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Which of the following is true of new instrument?

Correct Answer: All new instruments must be cleaned and inspected for proper function. All new instruments must be cleaned and inspected for proper function. The manufacturer puts a protective coating that is not water soluble on the instruments. Instruments are inspected by the manufacturer, but may be handled numerous times before reaching the facility. Damage can occur along this chain of events.

Each of the following statements in regard to the Department of Transportation's role impacting Central Service Departments is accurate EXCEPT:

Correct Answer: State or local regulations may be more restrictive than federal regulations and, in these cases, regulations with the least stringent provisions apply. State or local regulations may be more restrictive than federal regulations and, in these cases, regulations with the most (not least) stringent provisions apply. The DOT is a federal government agency dedicated to ensuring a fast, safe, and efficient transportation system, including laws that relate to health care.

Which of the following statements about sterilizing liquids is least accurate?

Correct Answer: Steam penetrates the liquid to sterilize it. Steam does not penetrate the liquid, but instead is used to heat the liquid to 250° F. Several minutes are required for the liquid to attain this temperature, which must then be maintained for an additional time to achieve sterilization.

For sterilization using heat-sealing in packaging, tubing products need to allow for which of the following to be effective?

Correct Answer: an opening area along the heat-sealed ends of the tubing For the sterilization tubing products, the Central Service Technician must allow for an opening area along the heat-sealed ends of the tubing. The length of the opening area should be approximately 0.75 to 1.125 in. If there is any wrinkle in the seal, the pouch cannot be used. When using a double-pouching method, the pouch sizes should be selected so the inner pouch can be placed inside the outer pouch without folding. The inner pouch must also be sealed. The paper side of both pouches should face the same way. For example, paper towards paper and film towards film.

Steam is removed from the sterilizer at which of the following points?

Correct Answer: at the end of the exposure phase Steam is removed from the sterilizer at the end of the exposure phase when the chamber's drain is opened and the steam is removed through the discharge line. This creates a slight chamber vacuum, and sterile, filtered air is gradually re-introduced into the chamber through a special filter.

In which distribution system is an optimum level of stock for each item used on a regular basis determined for each customer?

Correct Answer: par-level restocking system In the par-level restocking system, an optimum level of stock for each item used on a regular basis is determined for each customer. These levels are reviewed frequently and changed as necessary to reflect actual usage. The supplies are stored in the storage space available in each unit.

The ECRI Institute can do which of the following for healthcare purchasers?

Correct Answer: provide information useful for negotiation, and accurate data about vendors The ECRI Institute can provide information to healthcare purchasers. For example, one can obtain information useful for negotiation, timely and accurate data about vendors, products, equipment, typical discounting structure, and market conditions.

For closed shelving care must be taken to open doors slowly because:

Correct Answer: rapid air movement can draw in contaminants For closed shelving care must be taken to open doors slowly because rapid air movement can draw in contaminants. This defeats the purpose of using an enclosed storage system. Because closed shelving is more expensive than open shelving, many CDSs tend to use closed cabinets mainly for storage of seldom used supplies.

When sterile items come from the receiving area they should be

Correct Answer: removed from the shipping container and placed in clean transportation containers or vehicles for transfer When sterile items come from the receiving area they should be removed from the shipping container and placed in clean transportation containers or vehicles for transfer into the sterile storage area. Shipping cartons must not be allowed in either a clean storage area or a sterile storage area, and they should never be used as storage containers in these areas.

Most handheld instruments are prepared in sets. The contents of each set are usually determined by

Correct Answer: the staff of the department in which the set will be used The contents of each set are usually determined by the staff of the department in which the set will be used. Whenever practical, the contents of each set should be standardized so that the same instruments are packaged no matter which physician is performing the procedure.

The goals of the decontamination process are three-fold. Which of the following would NOT be considered one of these goals?

Correct Answer: to evaluate effectiveness The goals of the decontamination process are to keep employees safe, to prepare items for use, and to prepare items for sterilization. Evaluating effectiveness is not one of the goals. Decontamination involves removing or reducing contamination by infections organisms or other harmful substances.

