Chemistry Safety Quiz

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SV. when inserting glass into a stopper, what are the two things that one should use?

1. an inserter 2. lubricant

19. what should be done in case of a fire drill during an experiment?

1. close containers 2. turn off gas valves 3. turn off fume hoods 4. turn off any electrical equipment 5. evacuate through the nearest fire exit **all done in a timely yet effective manner

SV. Should you strike the match towards or away from you?

AWAY, or you could very well catch on fire

SV. True or false: You may stay close to the bunsen burner when lighting it

False! stand back

54. true or false: it is okay to place a hot apparatus (general term for almost all types of machinery--not chemicals or acids--used in the labs) directly onto a laboratory desk. If false, what should you do instead?

False! that could hurt either the desk or the apparatus. instead, place the apparatus on an insulating pad

16. true or false: you must keep your hands away from your body while working with chemicals

TRUE--it is very dangerous to get chemicals on your body (note: you will have gloves protecting your hands during these experiments

14. sink drains are to be used to clean ____________ only: a. water & solutions approved for the sink by the instructor b. solid chemicals, used and unused c. solid chemicals, unused only d. metals & water & unused solid chemicals e. matches, filter paper, water, & unused solid chemicals

a. ONLY water & solutions approved for the sink by the instructor! NO CHEMICALS may go in the sink under any circumstances, unless approved by the instructor

SV. which should be used to clean up alcohol? a. a paper towel b. a vacum c. a mop d. all of the above

a. a paper towel. while 'c' would work, the question asks for which SHOULD be used to clean up alcohol. a mop would get a lot of the floor wet and potentially trip those who walk of it, and would be an inconvenience to set up. a paper towel, contrastingly, is easy and quick to both use as well as dispose of

27. accidents must be reported to the instructor ________ a. always b. only if serious c. only if the student is unable to clean them up d. only if the instructor specifically asks to have accidents reported to them

a. always! 'd' is wrong because the instructor will never specifically ask for this, it is assumed

24. policy on long hair during lab: a. must ALWAYS be tied back b. may or may not need to be tied back, depending on the experiment and length of hair c. NEVER needs to be tied back

a. always! long hair is a safety hazard in the lab

15. Labels and equipment must be read _______ before use a. carefully b. nonchalantly c. twenty-four hours d. trick question--your instructor reads them

a. carefully! 'b' is obviously false, 'c' is wrong because most students won't have access to the lab materials twenty-four hours before the experiment, they get them when the experiment starts, 'd' is wrong because it is your duty to know this information--your instructor will also know it, and can help if you are confused

SV. Before you start using glass, you should a. check it for imperfections and/or scars/scratches b. wash it c. all of the above

a. check it for imperfections and/or scars/scratches. 'b' is wrong because the glass will have already been washed

SV. what clothing materials are the best to wear in the lab a. cotton and wool b. velcro and polyester c. paper and wool d. polyester and cotton

a. cotton and wool-these will not stick to your skin if they catch on fire

43. wash bottles may be filled with a. distilled water only b. carbonated water c. a or b d. special de-chemicalizing soap only

a. distilled water only ('d' is wrong because special de-chemicalizing soap doesn't exist)

11. what are the five safety equipments which you should know how to operate?

a. first-aid kit b. eyewash station c. safety shower d. fire extinguisher e. fire blanket

25. policy on dangly jewelry and loose clothing during lab: a. must ALWAYS be secured b. may or may not need to be secured, depending on the experiment and length of hair c. NEVER needs to be secured

a. must ALWAYS be secured. these articles are a safety hazard in the lab

1) You should conduct yourself in a/an ____ manner at all times in the laboratory a. responsible b. active c. loud d. disrespectful

a. responsible

SV. broken glassware and uncontaminated materials are to be placed in a. special areas for each (broken glass trash bin for broken glass, regular waste for uncontaminated materials) b. the sink c. the teacher's desk d. any of the above are allowed, but nowhere else

a. special areas for each (broken glass trash bin for broken glass, regular waste for uncontaminated materials). this is obvious!

