[Choi] Q9 Online Quizzes

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(Quiz 2, Question 5) Between radiograph A and B, which one displays Kerley B lines?

*(a.) A* (b. B displays no abnormal findings)

(Quiz 4, Question 15) Both mitral valve stenosis and insufficiency can lead to enlargement of the left atrium resulting in double density sign on chest X-ray. True or False?

*(a.) True* (b. False)

(Quiz 4, Question 12) If the mitral valve opening is narrowed due to rigidity and scarring of the valve, it is referred to as:

(a. Mitral valve regurgitation) *(b.) Mitral valve stenosis* (c. Mitral valve insufficiency) (d. Mitral valve prolapse)

(Quiz 2, Question 4) If the widest transverse diameter of the heart is bigger than at least _____ % of the widest transverse diameter of the thorax on PA chest X-ray, cardiomegaly is suspected for a diagnosis/finding.

(a. 10%) (b. 30%) *(c.) 50%* (d. 80%)

(Quiz 3, Question 6) How many layers of pleura make up the azygos fissure?

(a. 2) *(b.) 4* (c. 6) (d. 8)

(Quiz 2, Question 2) In adequate inspiration, you should see _______ right posterior ribs and the anterior rib of the _____ rib should be crossing the dome of the right diaphragm at the midclavicular line.

(a. 7-8, 4th) *(b.) 9-10, 6th* (c. 11-12, 9th) (d. At least 12, 11th)

(Quiz 6, Question 7) Which one of the following soft tissue radiopacity described is most likely malignant?

(a. A soft tissue radiopacity with a diameter of 12mm with popcorn like calcification. There is no change in size when compared with the radiographs taken 2 years prior.) *(b.) A soft tissue radiopacity with 25% increase in diameter over the last three months. There is no matrix calcification.* (c. A soft tissue radiopacity with smooth margin that has increased in size by 10% over the last 20 months. There is diffuse matrix calcification.) (d. A soft tissue radiopacity with a 50% increase in size in the last 3 weeks with ill-defined margin. It is measured 20mm in diameter.)

(Quiz 6, Question 12) Which kind of bronchogenic cancer is most likely to result in the radiographic appearance seen on the chest X- ray provided below?

(a. Adenocarcinoma) *(b.) Squamous cell carcinoma* (c. Large cell carcinoma) (d. Small cell carcinoma)

(Quiz 8, Question 14) Which of the following statements is false regarding abdominal radiology?

(a. Based on abdominal condition evaluated, different diagnostic imaging modalities such as barium study, US, and CT can be utilized) (b. Complemental abdominal X-rays include an upright AP view and decubitus view) *(c.) Supine AP view of the abdomen shows air-fluid level in the dilated bowel loops* (d. Standard abdominal X-ray is performed with a patient in supine position)

(Quiz 8, Question 4) Which of the following is not true about bronchoalveolar carcinoma?

(a. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma primarily involves the bronchioles and alveoli) (b. There is a strong association with a history of smoking) (c. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma can stimulate the radiographic appearance of airspace disease pattern) *(d.) Bronchoalveolar carcinoma is a subtype of a small cell carcinoma*

(Quiz 4, Question 3) Which type of atelectasis is the most common type?

(a. Compressive atelectasis) (b. Passive atelectasis) (c. Cicatrization atelectasis) *(d.) Obstructive atelectasis*

(Quiz 5, Question 7) Which of the following radiographic features is NOT likely associated with empyema?

(a. Convex chest wall mass with inward deformity) (b. Blunting of the costophrenic sulci) (c. Massive radiopacity obscuring most of the hemithorax) *(d.) Mediastinal deviation/bowing toward the hemithorax with empyema*

(Quiz 2, Question 3) Which one of the anatomic structures is found in the anterior mediastinum?

(a. Descending thoracic aorta) (b. Aortic arch of Superior mediastinum) (c. Esophagus) *(d.) Thymus*

(Quiz 6, Question 6) Which of the following calcification patterns of solitary pulmonary nodules is considered malignant?

(a. Diffuse) (b. Central) (c. Laminar) *(d.) Eccentric*

(Quiz 5, Question 4) Congenital discrete narrowing of the aortic isthmus distal to the left subclavian artery is referred to as ______.