In the Preparation and Packaging work area, the humidity should be between what percentages?

Correct Answer:30-60% Central Service areas must meet specific temperature, humidity and air exchange requirements. These vary by work area, and Central Service technicians must be for familiar with the requirements for each specific area. The preparation and packaging work area requires 30% to 60% humidity.

The density of linen packs should not exceed:

Correct Answer:7.2 pounds The density of linen packs should not exceed 7.2 pounds. larger or denser packs require longer sterilization cycles and prolonged drying times, and exposure times must be tested in each health care facility.

Formaldehyde is available in different concentrations. Which of the following mixtures would be used in high-level disinfection?

Correct Answer:8% formaldehyde + 70% alcohol High-level disinfectant using formaldehyde would use 8% formaldehyde + 70% alcohol. One of the disadvantages of formaldehyde, however, is that it is a carcinogen.

The inventory strategy that imposes higher controls on relatively few items with greatest value and least on items with lowest value is which of the following?

Correct Answer:ABC analysis ABC analysis is the strategy that imposes higher controls on relatively few items with greatest value and least on items with lowest value. ABC analysis divides an inventory into three categories- "A items" with very tight control and accurate records, "B items" with less tightly controlled and good records, and "C items" with the simplest controls possible and minimal records.

Many facilities use the term "R-A-C-E" to help staff recall appropriate fire response procedures. All of the following are part of this acronym EXCEPT:

Correct Answer:Act with haste. All of the choices are part of "R-A-C-E" except for acting with haste. Although quick response is crucial, haste denotes possible irresponsible actions. The "A" stands for alarm. Call 911 and activate any alarms. The "E" also stands for evacuating the area horizontally or vertically.

Staff who are specially trained to inspect, test, and repair patient care equipment are part of which of the following departments?

Correct Answer:Biomedical and Clinical Engineering Department Technicians in the Biomedical and Clinical Engineering Department (Biomed) perform safety inspections and function tests on medical equipment. Central Service technicians should not attempt to perform equipment testing and maintenance functions.

There are five classifications of chemical indicators for monitoring the sterilization process. The indicators that are single-parameter indicators that respond to only one of the critical parameters of the sterilization process are part of which class?

Correct Answer:Class 3 Each class of chemical indicator is designed to provide specific information regarding a response to one or more physical conditions inside the sterilizer. Class 3 indicators are single-parameter indicators that respond to only one of the critical parameters of the sterilization process.

Each of the following statements about sterilization is accurate EXCEPT:

Correct Answer:Conditions lethal to microorganisms must not be present. Conditions lethal to microorganisms must be present. In practice, this means that the sterilizer or other sterilizing system must be properly designed and used to achieve the correct combination of temperature and sterilant concentration.

Bacillus atrophaeus is used as a biological monitor for which of the following sterilization processes?

Correct Answer:EtO Bacillus atrophaeus is used as a biological monitor for EtO, gas plasma, and dry-heat sterilization. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is used for steam, ozone, and peracetic sterilization.

Items with lumens must be flushed with sterile, distilled water immediately before sterilization. The reason for this is which of the following?

Correct Answer:It aids in steam contact for sterilization. The reason for flushing items with lumens is that it aids in steam contact for sterilization. syringes should be inspected for any chips or cracks and for proper fit of plunger and barrel. For sterilization, the barrel and plunger should be disassembled, but packaged together and protected with a soft material.

When a workplace injury occurs it must be documented and reported to the appropriate administrative personnel in compliance with the regulations of the:

Correct Answer:OSHA When a workplace injury occurs, it must be documented and reported to the appropriate administrative personnel in compliance with the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). No matter how insignificant an injury seems, the appropriate supervisor, manager, or director should be informed immediately.

Which of the following information is NOT typically recorded and maintained for each item of patient care equipment?

