chemistry test 8/29

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The total number of atoms present in one formula unit of Fe2(TeO4)3 is...


In which of the following sequences of chemical formulas do all members of the sequence fit the description "heteroatomic and triatomic"? A) HCN, H2O and O3 B) CO2, NO2 and N2O C) S2O, SO2, and SO3 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

CO2, NO2 and N2O

a pure substance H is found to change upon heating into two new pure substances P and W. both P and W may be decomposed by chemical means. from this we can conclude that... A) H is an element, P and W are compounds B) H is a compound, P and W are elements C) H, P and W are all elements D) H, P and W are all compounds

H, P, and W are all compounds

Contains fewer atoms of one kind than other kinds a) HCN b) H2O2 c) P4 d) H2CO3


Number of elements present and number of atoms present differ by a factor of 2 a) HCN b) H2O2 c) P4 d) H2CO3


In which of the following pairs of chemical formulas do both members of the pair have the same number of atoms per molecule? A) NaSCN and H2CO3 B) CoCl2 and COCl2 C) H3N and NH3 D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

H3N and NH3

Contains same number of elements as atoms a) HCN b) H2O2 c) P4 d) H2CO3


Heteroatomic and triatomic a) HCN b) H2O2 c) P4 d) H2CO3


In which of the following pairs of chemical formulas do both formulas represent compounds? A) O2 and O3 B) CO2 and O2 C) HCN and N2 D) N2O4 and NO2

N2O4 and NO2

In which of the following pairs of chemical formulas do the two members of the pair contain the same number of elements as well as the same number of atoms? A) Sb and SB B) CoBr2 and COBr2 C) TeO2 and TeO3 D) NH4Br and CaSO4

NH4Br and CaSO4

Homoatomic and tetraatomic a) HCN b) H2O2 c) P4 d) H2CO3


Which of the following pairings of chemical formulas and "molecular descriptions" is incorrect? A) LiCN and "triatomic" B) CaO and "heteroatomic" C) H2 and "homoatomic" D) SiO2 and "diatomic"

SiO2 and "diatomic"

Which one of the following statements about heteroatomic molecules is correct? A) No two atoms in a heteroatomic molecule may be the same. B) Upon chemical subdivision, heteroatomic molecules always yield two or more kinds of atoms. C) Heteroatomic molecules maintain the properties of their constituent elements. D) Molecules of certain elements are heteroatomic.

Upon chemical subdivision, heteroatomic molecules always yield two or more kinds of atoms.

Which of the following statements concerning mixtures is correct? A) The composition of a homogeneous mixture cannot vary. B) A homogeneous mixture can have components present in two physical states. C) A heterogeneous mixture containing only one phase is an impossibility. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

a heterogeneous mixture containing only one phase is an impossibility

The description "two substances present, two phases present" is correct for A) a mixture of ice and water. B) a mixture of oil and water. C) a mixture of milk and water. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

a mixture of oil and water

Iodine, fluorine, nitrogen a) All symbols have one letter. b) All symbols have two letters. c) All symbols start with the same letter. d) All symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's English name.

all symbols have one letter

Calcium, iron, beryllium a) All symbols have one letter. b) All symbols have two letters. c) All symbols start with the same letter. d) All symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's English name.

all symbols have two letters

Gold, lead, bromine a) All symbols have one letter. b) All symbols have two letters. c) All symbols start with the same letter. d) All symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's English name.

all symbols have two letters

Silver, sodium, potassium a) All symbols have one letter. b) All symbols have two letters. c) All symbols start with the same letter. d) All symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's English name.

all symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's english name

Silicon, sulfur, tin a) All symbols have one letter. b) All symbols have two letters. c) All symbols start with the same letter. d) All symbols start with a letter not the first letter of the element's English name.

all symbols start with the same letter

(1) A basis for distinguishing between an element and a compound is whether the substance can be decomposed into other substances using chemical means. (2) Current chemical theory strongly suggests that all naturally occurring elements have been identified. (3) The elements silver, gold, and aluminum all have chemical symbols that start with the letter A. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

all three statements are true

which of the following statements about atoms is incorrect? A) An atom is the smallest "piece" of an element that can exist and still have the properties of the element. B) Free isolated atoms are rarely encountered in nature. C) Atoms may be decomposed using chemical change. D) Only one kind of atom may be present in a homoatomic molecule.

atoms may be decomposed using chemical change

which of the following statements are correct? A) Elements, but not compounds, are pure substances. B) Compounds, but not elements, are pure substances. C) Both elements and compounds are pure substances. D) Neither elements nor compounds are pure substances.