(a. Diseecting aneurysm) (b. Aortic valve stenosis) (c. Aneurysm of the ascending aorta) *(d.) Coarctation of the aorta*

(Quiz 5, Question 3) "Figure 3 sign" is associated with which of the following vascular conditions?

(a. Dissecting aneurysm) (b. Aortic valve stenosis) (c. Aneurysm of the ascending aorta) *(d.) Coarctation of the aorta*

(Quiz 7, Question 9) Asymptomatic male. Based on the radiographic findings, what is the diagnosis?

(a. Diverticulitis) *(b.) Diverticulosis* (c. Colon Cancer) (d. Large bowel Obstruction)

(Quiz 4, Question 13) Which one of the following is NOT considered radiographic features of mitral valve insufficiency?

(a. Double density sign) *(b.) Tracheal air shadow deviation* (c. Mitral valve calcification) (d. Increased cardiothoracic ratio due to left ventricular enlargement)

(Quiz 4, Question 2) Which one of the following statements best describes the definition of atelectasis?

(a. Filling the airspace with fluid such as blood, pus or cells) (b. Over-inflation of the airspace with diffuse hyperlucency of the lung on a chest X-ray) *(c.) Incomplete air filling or collapse of pulmonary parenchyma* (d. Air trapped in the pleural space between the parietal and visceral pleura)

(Quiz 1, Question 9) Based on the CT image provided, what is the most significant finding?

(a. Fracture of the right acetabulum) (b. Fracture of the right femoral head) (c. Soft tissue mass along the posterior aspect of the uterus) *(d.) Soft tissue mass along the posterior aspect of the urinary bladder*

(Quiz 8, Question 10) Which of the following statements is false regarding the pulmonary metastasis?

(a. Hematogenous spread is more common route of spread than lymphatic spread) (b. Common primary sites include carcinomas of the breast, kidney, ovary, and colon) (c. In most cases, multiple pulmonary nodules of variable size can be seen on the chest x-ray rather than solitary nodule) *(d.) Typically pulmonary nodule metastatic foci tend to cavitate*

(Quiz 5, Question 6) This pulmonary condition can be seen as pleural or parapneumonic effusion on the chest X-ray. However, through the procedure of thoracentesis, it would show positive cultures, which differentiates it from simple pleural effusion. This pulmonary condition is referred to as _________.

(a. Hydrothorax) *(b.) Empyema* (c. Hemothorax) (d. Chylothorax)

(Quiz 3, Question 11) Which one of the radiographic findings is not compatible with the radiograph provided below?

(a. Indistinct right heart border) *(b.) Right middle lobe pneumonia* (c. Vertical orientation of the anterior ribs) (d. Depressed sternum on the lateral view)

(Quiz 5, Question 2) Which of the following radiographic changes occurs first in congestive heart failure?

(a. Interstitial pulmonary edema) *(b.) Cephalization of flow* (c. Kerley B lines) (d. Aleveolar pulmonary edema)

(Quiz 3, Question 13) Which of the following statements describes the rhomboid fossa?

(a. It is a depressed area between the scapula covered by rhomboid major and minor muscles) (b. It is a broad depression on the anterior surface of the scapula, from which subscapularis muscle originates) (c. It is a small depression located along the lateral aspect of the spinous processes of the thoracic spine, serving as an insertion point for the rhomboid major and minor muscles) *(d.) It is a concave area along the inferior aspect of the medial end of the clavicle, to which the costoclavicular ligament inserts*

(Quiz 7, Question 14) Which of the following imaging modalities can be utilized to distinguish paraesophageal hernia from sliding type?

(a. MRI) (b. Bone Scan) (c. PET Scan) *(d.) Barium Swallow*

(Quiz 8, Question 6) (61 year old male with a 40 pack year history of smoking presenting with 55 lbs. of unintended weight loss last 3 months. Vitals T: 98.4 P: 82 R: 18 BP: 142/92 mmHg.) Sputum was negative for Mycobacterium. Based on the radiographic findings and clinical information, what is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?

(a. Miliary tuberculosis TB) (b. Lobar pneumonia) (c. CHF) *(d.) Bronchoalveolar carcinoma*

(Quiz 4, Question 11) Which two valves in the heart are most likely affected in acquired valvular heart disease?

