, giving it the lowest potential energy and making it more stable since it can interact with both protons. The electron holds the 2 protons together by attraction. The atoms in all molecular compounds are held together by covalent bonds.

Organic chemistry

Carbon atoms bond almost exclusively covalently. Carbon frequently bonds to itself to form chain, branched, or ring structures. Can form double and triple bonds with itself and other elements.

Compounds containing a metal and a nonmetal are ionic. Compounds composed of nonmetals are molecular a) CS2 = Molecular - both are nonmetals b) CuO - Ionic Type II c) KI - Ionic Type I d) PCl3 - Molecular

Classify each compound as ionic or molecular a) CS2 - Carbon Disulfide b)CuO - Copper (II) Oxide c)KI - Potassium Iodide d) PCl3 - Phosphorus Trichloride

Atomic elements exist in nature with a single atom as their base units. Molecular elements exist as diatomic molecules and do not normally exist in nature. a) Chlorine is a MOLECULAR element because its a diatomic molecule (Cl2) b) Argon is an ATOMIC element because it exists in nature as a single atom c) Cobalt is ATOMIC element because it exists in nature as a single atom d) Hydrogen is a MOLECULAR element because its a diatomic molecule (H2)

Classify each element as atomic or molecular a) chlorine b) argon c) cobalt d) hydrogen

Cobalt (II)


Cobalt (III)


Compounds and mixtures

Compounds have elements combined in fixed, definite proportions, e.g. H2O. Atoms held together by chemical bonds, which are they result of interactions between the charged particles (protons and electrons) that make up atoms. In a mixture, elements can mix in any proportions whatsoever, e.g. a hydrogen-oxygen mixture can have any ratio of hydrogen to oxygen.

Binary compounds

Contain only 2 different elements. Name is: (name of cation) + (base name of anion and -ide). Common anions: fluorine (Fl-), chlorine (Cl-), bromine (Br-), iodine (I-), oxygen (O2-), sulfur (S2-), nitrogen (N3-), and phosphorous (P3-).


Contain only carbon and hydrogen. Most fuels are mixtures of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons with: one bond (alkanes), double bonds (alkenes), triple bonds (alkynes). Hydrocarbons containing C6 "benzene" ring are called aromatic. Naming hydrocarbons : (base name determined by number of carbon atoms) + (suffix determined by presence of multiple bonds). Carbon base names: 1 - meth, 2 - eth, 3 - prop, 4- but, 5 - pent, 6 - hex, 7 - hept, 8 - oct, 9 - non, 10 - dec

Chromium (II)


Chromium (III)


Copper (I)


Copper (II)


plum-pudding does not explain the deflection of the alpha particles off of a thin sheet of gold foil

Describe Rutherford's gold foil experiment and the results of that experiment. How did these results contradict the plum pudding model of the atom?

Yes; when elements combine with other elements, a compound is created. Each compound is unique and contains properties different from those of the elements that compose it.

Do the properties of an element change when it combines with another element to form a compound?

Patterns for naming polyatomic ions

Elements in the same column form similar polyatomic ions. The suffix of polyatomic ions is often based on the number of oxygen atoms. Oxyanions are anions containing oxygen and another element. Same number of O's and same charge, e.g. ClO3- = chlorate and BrO3- = bromate. If the polyatomic ion starts with H, add hydrogen- prefix before name and add 1 to the charge, e.g. CO3^2- = carbonate ∴ HCO3^-1 = hydrogen carbonate. -ate ion: chlorate is ClO3-1 -ate ion + 1 O = same charge, per- prefix, e.g. perchlorate is ClO4-1 -ate ion - 1 O = same charge, -ite suffix, e.g. chlorite is ClO2-1 -ate ion - 2 O = same charge, hypo- prefix, -ite suffix, e.g. hypochlorite is ClO-1

