child development chapter 13

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48) The STD that is the main risk factor for women developing cervical cancer is A) HPV. B) HIV. C) chlamydia. D) gonorrhea.


51) Which country has the highest teenage pregnancy rate? A) Japan B) United States C) Canada D) England


89) The criteria for clinical depression includes all of the following EXCEPT A) increased interest in activities. B) changes in appetite. C) sleep problems. D) feelings of worthlessness.


95) What percentage of fatal crashes involve teenagers? A) 20% B) 8% C) 12% D) 2%


97) What laws have been enacted to try to reduce the frequency of accidents involving teenagers? A) restricted licensing laws B) young driver laws C) graduate driver licensing laws D) curfew laws


17) Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning early maturing boys? A) They have an advantage in sports. B) They tend to engage in more delinquent acts. C) They tend to be perceived by others as attractive. D) They often affiliate with younger adolescents.


96) Accidents involving teenagers are MORE LIKELY in all of the following conditions EXCEPT A) when driving by themselves. B) when drinking alcohol. C) during the first 6 months after obtaining a license. D) when driving at night.


98) Which of the following statements regarding teen suicide is FALSE? A) Males are 3 times more likely than females to attempt suicide. B) Suicide rates among Latino-American adolescents are higher than African-American adolescents. C) Adolescents who have a friend who attempted suicide are at higher risk for attempting suicide. D) Adolescents who live in single-parent homes are at a greater risk for suicide.


99) All of the following are risk factors for committing suicide during adolescence EXCEPT A) being male. B) having a friend who attempted suicide. C) having a two-parent household. D) having low self-esteem.


70) What percentage of adolescent girls diet to control their weight? A) 80% B) 20% C) 60% D) 40%


1) All of the following are secondary sex characteristics EXCEPT A) body growth. B) changes in the voice. C) appearance of body hair. D) production of sperm and eggs.


10) Increased sexual attraction and subtle changes in secondary sex characteristics occurs at approximately what age? A) 13 years B) 7 years C) 9 years D) 11 years


100) The rates of teenage suicide has ________ since the 1960s. A) decreased slightly B) remained the same C) increased significantly D) decreased significantly


11) What is the average age at menarche in the United States today? A) 14 years B) 16 years C) 12 years D) 10 years


12) The average age at menarche has ________ since the 1920s. A) stayed the same B) increased slightly C) increased drastically D) decreased


13) What two factors are thought to relate to the secular trend? A) increased prevalence of eating disorders; access to medicine B) overall health; access to medicine C) improved nutrition; overall health D) improved nutrition; increased prevalence of eating disorders


14) The growth spurt peaks around age ________ for girls and ________ for boys. A) 12 years; 10 years B) 14 years; 12 years C) 10 years; 14 years D) 12 years; 14 years


15) Who is MOST LIKELY to be going through their peak growth spurt? A) 16-year-old Carl B) 14-year-old Margaret C) 12-year-old Robert D) 12-year-old Lily


16) Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning early maturing girls? A) They tend to have a higher incidence of depression. B) They tend to have older friends. C) They tend to engage in more delinquent acts. D) They tend to do well in school.


94) What percentage of teenagers do not receive any treatment for their depression? A) 70 - 80% B) 10 - 20% C) 30 - 40% D) 90 - 100%


18) It is becoming more and more noticeable to Dierdre's sixth-grade class that she is entering puberty at an earlier age than most of her age mates. Based on research examining early maturation, Dierdre may be likely to A) feel satisfied with her body. B) do well in school. C) have an increased risk for substance abuse. D) have younger friends.


19) Tomek seems to be gaining muscle and going through puberty at an earlier age than most of the other boys in his sixth-grade class. Based on research examining early maturation, Tomek may be likely to A) be dissatisfied with his body. B) have a disadvantage in sports. C) feel hostility and distress. D) have younger friends.


2) In males, what is the first noticeable change during puberty? A) Spermarche occurs. B) Voice deepens. C) Penis and testicles increase in size. D) Pubic hair appears.


20) The process in which fatty deposits in the brain insulate axons is called A) synaptic pruning. B) maturation. C) synaptogenesis. D) myelination.