(a. Mitral and pulmonary valves) (b. Tricuspid and pulmonary valves) *(c.) Mitral and aortic valves* (d. Tricuspid and aortic valves)

(Quiz 1, Question 2) During the lecture, we talked about a single mom who initially went to ER for chest pain. (EKG and chest X-ray were performed at ER and she was told that all the tests were normal and sent back home.) After 2 years, she ended up in an ER due to shortness of breath and chronic cough. New chest X-ray was taken and revealed _________.

(a. No significant abnormality) (b. Left lower lobe pneumonia) *(c.) Soft tissue mass in the right middle lobe that spread to the left lung* (d. Pneumothorax involving the left lung)

(Quiz 2, Question 14) Which one of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding chest X-ray technique?

(a. Normally FFD [focal film distance] is 72 inches) (b. The routine series include PA and lateral projections) *(c.) Chest X-ray technique utilizes low kVp at 60-70 kVp* (d. The exposure is made at the end of full inspiration)

(Quiz 4, Question 4) There is a central bronchogenic carcinoma infiltrating the right upper lobar bronchus, which causes collapse of the right upper lobe with compensatory hyperinflation of the right lower lobe. This describes which type of atelectasis?

(a. Passive atelectasis) (b. Compressive atelectasis) (c. Adhesive atelectasis) *(d.) Obstructive atelectasis*

(Quiz 4, Question 5) In the presence of an intrapulmonary space occupying lesion such as large bullae, neoplasms or abscesses, the adjacent lung parenchyma can be collapsed due to mass effect of the lesion. This type of atelectasis is referred to as...

(a. Passive atelectasis) *(b.) Compressive atelectasis* (c. Adhesive atelectasis) (d. Obstructive atelectasis)

(Quiz 8, Question 15) Which of the following statements is correct regarding hiatal hernia?

(a. Patients with hiatal hernia are almost all invariably symptomatic) (b. The paraesophageal type is less likely to cause potential complications) (c. The gastroesophageal junction is not displaced in the sliding hernia) *(d.) The sliding hernia by far is the most common type of hiatal hernia*

(Quiz 3, Question 10) What is your diagnosis based on the axial CT image?

(a. Pectus carinatum) *(b.) Pectus excavatum* (c. Right lower lobe consolidation) (d. Left lower lobe consolidation)

(Quiz 3, Question 5) What kind of cardiovascular normal variant is seen on the chest X-ray?

(a. Pectus excavatum) (b. Azygos fissure and lobe) (c. Pectus carinatum) *(d.) Right sided aortic arch*

(Quiz 3, Question 7) The apex heart beat was palpated in an atypical location. The radiographic is compatible with the aforementioned clinical finding. What is the diagnosis?

(a. Pectus excavatum) (b. Azygos fissure and lobe) (c. Right sided aortic arch) *(d.) Dextrocardia with situs inversus*

(Quiz 3, Question 8) The patient is asymptomatic. The questionable small fusiform radiopacity in the right upper lung field is compatible with ________.

(a. Pectus excavatum) *(b.) Azygos fissure and lobe* (c. Pectus carinatum) (d. Dextrocardia with situs inversus)

(Quiz 7, Question 11) Which of the following abdominal conditions can NOT be adequately evaluated with conventional radiography?

(a. Perforated viscus) (b. Bowel obstruction) (c. Cholelithiasis) *(d.) Gastrointestinal bleeding*

(Quiz 7, Question 2) (59 year old female complaining of chronic acid reflux and cough otherwise healthy.) Based on the radiographs provided, a large soft tissue mass overlying the heart on PA and seen in the retrocardiac space with distinct air- fluid level on the lateral projection is most consistent with ________________.

(a. Pleural Effusion) *(b.) Hiatal Hernia* (c. Pulmonary Abscess) (d. Aneurysm of the descending aorta)

(Quiz 3, Question 12) What are the two main significant radiographic findings seen on this chest radiograph below?