Correct Answer:OSHA involvement All of the choices are information that should be recorded and maintained for each item of patient care equipment except for OSHA involvement. Other information that should be recorded and maintained includes: schedule for preventive maintenance (PM), PM history, and hospital-defined PM standards.

All sterile items should be checked for an expiration date before being distributed. Which of the following statements is true in regard to this fact?

Correct Answer:Outdates are costly to the health care facility because they must be completely reprocessed. The only true statement is that outdates are costly to the health care facility because they must be completely reprocessed. This could increase the amount of lost revenue charges in many CSDs.

Each of the following is an effective speaking tactic EXCEPT:

Correct Answer:Speak in a low-key tone. Speaking in a low-key tone is not likely to be effective. Speak enthusiastically. Be committed to the purpose of your message and show interest and enthusiasm when speaking.

To test the sharpness of scissors larger than 4.5 inches, you would use which of the following?

Correct Answer:Theraband red scissors test material To test the sharpness of scissors larger than 4.5 inches you would use Theraband red scissors test material. To test microscissors 4.5 inches and smaller, use Theraband yellow scissors test material. The scissors should be able to go through completely, all the way to the tip of the scissors.

A policy is best described as which of the following?

Correct Answer:a predetermined course of action that identifies a key activity and provides a general strategy A policy is a predetermined course of action that identifies a key activity and provides a general strategy. It is a written statement of intent.

Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can affect the efficacy of the disinfectant by tying up its:

Correct Answer:active ingredients Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can affect the efficacy of the disinfectant by tying up its active ingredients. Most products are tested in hard water. Checking the manufacturer's label for the disinfectant claim of effectiveness and knowing the water quality of the water used for missing disinfectant solutions will ensure the correct hardness of water is used.

An item being sterilized with ethylene oxide gas is actively subjected to moving air. This is known as

Correct Answer:aeration Aeration is the process in which a device is actively subjected to moving air. Long aeration periods are necessary before items sterilized by EtO can be safely handled or used.

Lubrication is performed at which of the following times?

Correct Answer:after cleaning Lubrication is performed after cleaning. Lubrication may be performed mechanically as one of the final steps in the mechanical wash process, or it can be applied manually in the clean assembly area using a spray bottle.

The steam sterilizer's control system begins timing the cycle's exposure phase at what point?

Correct Answer:after the desired temperature is reached The steam sterilizer's control system begins timing the cycle's exposure phase after the desired temperature is reached. The cycles selected are typically the standard sterilization time and temperatures because they have been shown by scientific validation to kill all microorganisms.

A solution which inhibits the growth of bacteria is called a/an:

Correct Answer:antiseptic Disinfectants are not the same as antiseptics. Antiseptics are chemicals used on living tissue such as skin to slow the growth of microorganisms. Disinfectants are chemicals used on inanimate objects such as medical instruments to kill all organisms except spores.

The solution which inhibits the growth of bacteria and is used only on animate objects is which of the following?

Correct Answer:antiseptic An antiseptic is a solution which inhibits the growth of bacteria. It is usually used topically. It is only used on animate objects such as skin, to slow the growth of microorganisms.

Coercion, authority, punishment, and power are means used by which of the following types of leaders?

Correct Answer:autocratic Autocratic leaders purport to change the behavior of subordinates through external control with the use of coercion, authority, punishment, and power. They assume that external motivators cause subordinates to change their behavior.

The distribution system in which the user enters information into a computer which unlocks the cabinet door where the supply is kept is which of the following?

Correct Answer:automated dispensing system A variation of the par-level system is a locked supply cabinet automated dispensing system. The supplies for each area are locked in cabinets. These locked cabinets are connected to a computer network in order to send usage information to a replenishment system. The user enters information into a computer which unlocks the cabinet door where the supply is kept. After the user removes items, the door locks when it is closed.

Knowing that an item is always right when it is processed by a specific person is a type of

Correct Answer:branding Branding is a subjective form of quality identification. Knowing that an item is always right when it is processed by a specific person is a type of branding. However, all staff must be able to perform work within their areas of responsibility to the appropriate quality level.

