Child Development Test 3

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How many times do you some children need to be introduced to a new food before they might try it?

15 introductions is typically how many times it takes for children to try a new food they may not have liked initially

Brandy is now able to independently cut with scissors. According to typically developing motor milestones how old is Brandy?

4 years old

At what age do young children's divided attention abilities finally surpass the skill level of a chimp?

5 years old

Marco can now balance on one foot for a couple of seconds without support. According to typically developing motor milestones how old Is he

5 years old

Which one of the following questions is not one you should ask to determine if the child is ready to toilet train

Am I tired of changing diapers?

With the update of the dsm-5 which of the following is not true

Asperger's syndrome is no longer a separate diagnosis

Which of the following is not an example of the questions one should ask when questioning the readiness of a child to start toilet training

Can my child tell me with words that they need to use the bathroom

When a. Child is able to count a group of objects and then know that the last number is the total number of objects. This is called which of the following

Cardinality principal

What are the growth patterns in early childhood?

Children typically grow 3 inches and gain 4-5 pounds per year.

The theories who uses looking self glass is


According to pattens play the most social play is


Which of the following is the leading cause of injury death between one and four years of age


The term that refers to self regulatory processes such as the ability to inhibit a behavior is known as which of the following

Executive function

The philosophy of a quality childcare program and the curriculum available should be all but which of the following

Expensive and new

3 year old Sophie's appetite has decreased in the past couple of months and she will often say she's not hungry when her mom presents her with food in response to this, Sophie's mom should sit Sophie down and make her eat because skipping a meal is dangerous for Sophie's health


ABA therapy is the only method of intervention for children with autism


If a child is observed experimenting with self-stimulation behavior, it is a sign that the child needs to see a therapist


Johnny enjoys playing dress up especially when he gets to wear the sparkly tap shoes. This is a reliable sign that he is most likely going to identify as transgender


Sarah feels confident in herself as a good sister to her little brother this evaluation of herself is referred to as her self concept


Spanking only causes increased aggression and lower receptive vocab when an explanation is not given


The board game chutes and ladders is a great way to work on reading skills


The tendency of children to generate theories to explain everything they encounter is called theory of mind


Tooth decay is a common unpreventable chronic condition of childhood in the us


According to pinger the type of play that requires the least amount cognition is which of the following


Tristons father insists that he only plays with trucks and cars and does not allow him to play with dolls. Triston's father is implementing which of the following

Gender stereotypical play

Which of the following is not one of the four categories of child abuse

Intellectual abuse

Ali teacher tells his uncle that Ali had a ball today this interaction is an example of which of the following

Literal meaning

Which of the following is not a tip for healthy eating habits

Make sure that children eat at every meal

Which of the following describes the research on spanking

Maternal spanking at age 5 was associated with higher levels of aggression

Which of the following is not a risk for the development of autism

Mmr vaccine

Isaac is looking for a preschool for his 3 year old son Brandon. He wants a program that emphasizes play as the child's work he also prefers that his classroom be comprised of children older and the same age as his son. According to those preferences, which of the following would be a good fit for Brandon and his family?


Jeremy is frequently found playing next to other children using similar toys however he never directly engages with them his type of play is referred to as which of the following

Parallel play

Children in early childhood are thought to be in which stage of piagets theory of development?


Which of the following is not a recommendation for supporting healthy eating habits

Prepare as many meals at home for the child

Which of the following is not true about pretend play

Pretend play comes naturally to children

Difference between self concept and self esteem

Self concept is what children think about themselves, self esteem is how children feel themselves

5 year old Julian was able to focus in his small group time for more than 10 min the extended period of time he is able to attend is best described by which of the following

Sustained attention.

A kid thinking that sleeping over at grandmas house means another baby is called


Which of the following is not an example of how to respond to children's natural curiosity of self stimulation

Tell children that this is never appropriate behavior

I'mans mother does everything she can do to support her child and prides herself on being her sons favorite person and best friend which of the following parenting styles

The pal

Which one of the following is not true about Copley's theory of interactionism

There are I vs me parts of self

Young children should remain in an appropriate car seat with the exception of which of the following Circumstances

There are no exceptions

Gender dysphasia doe not occur until adolescence


Parents can use the naeyc guidelines for quality care as a template to ask questions to help them choose a program for their child


Significant development in the prefrontal cortex during early childhood to practice thinking, strategy's and controlling emotions


Studies have shown that children who can use non coercive strategies are more likely to have a successful resolution


Estephanie is looking for preschools for her 4 year old daughter Emma. She is interested in a program that features connections nature, provides large time blocks for play...


Vgotsky States that we should meet children in the zone of proximal development which of the following describes the zone of proximal development

What a child can do if guided

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