Chimney Sweeper
Poets use parallelism for all the following reasons except to
connect to the world of nature
parallelism is NOT a repetition of
consonants that sound similar
Ultimately Tom Dacre believes that everything will be fine as long as he
does his duty
Tom Dacre would probably not be described as
in the chimney sweeper from songs of experience the speaker
resents his parents
In the chimney sweeper from songs of innocence, the speaker has spent most of his life
sweeping chimneys
Peter smart, the young man interviewed in the excerpt from "Evidence Given Before the Sadler Committee" worked as a
textile mill hand
An example of parallelism from one of the poems is
"And wash in a river, and shine in the Sun."
Which statement best describes the relationship between Peter Smart's testimony and the experiences of the children in the chimney sweeper poems
Although peter smart was a real person and Tom Dacre a character in a poem, both boys' experiences ring true
The comparison of Tom with a lamb suggest his
Which statement best summarizes the difference between the sweepers in the two poems
in the first he is accepting of his poverty; in the second he is angry
In the chimney sweeper from songs of experience the speaker describes his situation as being full of
misery and woe
Aside from poetry, parallelism is often in
political speeches