Detergents work in one aspect by deflocculating soil. This means that the detergent does what to the soil?

Correct Answer:breaks up and disperses Deflocculating is the breaking up and dispersing of soil. Detergents separate clumps of dirt and dissolves or suspends small particles in the cleaning fluid.

The process in which low-pressure bubbles in a cleaning solution burst inward to dislodge soil from instruments is

Correct Answer:cavitation Cavitation is the process in which low-pressure bubbles in a cleaning solution burst inward to dislodge soil from instruments. It is the process used in ultrasonic cleaners.

The biological test pack is placed in the portion of the sterilizer where it is most difficult to sterilize items. This position is known as the

Correct Answer:cold point This position is called the cold point. For steam sterilizers, this cold point is usually on the bottom shelf of the sterilizer, directly above the chamber drain. For EtO sterilizers, this point is usually the approximate center of the load. For gas plasma sterilizers, this point is on the first shelf at the back of the chamber.

The weight of combustible materials per square floor of area is known as which of the following?

Correct Answer:combustible loading Combustible loading is the weight of combustible materials per square floor of area in which those materials are located. A combustible is any substance that, if ignited, will react with oxygen and burn.

The initial stage in a saturated steam sterilization cycle is which of the following?

Correct Answer:conditioning At the beginning of the sterilization cycle is the conditioning stage. The sterilizer's door is closed and the machine is started. Steam enters at the upper back of the sterilizer. As steam enters, air is displaced.

When statistical methods are used to improve work processes this is known as

Correct Answer:continuous quality improvement Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is a scientific approach which applies statistical methods to improve work processes. Work processes are a series of work activities which produce a product or service.

When a sterilized item comes directly from sterilization, it must first be:

Correct Answer:cooled Sterilized items which have come directly from sterilization must be cooled first and then packaged and stored. Even those items that have been subjected to low-temperature sterilization need a cool-down period.

High toxicity of a sterilant is an advantage in:

Correct Answer:critical applications High toxicity is an advantage in critical applications, where the risk of infection must be reduced to the lowest possible level. But the greater effectiveness of highly toxic materials comes at a price including risk of harm to staff and patients, and safe disposal of wastes.

Ideally, which type of wetting agent should be utilized as the free rinsing agent to minimize the deposit of minerals that appear as water spots when dry?

Correct Answer:de-ionized water Ideally, deionized water should be utilized as the free rinsing agent to minimize the deposit of minerals that appear as water spots when dry. Residual cleaning chemicals affect instrument performance, risk infection, and have corrosive effects on the finish of instruments.

Allowing decisions to be made at the lowest possible level within the organization is a characteristic of which of the following?

Correct Answer:delegation Delegation allows decisions to be made at the lowest possible level within the organization. This does not, however, relieve the managers from their responsibility.

Foam inserts help protect which of the following from damage?

Correct Answer:delicate instruments Many medical devices and instruments are fragile and may require physical protection from damage, even during routine handling. For such items, rigid plastic and metal containers are sometimes chosen. Clips, pins, foam inserts, commercially made folders and sleeves may also be used in the standard mesh bottom trays to protect instruments. Foam inserts help to protect delicate instruments from damage.

The par-level restocking distribution systems require which of the following?

Correct Answer:determining an optimum level of stock for each item used on a regular basis for each customer The par-level restocking distribution systems require determining an optimum level of stock for each item used on a regular basis for each customer. These levels are reviewed frequently and changed as necessary to reflect actual usage.

Which of the following would be considered an informal communication in the workplace?

Correct Answer:email Email is an informal means of communication. Informal communication includes: unplanned or ad hoc communications, including phone calls, emails, etc. Formal communication is planned communication as in the other three choices.

Low-foaming detergents capable of digesting organic material such as blood and mucus are:

Correct Answer:enzymatic detergents Neutral pH detergent solution that contain enzymes are compatible with metals and other materials used in medical equipment. They are the best choice for cleaning delicate medical instruments.

Steam is evacuated from the sterilizer chamber and replaced with air in which step of the steam sterilization process?