SV. Volatile chemicals should NOT be used with a. the bunsen burner b. the mantle c. the fume hood

a. the bunsen burner

10. when not in use, your chair should be a. tucked in (to the table) b. in the corner c. where it normally is d. outside of the classroom

a. tucked in to the table--moving all of the chairs around the room would be too time-consuming and dangerous, yet they should still stay out of everyone's way

12. Always work in an area _________ a. that is well-ventilated b. that is warm c. where windows are locked shut

a. well-ventilated ('c' is wrong because there is nothing that says that closed windows are an important safety feature)

36. what is the proper method for handling acid?

always add acid to water and stir or swirl the solution. be careful of the heat produced, especially when working with sulfuric acid. always have EXTREME CAUTION when working with acids!

SV. is it better to use smaller or large containers when pouring chemicals or substances?

always use smaller containers, to rescue the risk off spillage and/or overflow

SV. what should you use to absorb a large spill?

an absorbant material, such as kitty litter. barricade and then suffocate the spill with the absorbant, and then your teacher will throw away the absorbant best according to the types of chemicals which the absorbent contacted

SV. Policy on shaking thermometers a. it is necessary b. as long as it isn't mercury c. absolutely never

c. never-thermometers are highly breakable

28. what is the phrase to yell out to your instructor if you or your lab partner are hurt? a. "code zero!" b. "code one!" c. "code blue!" d. "man down!"

b. "code one!" yell this immediately and loud enough that your instructor will be able to hear you

35. when transferring reagents between containers, hold the containers _______ your body a. towards b. away from c. it doesn't make a difference

b. away from your body! this significantly reduces the risk of you becoming contaminated

55. how do you test if glass is hot or cold? a. no need--hot glass appears visibly lighter than cold glass b. bringing the back of your hand close to (but not touching) the glass c. touch your hand to the glass; if it is hot, quickly pull your hand away and wait a bit before testing again d. touch a thermometer to the glass and measure it's temperature

b. bringing the back of your hand close to (but not touching) the glass. 'a' is wrong because hot and cold glass look the same, 'c' is wrong because you should NEVER touch your hand to glass without knowing its temperature, and 'd' is wrong because sticking a thermometer onto hot glass may cause a reaction between the glass and also because a typical room thermometer might not be the most accurate predictor of the glass's true temperature

31. all chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered a. safe b. damngerous

b. dangerous. no matter how minor or trivial they may appear to be

22. if you drop a sharp object, you should a. stand still and let it hit the ground b. do not try to catch it, but move your feet and alert others to do the same so that the object does not hit anyone's feet c. move your feet away but do not alert others d. shove your friend towards the object as a joke

b. do not try to catch it, but move your feet and alert others to do the same so that the object does not hit anyone's feet. all of the other choices are very unsafe!

44. when removing a plug from an electrical socket, hands must be _______ and touch the ________ a. dry; electrical socket, not the cord b. dry; cord, not the electrical socket c. wet or dry; electrical socket, not the cord d. wet or dry; cord, not the electrical socket

b. dry; cord, not the electrical socket. do NOT touch electrical appliances with wet hands, and never touch the electrical socket under any circumstances

12. When working with volatile (easily-evaporated) chemicals or poisonous vapors, always use __________ a. trick question! never work with these b. fume hood c. a fire extinguisher d. cold water (to stop chemicals if they 'get out of control')

b. fume hood. NEVER stick your head inside of this! if allowed by the instructor, volatile chemicals or poisonous vapors are usable in experiments

14. it is recommended to check the label of all waste containers ______ before adding chemical waste to the container or removing the contents from them a. once b. twice c. three times d. trick question--your instructor will check them for you

b. it is recommended to check the labels twice. you can always check more times, though! while it is your responsibility to check labels, you should reach out to your instructor if confused by the labels

