Chem final

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Which of the following statements bests describes a liquid? a. Definite shape but indefinite volume b. Indefinite shape and volume c. Definite shape and volume d. Indefinite shape but definite volume

indefinite shape but definite volume

Which of the following is a messenger protein


When NaCl dissolves in water, the force of attraction that exists between Na+ and H2O is called: a. ion-dipole b. ion-ion c. dipole-dipole d. hydrogen bonding


Heavy metals such as Pb2+ and Hg2+ act as a ____inhibitor.


Penicillin is an example of a(n): 1. reversible inhibitor 2. activator 3. noncompetitive inhibitor 4. irreversible inhibitor

irreversible inhibtor

When two compounds are made up of the same number and kind of atoms, but differ in their molecular structure they are known as: a. isomers b. isotopes c. hydrocarbons d. homologs


Fructose is called a(n): a. ketopentose b. aldopentose c. aldohexose d. ketohexose


Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid? a. linoleum acid b. arachidonic acid c. oleic acid d. stearic acid

linoleum acid

The model that explains that the substrate fits exactly into the active sit of an enzyme is called: 1. induced fit 2. lock and key 3. coenzyme 4. substrate selectivity

lock and key

To form an octet, an atom of strontium will: a. lose 6 electrons b. lose 2 electrons c. gain 2 electrons d. gain 6 electrons

loses 2 electrons

Enzymes function as a catalyst by: 1. lowering the overall energy change in a reaction 2. lowering the activation energy of a reaction 3. changing the equilibrium constant 4. increasing the amount of time it takes for a reaction to take place

lowering the activation energy of a reaction

To make a protein, a copy of DNA must be done by which type of RNA?

messenger RNA

When a diabetic does not have enough glucose in their blood it develops a condition called: metabolic alkalosis respiratory alkalosis respiratory acidosis metabolic acidosis

metabolic acidosis

When a person does excess vomiting the condition the blood develops is called: respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis

metabolic alkalosis

The compound CH3(CH2)7CH3 is called: a. nonane b. heptane c. octane d. decane


When a molecule binds to an enzyme at a site other than the active site and affects enzyme shape it is called a(n): 1. irreversible inhibitor 2. competitive inhibitor 3. noncompetitive inhibitor 4. covalent modification

noncompetitive inhibitor

Which of the following is an element? a. Sodium b. Ammonia c. Carbon dioxide d. Sand


Matter is nearly incompressible in which of these states? a. Liquid b. Solid and liquid c. Solid d. Gas

solid and liquid

An enzyme will only increase the rate of certain reactions with certain substances. This characteristic is called: 1. regulation 2. selectivity 3. specificity 4. inhibition


Which of the following is a polysaccharide? a. Maltose b. Sucrose c. Glucose d. Starch


The point at which an enzyme reacts at its maximum activity is called a: 1. reaction maximum 2. steady state 3. saturation point 4. pH dependence

steady state

The tertiary structure of a DNA double strand is further twisted into what is called


The molar mass of an element in grams is numerically equal to that element's atomic mass in amu. true/false


The molecule heptane contains sixteen H atoms. true/false


The nucleotide ATP contains adenosine and three phosphate groups. true/false


This molecule contains 2 chiral centers true/false


This molecule does not exhibit cis-trans isomerism: the picture with two h on the left and two f on the right


This molecule represents a tertiary alcohol: true/false


Translation occurs in the ribosome. true/false


Unsaturated fatty acids contain cis alkenes. true/false


the alpha helix is the predominant structure feature in a fibrous protein true/false


Which of the following amino acids contains an aromatic ring in the side chain? 1. glutamine 2. serine 3. tryptophan 4. proline


What amino acids are involved in the following triptide? 1. lye-his-phe 2. tyr-his-lys 3. lys- his- tyr 4. his-lys- phe


Calculate the volume (in L) of a solution that contains 3.12 moles of NaCl if the concentration of this solution is 6.67 M NaCl? 0.468 L 46.8 L 2.14 L 20.8 L

0.468 L

Which of the following contains the most atoms? a. 6.02 × 1023 molecules of C3H8 b. 1.5 mol CuSO4 c. 0.5 mol C6H12O6 d. 2.5 mol H2O2