Correct Answer:exhaust and dry Steam is evacuated from the sterilizer chamber and replaced with air in the exhaust and dry step of steam sterilization. Wrapped goods are allowed to dry, and temperature decreases so the load may be safely removed from the chamber.

The process designed to predict the adverse outcomes of various human and machine failures is which of the following?

Correct Answer:failure mode and effect analysis The process designed to predict the adverse outcomes of various human and machine failures is failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). It has its origins in the military and industrial fields.

Purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes. Which process below is not considered a purification process?

Correct Answer:filtering Purified water is often confused with filtered water. Filtering is not a purification process. Purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes such as reverse osmosis, deionization, and distillation. The resultant product, purified water, is of significantly higher purity than filtered tap or spring water. Therefore, the last rinse process should be with purified water.

Central Service leaders must be well-versed in the instrument manufacturing process. An important early step in producing an instrument is which of the following?

Correct Answer:forging An important early step in producing an instrument is forging. Forging is forming an instrument be heating and hammering it.

Manual cleaning is done through the use of:

Correct Answer:friction The purpose of manual cleaning is to physically remove deposits that were not removed, or were only softened during the pre-soak. This is done through the use of friction.

The sterilization method most often used for low-temperature sterilization of heat-and moisture-sensitive items is which of the following?

Correct Answer:gas plasma sterilization Gas plasma is used for low-temperature sterilization of heat-and moisture-sensitive items. This sterilization system does not require aeration or have the hazards, expense, and required safety devices that are needed for low-temperature sterilization using EtO.

The medical root "adeno" refers to which of the following?

Correct Answer:gland The medical root "adeno" refers to "gland." An example of this is the term "adenoma" which is a glandular tumor.

Which of the following is commonly used for medical devices that can withstand complete immersion in the solution?

Correct Answer:glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyde is commonly used for medical devices that can withstand complete immersion in solution. Because the solution must contact all surfaces, how items are immersed is critical.

Ethylene oxide (EtO) has properties that make it an ideal sterilant for which of the following types of devices?

Correct Answer:heat-sensitive The chemical ethylene oxide has properties that make it an ideal sterilant for heat-sensitive medical devices. EtO is noncorrosive and non-damaging to plastics and rubber and is an effective sterilant at temperatures and pressures that are tolerated by these heat-sensitive items.

Items such as syringes, needles, dressings, and cotton balls should be packaged in which of the following manners?

Correct Answer:in small usable quantities Items such as syringes, needles, dressings and cotton balls should be individually packaged or packaged in small usable quantities. Do not use canisters with lids for these items because they do not allow for adequate air displacement, and the contents are compromised as soon as they are exposed to the environment.

Packs must be limited to proportions that will be compatible with all but which of the following?

Correct Answer:instrument use Instrument use is not one of the factors in compatibility of the proportion of packs. The size, density, and metal mass (if applicable) of any pack must be limited to proportions that will be compatible with the sterilant, temperature, and exposure time used during the sterilization cycle.

Which of the following disinfectants is a cellular poison to nucleic acids and quickly penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms?

Correct Answer:iodophors-buffered iodine Iodophors-buffered iodine acts as a cellular poison to nucleic acids and quickly penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms. It is used in skin preparations, thermometers, and for disinfection of some equipment. It is bactericidal, virucidal, and tuberculocidal with very rapid action only against vegetative bacteria.

The decision whether to sterilize or high-level disinfect an endoscope is based upon which of the following?

Correct Answer:its use according to the Spaulding classification system Endoscopes are used to view the body's internal organs, either through natural openings or through small incisions. Therefore, they must always be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected or sterilized between uses. The decision to sterilize or high-level disinfect a scope is based upon its use according to the Spaulding classification system.

Verifying the integrity of sterilizer pressure is done by which of the following?