3 types of chemical formulas

Empirical: gives the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound, e.g. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has an empirical formula of HO. Do not describe how many atoms, the order of attachment, or the shape. The formulas for ionic compounds are empirical. Molecular: gives the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule, e.g. hydrogen peroxide has a molecular formula of H2O2. Some compounds have the same empirical and molecular formulas. The molecular formula is always a whole-number multiple of the empirical formula. Do not describe the order of attachment, or the shape Structural: uses lines to represent covalent bonds and shows how atoms in a molecule are connected or bonded together. Some show approximate angles between bonds. Can also show different types of bonds, such as double and triple bonds. Double bonds are generally stronger and shorter than single bonds. Describe the kinds of elements found in the compound, the numbers of their atoms, order of atom attachment, and the kind of attachment. They do not directly describe the 3-dimensional shape.

Empirical formula gives the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound hydrogen peroxide empirical formula HO Molecular formula gives the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound hydrogen peroxide molecular formula H202

Explain the difference between a molecular formula and an empirical formula

Iron (II)


Iron (III)


Form of Type II ionic compounds name of cation (METAL) (Charge of cation in Roman Numerals in Parenthesis) + basic name of anion (NONMETAL) + ide ex. CuBr2 = Copper (II) Bromide

Form for names of ionic compounds containing a metal that forms more than one type of ion

English, Latin/Greek, properties, countries, scientists

Give some examples of how elements got their names.

Empirical formula give simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each elements in a compound a) C2H6 - CH3 (2 was simplified to 0 and 6 simplified to 3) b) N2O4 - NO2 (2 was simplified to 0 and 4 simplified to 2) c) C4H6O2 - C2H3O (4 TO 2, 6 TO 3, 2 TO 0) d) NH3 - NH3 (3 cannot be simplified anymore)

Give the empirical formula that corresponds to each molecular formula a) C2H6 -Ethane b) N2O4 - Dinitrogen Tetroxide c) C4H6O2 - Vinyl Acetate d) NH3 - Ammonia

NaNo3 contains cation (Sodium) and polyatomic anion (NO3-) so the name is NaNO3 = Sodium Nitrate NH4NO3 contains polyatomic cation (ammonium ion) and polyatomic ion anion (nitrate ion), so the name NH4NO3 = Ammonium Nitrate

How are compounds containing a polyatomic ion named

listing the elements in order of increasing atomic number

How is the periodic table organized?

Functional hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons in which a functional group (a characteristic atom or group of atoms) has been incorporated into the hydrocarbon, e.g. CH3OH (methanol), where CH3 is the hydrocarbon and OH is the functional group. Functional groups alter the properties of a compound significantly.

The more metallic element.

In a chemical formula, which element is listed first?

Matter is usually charge-neutral due to protons and electrons having opposite charges.

Is matter usually charge-neutral? How would matter be different if it were not charge-neutral?

Ionic compounds

Metals + nonmetals. Made of ions. No individual molecule units, instead ionic compounds have a 3-dimensional array of cations and anions made of FORMULA UNITS. Many contain polyatomic ions, which are several atoms attached together in one ion. Ionic compounds must have no total charge, therefore we must balance the numbers of cations and anions in a compound to get 0 charge.

Li (Lithium), Na (Sodium), K (Potassium), Rb (Rubidium), Cs (Cesium), and Group 1B element Zn (Zinc) form cation with charge +1

Metals that form only one type of ion from Group 1A

Be (Beryllium), Mg (Magnesium), Ca (Calcium), Sr (Strontium), Ba (Barium) and Group 1B element Ag (Silver) form cation with charge +2

Metals that form only one type of ion from Group 2A

Al (Aluminum) form cation with charge +3

Metals that form only one type of ion from Group 3A

Pure substances (compounds)

Molecular: compounds whose particles are molecules made of only nonmetals, e.g. H2O Ionic: compounds whose particles are cations and anions, e.g. NaCl. Don't contain distinct molecules but exist as part of a larger lattice. Occur throughout Earth's crust as minerals and found in the food we eat. Generally very stable because the attractions between cations and anions are very strong and each ion interacts with several oppositely charged ions in the crystalline lattice.