0.5 mol C6H12O6

What is the lead concentration in ppb of a water sample that contains 28 μg of lead in 44 L? 0.064 ppb 1.57 ppb 0.64 ppb 64 ppb

0.64 ppb

A sample of air at a pressure of 1.50 atm occupies 2.75 L at 35°C. Calculate the new pressure when the temperature is raised to 115°C and the volume is changed to 5.50 L. a. 0.321 atm b. 0.945 atm c. 1.06 atm d. 3.78 atm

0.945 atm

at which carbon atoms in ribose or deoxyribose is the glycosidic bond formed a. 4' b. 3' c. 1' d. 5'


The amount of a radioisotope that remains after three half-lives have passed is: a. 6.25% b. 12.5% c. 25% d. 50%


Mercury-202 has how many neutrons in its nucleus? a. 102 b. 202 c. 122 d. 22


How many equivalents of PO43- are present in a solution that contains 4.50 mol of PO43-? 1.50 eq 9.00 eq 13.5 eq 4.50 eq

13.5 eq

How many monosaccharides are connected to each other in a disaccharide? a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1


Which of the following alkenes shows cis-trans isomerism? a. 2-methyl-2-octene b. 1-pentene c. 1,1-difluorobutene d. 3-octene


Which of the following contains the most atoms? a. 1.5 mol CuSO 4 b. 2.5 mol H 2O 2 c. 0.5 mol C 6H 12O 6 d. 6.02 × 10 23 molecules of C3H8

2.5 mol H202

What is the [H3O+] concentration of a solution that has a pH = 11.61? 2.5 x 10-12M 4.1 x 1011 M 1.2 x 101M 1.0 x 10-14M

2.5 x 10-12 M

The optimum pH for an enzyme such as hexokinase that phosphorylates glucose in the blood would be: a. 2.0 b. 7.5 c. 12.0 d. 9.0


Which of these represents a condensed structural formula? b. CH3(CH2)6CH3 c. C3H8


Which of the following is a primary alcohol?


Which of the following is the correct condensed structural formula for hexane? a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 b. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 c. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 d. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3


Which of the following would be most soluble in water? a. CO2 b. CH3CH2OH c. CH3CH2CH3 d. CH4


Which of the following cannot act as a Brønsted-Lowry acid? HS- H20 HSO4- CO32-


The reaction of calcium and sulfur produces: a. CaS2 b. Ca2S c. CaS d. Ca2S3


Which is not a characteristic element of proteins? 1. Cl 2. N 3. C 4. H


The general formula for a carbohydrate is: a. CnH2n+2 b. CnH2n c. Cn(H2O) d. Cn(H2O)n


All members of the alkane series of hydrocarbons have the general formula: a. CnH2n b. CnHn c. CnH2n+2 d. CnH2n-2


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a true solution? Particles are evenly distributed Components interact chemically with each other Components do not separate on standing Concentration can be changed

Components interact chemically with each other

The free energy of the products in an endergonic reaction is higher than that of the reactants. T or F


What is the primary function of enzymes? Biochemical catalysts Structure Neurotransmitters Transport

biochemical catalysts

Which of these bases are found in both DNA and RNA? Adenine Both adenine and guanine Thymine Guanine

both adenine and guanine

The complementary base of adenine is: 1. uracil 2. thymine 3. guanidine 4. both uracil and thymine are complementary bases of adenine

both uracil and thymine are complementary bases of adenine

Straight chain alkanes have lower boiling points than branched alkanes of the same size. true/false


Sugar dissolves in water because of the large London forces present in this large molecule. true/false


The abbreviation for this nucleic acid sequence is GCAG. true/ false


The angle between the bonds in a tetrahedral molecule is 90°. true/false


The molecule cycloheptane contains sixteen H atoms. true/ false


The molecule cycloheptane contains sixteen H atoms. true/false


The order of the amino acids in a protein is the secondary structure true/false


The reduced form of NADH is NAD+. T or F


This molecule contains 1 chiral center true/false


This skeletal structure represents an alkene


Transcription is the second step in the process of making a protein from DNA. true/ false


Translation is the first step in the process of making a protein from DNA. true/false


Vaccines can help protect against both viral and bacterial infections. true/false


