Chem final Ch 17

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Acute radiation damage: A) results from lower doses of radiation over extended periods of time. B) results from exposure to lower amounts of radiation in a short period of time. C) can result in death. D) results in an increased chance of cancer. E) all of the above

can result in death

The self-amplifying reaction in which neutrons produced by the fission of one nucleus would induce fission in other nuclei is called: A) critical mass. B) chain reaction. C) nuclear fusion. D) positron emission. E) none of the above

chain reaction

A scintillation counter detects radioactivity by: A) developing film which is exposed by radioactive particles. B) emission of light from a NaI crystal when radioactivity passes through the crystal. C) ionization of argon gas in a chamber which produces an electrical signal. D) analyzing the mass and velocity of each particle. E) none of the above

emission of light from a NaI crystal when radioactivity passes through the crystal.

20 over nine F contains 11 protons and 9 neutrons.


Radioactivity is the emission of tiny, invisible radio signals by the nuclei of certain atoms.


a fusion reaction emits large amounts of energy while a fission reaction absorbs large amounts of energy


all unstable elements have the same rates of radioactive decay


antoine-Henri Becquerel discovered xrays


c-14 dating had been verified using old iron ore sample of known age


during the first half life you lose half of the radioactive material during the second half life ou lose the eremaining half


in a geiger muller counter radioactive particles pass through NaI which emits UV-V os ;ogjt


nuclear equations do not need to be balanced since a new element forms


nuclear fission reactions produce ten times more energy per gram than fusion reactions


one danger of a nuclear power plant is that a chain reaction could produce a bomb


phosphorous-32 has a half-life of 14.3 days while radon-222 has a half life of 3.8 days so phosphorous-32 is considered more active


radioactive elements becomes stable isotopes after emitting one of the radioacitve particles a b y


the alpha particle (a) is four over three He


the combination of two light nuclei to form a heavier one is known as nuclear fission


the hydrogen isotope known as tritium contains three neutrons


the reaction two over one H+three over oneH=four over twoHe+ one over zero neutron is an example of nuclear fission


the symbol for positron is zero over -1 e


What type of radioactive decay produces a daughter nuclide that is the same element as the parent nuclide? A) alpha B) beta C) gamma D) positron E) none of the above


Which of the following is NOT a unit used for expressing radioactivity: A) roentgen B) geiger C) rem D) curie E) All of the above are units used to express radioactivity.


A Geiger-Muller counter detects radioactivity by: A) developing film which is exposed by radioactive particles. B) emission of light from a NaI crystal when radioactivity passes through the crystal. C) ionization of argon gas in a chamber which produces an electrical signal. D) analyzing the mass and velocity of each particle. E) none of the above

ionization of argon gas in a chamber which produces an electrical signal.

What happens to the mass number of a nucleus that emits an alpha particle? A) It remains the same. B) It decreases by two. C) It decreases by four. D) It increases by two. E) It increases by four.

it decreases by 4

Nuclear power is criticized because: A) of long term storage issues of radioactive wastes. B) it is an expensive form of energy. C) it is not as efficient as burning fossil fuels. D) of the danger of detonation into a nuclear bomb. E) all of the above

of long term storage issues of radio active wastes

What is the missing particle? 231 over 90 Th =___________ + 231 over 89 Ac A) positron B) beta particle C) alpha particle D) gamma particle E) none of the above


Isotope scanning involves: A) radioactive isotopes that are used in place of x-rays. B) radioactive isotopes that are absorbed by specific organs. C) destroying cancerous cells by intense radiation levels. D) acute radiation exposure. E) none of the above

radioactive isotopes that are absorbed by specific organs.

A gamma ray is a high energy photon.


Radioactive particles can pass through matter.


Uranium-235 is capable of undergoing a fission chain reaction


a beta particle can also be called an electron


a gamma ray has no charge and no mass


a major natural source of radiation is due to the radon gas in our environment


a nuclear reaction typically changes the identity of the element involved


a nuclide with a shorter half life would be considered more active than a nuclide with a longer have life


a patient having radio therapy uses radioactivity to kill infected cells while trying to minimize the effect on the healthy cells


a positron particle comes from the decay of a proton into a neutron and a positron


all elements with atomic numbers above bismuth are naturally radioactive


alpha particles have lower penetrating power than the other types of radioactive emissions


carbon-14 dating is based on the fact hat c-14 is continuously being made in the upper atmosphere


carbon-14 dating is not dependable when attempting to date objects that are more than 50,000 years old


during beta decay neutrons are converted to protons and electrons


exposure to nuclear radio activity can produce genetic defects in offspring


madam curie discovered two new elements


nuclear power plants produce energy by fission reactions


nuclides that decay slowly have long half lives


one method of nuclear medicine uses radioactive isotopes to scan specific regions of the body


the effort to build an atomic bomb during WWII was promoted by a fear that germany was already working on nuclear weapons


the energy of the sun comes from fusion reactions


when an atom emits a beta particle its atomic number increases by one because it now has one additional proton


when atom emits an alpha particle it become a different element


If an object has 25% of the C-14 activity as a living organism, the age of the item is: A) 11,460 years. B) 17,190 years. C) 22,920 years. D) 28,650 years. E) More information is needed.