54. you should touch a hot apparatus (general term for almost all types of machinery--not chemicals or acids--used in the labs) a. anytime necessary, with heat-protective gloves on b. only after it has cooled

b. only after it has cooled! as helpful as heat-protective gloves are, one should never touch a hot object

23. if you have a medical condition (eg. allergies, pregnancy), you should participate in the experiment a. always b. only with instructor permission c. absolutely never

b. only with instructor permission. 'c' is wrong because some experiments may still be available to the person with the condition, depending both on the experiment and the person

SV. The gas valve should always remain ______ when using the bunsen burner a. closed b. open c. it doesn't matter

b. open! otherwise, a fire or explosion could occur

3. students are ______ allowed to work alone in the laboratory a. sometimes (dependent on the experiment) b. always c. never d. students are only allowed to work alone in the laboratory with teacher permission

c. never. an instructor MUST always be present during experiments

41. when handling broken glass: a. pick it up with your bare hands and bring it to the designated area b. pick it up with and dustpan and a brush and bring it to the designated area c. pick it up with your bare hands and place it on the instracutor's desk, for them to bring to the designated area d. pick it up with and dustpan and a brush and place it on the instracutor's desk, for them to bring to the designated area

b. pick it up with and dustpan and a brush and bring it to the designated area! picking up broken glass with your bare hands and/or placing it on someone's desk are both major safety hazards! it is your responsibility to transfer the glass which YOU broke

16. after each experiment, you should wash your hands with a. the eyewash station's special 'de-chemicaling' water b. soap and water c. special soap provided by the instructor and water d. trick question--you won't need to wash your hands because your gloves (NOT hands) will be touching the chemicals

b. soap and water. the eyewash station produces normal water, there (excl. special cases) will be no special soap provided by the instructor, and one must ALWAYS wash their hands after per morning am experiment, even if wearing gloves

13. if you see something that looks unsafe (ex. chemicals reacting in a way different than intended), what should you do a. stay far away from it and don't tell anyone b. tell your instructor c. attempt to combat the issue on your own d. wait for the issue to resolve itself

b. tell your instructor ASAP and avoid whatever it is that looks unsafe

9. whose responsibility is it to keep the work areas clean and return materials (clean and in-tact) to their original areas? a. the instructor's responsibility b. the students' responsibility c. the janitor(s)' responsibility

b. the students

52. how should you handle heated metals and glass? a. they should be set aside to cool for a long time, and when cool, may be picked up with one's gloved hands (heat-protected gloves not necessary) b. they should be set aside to cool for a long time, and even when cooled, must be picked up with protective objects such as tongs or heat-protective gloves c. they should be set aside to cool for a short amount of time, and when cool, may be picked up with one's gloved hands (heat-protected gloves not necessary) d. they should be set aside to cool for a short amount of time, and even when cooled, must be picked up with protective objects such as tongs or heat-protective gloves

b. they should be set aside to cool for a long time, and even when cooled, must be picked up with protective objects such as tongs or heat-protective gloves. any other option is unsafe and could lead to you getting burned.

49. one may light and put substances into the fire a. whenever they want to spice up a boring experiment b. whenever they are given teacher permission and/or when the teacher-assigned experiment calls for it c. absolutely never

b. this is doable as long as one has teacher permission, and of course, when one is being careful & safe

SV. whose job is it to clean up/dispose of the parts of a broken thermometer? a. student b. teacher c. janitorial staff

b. this is the teacher's responsibility

40. to reduce chances of injury, carry glass--especially longer pieces-- in a _______ position a. horizontal b. vertical c. trick question--it doesn't matter which way the glass is held d. tick question--under NO circumstances may a student carry glass across the room

b. vertically, so that it won't hit someone near you while you walk with it

55. when bending glass, before further handling it, you must a. put on heat-protective gloves. as long as you have the gloves, you can directly touch the hot glass b. wait for the glass to cool c. use a thick hand protector, such as a heavy towel, and touch the glass when it is warm (not hot, not cold) d. trick question! only the instructor will be responsible for bending the glass

b. wait for the glass to cool. never touch hot glass, no matter the gloves you have on!