(a. Pleural effusion and a large soft tissue mass in the right upper field) (b. Pleural effusion and a large soft tissue mass in the left lung field) (c. Obliteration of the right heart border with associated soft tissue radiopacity in the right mid lung field) *(d.) Prominent right mediastinum widening and tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta*

(Quiz 2, Question 13) What can be suspected if the interface between the right lung and the dome of the right hemi-diaphragm is obliterated?

(a. Pneumothorax) (b. Pneumoperitoneum) *(c.) Airspace consolidation of the right lower lobe* (d. Airspace consolidation of the right middle lobe)

(Quiz 8, Question 2) Which one of the following is NOT considered local effects of bronchogenic carcinoma?

(a. Postobstructive pneumonia) (b. Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy) (c. Atelectasis) *(d.) Cushing syndrome*

(Quiz 6, Question 8) (44 year old male presents with mid back pain that started 2 weeks ago without pulmonary symptoms. Thoracic X-rays including PA chest projection were taken. The PA chest radiograph below reveals a well-marginated soft tissue radiopacity without matrix calcification & measured approximately 35 mm in diameter or at its widest dimension.) Based on the clinical & radiographical information given, which one of the following is considered a reasonable next step/approach?

(a. Refer the patient for ultrasound study of the chest of the mass) (b. Inform the patient that the radiographic finding is most likely due to infection in origin. Therefore, a referral of antibiotic therapy is warranted.) *(c.) Refer the patient for contrast enhanced CT scan for further characterization of the mass* (d. Inform the patient that radiographic findings is most likely insignificant and there is no need to see other specialists)

(Quiz 7, Question 5) 45 year old male presents with acute pain of the right lower abdominal quadrant, elevated WBC count and temperature of 101 F. Based on radiographic findings, what is the most likely diagnosis?

(a. Renal stones/nephrolithiasis) (b. Cholecystitis) (c. Colon Cancer) *(d.) Appendicitis*

(Quiz 4, Question 10) After examining a frontal chest X-ray and a selected chest CT image, what is your diagnosis?

(a. Right lower lobe pneumonia/consolidation there is no evidence of airspace consolidation) (b. Right upper lobe pneumonia/consolidation) *(c.) Localized bronchiectasis involving the right upper lobe* (d. Localized bronchiectasis involving the right lower lobe)

(Quiz 4, Question 8) The provided lateral and frontal chest radiographs display anterior and superior displacement of the major oblique fissure, increased radiopacity in the left upper lung field, and mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm. The aforementioned three main radiographic findings suggests:

(a. Right middle lobe atelectasis) (b. Left lower lobe atelectasis) (c. Right upper lobe atelectasis) *(d.) Left upper lobe atelectasis*

(Quiz 2, Question 7) A patient has high fever and has been ill for several days with productive coughs. Based on the PA and lateral chest X-rays, which lobe appears to have abnormality?

(a. Right upper lobe) (b. Left upper lobe) *(c.) Right middle lobe* (d. Left lower lobe)

(Quiz 2, Question 12) Which one of the osseous structures is least likely to be visualized on Chest X-ray?

(a. Scapula) *(b.) Ulna* (c. Clavicle) (d. Humerus)

(Quiz 7, Question 3) Based on the barium study below, the gastroesophageal junction is not displaced, but the proximal part of the stomach is displaced upward above the diaphragm through the esophageal hiatus. Therefore, this is considered ____________ hernia.

(a. Sliding) *(b.) Paraesophageal*

(Quiz 7, Question 1) 20 year old female presents with abdominal pain, fullness, and bloating that have been progressively getting worse. Based on the abdominal spot view, what is the most likely diagnosis?

(a. Small bowel obstruction) (b. Cecum volvulus) (c. Large bowel obstruction) *(d.) Gastric bezoar*

(Quiz 8, Question 9) Which type of bronchogenic carcinoma is likely to result in cavity formation?

(a. Small cell carcinoma) (b. Adenocarcinoma) *(c.) Squamous cell carcinoma* (d. Large cell carcinoma)

(Quiz 1, Question 5) 40 pack-year history is compatible with?

(a. Smoking 20 cigarettes [1 pack] a day for the last 20 years) *(b.) Smoking 40 cigarettes [2 pack] a day for the last 20 years* (c. Smoking 10 cigarettes [1/2 pack] a day for the last 40 years) (d. Smoking 40 cigarettes [2 pack] a day for the last 40 years)

(Quiz 1, Question 8) Which of the following statement describes the CT finding based on the axial CT scan?