α-Linoleic acid contains 20 carbon atoms. true/ false


which of the following is an example of a transport protein? 1. collagen 2. hemoglobin 3. pepsin 4. oxytocin


The proteins that the tertiary structure of a DNA double strand is coiled around are called: 1. histones 2. amino acids 3. steroids 4. enzymes


A compound that is composed of only carbon and hydrogen is known as a(n): a. homolog b. hydrocarbon c. carbohydrate d. isomer


What type of bonding holds the double strand of DNA together?

hydrogen bonding

Which type of forces stabilizes the secondary structure of a protein? 1. Salt bridges 2. Hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl group and amino group 3. Peptide bonds 4. Dipole-dipole

hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl group and amino group

Mechanical agitation would most likely disrupt what type of stabilizing interaction? 1. Hydrophobic interaction 2. Disulfide bonds 3. Salt bridges 4. Hydrogen bonds

hydrogen bonds

What type of stabilizing interaction would be expected between phenylalanine and valine? 1. Hydrophobic interaction 2. Salt bridges 3. Disulfide bonds 4. Hydrogen bonds

hydrophobic interaction

Adding one neutron to the nucleus of an atom: a. does not change either its atomic number or its atomic mass b. increases its atomic number by one unit but does not change its atomic mass c. increases its atomic mass by one unit, but does not change its atomic number d. increases the atomic number and the mass number by one unit

increases its atomic mass by one unit, but does not change its atomic number

The process of competitive inhibition can be overcome by: 1. decreasing the temperature 2. increasing the pH 3. increasing the substrate concentration 4. all of the above

increasing the substrate concentration

Which answer choice represents the lowest whole number coefficients when the following equation is balanced? N2H4 + H2O2 → N2 + H2O a. 1, 4, 2, 8 b. 2, 3, 2, 3 c. 2, 4, 2, 4 d. 1, 2, 1, 4


What is the IUPAC name for the following structure? a. 1-chloro-2-ethyl-1-methyl cyclopentane b. 1-chloro-1-ethyl-2-ethyl cyclopentane c. 1-methyl-1-chloro-2-ethyl cyclopentane d. 1-chloro-1-methyl -2-ethyl cyclopentane

1-chloro-2-ethyl-1-methyl cyclopentane

Convert 152 miles into kilometers, using proper significant figures, given that 1 mile = 1.609 km. a. 245 km b. 244.57 km c. 94 km d. 94.5 km

245 km

A fossil found in a cave was found to have 1/ 32 the amount of carbon-14 as a live object. If the half-life of Carbon-14 is 5730 years, how old is the object? a. 17,190 yrs b. 34,480 yrs c. 5730 yrs d. 28,650 yrs


How many chiral carbon atoms are in the molecule> a. 0 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4


The base pairs guanine and cytosine form how many hydrogen bonds with each other? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


The phosphodiester bond that forms between two adjacent sugars is connected via which two carbons of the sugar molecules? a. 1' and 6' b. 2' and 6' c. 1' and 5' d. 3' and 5'

3' and 5'

How many monosaccharides are connected to each other in an oligosaccharide? a. 3-9 b. 2 c. 1 d. more than 9


Cobalt has atomic number 27. Cobalt-60 is used in the medical treatment of cancer. How many neutrons and protons are contained in the nucleus of this isotope? a. 33 neutrons, 27 protons b. 27 neutrons, 33 protons c. 27 neutrons, 27 protons d. 33 neutrons, 33 protons

33 neutrons, 27 protons

A sample of oxygen at room temperature occupies a volume of 500. L at 1.75 atm. What would be the volume of this gas at 2.50 atm at the same temperature? a. 714 L b. 0.00286 L c. 350. L d. 114 L

350 L

A double bond involves the sharing of ________ electron(s) between the atoms. a. 4 b. 2 c. 6 d. 8


How many chiral carbons in this molecule? a. 6 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5


How many electrons are in the second energy level for an atom of N? a. 6 b. 8 c. 4 d. 5


How many isomers are there of hexane, C6H14?