Correct Answer:leak test A leak test is used to verify the integrity of the sterilizer pressure vessel and its plumbing. A perfectly sealed vessel with perfectly sealed plumbing components will have no leaks, but to permit for reasonable wear and tear on equipment the industry standard for sterilizers is to allow up to a 1.0 mm Hg per minute leak rate average over a specified time period, usually 10 minutes.

All of the following information should be included in a sharps injury log EXCEPT:

Correct Answer:location on body where injury occurred The location on body where injury occurred is not required in the log for a sharps injury. The type and the brand of the device is required along with the location in the facility where the injury occurred and an explanation of how it occurred.

Which type of disinfection removes or kills some types of vegetative bacteria and some fungi and lipid viruses?

Correct Answer:low-level disinfection Low-level disinfection removes or kills some types of vegetative bacteria and some fungi and lipid viruses. Medium or intermediate-level disinfection kills most pathogenic microorganisms, but may not remove some viruses and does not kill bacterial spores. High-level disinfection kills all microorganisms except a large number of spores.

Ethylene oxide (EtO) is odorless at which of the following concentrations?

Correct Answer:lower concentrations EtO is a colorless gas that has an odor similar to ether in concentrations greater than 700 ppm. It is odorless at lower concentrations. This chemical has properties that make it an ideal sterilant for heat-sensitive medical devices.

Detailed records kept for each sterilizer should identify all but which of the following?

Correct Answer:manufacturer of the sterilizer Detailed records kept for each sterilizer should identify the sterilizer operator for each load, and document the load contents, the lot number, and the results of mechanical, biological, and chemical monitoring. It does not identify the manufacturer of the sterilizer. All this information is written on the record form or attached to the form.

Post-market device requirements that apply to third party and hospital reprocessors include all but which of the following?

Correct Answer:minimum price mandates Minimum price mandates are not a requirement. The other three choices are requirements along with mandates applicable to medical device reporting, tracking, corrections, and removals. Personnel from the hospital's Risk Management Department should be involved in the completion of these packets of information if the CS Department is submitting a PMA applicable to reprocessing single-use devices.

Bedpans, blood pressure cuffs, and bed rails are examples of which Spaulding classification?

Correct Answer:non-critical Examples of non-critical items according to the Spaulding classifications are bedpans, blood pressure cuffs, crutches and bed rails. Linens and bedside tables are also included. Non-critical is a classification of intermediate level disinfection. It destroys vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, most viruses, most fungi but not bacterial spores.

A decision that requires a unique solution in an ill-structured situation in which the decision-maker has little or no experience is which of the following?

Correct Answer:non-programmed decision A decision that requires a unique solution in an ill-structured situation in which the decision-maker has little or no experience is a non-programmed decision. To make a non-programmed decision requires the evaluation of all potential consequences of the proposed actions.

Which of the following is a sterilization chemical that is a neutral-pH liquid chemical solution that destroys microorganisms and is used as a low-temperature sterilization process?

Correct Answer:peracetic acid Peracetic acid (peroxyacetic acid) is a neutral-pH liquid chemical solution that destroys microorganisms and is used as a low-temperature sterilization process. The peracetic acid solution has anticorrosive agents in it, wo there is no harm to instruments.

There are three types of sterilization monitors. They are:

Correct Answer:physical monitors, chemical indicators, and biological indicators The three types of sterilization monitors are: physical monitors, chemical indicators, and biological indicators. Physical monitors consist of gauges, charges, and printouts. Chemical indicators are used to determine the presence or attainment of one or more of the physical parameters required for satisfactory sterilization process. A biological indicator is a sterilization test that contains viable spores that are most resistant to the sterilization modality being monitored.

After patient care equipment has been cleaned, inspected, and assembled, it should be

Correct Answer:placed in storage until needed After patient care equipment has been cleaned, inspected, and assembled, it should be placed in storage until needed. It should be stored in a clean secure location, away from high traffic areas such as visitor hallways.

Lightweight individual items should be packaged using which of the following?

Correct Answer:pouches Pouches are often used to package lightweight individual items, especially when visibility of the item is important. Pouches should not be used for heavy or bulky items because the seals will be stressed and might break open. These preformed pouches are fabricated from a variety of materials. Items are places in pouches so that the end of the item to be grasped will be presented first when the package is opened at the point of use.