(a. Soft tissue mass in the anterior aspect of the right lung) (b. Soft tissue mass in the posterior aspect of the right lung) (c. Soft tissue mass in the anterior aspect of the left lung) *(d.) Soft tissue mass in the posterior aspect of the left lung*

(Quiz 5, Question 10) If the left heart border becomes obliterated on the chest X-ray, the lung consolidation is most likely involving ______.

(a. Superior aspect of the left upper lobe) *(b.) Lingual of the left upper lobe* (c. Right middle lobe) (d. Superior aspect of the right upper lobe)

(Quiz 1, Question 3) A 41-year-old female presents with a history of chronic cough and shortness of breath. Chest x-rays were taken and based on the radiology report provided, which clinical course of action should be performed next?

(a. Tell the patient pneumonia is going to resolve once she goes through antibiotic therapy) (b. Tell the patient that there is no significant radiographic findings on the chest X-ray) (c. Tell the patient that sonographic [ultrasound] examination of the chest is warranted) *(d.) Tell the patient that she needs to get a CT scan for further evaluation*

(Quiz 8, Question 11) Which of the follow factors is NOT likely to contribute to likelihood of malignancy of colonic polyp?

(a. The # of polyps) (b. The age of patient) (c. The size of polyp) *(d.) Location of polyp*

(Quiz 5, Question 1) Which one of the radiographic findings that can be seen on chest X-rays is least likely associated with congestive heart failure?

(a. The cardiothoracic ratio is bigger than 50%) (b. Prominent central pulmonary vessels) (c. Kerley B lines) *(d.) Small aortic arch*

(Quiz 6, Question 14) Which of the following is the most common type of bronchogenic carcinoma?

*(a.) Adenocarcinoma* (b. Large cell carcinoma) (c. Small cell carcinoma) (d. Squamous cell carcinoma)

(Quiz 3, Question 14) Which of the following statements is true regarding the chest X-ray provided below?

(a. The enlarged cardiac shadow is due to under-inspiration) (b. The right heart border is not clearly visualized on this chest X-ray, indicating right middle lobe disease or pectus excavatum) *(c.) There is double density sign due to enlargement of the left atrium* (d. The cardiac shadow appears enlarged because this radiograph was done anterior to posterior)

(Quiz 6, Question 1) Which of the following statements is false regarding lung cancer?

(a. The five year survival rate is substantially lower than other types of cancer) *(b.) The majority of lung cancers are detected at an early age* (c. The timing of the diagnosis of lung cancer has strong relationship with prognosis) (d. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer deaths in women in the US)

(Quiz 8, Question 1) (66 year old male presents with chronic persistent productive cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and chest pain when coughing. Recently he has also noticed that his arms and face become swollen in the morning.) The patient has 50 pack year history of smoking. Based on clinical information and radiographic findings, which of the following statements best explains regarding the clinical status of the patient?

(a. The patient is likely experiencing CHF considering edema of the face and Upper Extremities) *(b.) There is large soft tissue density in the medial aspect of the right upper lung field likely causing mass effect on the superior vena cava* (c. There is an extensive aneurysm extending from the ascending aorta to the aortic arch causing right tracheal deviation) (d. There is a large area of pulmonary consolidation in the right upper lobe with air bronchogram sign and the patient is likely experiencing lobar pneumonia)

(Quiz 6, Question 10) 61 year old male presents with right shoulder pain and cough with 30 year pack history of smoking. Based on the PA chest radiograph provided, which of the following statements is true?

(a. The patient is likely suffering from thoracic outlet syndrome TOS) (b. The costophrenic and cardiophrenic angles are blunted and suggestive of massive pleural effusion) (c. A large soft tissue radiopacity in the left mid lung field obliterates the left heart border) *(d.) Right apical soft tissue radiopacity represent a bronchogenic carcinoma*

(Quiz 3, Question 9) Which of the following statements regarding the provided radiographs is correct?