The sugar that is part of the backbone of DNA contains how many carbon atoms? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6


How many mL of solution are there in 0.0500 L? a. 0.0000500 mL b. 50.0 mL c. 500. mL d. 0.50 mL

50.0 mL

Convert 236 kilojoules into calories. 56.4 cal 987 cal 987 kcal 56.4 kcal

56.4 kcal

The hydrogen bonding in the AT base pair involves the nitrogen atoms in the purine ring associated with the

6 membered ring

An atom of chlorine has how many valence electrons? a. 6 b. 4 c. 2 d. 7


Iodine has atomic number 53. Iodine-131 is used extensively in imaging the thyroid gland. How many neutrons and protons are contained in the nucleus of this isotope? a. 78 neutrons, 53 protons b. 78 neutrons, 78 protons c. 131 neutrons, 53 protons d. 53 neutrons, 78 protons

78 neutrons, 53 protons

What is the coefficient for O2 when the equation for the combustion of C5H12 to CO2 and H2O is balanced? 6 8 7 9


how many stereoisomers are possible for: a. 8 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2


What is the coefficient for O2 when this equation is balanced with the lowest whole number coefficients? C3H7OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O a. 4 b. 5 c. 10 d. 9


The adult dose for a new drug has been calculated to be 360 mg. If the dose for a 25 lb child is recommended to be 26 % of the adult dose, what should the dose be? a. 9.4 mg b. 94 mg c. 14 mg d. 9.4 g

94 mg

In a basic solution, pH is ________ and [H3O+] is ________. >7, <1 x 10-7 M <7, <1 x 10-7 M <7, .>1 x 10-7 M =7,1 x 10-7 M

>7, <1 x 10-7 M

Which of the following processes is nonspontaneous? -An antacid tablet reacting with stomach acid to produce carbon dioxide -A hot pan cooling on the counter -Water turning to ice below 0°C -A battery being recharged

A battery being recharged

Which of the following substances has the lowest density? a. A mass of 25 g and a volume of 20 mL b. A mass of 750 g and a volume of 70 dL c. A mass of 5 mg and a volume of 25 uL (mcL) d. A mass of 1.5 kg and a volume of 1.2 L

A mass of 750 g and a volume of 70 dL

Identify the correct sequence for this nucleic acid sequence. 1. ACGT 2. TGCA 3. AGCT 4. TCGA


What is complimentary DNA sequence for the strand TCGA? 1. AGCT 2. CTAC 3. TGCA 4. GATC


A correct set of complimentary base pairs in DNA are: 1. AT 2. GA 3. TC 4. AU


Which of the following elements contains 5 valence electrons? a. Xe b. B c. Br d. As


Which of the following is a typical chemical equation that represents a hydration reaction? HI (aq) + LiOH (aq) → NaI (aq) + H2O (l) 2 Na (s) + Cl2 → 2 NaCl (s) BaCl2 (s) -> H20 Ba2+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (l)

BaCl2 (s) -> H2O Ba2+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq)

Pentane has the molecular formula a. C5H12 b. C5H8 c. C5H10 d. C5H14


Which of the following genetic diseases involves the formation of three chromosomes instead of a pair, normally on chromosome 21? 1. hemophillia 2. galactosemia 3. muscular dystrophy 4. Down syndrome

Down syndrome

Identify the correct sequence for this nucleic acid sequence. 1. GCAT 2. GCUG 3. GUCG 4. TCAT


In a condensation reaction, one molecule is split into two molecules. T or F


The following energy diagram represents an exergonic reaction: T or F


What is the complimentary DNA sequence to the strand below? C-G-G-T-T-A-G 1. C-G-G-T-T-A-G 2. G-C-C-A-A-T-C 3. A-T-T-G-G-C-T 4. G-C-C-U-U-U-C


Which list contains only nonpolar amino acids? 1. Gly, Ile, Gln, Glu 2. Ser, Thr, Gln, Asn 3. Gly, Leu, Ile, Phe 4. Asp, Glu, His, Arg

Gly, Leu, Ile, Phe

In the following equation identify the Brønsted-Lowry acids: H2O + H2PO4- ⇌ OH- + H3PO4 H20 and H3PO4 H20 and OH- H2PO4- and OH- H2PO4- and H3PO4

H2O and H3PO4

n the following equation identify the Brønsted-Lowry bases: H2O + HPO42- ⇌ H3O+ + PO43- HPO42- and H3O+ HPO42- and PO43- H2O and H3O+ H2O and PO43-