The thing that prompts a communication is known as which of the following?

Correct Answer:precipitating event Precipitating event refers specifically to the event of situation that promoted the communication. Precipitating event is a specific single event, whereas context describes the whole ambiance of the situation with the inclusion of multiple circumstances that have led to the precipitating event.

The action taken to address a problem with a medical device that violates FDA regulations is a

Correct Answer:recall A recall is an action taken to address a problem with a medical device that violates FDA regulations. This action can be enforced when a device is defective, and/or poses a risk to health. Recalls can be instituted voluntarily by the manufacturer, distributor, or another interested party, or they can be mandated by the FDA.

The distribution process begins with which of the following?

Correct Answer:receipt of a requisition The distribution process begins with the receipt of a requisition for one or more items. The items are then removed from their storage location. The type and quantity of items selected should be verified against the requisition. Sterile items should be inspected to ensure that they are complete and appropriately packaged and that the package is not damaged.

Service provided to return equipment to proper operating condition is:

Correct Answer:repair service Repair service is the procedure used to return equipment to proper operating condition after it has become inoperative. Service provided to equipment to maintain it in proper operation condition by planned inspection, and by detecting and correcting failure before they occur is preventive maintenance.

According to the Spaulding classification, cystoscopes are considered:

Correct Answer:semi-critical Cystoscopes should receive high level disinfectant according to the Spaulding classification used to determine what type of disinfectant or sterilization is appropriate for medical devices. Semi-critical devices are ones that come into contact with intact mucous membranes but do not ordinarily penetrate sterile tissue. These devices should receive at least high-level disinfection, for the destruction of all vegetative microorganisms, mycobacterium, small or non-lipid viruses, medium or lipid viruses, fungal spores, and some bacterial spores.

Parallel grooves in the jaws of surgical instruments are called

Correct Answer:serrations Parallel grooves in the jaws of surgical instruments are serrations. Rib spreaders are retractors used to expose the chest; cannulas are instruments with a hollow barrel through the center; and rongeurs are instruments used to cut or bite away at bone and tissue.

The term for the sequence of steps used to address customer complaints and problems in a manner that yields a win-win situation for the customer and the department is:

Correct Answer:service recovery Service recovery is the sequence of steps used to address customer complaints and problems in a manner that yields a win-win situation for the customer and the department. Service recovery explains the procedures by which customer complaints can be handled. Empowered employees are integral to this approach.

Some facilities are using a new method for wrapping items, which involves the use of two wrappers made of nonwoven material that have been attached on the edges by the manufacturer. The method is called the

Correct Answer:simultaneous wrapping method The simultaneous wrapping method uses two wrappers made of nonwoven material that have been attached on the edges by the manufacturer. This method serves the same purpose as the sequential double wrap to protect instruments from contamination.

Purchasing personnel can achieve lowest price goals by using which of the following instead of relying on brand names?

Correct Answer:specifications Purchasing personnel want to buy at the lowest price after considering value analysis and patient care concerns. They achieve lowest price goals by using quality specifications, not brand names. A specification is a concise description of the weight, size, and other quality factors required for a specific item.

Which of the following is used for biological indicators because they are the most resistant to the sterilization method being used?

Correct Answer:spores Spores are used for biological indicators since they are the most resistant to the sterilization method being used. A spore is a microorganism with a thick wall surrounding it that enables the organism to survive in adverse conditions including high temperatures.

A continuous passive motion (CPM) device is a device that treats which of the following?

Correct Answer:synovial joints A continuous passive motion (CPM) device is a device that treats synovial joints (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and TMJ) after surgery or trauma (including fracture and infection). The device moves the affected joint continuously without patient assistance.

The process of sterilizing an item that is packaged is known as

Correct Answer:terminal sterilization Terminal sterilization is the process of sterilizing and item that is packaged. It is most often performed in the Central Service department; however, it may be performed in other departments.