(a. The patient likely had a blunt trauma to his chest) (b. The surgical procedure is referred to as CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) *(c.) There is a congenital chest wall deformity corrected by Nuss procedure* (d. The patient had a significant cardiomegaly likely representing congestive heart failure)

(Quiz 3, Question 15) Choose all the CORRECT statements regarding the similar radiographic finding adjacent to the right hemidiaphragm seen in both chest radiographs provided.

(a. The radiographic finding seen in radiograph A is likely to be an incidental finding) (b. The anatomic variation of the hepatic flexure of the colon can be associated with the finding in radiograph B) *(c.) The radiograph B suggests a serious intra-abdominal disease and the need for urgent surgical management* (d. The radiograph A requires additional advanced imaging including CT and ultrasound and surgical intervention due to high mortality)

(Quiz 6, Question 2) Which of the following statements is false regarding lung cancer?

(a. The right lung is more likely to be affected than the left) (b. The upper lobe is more likely to be affected than the lower lobe) *(c.) The majority of lung cancer arises in the trachea* (d. Up to 50% of patients are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis)

(Quiz 5, Question 8) Which of the following statements is false regarding the comparison between empyema and simple parapneumonic [pleural] effusion?

(a. The type of fluid in simple parapneumonic effusion is likely transudate) (b. Contrast - enhanced CT scan would be helpful to differentiate simple pleural effusion from empyema) (c. Split pleura sign can be a highly sensitive and specific sign on CT for the presence of empyema) *(d.) In simple pleural effusion, the pleura is likely enhanced by intravenous contrast on the CT scan*

(Quiz 7, Question 8) 63 year old female with constipation and bloating. Barium enema was performed. Which of the following statements is not compatible with the imaging findings and clinical information?

(a. There is a concentric narrowing of the lumen of the colon) (b. The key finding is called "apple core" or "napkin ring" lesion/sign) (c. Colon cancer should be included in the differential diagnosis) *(d.) There are numerous small diverticuli of the colon*

(Quiz 6, Question 11) Based on the chest X-ray provided, which of the following statements is true?

(a. There is a large right apical soft tissue radiopacity and massive pleural effusion as evidence by obliteration of the right costophrenic sulcus.) *(b.) There is a large right apical soft tissue radiopacity and abnormal elevation of the right hemidiaphragm.* (c. There is a large area of pulmonary infiltrate in the right mid lower lung field resulting in obliteration of the right heart border) (d. There is a large soft tissue radiopacity in the right apex with massive bilateral pleural effusion as evidence by obliteration of the lateral costophrenic sulci.)

(Quiz 3, Question 1) Which of the following statements best describes about radiographs provided below?

(a. There is a large round calcific radiopacity involving the right middle lobe) (b. There is a large round calcific radiopacity involving the right lower lobe) *(c.) An extrapulmonary large rim-like round calcific radiopacity overlies right mid to lower lung field* (d. The lateral projection confirms that the calcific soft tissue mass in intrapulmonary structure)

(Quiz 7, Question 12) A 70 year old complains of LBP and Abdominal fullness and pain in the left lower quadrant (LLQ) of the abdomen. Based on AP view of abdomen, which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding the patient's condition?

(a. There is abnormal dilation of the small bowel as evidenced by increased caliber of the bowel) (b. Based on the radiographic findings, small bowel obstruction is suspected) (c. Moderate to advanced arthritic change is involving both hips) *(d.) The etiology of this condition is most likely iatrogenic such as surgical procedure*

(Quiz 1, Question 7) Which is the triad of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy?

*(a.) Arthritis, Digital clubbing, Periostitis* (b. Hilar lymphadenopathy, Digital clubbing, Pulmonary soft tissue mass) (c. Digital clubbing, Pitting of nail, Arthritis) (d. Arthritis, Periostitis, Koilonychia)

(Quiz 4, Question 7) Based on the radiograph and coronal PET-CT provided below, which one of the following statements best describes about the radiographic findings and diagnosis?

(a. There is an emphysematous change involving the right lung field as evidenced by diffuse hyperlucency of the right lung field. The PET-CT scan is negative.) (b. There is a tension pneumothorax involving the right lung resulting in shifting of the left mediastinal deviation. The PET-CT scan is negative.) *(c.) There is a large soft tissue mass in the left hilum likely resulting in occlusion of the left main bronchus with associated atelectasis.* (d. There is a large pleural effusion involving the left pleura space as seen on the radiograph and PET-CT scan with unknown etiology)

(Quiz 3, Question 2) Based on the radiograph, which of the following statements is correct?