both elements and compounds are pure substances

Which of the following statements about compounds and mixtures is correct? A) Both mixtures and compounds must contain two or more kinds of atoms. B) Mixtures must always contain at least one compound. C) Both mixtures and compounds can have a variable composition. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response`

both mixtures and compounds must contain two or more kinds of atoms

an element is a substance which... A) can be broken down into simpler substances by physical means. B) cannot be broken down into simpler substances by physical means. C) can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. D) cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.

cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means

A substance is reacted with chlorine gas. a) physical property b) chemical property c) physical change d) chemical change

chemical change

A substance will explode if exposed to light. a) physical property b) chemical property c) physical change d) chemical change

chemical property

2 substance present, heteroatomic molecules present a) heterogeneous mixture b) homogeneous mixture c) compound d) element


Consider the chemical formulas CoI2 and COI2. It is true that they... A) contain identical kinds of atoms B) identify the same compound C) contain different kinds and numbers of atoms D) are both examples of homotatomic molecules

contain different kinds and numbers of atoms

Decomposes upon heating a) could be an element or a compound b) could be an element but not a compound c) could be a compound but not an element d) could not be an element nor a compound

could be a compound but not an element

Diatomic molecules are present a) could be an element or a compound b) could be an element but not a compound c) could be a compound but not an element d) could not be an element nor a compound

could be an element or a compound

Reacts vigorously with chlorine a) could be an element or a compound b) could be an element but not a compound c) could be a compound but not an element d) could not be an element nor a compound

could be an element or a compound

Silvery-gray in color a) could be an element or a compound b) could be an element but not a compound c) could be a compound but not an element d) could not be an element nor a compound

could be an element or compound

Has a variable composition a) could be an element or a compound b) could be an element but not a compound c) could be a compound but not an element d) could not be an element nor a compound

could not be an element nor a compound

which of the following pairs of properties are both chemical properties? A) boils at 120oC and combustible B) decomposes at 234oC and reacts with air C) good conductor of heat and is pale green in color D) can be alloyed with zinc to make brass and is easily formed into a wire

decomposes at 234 degrees Celsius and reacts with air

2 substance present, 2 phases present,substance cannot be decomposed by chemical means a) heterogeneous mixture b) homogeneous mixture c) compound d) element


in which of the following sequences of elements do each of the elements have a one letter chemical symbol? A) germanium, oxygen, silver B) fluorine, carbon, sulfur C) antimony, potassium, oxygen D) carbon, germanium, argon

flourine, carbon, sulfur

In which of the following sequences of elements do all members of the sequence have chemical symbols starting with the same letter? A) sulfur, silicon, sodium B) gold, silver, aluminum C) potassium, phosphorus, lead D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

gold, silver, aluminum

2 substances present, 2 phases present a) heterogeneous mixture b) homogeneous mixture c) compound d) element

heterogeneous mixture

2 substances present,3 phases present a) heterogeneous mixture b) homogeneous mixture c) compound d) element

heterogeneous mixture

the description "two substances present, two phases present" is correct for A) heterogeneous mixtures. B) homogeneous mixtures. C) elements. D) compounds.

heterogeneous mixture

2 substances present,1 phase present a) heterogeneous mixture b) homogeneous mixture c) compound d) element

homogeneous mixture

the most abundant elements in the universe and the earth's crust are... A) oxygen and iron. B) hydrogen and helium. C) helium and carbon. D) hydrogen and oxygen.

hydrogen and oxygen

which of the following is a property of both gases and liquids? A) definite shape B) indefinite shape C) definite volume D) indefinite volume

indefinite shape

when a substance undergoes a chemical change, it is always true that... A) it liquifies B) it changes from a solid to a liquid C) it chemically interacts with another substance (or substances) D) heat is absorbed

it chemically interacts with with another substance or substances

which of the following about heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures is correct? A) It is possible to have heterogeneous mixtures in which all the components are liquids. B) A homogeneous mixture contains visibly different parts, or phases. C) All of the phases in a heterogeneous mixture must be in the same state. D) No two phases in a heterogeneous mixture can be in the same state.