21) The processes of myelination, synaptogenesis, and synaptic pruning are especially evident in which area of the brain? A) amygdala B) occipital lobe C) prefrontal cortex D) hypothalamus


22) Baird and colleague's (1999) study examining facial expressions and emotions found that A) adolescents used rational thought when trying to identify the emotions. B) adolescents were just as accurate as adults in identifying emotions. C) adults had more activity in their frontal lobes and adolescents had more activity in their amygdalas. D) compared to adults, adolescents had more activity in their frontal lobes.


23) The amygdala is the area of the brain associated with ________ and the frontal lobe is the area of brain associated with ________. A) processing of emotions; rational thinking B) rational thinking; analysis of sound C) language; processing of emotions D) language; analysis of sound


24) Which ethnic group is the MOST LIKELY to engage in sexual intercourse during adolescence? A) Asian B) Hispanic C) Caucasian D) African-American


25) Among 9th through 12th graders, A) Hispanic students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are African American students. B) African American students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are Hispanic students. C) Caucasian students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are Hispanic students. D) Caucasian students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are African American students.


26) Data from national surveys indicate that nearly ________ of adolescents have had sex by high-school graduation. A) one-third B) one-fourth C) two-thirds D) one-half


27) Since the 1960s, the number of adolescents having sexual intercourse increased steadily. Within the last few years, the number of adolescents having sexual intercourse has A) declined. B) stayed the same. C) continued to increase steadily. D) increased significantly.


28) Approximately ________ of high school students report that they have engaged in oral sex at least once. A) 5-10% B) 60-70% C) 40-50% D) 20-30%


29) Which of the following statements concerning adolescents and oral sex is FALSE? A) Adolescents report that oral sex is appropriate only in dating relationships - not in casual relationships. B) Some adolescents believe that there is no risk of contracting STDs or HIV when engaging in oral sex. C) Adolescents report that there are fewer emotional and social risks with oral sex than with intercourse. D) Some adolescents believe that oral sex is more socially accepted than is intercourse.


3) Sexual maturation for human males typically proceeds in a certain manner. Which of the following BEST describes the order of the noticeable changes? A) Voice deepens, armpit and facial hair begin to grow, pubic hair appears, penis and testicles enlarge. B) Penis and testicles enlarge, pubic hair appears, voice deepens, ejaculation occurs, armpit and facial hair begin to grow. C) Armpit and facial hair begin to grow, pubic hair appears, penis and testicles enlarge, ejaculation occurs. D) Ejaculation occurs, armpit and facial hair begin to grow, pubic hair appears, penis and testicles enlarge.


30) The major reasons adolescents report for being sexually active includes all of the following EXCEPT A) curiosity. B) everyone does it. C) peer pressure. D) feeling ready.


31) All of the following are factors related to earlier sexual activity during adolescence EXCEPT A) poor impulse control. B) poor parental monitoring. C) higher income. D) living in a single-parent homes.


32) All of the following are factors related to later sexual activity during adolescence EXCEPT A) living in a single-parent home. B) religious affiliation. C) good parental monitoring. D) higher income.


33) Who is at the highest risk for having early sexual activity? A) Leon, whose parents express their disapproval of early sexual activity. B) Liza, who lives with her single mother and does not do well in school. C) Mark, who lives with both of his parents and has a close relationship with both. D) Beth, who is involved in a number of church activities.


34) The majority of adolescents who abstain from sex report that they abstained because they A) feared their parents. B) feared they would lose their social reputation. C) feared pregnancy. D) feared sexually transmitted diseases.


35) Teens tend to ________ the incidence of sexual activity among their peers. A) correctly estimate B) underestimate C) not even worry about D) overestimate


36) Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and parental supervision is FALSE? A) Very few high school students report having sex at home after school. B) Increased parental supervision has been associated with adolescents having a lower incidence of STDs. C) The majority of high school students report the most frequent place they had sex was in their home. D) Increased parental supervision has been associated with adolescents having fewer sexual partners.


37) Who is the MOST LIKELY to use contraception? A) 15-year-old Alex who reports being afraid that his parents will find a condom in his room B) 15-year-old Tiffany who reports not having sex frequently C) 18-year-old Simon who has spoke to his sexual partner about contraception D) 18-year-old Carolyn who has numerous fights with her parents over curfews, chores etc.