H2O and PO43-

Which of the following pairs is not ordered correctly as a Brønsted-Lowry base and conjugate acid? H2PO4- and H3PO4 H20 and H30+ NH3 and NH4+ H3PO4 and H2PO4-

H3PO4 and H2PO4-

Which of the following is not a strong acid? HNO3(aq) HC2H302 (aq) HCl (aq) HClO4 (aq)

HC2H3O2 (aq)

Which list contains only essential amino acids? 1. His, Lys, Trp, Ile 2. Ala, Val, Phe, Met 3. Pro, Met, Val, Leu 4. Thr, Glu, His, Lys

His, Lys, Trp, Ile

Identify all the disaccharides from the following list: i) Lactose ii) Glucose iii) Ribose iv) Maltose a. ii + iii b. i + iv c. i + ii d. iii + iv

I + iv

This dipeptide is designated as: 1. Ile-Leu 2. Ile-Val 3. Leu-Ile 4. Leu-Val


________ attractions are the only ones that all molecules have regardless of composition or polarity. a. Ion-ion interactions b. Dipole-dipole attractions c. Hydrogen bonding d. London dispersion forces

London dispersion forces

What amino acids are involved in the following tripeptide? 1. Cys-Met-Leu 2. Leu-Cys-Met 3. Met-Cys-Ile 4. Met-Cys-Leu


The glycosidic bond that connects the sugar and the pyrimidine base is at what position on the base? 1. C-8 atom 2. N-3 atom 3. N-1 atom 4. N-9 atom

N-1 atom

A solution of sucrose (table sugar) and water does not conduct electricity. Due to this property, sucrose is classified as a(n): strong electrolyte non-electrolyte weak electrolyte semi-electrolyte


Which of these bonds is polar covalent? a. C-H b. O-H c. H-H d. Li-F


Which of the following ions does not have 18 electrons? a. O2- b. P3- c. Cl- d. Ca2+


Which of the following pairs is not a conjugate acid-base pair? H3PO4 and H2PO4- H20 and H30+ NH3 and NH4+ H20 and 02-


Which combination contains atoms or ions with complete valence shells? a. Ne, O2-, Ca2+, Fe2+ b. Kr, K+, Cu+, Al3+ c. P3-, Mg2+, He, Sc3+ d. F-, Na+, Sn2+, Ar

P3-, Mg2+, He, Sc3+

Which of these molecules is a tertiary amine?


The correct symbol of an ion with an atomic number of 16 and 18 electrons: a. S2+ b. S2- c. O2- d. Ar2-


Which one of the compounds below is most likely to be covalent? a. K3As b. PbBr4 c. SrBr2 d. SiO2


Identify the correct ordering of attractions (strongest to weakest) among particles in the three states of matter. a. Solid < liquid < gas b. Solid > liquid > gas c. Solid < gas < liquid d. Gas < solid < liquid

Solid > liquid > gas

When heated in air, copper metal develops a black appearance over time. Analysis shows that copper(II) oxide forms on the surface. What type of reaction is it? Synthesis Decomposition Single displacement Double displacement


NAD+ is an oxidizing agent. T or F


Which of these molecules is an aldopentose?

The one with O at the top connected by double bond

Which of the following is a ketone?

The one with oxygen and no hydrogen

The codons ACU, ACC, ACA, and ACG all code for which amino acid?


What is the correct name for the following structure? a. Trans-1,2-dichlorocyclopentane b. 1,2-dichlorocyclopentane c. Cis-1,2-dichlorocyclopentane d. Dichlorocyclopentane


Hydrogenation of an alkene is a reduction reaction. T or F


In a solution where pH = pKa, the concentration of the acid form is equal to that of the conjugate base. T or F


Given the following reaction at equilibrium, the correct equilibrium expression will be: CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) ⇌ CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g) [CH4][O2]2/[CO2][H2O]2 [CO2]/[CH4][O2]2 [CO2][H2O]2/[CH4][O2]2 [CO2][H2O]/[CH4][O2]


Which of these solutions is the most acidic? [OH-] = 2 × 10-12 M [H3O+] = 6 × 10-6 M [H3O+] = 4 × 10-4 M [OH-] = 3 × 10-3 M