it is possible to have heterogeneous mixtures in which all components are liquids

in which of the following sequences of elements do each of the elements have a two letter chemical symbol? A) calcium, cobalt, nitrogen B) krypton, nickel, rubidium C) silicon, cadmium, phosphorus D) oxygen, xenon, zirconium

krypton, nickel, rubidium

A substance which cannot be separated into two or more substances using physical means A) must be an element. B) could be a compound. C) must be a pure substance. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

more than one correct response

In which of the following pairs of properties are both properties physical properties? A) melts at 73° C, decomposes upon heating B) good reflector of light, blue in color C) has a high density, is very hard D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

more than one correct response

Which of the following statements concerning the chemical symbols for the elements is correct? A) All chemical symbols start with the first letter of the element's English name. B) Most elements have two-letter chemical symbols. C) Synthetic elements have one-letter symbols and naturally-occurring elements have two-letter symbols. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

most elements have two letter chemical symbols

When substance A reacts with substance B, a new substance C is formed. Based on this information A) both A and B are elements. B) B could be a compound. C) C must be a compound. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

no correct response

Which of the following is a property of both the liquid state and the solid state? A)a definite shape B) an indefinite volume C) an indefinite shape and a definite volume D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

no correct response

Which of the following pairings of terms/concepts is correct? A) atom; limit of physical subdivision B) molecule; limit of chemical subdivision C) compound; homoatomic molecule D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

no correct response

(1) The classification "triatomic molecule" denotes molecules in which three different elements are present. (2) Common physical properties for a substance include color, melting point, boiling point, flammability and hardness. (3) The chemical formulas HN3 and NH3 represent two ways for denoting the same compound. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

none of the statements are true

(1) Temperature and pressure are the major factors that determine the state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) observed for a particular substance. (2) The components of a mixture maintain their identity if the mixture is heterogeneous but lose their identity if the mixture is homogeneous. (3) No more than six atoms may be present in a heteroatomic molecule. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

none of the statements is true

Which of the following statements concerning elemental abundances in Earth's crust is correct? A) One element accounts for over one-half of all atoms present. B) Silicon and aluminum are the two most abundant elements in terms of atom percent. C) Elemental abundances in Earth's crust closely parallel elemental abundances in the universe as a whole. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

one element accounts for over one half of all atoms present

(1) The determination of a physical property of a substance causes no change in the identity of the substance. (2) Matter is anything that has mass, occupies space, and can be seen by the naked eye. (3) The two most abundant elements in the earth's crust are oxygen and carbon. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

only one of the statements is true

(1) The first letter in a chemical symbol is always the same as the first letter in the element's name. (2) Two element's account for over 75% of the atoms in the earth's crust. (3) The limit of chemical subdivision for a compound is a molecule. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

only one of the three statements is true

(1) When the formula for a compound contains parentheses this is an indication that the compound is unstable and subject to decomposition. (2) The fact that an unknown substance reacts with chlorine is insufficient basis for classifying the unknown as a compound. (3) All chemical symbols use a two-letter notation to represent the name of an element. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

only one of the three statements is true

A substance is melted. a) physical property b) chemical property c) physical change d) chemical change

physical change

A substance has a freezing point of -20° C. a) physical property b) chemical property c) physical change d) chemical change

physical property

A substance has a high density. a) physical property b) chemical property c) physical change d) chemical change

physical property

Which of the following statements concerning pure substances is correct? A) Elements, but not compounds, are pure substances. B) A pure substance can never be separated into simpler pure substances using chemical means. C) Pure substances cannot have a variable composition. D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

pure substances cannot have variable composition

Which of the following changes is a chemical change? A) melting of ice B) pulverizing of hard sugar cubes C) rusting of iron D) more than one correct response E) no correct response

rusting of iron

which of the following statements concerning the known elements is correct? A) no new elements have been identified since 1960 B) some of the elements are man-made C) 112 elements are known at present D) scientists remain unable to discover the last naturally occurring element

some of the elements are man made

(1) A compound must always contain two or more types of atoms. (2) The description "one substance present, two phases present, all molecules are homoatomic" is consistent with a sample that is an element. (3) The number of known elements is less than one hundred. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

two of the three statements is true

(1) A molecule is a group of two or more atoms that functions as a unit because the atoms are bound together by chemical forces. (2) The crushing of ice to make ice chips is a physical procedure that involves a chemical change. (3) Most naturally occurring samples of matter are mixtures rather than pure substances. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

two of the three statements is true

(1) The isolation of the metal iron from its ores involves a series of high temperature reactions in which carbon monoxide is one of the reactants. (2) Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins all contain the elements hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. (3) Substances whose molecules are both diatomic and heteroatomic must be heterogeneous mixtures. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

two of the three statements is true

Statements: (1) No more than two visibly distinct phases may be present in a homogeneous mixture. (2) Elements are chemically rather than physically combined in a compound. (3) A common characteristic for both solids and liquids is a definite volume. A) All three statements are true. B) Two of the three statements are true. C) Only one of the statements is true. D) None of the statements is true.

two of the three statements is true

Which of the following is a correct description for a sample of ice cubes in water? A) one phase present, one substance present B) one phase present, two substances present C) two phases present, one substance present D) two phases present, two substances present

two phases present, one substance present

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