SV. Chemicals will be allowed in the sink a. always b. with teacher permission only c. absolutely never

b. with teacher permission only, although this rarely occurs

37. to control spills, you should always handle flammable hazardous liquids over a. a flame hood b. a bunsen burner c. a pan d. trick question! one should never handle flammable hazardous liquids!

c. always use a pan.

29. if chemicals touch any part of your body (uncovered by clothes or protective materials), you must use the shower or eye-wash for at least a. two minutes b. ten minutes c. fifteen minutes d. depends on the advice of the instructor

c. at least fifteen minutes! your instructor may give you a recommended amount of time to wash the exposed part of your body, but it must be for at least fifteen minutes

SV. Which of these materials do you NOT use to light the Bunsen burner? a. match b. striker c. friction sheets d. trick question! you may use any of these

c. friction sheets-these do not exist!

26. _________ must always be worn during labs. they will be provided for your use a. lab aprons b. goggles c. a & b d. lab aprons, goggles, and special contacts (if needed by student)

c. lab aprons and goggles will be provided. contacts are discouraged in the lab

30. when mercury thermometers are broken, it is okay to touch the mercury a. always b. when wearing special equipment c. absolutely never

c. mercury is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! do not touch it! notify the instructor immediately

6. it is okay to do an experiment which has not been authorized by the instructor a. always, as long as you are cautious b. sometimes (a.k.a. if the experiment seems safe) c. absolutely never

c. never do this!!

17. it is ________ okay to leave your laboratory station unmonitored (excluding emergencies, such as fire drills) a. always b. sometimes, depending on the severity of the experiment c. never d. only if you have to use the restroom

c. never! stay there at all times

37. dispose of flammable liquids near an open flame or source of heat a. always b. sometimes, depending on the heat of the source/fire and flammability of the liquids c. absolutely never

c. never. don't do this, you could start a fire!

53. it is safe to look into a container that is being heated: a. always b. sometimes c. when the chemicals are just starting to heat and aren't that hot d. never

c. never. this is dangerous and you could have chemicals contact you and/or get burned!

31. it is okay to smell, taste, or touch chemicals a. always b. when one does so with caution c. only with instructor permission d. absolutely never

c. only with instructor permission. even then, proceed with total caution

2) Which is more important? a. written instructions b. oral instructions c. they're equally as important

c. they're equally as important

SV. after cleaning up a liquid from the experiment with a paper towel, one should a. pass the paper towel throughout the room so everyone can use it b. throw it out with the general/uncontaminated waste c. throw it out in a special waste bin (depending on what the paper towel touched) d. trick question! cleaning up is the teacher's job

c. throw it out in a special waste bin (depending on what the paper towel touched). otherwise, it could start a bad reaction in the regular waste bin. YOU are responsible for cleaning up after projects, not your teachers!

20. handle all living organisms and biological manner with ___________. a good way to do this is ___________ a. respect, praying before using them b. indifference, not to become too attached to them c. respect, disposing of them in a respectful manner d. indifference, handling the organisms(s) without care

c. treat all biological matter with respect!! 'c' is correct over 'a' because not all religious beliefs would agree with praying for these organisms, and also because it is important to dispose of living or once-living matter in a humane way. if one would like to pray or take religious action before working with biological matter, that is of course allowed

34. to fill a pipet, use a. a pipet pump b. a rubber bulb c. a and/or b d. your mouth

c. use either a rubber bulb or a pipet pump. never use your mouth!! (pictured: pipet)

