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(Special Economic Zones) business and trade laws are different from the rest of the country


(State Owned Enterprises)legal entity that is created by the government in order to partake in commercial activities on the government's behalf

How has China changed and remained the same since the Communist Party came to power?

China has become much less totalitarian and relaxed on many areas of life. They have remained the same by still keeping a tight grip on controlling sensitive political issues.

Define one-party system, and briefly describe the one-party system in China.

China is a one-party system because there is one party that controls everything, which is the Communist Party.

Great Leap Forward:

Effort by communist to compete with other western nations

Define "the right" and "the left" in the Chinese context. Compare the focus (or foci) of "the right" and "the left" in China to "the right" and "the left" in either Great Britain or Russia.

In China the right is considered to be more conservative supporting Maoist principles and the left supports free market principles (support economic and political reform). In Britain the right (conservative) support

How did the Communist Party come to power in China?

In the beginning the communist party became well known for its help on the Chinese Civil War. The communist party was led by Mao Zedong and came to power by popular support. It gained legitimacy because of their successful policies during their early years of rule. They focused on China's problems and not foreign policies.

Floating Population:

Migrants from the rural areas of China who have moved temporarily to the cities to find employment.

What are the differences and connections between the government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party?

PRC creates legitimacy bc of the communist party. The PRC constitution states that the CCP is under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the president of the PRC has always had a leading member of the CCP.


Person who exercises a position of authority in a communist party-state

Socialist democracy:

Political movement going from capitalism to socialism

What kind of protests take place in China, and how does the party-state respond?

Protest are very limited in China and are not tolerated. There are many protest like Tiananmen massacre, Ai Weiwei and Tank Man. The Tank Man was responded by the government trying to cover it up and photographic evidence of it.

Iron Rice Bowl:

Provided guarantees of lifetime, employment, income, and basic cradle-to-grave benefits to most urban and rural workers.

Standing Committee:

Seven members, most powerful political organization in China


State attempts to exercise total control overall aspects of public and private life.

What are the powers and limitations of China's National People's Congress as the legislative branch of government?

The NPC has the power to enact and amend the country's laws, approve and monitor the state budget, and declare and end war. They can also elect and recall many high officials in government. The limitations is that they are controlled by the CCP and only get together in full for only two weeks in March.


The committee made up of the top 25 leaders of the Chinese Communist Party

What have been the major changes in China's approach to governing the economy since the Maoist era?

The major changes in China's approach to governing the economy is they are more diverse and open. Citizens are now allowed to vastly choose jobs and engage in other activities that were not allowed in the maoist era. A major change has been the break in the iron rice bowl as it does not guarantee income and employment. Also, there has been a major difference in class structure because of the floating population.


The state plays a leading role in organizing the economy

Central Committee:

Top 370 leaders of the Chinese Communist party, most powerful in the party system

Since the 1980s, China has undergone both political and economic reforms. Identify two economic reforms that have occurred in China. Assess the impact on democratization of one of the reforms you identified. Identify two political reforms that have occurred in China. Assess the impact on democratization of one of the reforms you identified.

Two economic reforms are the transition into the Market Economy and decollectivization of agriculture. The impact of democratization has increased economic standards increasing education which in effect makes them more politically active. The students studying abroad has found that their gap of party-state and the world's democracy extremely intolerable. Two political reform are the two-term limit and setting a mandatory retirement age. The two term limit would affect the democratization by not making it look legitimate.

Centrally Planned Economy:

economic system in which the state directs the economy through bureautic plans for the production and distribution of goods and services.

Mass organizations:

organizations in a communist party-state that represent the interest of a particular social group

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