[OH-] = 2 × 10-12 M

Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture? a. Salt — sodium chloride b. Oil and vinegar salad dressing c. Iron filings and sulfur d. A cup of black coffee

a cup of black coffee

Which one of the following is electrically neutral? a. A proton b. A nucleus c. An electron d. A neutron

a neutron

A nucleotide consists of a: 1. a pentose + a phosphate 2. a phosphate + a nitrogenous base 3. a pentose + a nitrogenous base 4. a pentose + a phosphate + a nitrogenous base

a pentose + a phosphate + a nitrogenous base

A functional group that contains a S atom is: a. an aldehyde b. a ketone c. a thiol d. an amine

a thiol

The optimum pH for an enzyme such as pepsin that works to break down peptide bonds would be: neutral acidic either acidic or basic basic


What type is amino acid is glutamic acid?


The area on the enzyme that interacts with the substrate is called the: 1. modulator site 2. active site 3. regulatory site 4. allosteric site

active site

Hydrogenation of an alkene is an example of what kind of reaction? Addition Hydrolysis Oxidation Hydration


When adenine is connected to deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate it's name becomes

adenine mono phosphate

A carbohydrate with an aldehyde functional group is called: a. disaccharide b. hexose c. ketose d. aldose


What factors can influence the speed of a reaction by an enzyme? 1. The closeness of the reactants to each other in the active site 2. The weakening of bond energies in the reactants 3. The orientation of the reactants 4. All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following ions has a charge of +1? 1. Ammonium 2. Hydrogen sulfate 3. Chlorite 4. Nitrate


The variables kept constant in Boyle's law are: a. amount of gas and temperature b. pressure and volume c. amount of gas and volume d. pressure and temperature

amount of gas and temperature

The masses on the periodic table are expressed in what units? a. Pounds b. Grams c. Atomic mass units (amu) d. Kilograms


What functional groups are present in the following structure? CH3-CC-CH2OH a. A ketone and an alkyne b. An alcohol and an alkyne c. Alcohol and an alkene d. An aldehyde and a ketone

an alcohol and an alkyne

A functional group that contains a N atom is: a ketone an aldehyde a thiol an amine

an amine

Which of the following proteins has a distinctive Y-shape? 1. Collagen 2. Integral protein 3. Antibodies 4. Hemoglobin


Which of the following is an example of a true solution? Homogenized milk mayonnaise apple juice blood

apple juice

What type of amino acid is histidine? 1. Polar neutral 2. Nonpolar neutral 3. Acidic 4. Basic


what is the shape of this molecule?


A reversible inhibitor is one that: 1. denatures the enzyme 2. binds permanently to the enzyme 3. activates the enzyme 4. binds temporarily to the enzyme

binds temporarily to the enzyme

Which of these hydrocarbons could not be a cycloalkane? a. C3H6 b. C6H14 c. C4H8 d. C5H10


Which of these represents a molecular formula? a. C8H18 b. CH3(CH2)6CH3


Which of the following compounds will have the lowest boiling point? a. CH3CH2OH b. NH3 c. CHCl3 d. CH4


The polysaccharide the makes up the exoskeleton of insects is: a. amylose b. chitin c. cellulose d. glycogen


Which of the following is most likely to be found in the central region of a lipid membrane? a. Cholesterol b. Glucose c. Glycine d. Methyl phosphate


Which of the following is an example of a structure protein? 1. oxytocin 2. pepsin 3. collagen 4. hemoglobin


The reaction of a nucleoside with phosphate to create a nucleotide is an example of a ________ reaction. 1. condensation 2.replacement 3. hydrogenation 4. oxidation


Which of the following amino acids contains sulfur in the side chain? 1. Tyrosine 2. Phenylalanine 3. Cysteine 4. Glycine


When cytosine is connected to the deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate, its name becomes: 1. cytidine monophosphate 2. cytidine 3. cytosine 4. cytosine monophosphate

cytidine monophosphate

The complementary base of guanidine is: 1. uracil 2. thymine 3. cytosine 4. adenine


Which nucleotide is not found in RNA? 1. CMP 2. AMP 3. UMP 4. dAMP


what type of reaction is illustrated in this diagram? double displacement synthesis single displacement