38) Which of the following statements regarding adolescent contraceptive use is FALSE? A) The best predictor of contraceptive use is age - older teens are more likely to use contraception. B) Some teens do not use contraception because they are afraid that their parents will find out. C) Some teens believe that they do not need contraceptives if they do not have sex frequently. D) Most teens report that they know where to get contraceptives and that they are easily available.


39) A recent survey found that ________ of girls younger than 16 years of age did not use any contraception the first time they had sexual intercourse. A) 25% B) 45% C) 75% D) 5%


4) In females, what is the first noticeable change during puberty? A) Hips enlarge. B) First menstruation occurs. C) Breasts begin to enlarge. D) Pubic hair appears.


40) Harry's seventh-grade sex education teacher showed them a condom last week in class. They spent the class time discussing how often condoms break and listing statistics of the failure rates of different types of contraception. Harry's sex education program is MOST LIKELY a(n) A) contraceptive discussion program. B) dual issue sex education program. C) comprehensive sex education program. D) abstinence-only program.


41) Which of the following statements regarding sex education programs is FALSE? A) Boys are more likely than girls to report that they have received formal education about contraception before their first intercourse. B) Programs that teach about contraception and abstinence has been associated with slight delays in the onset of sexual activity. C) Some people worry that teaching teens about contraception will give the message that premarital sex is acceptable. D) Abstinence-only programs can only discuss how contraception can fail in preventing STDs or pregnancies.


42) The teenage pregnancy rate has ________ since the 1990s. A) decreased B) increased slightly C) stayed the same D) increased drastically


43) Even though adolescents only make up 25 percent of the population of individuals who are sexually active, they account for ________ of all new cases of STDs each year. A) 50 percent B) 75 percent C) 90 percent D) 30 percent


44) Gonorrhea A) is caused by a virus. B) can lead to infertility in both men and women. C) is often known as the silent diseases because there are no symptoms. D) is more commonly diagnosed in women than men.


45) 16-year-old Bill was diagnosed and treated a few months ago for a kidney infection, however, he is still having painful symptoms. Bill may have been misdiagnosed and, in fact, have the sexually transmitted disease called A) chlamydia. B) HIV. C) HPV. D) gonorrhea.


46) 12-year-old Hannah went to the doctor last week for her yearly checkup. The doctor recommended to her mother that she receive a recently approved vaccination for a common STD called A) HPV. B) HIV. C) gonorrhea. D) chlamydia.


47) Approximately what percentage of sexually active men and women will be infected with the Human papillomavirus (HPV) over their lifetimes? A) 50% B) 25% C) 10% D) 90%


49) Which of the following statements regarding STDs is FALSE? A) Many STDs have few or no symptoms. B) Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics. C) We have yet to find a vaccination for any STD. D) Rates for most STDs are higher in minority populations.


5) What are the primary factors responsible for the onset of puberty? A) gonads and sex hormones B) sex hormones and genetics C) brain chemicals and genetics D) sex hormones and brain chemicals


50) What percentage of adolescent girls in the United States will become pregnant at least once before they are 20 years of age? A) 18% B) 34% C) 6% D) 49%


52) What is the biggest risk factor for teenage pregnancy? A) living in poverty B) lower academic achievement C) having no sex education D) decreased religious affiliation


53) Who has the highest risk for becoming pregnant? A) Hannah, whose parents make sure that they know where she is going at all times B) Alison, who is living in a very poor neighborhood C) Olivia, who has aspirations to someday be a surgeon D) Elizabeth, who is a virgin at the age of 17


54) Which of following statements regarding teenage pregnancy is FALSE? A) Teen pregnancy limits the development of autonomy because many teenager's become dependent on their parents for help. B) Teen mothers seem to mature quickly, understanding that they need to put the needs of their infants' before their own needs. C) Teen pregnancy limits the exploration of different identities. D) Teen mothers and fathers finish fewer years of school compared to their peers.


55) Research indicates that teen parents A) put the needs of their infants before their own needs. B) are still able to develop an autonomous identity. C) tend to still finish school in the same number of years as their peers. D) will struggle financially with the majority of teen mother receiving welfare.


56) Teenage parents are likely to A) have unrealistic expectations for their infants. B) exhibit a supportive and caring parenting style. C) be empathetic and patient with their infants. D) provide stimulating environments for their infants.