SV. After using the stopper, one needs to a. throw it away b. put it back in its original place (nothing else) c. wash the lubricant off of it d. re-lubricate it

c. wash the lubricant off of it

SV. Before using the bunsen burner, you should _______

check the hose for cracks

7. why is it a good idea to read up on experiments before you come to class and perform them? a. you will save time by not having to learn the procedure b. you will be more prepared in case of an emergency c. you will better grasp the experiment, as you won't be quickly reading through it during class d. (if applicable) you may discuss project/prepare 'plan of action' with group members well before experiment e. it leaves time to do additional at-home research f. all of the above

d. all of the above

SV. Which of these are reasons to turn the Bunsen burner off, as cited in the safety video? a. flame goes off b. you can smell gas c. if flame sputters/flares d. all of the above

d. all of the above! if any one of these factions occurs, turn of the BB asap and then tell Dr. Castle

39. one may transport acids and chemicals from one part of the lab to another a. always b. as long as they are not hazardous/active, regardless of instructor permission c. as long as they aren't moving/interacting with each other, regardless of instructor permission d. as long as they have instructor permission and are being careful

d. as long as they have instructor permission and are being careful

47. what should you do if you don't know how to use a piece of equipment? a. whip out your computer and google it b. omit it from the experiment c. stop the experiment all together; if you are not an expert in the procedure, you should not be doing it d. ask the instructor for help

d. ask for help. 'c' is wrong because not knowing how to use one piece of equipment, especially in the beginning of the year, is normal and actually expected.

2. what should you do if you don't understand a part of the procedure? a. skip over that step b. not attempt the experiment at all c. run across the room to ask your friend d. ask the instructor

d. ask the instructor (c is incorrect because no running around the classroom is allowed during experiments)

51. the end of (open end) of a test tube that is being heated should be pointed a. at the person heating it only b. at the instructor only c. at anyone who wishes to see it, as long as they keep a safe distance away d. at no one, regardless of circumstances

d. at no one, regardless of circumstances. heated test tubes can be very dangerous

SV. To balance a fuser, you should ____ a. place it at an angle b. hold it still (so that it cannot vibrate) c. fill it to the brim with test tubes d. balance the weight of one side of the fuser with water-filled test tubes on the other

d. balance the weight of one side of the fuser with water-filled test tubes on the other

45. which of the below glassware is okay to use in experiments? a. chipped glassware (not cracked) that is clean b. chipped or cracked glassware that is clean c. undamaged, unclean glassware d. NONE of the above, clean and undamaged glassware only

d. clean and undamaged glassware only!! anything else is a major safety hazard

46. what should you do with damaged electrical equpitment? a. use and do not report it b. use but report it c. do not use it but do not report it d. do not use it and report it

d. do not use this, you could get electrocuted! report it so no other students get hurt

9. which materials are allowed to be brought into the classroom during the experiment? a. your backpack and all of its contents (minus food & water) b. nothing c. only a writing material d. laboratory reports, instructions, worksheets, other materials 100% NECESSARY for the procedure

d. laboratory reports, instructions, worksheets, and/or laboratory reports . while it is important to minimize the amount of things that you bring into the laboratory, those materials which are essential to the completion of the experiment should be brought

8. horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are okay: a. as long as you are more than an arm's length away from the chemicals b. with instructor's permission c. as long as both a & b are fulfilled d. never

d. never do this! it's very dangerous

49. you should reach over a burner a. always b. whenever you proceed with caution and have secured hair, jewelry, and clothes c. only in emergencies, and then only when you proceed with caution and have secured hair, jewelry, and clothes d. never, regardless of the circumstances

d. never! you or your clothing could catch fire. if in an emergent situation, just reach around the burner (they aren't that big)

SV. Thermometers should be set a. not on cold tables b. in the sink when not in use c. on flat, low-friction, elevated surfaces d. on non-slanted, high-friction surfaces

d. on non-slanted, high-friction surfaces--this way, they cannot fall and break. Unless specifically asked (which probably won't happen), one should not put their thermometers in the sink. this is because the thermometers will take up space and could contain traces of the chemicals which they touched

13. always be _______ and proceed with ________ in the laboratory a. observant, curiosity b. independent, confidence c. afraid, caution d. alert, caution

d. one must always be let in the lab, especially when working with chemicals.