Which of the following actions would not increase the rate of a reaction? -Increasing the concentration of the reactants by a factor of 2 -adding a catalyst -diluting the reactants by a factor of 2 -increasing the temperature by 10C

diluting the reactants by a factor of 2

What type of stabilizing interaction could there be between the side chains of two cysteine amino acids? 1. Disulfide bonds 2. Hydrogen bonds 3. Hydrophobic interactions 4. Salt bridges

disulfide bonds

This drawing represents an aldehyde true/ false

double bonded o with an h

Which subatomic particle contributes least to the mass of the atom? a. Electrons, protons and neutrons all contribute equal mass. b. Electron c. Neutron d. Proton


Corn is an incomplete protein because it lacks one or more 1. amino acids 2. essential amino acids 3. free amino acids 4. amino acids containing sulfur

essential amino acids

A homogeneous mixture consists of 34% ethanol and 66% isopropanol. Which of these is the solute of the mixture? Isopropanol Ethanol Both ethanol and isopropanol neither ethanol nor isopropanol


The name of the following alkyl group is: CH3CH2- a. isopropyl b. methyl c. propyl d. ethyl


A nucleotide consists of a phosphate, a sugar, and a base connected through condensation reactions. true/false


A solution is a heterogeneous mixture. T or F


Air is a pure substance. true/ false


An atom of K-40 contains 40 neutrons. true/false


An ion containing 32 protons and 35 electrons has a +3 charge. true/false


Atoms are made up of smaller particles called molecules. true/false


HF is a strong electrolyte. T or F


In DNA double helix, the bases C and G are connected by hydrogen bonds true/false


Kinetic energy is stored energy. true/false


Oxidation is associated with loss of oxygen atoms. T or F


Ribose has no oxygen atom bonded at the 2' carbon atom. true/ false


An aldopentose contains ________ carbon atoms and a/an ________ group. a. six, ketone b. six, aldehyde c. five, ketone d. five, aldehyde

five, aldehyde

Which of the following is not a physical change? a. Dissolving kool-aid b. Boiling water c. Frying an egg d. Liquefying oxygen

frying an egg

Which of these statements is not compatible with the kinetic molecular theory? a. Gas particles are far apart from each other. b. Gas particles move more quickly at higher temperatures. c. Gas particles have strong attractive forces between them. d. Gas particles are in constant random motion

gas particles have strong attractive forces between them

In general, the solubility of ________ in water decreases as temperature increases. solubility always increases with increasing temperature for all solutions gases solids liquids


Of the following, which can serve as the solute in a solution? A liquid A solid Gases, liquids and solids can all serve as solutes. A gas

gases, liquids, and solids can all serve as solutes

Which of the following is a pure substance? a. Gold b. Sugar c. Sand d. Maple syrup


The complementary base of cytosine is: 1. guanidine 2. uracil 3. thymine 4. adenine


The following molecule represents a: a. oligosaccharide b. polysaccharide c. disaccharide d. monosaccharide


Which type of forces stabilizes the primary structure of a protein? 1. Hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl group and amino group 2. Dipole-dipole 3. Salt bridges 4. Peptide bonds

peptide bonds

The difference between normal and sickle cell hemoglobin is that valine replaces glutamic acid in one of the polypeptide chains; this indicates a change in what part of the protein structure? 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary 4. Quaternary


The secondary of amino acids represents the ___ structure of a protein 1. tertiary 2. secondary 3. primary 4. quartenary


The sequence of amino acids represents the_____structure of the protein primary secondary tertiary quarternary


Guanine is what type of nitrogenous base


Adenine is the name of a(n): 1. nucleoside 2. amino acid 3. nucleotide 4. purine base

purine bases

Which of the following is a noble gas? a. Astatine b. Radon c. Iodine d. Radium


What type of stabilizing interaction could there be between the side chains of glutamic acid and lysine? 1. Disulfide bonds 2. Hydrogen bonds 3. Hydrophobic interactions 4. Salt bridges

salt bridges

Soaps can be described as: a. salts of fatty acids b. esters of fatty acids c. long chain acids d. all of these statements describe soap

salts of fatty acids

The pattern the backbone folds, for example alpha-helix or beta pleated sheet, is the ________ structure of a protein. 1. primary 2. secondary 3. tertiary 4. quaternary