57) Which of the following statements regarding rape and sexual assault is FALSE? A) Individuals often place blame on the perpetrator of the assault. B) The use of alcohol has been associated with increased risk for rape and sexual assault. C) The adolescent age group has the highest risk of being raped or sexually assaulted. D) One of the best predictors is being a victim of a sexual assault is being raped during childhood.


58) Tina hates to walk past the senior hallway after lunch because she has to pass a group of guys that are always taunting her, trying to grab her, and making very explicit sexual requests of her. Tina is MOST LIKELY experiencing A) a gender disparity. B) sexual harassment. C) peer victimization. D) sexual assault.


59) Who has the highest risk for being raped or sexually assaulted? A) 25-year-old Sarah, who is hanging out with a guy in one of her classes B) 18-year-old Ben, who is drinking at a fraternity party C) 16-year-old Dee, who is drinking at a party with a classmate D) 21-year-old Towanda, who is watching a movie at home with her boyfriend


6) There are two types of sex hormones, male hormones called ________, and female hormones called ________. A) estrogens, androgens B) testosterone, androgens C) androgens, estrogens D) estradiol, estrogens


60) All of the following are effects of the date rape drug flunitrazepan (Rohypnol) EXCEPT A) sleepiness. B) amnesia. C) decreased muscle control. D) increased anxiety.


61) What is the leading cause of death during adolescence? A) drug overdose B) homicide C) motor vehicle accidents D) suicide


62) Research has shown that, on average, ________ of adolescents skip breakfast and ________ skip lunch. A) 20%; 50% B) 5%; 2% C) 60%; 10% D) 50%; 50%


63) Which of the following statements regarding physical activity during adolescence is FALSE? A) Minority female teens engage in physical activity less compared to Caucasians. B) Teens whose parents support regular physical activity are more active. C) Teens report that they would exercise regularly if they have a friend to exercise with. D) Teens whose neighborhoods are perceived as being less safe are highly physically active.


64) Who is MOST LIKELY to engage in regular physical activity? A) Mike, whose friends rarely exercise B) Harry, who has basketball games with his friends C) Susan, who runs track - but absolutely hates it D) Cori, who goes to the gym at her school


65) The main distinction between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is that individuals with anorexia ________ and individuals with bulimia ________. A) do not purge; purge. B) have a distorted body image; do not have a distorted body image. C) consume small quantities of food; consume large quantities of food. D) feel that they can control food, don't try to control their weight.


66) In comparing anorexia nervosa to bulimia nervosa, research shows that A) anorexia is most common among females and bulimia is most common among males. B) anorexia is highly linked to genetics, but bulimia rarely runs in families. C) anorexia usually appears between the ages of 14 and 18, whereas bulimia emerges in later adolescence. D) three times as many people suffer from anorexia as suffer from bulimia


67) Eating disorders A) have a higher death rate than any other psychiatric disorder. B) do not have a genetic link. C) appear between the ages of 19 - 25. D) are becoming less common among adolescents.


68) Yvonne's parents are becoming concerned. She picks through most of her food at dinner, moves it around on her plate, but eats very little. She is also starting to run several miles each morning and refuses to miss a workout. It is MOST LIKELY that Yvonne has A) anorexia nervosa. B) bulimia nervosa. C) a substance abuse problem. D) depression.


93) Which of the following statements regarding the treatment of depression is FALSE? A) Antidepressant medications work well for adolescents. B) Psychotherapy is effective when techniques for relaxation are included. C) Psychotherapy is effective when it aims at enhancing social skills. D) Psychotherapy is very successful in the adolescent population.


69) Sandy is starting to become concerned about her friend, Annie. Whenever they go out for pizza or hamburgers, Annie seems to eat more than anyone. However, after they eat she either excuses herself to go to the bathroom or takes off saying that she needs to go to the gym (where she spends 3-4 hours working out). It is MOST LIKELY that Annie has A) depression. B) bulimia nervosa. C) a substance abuse problem. D) anorexia nervosa.


7) There is evidence that the protein ________ may play a role in initiating puberty. A) leptin B) estradiol C) androgen D) testosterone


71) Falling asleep for a few seconds to up to a minute, but being unaware that you have been asleep is called A) microsleep. B) cat naps. C) sleep cycles. D) implicit sleep.