polyatomic ion saying (write out each one)

Nick the Camel ate Clam Crepes for Supper in Phoenix

Tin (II)


Tin (IV)


Molar mass (M)

The mass in grams of 1 mole of an element's atoms. Equal to atomic mass. Measured in g/mol. Equal to formula mass. There are 2 mol of Cl to 1 mol of CCl2F2. Molar mass = (empirical formula mass) x n n = (molar mass) / (empirical formula molar mass)

Variant and invariant charges and polyatomic ions

Variant charge means the metal can form more than one type of cation, so the charge must be specified. Most of these metals are transition metals. Determine charge by determining charge on anion. Invariant charge means the metal's charge doesn't vary from one compound to another (i.e. the metal only forms one type of ion). Polyatomic ions are single ions that contain more than one atom. They are often identified by (ion) in formula. The name and charge of polyatomic ions does not change. The name of any ionic compound is done by naming the cation first and then the anion. -ide usually means a monatomic anion and -ate and -ite signify differing numbers of oxygen atoms in oxyanions.

Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

What are isotopes?

atomic = single atoms molecular = diatomic molecules formula unit = basic unit of ionic compound a) BaBr2 -> Formula unit -> cation Ba2+ and anion Br- b) Ne -> Single atom c) I2 -> Molecules -> diatomic d) CO -> Molecules -> two nonmetals

What are the basic units - single atoms, molecules, or formula units - that compose each substance. a) BaBr2 b) Ne c)I2 d)CO

Most mass and all positive charge = nucleus. Most volume = negatively charged electron cloud.

What are the main ideas in the nuclear theory of the atom?

occupy the left. good conductors, malleabilty, ductility, shiny, lose electrons

What are the properties of metals? Where are metals found on the periodic table?

poor conductors, gain electrons. located toward the upper right.

What are the properties of nonmetals? Where are nonmetals found on the periodic table?

Each element is composed of tiny indestructible particles called atoms. All atoms of a given element have the same mass and other properties that distinguish them from the atoms of the other elements. Atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios to form compounds.

What are three main ideas in Dalton's atomic theory?

Type II ionic compounds are transition metals that form ions with more than one type

What block of periodic table metals form more than one type of ion.

Matter was ultimately composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms.

What did Democritus contribute to our modern understanding of matter?

number of protons

What does the atomic number of an element specify?

A chemical formula is a way to represent a compound. The chemical formula for water H2O represents 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen

What is a chemical formula

unique one- or two-letter abbreviation for an element listed below the atomic number

What is a chemical symbol?

Each column within the main groups

What is a family or group of elements?

negatively and positively charged ions

What is an anion? What is a cation?

smallest identifiable unit of an element

What is an atom?

atom that has gained or lost electrons

What is an ion?

fundamental property of protons and electrons

What is electrical charge?

listed beneath symbol, represents the average mass of the atoms that compose that element.

What is the atomic mass of an element?

To name an acid with oxyanion ending with -ite one must take the base name of oxyanion and attach -ous to it; the word acid follows.

What is the basic form for the name of oxyacids whose oxyanions end with -ite?

Oxyacids are derived from Oxyanions. Oxyacids contain a combination of one or more H+ ions with an oxyanion name of base oxyanion with ic on the end followed by the word acid ex: HNO3 = Nitric Acid

What is the basic form for the name of oxyacids whose oxyanions end with ate

[Base oxyanion name + ous]+[acid] ex: H2SO3 = Sulphurous Acid (oxyanion is sulfite)

What is the basic form for the name of oxyacids whose oxyanions end with ite

Binary acids are (HYDROGEN)+(NONMETAL) The basic form for naming binary acids is HYDRO followed by the name of nonmetal base with suffix IC added on the end and then add the word acid ex: HCL = Hydrochloridic Acid