11,460 years

how any protons and neutrons are in 34 over 16 S A) 16 p and 34 n B) 16 n and 34 p C) 16 n and 18 p D) 16 p and 18 n E) none of the above

16 p and 18 n

which of the following isotopes contains the most number of neutrons 179 over 86 Rn 170 over 83 Bi 174 over 87 Fr 178 over 84 Po 177 over 86 Rn

178 over 84 Po

If an object has 6.25% of the C-14 activity as a living organism, the age of the item is: A) 11,460 years. B) 17,190 years. C) 22,920 years. D) 28,650 years. E) More information is needed.

22,920 years

What is the main product when 232 over 90 Th undergoes beta decay? A) 228 over 88 Ra B) 232 over 89 Ac C)232 over 91 Pa D) 232 over 90 Th

232 over 91 Pa

What is the main product when 235 over 92 U undergoes beta decay? A) 231 over 90 Th B) 235 over 93 Np C) 235 over 91 Pa D) 232 over 90 Th

235 over 93 Np

What is the main product when 249 over 97 Bk emits a gamma ray? A) 249 over 97 Bk B) 245 over 95 Am C)249 over 96 Cm D) 249 over 98 Cf

249 over 97 Bk

Tritium (3 over 1 H ) is an isotope of hydrogen that is sometimes used to make the hands of watches glow in the dark. The half-life of tritium is 12.3 years. After 49 years, approximately how much of the original tritium remains? A) 50% B) 25% C) 12.5% D) 6.25% E) 3.12%


If the half-life of a radioactive isotope is 32 days, how many half-lives must pass before a sample is less than ? A) 2 B) 5 C) 7 D) 9 E) More information is needed.


If the the 232 over 90 Th isotope emits an alpha particle, what would be the atomic number of the resulting atom? A) 90 B) 88 C) 92 D) 228 E) 236


Who discovered radioactivity? A) Antoine Becquerel B) Pierre Curie C) Marie Curie D) Ernest Rutherford E) Benjamin Franklin

Antoine Becquerel

How was radioactivity discovered? A) Rutherford was investigating the structure of Au atoms and discovered alpha particles. B) Marie Curie was investigating the existence of uranic rays that occurred in some minerals. C) Becquerel was studying X-rays and phosphorescence to see if they were related. D) Benjamin Franklin was studying the creation of electrical current from the ionization of gases due to radioactive particles. E) none of the above

Becquerel was studying X-rays and phosphorescence to see if they were related.

The first person to artificially cause a nucleus to undergo a fission reaction was: A) Otto Hahn. B) Lise Meitner. C) Fritz Strassman. D) Enrico Fermi. E) all of the above

Enrico Fermi

Which of the following statements about the creation of the nuclear bomb is FALSE? A) Einstein lobbied President Roosevelt to pursue creation of the bomb. B) American war intelligence feared the Germans were ahead of the Allies in developing nuclear weapons in WWII. C) J.R. Oppenheimer headed the Manhattan Project. D) The Germans were defeated by the time the bomb had been developed. E) All of the above are true.

J.R. Oppenheimer headed the Manhattan Project.

Why can U-235 produce a chain reaction? A) Extremely high amounts of energy are released in the reaction. B) Neutrons produce the fission reaction and are also a product of the reaction. C) All elements above bismuth (#83) can undergo fission based chain reactions. D) Chain

Neutrons produce the fission reaction and are also a product of the reaction.

Nuclear fusion: A) is the formation of heavier elements from lighter ones. B) releases a larger amount of heat than nuclear fission. C) is the energy source of the sun and stars. D) produces non-radioactive elements. E) all of the above

al of the above

In a nuclear equation: A) the daughter nuclide appears on the right-side of the arrow. B) the sum of the atomic numbers on both sides must be equal. C) the sum of the mass numbers on both sides must be equal. D) all of the above E) none of the above

all of the above

Nuclear fusion: A) requires intense temperatures that make it impossible to harness as an energy source with our current technology. B) is the basis of the hydrogen bomb. C) can be done but requires the detonation of a traditional fission bomb. D) is a possible energy source of the future. E) all of the above

all of the above

Radioactive elements are used for: A) medical diagnosis. B) medical treatment. C) determining age of fossils and rocks. D) generating electricity. E) all of the above

all of the above

What symptoms can be experienced from exposure to dangerous levels of radiation? A) decreased white blood cell count B) skin burns C) hair loss D) vomiting E) all of the above

all of the above

Which type of particle can be emitted by an unstable nucleus? A) four over 2 He B) 0 over +1e C)0 over -1 e D) all of the above E) none of the above

all of the above

Nuclear power: A) generates 20% of the electricity needed in the U.S. B) generates heat which boils water and turns a steam turbine to produce electricity. C) generates no air pollution or greenhouse gases. D) uses almost no fuel compared to fossil fuel plants. E) All of the above are true.

all of the above are true

The first experiment that converted one element to another was performed in 1919 by Ernest Rutherford. An isotope of nitrogen was bombarded with a type of particle to get an oxygen atom as shown: N + ? → 17 over 8 O + one over one H Which type of particle was used to bombard the nitrogen atom? A) alpha B) beta C) positron D) gamma E) none of the above


Beyond which element in the periodic table (based on atomic number) are the successive elemental nuclei considered to be radioactive? A) Uranium B) Radium C) Barium D) Bismuth E) Lead Answer:


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