72) Approximately how many hours of sleep does the average adolescent need per night in order to be alert and function well during the day? A) 8 hours B) 10 hours C) 9 hours D) 7 hours


73) Adolescents circadian rhythms are in a A) lack of sleep preference. B) decreased alertness phase. C) early wake phase. D) delayed phase preference.


74) 16-year-old Johny is having difficulty getting to sleep at night. He tries to fall asleep, but doesn't feel tired. This is MOST LIKELY an example of A) a decreased alertness phase. B) an early wake phase. C) a delayed phase preference D) a lack of sleep preference.


75) Schools who have later start times find that A) there are no conflicts with after-school activity schedules. B) students seem tired and impatient by the end of their day. C) students are still falling asleep in their first period classes. D) the number of students who are tardy to school has increased.


76) The number of adolescents using the substances ________ has increased in recent years. A) inhalants and OxyContin B) inhalants and tobacco C) heroine and cocaine D) cocaine and tobacco


77) Simon goes out occasionally with his friends. Most of the time they play drinking games in which they have more than 5 drinks at one time. This is called A) binge drinking. B) substance abuse. C) delinquency. D) delayed phase drinking.


78) Which is the most commonly used substance during high school? A) marijuana B) inhalants C) tobacco D) alcohol


79) Among ninth graders who use alcohol and drugs, the preferred substances in rank order from "used the most" to "used the least" are A) marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, and inhalants. B) marijuana, alcohol, inhalants, and cocaine. C) alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and inhalants. D) alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, and cocaine.


8) The HPG axis refers to the feedback loop from the hypothalamus to the ________ and the ________ and back to the hypothalamus. A) gonads; pituitary gland B) pituitary gland; adrenal gland C) adrenal gland; gonads D) pituitary gland; gonads


80) Besides tobacco, what is the most frequently used illegal drug during adolescence? A) marijuana B) ecstasy C) inhalants D) cocaine


81) All of the following are considered gateway drugs EXCEPT A) alcohol. B) tobacco. C) inhalants. D) marijuana.


82) 18-year-old Sam has experimented with drugs throughout high school. He has now begun to use inhalants and take the prescription drug OxyContin. Which statement is most likely to be TRUE? A) He gets good grades in school. B) He has a good relationship with his parents. C) He has also used marijuana in the past. D) He gets more than 9 hours of sleep a night.


83) What percentage of adolescents who use illegal drugs have used marijuana in the past? A) 70% B) 10% C) 90% D) 25%


84) Adolescents are LESS LIKELY to use substances if they A) describe themselves as being religious. B) have difficulty organizing and planning. C) experience a high level of stress. D) are impulsive.


85) Who is the LEAST LIKELY to use substances? A) Bobby, who has difficulty organizing everything he needs for school B) Maggie, whose future goals are to get into college and become a teacher C) Nellie, who often acts out during class D) Charlie, who loves to play extreme sports


86) Adolescents are MORE LIKELY to use substances if they A) have a close relationship with their parents. B) have discussed substance use with their parents. C) have permissive parents. D) are closely monitored by their parents.


87) Who is MOST LIKELY to use substances? A) Dan, whose parents are harsh in their discipline of him B) Ben, who has discussed substance use with his parents C) Cam, who is closely monitored by his parents D) Pam, who has a close relationship with her parents


88) What factor is the strongest predictor of teenage substance use? A) whether or not your parents use substances. B) having a sensation-seeking personality. C) doing poorly in school. D) having friends who use substances.


9) During puberty, the male testes secrete higher levels of ________, and the female testes secrete higher levels of ________. A) testosterone; estradiol B) estradiol; testosterone C) leptin; estradiol D) leptin; testosterone


90) Keri's boyfriend broke up with her about a year ago. Her mother has been concerned for a few months now - Keri reports that she doesn't have an appetite, she sleeps about 12 hours a night, and has dropped out of all of the after school activities she used to be involved in. Keri MOST LIKELY would be diagnosed with A) clinical depression. B) a substance abuse problem. C) an anxiety disorder. D) bulimia nervosa.


91) Which of the following statements concerning depression is FALSE? A) Clinical depression tends to run in families. B) The rates of depression are increasing. C) Depressed adolescents are less popular among their peers. D) Depression during adolescence is more common among boys than among girls.


92) Adolescents who are depressed A) do well in school. B) usually have an average status among their peers. C) tend to have happy marriages in adulthood. D) tend to have low self-esteem.

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