4. when entering the lab, you are allowed to touch equipment, chemicals, or other experimental objects a. always b. sometimes (dependent on what they are) c. never d. only after a teacher has given you permission to touch them

d. only after teacher permission. it doesn't matter how safe the experiment materials may seem, you are NOT allowed to touch them with without teacher permission

SV. You are allowed to touch hot objects ONLY with a. tongs b. heat-protective gloves c. cotton gloves d. a & b c. a, b, & c, as well as with your bare hands

d. only use tongs and heat-protective gloves

18. students are permitted in lab prep rooms or science storage rooms a. always b. only if they are accompanied by another student c. absolutely never d. only with special permission from the instructor

d. only with special permission from the instructor

21. how should one carry a sharp object? a. with the sharp point pointed towards them and the object tilted upwards b. with the sharp point pointed towards them and the object tilted downwards c. with the sharp point pointed away from them and the object tilted upwards d. with the sharp point pointed away from them and the object tilted downwards

d. with the sharp point pointed away from them and the object tilted downwards. this almost wipes chance of injury while handling a sharp object

33. it is okay to return unused chemicals to their original container a. always b. always, unless they have been around other chemicals c. always, unless the instructor says not to d. b & c e. absolutely never

e. absolutely never! this is a major safety hazard in a thousand different ways

38. chemicals and other lab materials can be removed from the lab a. always b. as long as they are not hazardous c. as long as their handler is wearing proper clothing d. as long as both b & c are fulfilled e. never

e. never! they MUST stay in the lab!

SV. You are able to heat closed containers a. always b. only with instructor permission c. as long as there are no chemicals/dangerous substances inside of the materials d. b & c e. never

e. never. this is dangerous and should not be done

SV. true or false: it is a good idea to wear open-toed shoes in the lab

false! if a chemical is spilled on you, it will directly hit your skin--no shoe to protect you

5. true or false: chewing gum is allowed in the lab

false-never do this in the lab

5. true or false: food and drinks are allowed in the lab

false-never have these in the lab

SV. What happens if the fuser isn't balanced?

it will vibrate rapidly

50. policy on leaving burners or other heated objects unattended

never leave a working burner or lit object unattended! always turn the burner or hot plate off when not in use

SV. you should only pour (into/out of) a container with unused chemicals ____________

out of! never add anything to the unused chemicals (unless part of the experiment), as exposed chemicals--even unused--have been exposed to other substances

SV. when pouring, you should have __________ in your hands, in between your fingers

stoppers. you will take the out when you finish pouring

42. what should you do if glass becomes stuck in the stopper?

tell the instructor, who will remove it

11. where is the fire alarm @ CSH? what is the fire exit supposed to be taken from the chem. room?

the fire alarm is in the main hallway of the science, near the chemistry room. in case of a fire, stay silent and turn right out of the chemistry room and take the stairs (near the bio. room) down to the ground-floor exit, then go to the faculty lot and wait there.

SV. when pouring, it is important that your hand does NOT cover

the label of whatever it is that you are pouring

49. what is the policy regarding hair, clothing, and hands and an open flame?

they must be a safe distance away from the flame at ALL TIMES

52. true or false: heated metals and glass remains hot for a very long time


42. true or false: before inserting it into a stopper, you must lubricate glass

true! otherwise, the glass may become stuck

42. true or false: when inserting/removing glass from a stopper, you should protect your hands with a towel or cotton gloves

true! the glass could break and injure your hands

55. true or false: hot and cold glass, as well as hot and cold metal, have the same appearance

true! this means you must be extra cautious with glass and metal, testing if they are warm or cold before picking it up

48. can you immerse hot glass in cold water? why or why not?

you cannot, as the glass could shatter (due to heat shock)

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