In a lipid bilayer: a. the hydrophobic heads point to the hydrophilic tails b. the hydrophilic heads of the molecules point towards each other c. the hydrophobic tails of the molecules point toward each other d. all the molecules are triglycerides

the hydrophobic tails of the molecules point toward each other

Which of the following molecules contains a chiral carbon?

the one that has a CH in the middle connected to 4 other things including an invisible h

Identify the amino acid that could form salt bridge interactions in the tertiary structure of a protein.

the one with OH at the bottom and no ring

What is the correct skeletal structure for this Lewis structure?

the one with a double bond and 4 lines

Which of these molecules is an aldehyde?

the one with a double bonded o and an h

Identify the amino acid that would only involve hydrophobic interactions in the tertiary structure of a protein.

the one with a ring and no OH

Which of the following pairs of molecules are structural isomers of each other?

the one with a square in it

Which of these molecules is an ester?

the one with double bonded o and r

Which of these molecules is an alkene?

the one with one double bond

Which of the following is cis-2,3-dichloro-2-butene?

the one with two Cl on top and two CH3 on bottom

The structure of adenine is:

the one with two rings and no oxygen

For a reaction to be exothermic or endothermic it is determined by: -the overall loss or gain of energy when the bonds break and reform -collision orientation of molecules -the activation energy -the states of the reactants

the overall loss or gain of energy when the bonds break and reform

Henry's law states the following: -the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly related to the pressure of the gas above the liquid -the solubility of a gas in a liquid is inversely related to the temperature of the liquid -the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly related to the temperature of the liquid -the solubility of a gas in a liquid is inversely related to the pressure of the gas above the liquid

the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly related to the pressure of the gas above the liquid

The mass number is: a. the sum of protons + electrons b. the difference between neutrons and protons c. the sum of protons + neutrons d. the sum of electrons + neutrons

the sum of protons + neutrons

Which of these molecules is an alkyne?

the triple bond

what is the shape of this molecule?

trigonal planar

A Brønsted-Lowry base accepts protons. T or F


A double covalent bond involves the sharing of two pairs of electrons. true/false


A fatty acid is an example of an amphipathic molecule. true/false


A neutral atom contains equal numbers of protons and electrons. true/false


A triple covalent bond involves the sharing of six electrons. true/false


All elements with atomic number 83 or greater are radioactive. true/ false


An amide link contains a C=O bond. true/ false


An enzyme is a protein. T or F


An ion containing 19 protons and 18 electrons is a cation. true/false


Benzoic acid is reduced in this reaction. T or F


Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body. true/false


Fatty acids are a class of lipids. true/false


His, Lys and Arg are all essential amino acids. true/false


Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a covalent compound. true/false


In a solution, the particles are distributed uniformly. T or F


In sublimation, a solid is converted directly into a gas. true/false


In the amino acid sequence, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ike, the N-terminus is at the Asp and the C-terminus is at the Ile true/false


In the amino acid sequence, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile, the N-terminus is at Asp and the C-terminus is at Ile. true/false


Messenger RNA is a single-stranded piece of RNA containing the bases complementary to those on the original DNA strand. true/ false


Nonpolar amino acids are found on the inside surface of a globular protein. true/false


Saturated hydrocarbons contain only single C-C bonds. true/false


Selenium is a nonmetal. true/false


Soluble fiber can help lower blood pressure. true/false


The alpha helix is the predominant structural feature in a fibrous protein. true/false


The base sequence in DNA that is complementary to the mRNA base sequence 3'AUGCAU5' is 5'TACGTA3'. true/ false


The complementary bases of T and C, are A and G respectively. true/false


The condensed structural formula represented by this skeletal structure is: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3. true/false


The d in dCMP stands for deoxy true/false


The following shows the correct numbering of the atoms in a pyrimidine base. true/false


Which of the following nitrogenous bases is found only in RNA? 1. cytosine 2. thymine 3. uracil 4. adenine


Which of these forms of RNA is not involved in transforming a DNA sequence into a protein in normal cells? 1. ribosomal rna 2. transfer rna 3. viral rna 4. messenger rna

viral rna

Which of the following mixtures is a colloid? Chalk and cheese yogurt mineral water fresh air


The glycosidic bond that connects the two monosaccharides in sucrose is: a. α(1→4) b. α,β(1→2) c. α(1→6) d. β(1→4)


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