External chemical indicators for sterilization indicate which of the following?

Correct Answer:that the packaged item has been in the sterilizer and exposed to the sterilization process External indicators are placed on the outside of packaged items to be sterilized and are often used as package closures. Essentially, an external chemical indicator only shows whether the packaged item to which it is affixed has been in the sterilizer and exposed to the sterilization process.

Ultrasonic cleaning is superior to manual scrubbing because of which of the following?

Correct Answer:the cavitation action can reach small areas in the instrument that brushes cannot When an ultrasonic wave passes through a liquid, it makes the liquid vibrate very fast. The vibrations are transmitted through the detergent bath and create cavitation. This is where ultrasonic vibrations create tiny air bubbles that grow larger until they implode. That implosion dislodges soil from the instrument's surface, as well as crevices, hinges, and other hard to reach areas within the instrument. Ultrasonic cleaning is superior to manual scrubbing because the cavitation action can reach small areas in the instrument that brushes cannot.

At the end of a leasing contract, which of the following typically occurs?

Correct Answer:the facility can return the equipment or purchase it At the end of a leasing contract, the facility can return the equipment or purchase it. This is different from an outright purchase or a rental.

Rectangular or flat trays without holes should not normally be used for heavy surgical instrument sets because

Correct Answer:they may allow water to pool in the tray during sterilization Rectangular or flat trays without holes should not normally be used for heavy surgical instrument sets because they may allow water to pool in the tray during sterilization. then the water cannot drain out and the set is more difficult to dry.

Some heavier sets may need additional protection on the corners of the tray in which they were packaged for which of the following purposes?

Correct Answer:to prevent tears Some heavier sets may need additional protection on the corners of the tray to prevent tears. This can be accomplished by placing a towel under the try or using commercially made corner protectors.

To avoid mixing processed and unprocessed packages, which of the following should be done?

Correct Answer:use indicator tapes or stickers which change color after exposure To avoid mixing processed and unprocessed packages, use indicator tapes or stickers which change color after exposure. Tapes designated as indicator tapes are considered best practice because they are made specifically to withstand sterilization, and they will change color after being exposed to the sterilization process.

Medical devices and instrument that are fragile may require physical protection from damage and so sometimes it is necessary to:

Correct Answer:use rigid plastic and metal containers For items that are fragile and may require physical protection from damage, even during routine handling, rigid plastic and metal containers are sometimes chosen. Clips, pins, foam inserts, commercially made folder, and sleeves may also be used in the standard mesh bottom trays to protect instruments.

Which of the following would be the least effective communication technique?

Correct Answer:using "you messages" Using "you messages" is the least effective communication technique of the choices given. When a comment starts with "you," most commonly the receiver's defenses will promptly go on alert. When "I messages" are used, they become less likely to sound accusatory.

The most common impact of water quality on cleaning involves

Correct Answer:water hardness The most common impact of water quality on cleaning involves water hardness. This is the amount of dissolved minerals in water that alters the effectiveness of many disinfectants, detergents, and soaps.

Staining, spotting, scaling, and decreased cleaning capacity are signals that which of the following has changed?

Correct Answer:water quality Water quality is an essential factor in cleaning equipment. Staining, spotting, scaling, and decreased cleaning capacity are signals that the water quality has changed. There are several categories of water quality, and each has a place at different times during the reprocessing cycle.

How often should equipment be inspected for damage such as cracked or frayed electrical cords?

Correct Answer:whenever the equipment is cleaned Equipment should be inspected for damage such as cracked or frayed electrical cords, cracked equipment casings, or loose knobs whenever the equipment is cleaned. This damage should be corrected before the item is reused. All equipment that appears to need repair should be routed to Biomed personnel for inspection.

The material that allows for the air removal, steam penetration and facilitates drying is known by which of the following terms?

Correct Answer:wicking material The approved absorbent material that allows for the air removal, steam penetration, and facilitates drying is wicking material. Wicking is acting to move moisture by capillary action from the inside to the surface.

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