What is the basic form for the names of binary acids

Basic form for the names of Type I ionic compounds are name of cation (METAL) + basic name of anion (NONMETAL) + IDE ex. NaCl = Sodium Chloride

What is the basic form for the names of ionic compounds containing a metal that forms only one type of ions

Atomic Elements occur in nature as single atoms in their basic units Diatomic Molecule two atoms of the same element bonded together form molecular element. Nitrogen - N2 Oxygen - O2 Flourine - F2 Chlorine - Cl2 Bromine - Br2 Iodine - I2

What is the difference between a molecular element and an atomic element

An atomic element is one that exists in nature with a single atom as the basic unit. A molecular element is one that exists as a diatomic molecule as the basic unit.

What is the difference between a molecular element and an atomic element? List the elements that occur as diatomic molecules.

When the elements are arranged in order of increasing relative mass, certain sets of properties recur periodically.

What is the main idea in the periodic law?

sum of neutrons and protons

What is the mass number of an isotope?

relative amount of each different isotope in a naturally occurring sample of a given element

What is the percent natural abundance of isotopes?

A over Z times X, where X = chemical symbol, A = mass number, Z = atomic number

What notations are commonly used to specify isotopes? What do each of the numbers in these symbols mean?

Polyatomic Ions 2- charge: Sulfate Ion (SO42-) Carbonate Ion (CO32-) Chromate Ion (CrO42-) Dichromate Ion (Cr2O72-) Hydrogen Phosphate (HPO42-) Sulfite (SO32-) Peroxide (O22-)

What polyatomic ions have 2- charge

periodic law

What was Dmitri Mendeleev's main contribution to our modern understanding of chemistry?

Most of the elements that lie along the zigzag that have intermediate electrical conductivity, which can be changed and controlled.

Where on the periodic table do you find metalloids?

It is important to understand atoms because they compose matter and the properties of atoms determine matter's properties.

Why is it important to understand atoms?

a) Potassium Acetate K C2H3O2 b) Potassium Chromate K+ and CrO42- switch subscripts K2(CrO4)1 = K2CrO4 c) Potassium Phosphate K+ PO43- switch subscripts K3(PO4)1 = K3PO4 d) Potassium Cyanide K+ CN- switch subscripts K1(CN)1 = KCN

Write a formula for the compound that forms potassium and a) acetate b) chromate c) phosphate d) cyanide

1)write the symbol for the metal and its charge followed by the symbol for the nonmetal and its charge 2)Switch the charge for each ion to the subscript of the other ion 3) If possible reduce subscripts to give a ratio with smallest whole number a) Li 1+ and N 3- = Li3N Li 1+ and O 2- = Li2O Li 1+ and F 1- = LiF b) Ba 2+ and N 3- = Ba3Na2 Ba 2+ and O 2- = BaO Ba 2+ and F 1- = BaF2

Write formulas for the compounds formed from the element on the left and the elements on the rightl a) Li - N,O,F b) Ba - N,O,F

ionic compound

a metal and one or more non metals in a chemical formula form

hepta means 7

prefix hepta

nona means 9

prefix nona

Penta means 5

prefix penta

Tetra means 4 CCl4 = Carbon TetraChloride

prefix tetra

Phosphate Ion (PO43-)

what polyatomic ions have 3- charge

a) Na and its charge +1 followed by S and its charge -2. Make the charge for each ion become the subscript for the other ion Na2S b) Sr and its charge +2 followed by O and its charge -2. Make the charge for each ion become the subscript for the other ion Sr2O2 Reduce the subscripts by dividing both subscripts by 2. SrO c) Al and its charge +3 followed by S and its charge -2. Make the charge for each ion become the subscript for the other ion Al2S3

write a formula for the ionic compound that forms from each pair of elements a) sodium and sulfur b) strontium and oxygen c) aluminum and sulfur

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