(a. There is diffuse radiopacity involving the left mid to lower lung field) (b. Diffuse radiolucency of the right lung field is due to complete collapse of the right lung) *(c.) Small round soft tissue mass in the right upper lung field raises a suspicion of metastatic disease* (d. Both lung fields are clear of pulmonary consolidation, nodule, or mass)

(Quiz 2, Question 8) Based on the radiographs below, which of the following statements is FALSE?

(a. There is minimal enlargement of the cardiac shadow) (b. There is a radiographic evidence of the presence of free air in the peritoneal cavity) (c. Based on radiographic finding[s], this patient is likely to have an underlying serious visceral pathology) *(d.) The main radiographic finding is due to interposition of the hepatic flexure between the right hemi-diaphragm and the liver*

(Quiz 8, Question 13) Which of the following statements is false regarding the X-ray below?

(a. There is no fracture or dislocation of the visualized osseous structures) (b. The visualized bowel gas pattern appears unremarkable) (c. There are multiple calcified phleboliths) *(d.) There are numerous bladder stones in the center of the pelvic basin*

(Quiz 2, Question 6) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the provided radiograph?

(a. There is significant superior mediastinum widening) (b. There is a large soft tissue radiopacity adjacent to the tracheal air shadow) (c. The tracheal air shadow is deviated to the right along with associated narrowing) *(d.) The large soft tissue mass is likely arising from the upper lung field*

(Quiz 3, Question 3) Based on the radiograph, what is your diagnosis?

(a. Thoracic vertebral compression fracture at T7) (b. Pectus excavatum) *(c.) Pectus carinatum* (d. Right middle lobe pneumonia/consolidation)

(Quiz 2, Question 10) Interstitial pattern of lung disease involves alveoli, alveolar duct, and respiratory bronchioles. True or False?

(a. True) *(b.) False [The alveoli, alveolar sac, alveolar duct, and respiratory bronchioles are considered air space]*

(Quiz 2, Question 11) There is gas exchange at the level of terminal bronchioles. True or False?

(a. True) *(b.) False*

(Quiz 5, Question 9) The soft tissue radiopacity indicated by an arrow in the right hemithorax is likely an intrapulmonary structure. True or False?

(a. True) *(b.) False*

(Quiz 7, Question 15) There is no known GI complication in relation to gastric bezoar. Therefore, you do not have to include the diagnosis of gastric bezoar in your radiology report. True or False?

(a. True) *(b.) False*

(Quiz 1, Question 1) Which one of the following statements is considered attitude(s) seen on the Syllabus?

(a. Value the necessity of conventional radiographs an specialized diagnostic studies) (b. Consider visceral diseases in the differential diagnostic workup of patients) (c. Appreciate the application of diagnostic imaging procedures in evaluating visceral diseases) *(d.) All of the above*

(Quiz 6, Question 4) Which of the following statements is false regarding the features of pulmonary nodules?

(a. When the nodule size is larger, there is a higher chance of being malignant) (b. If the nodule is larger than 3 cm in diameter, it is considered a mass and malignant until proven otherwise) (c. The presence of calcification of the nodule is one of the most important features to distinguish a benign nodule from a malignant one) *(d.) If the margin of the nodule is speculated, it is more likely to be benign than malignant*

(Quiz 8, Question 12) Which of the following diagnostic imaging studies can best evaluate hiatal hernia distinguishing a sliding from a paraesophageal hernia?

(a. X-ray) *(b.) Barium Study* (c. Nuclear Imaging) (d. Angiography)

(Quiz 4, Question 14) Aortic valve stenosis can cause which of the following radiographic findings except:

(a. prominent ascending aorta) (b. post-dilation of the ascending aorta) (c. left ventricular hypertrophy) *(d.) enlargement of the left atrium*

(Quiz 6, Question 9) Which of the following radiographic findings is likely associated with bronchogenic carcinoma?

(a.) Atelectasis (b.) Pleural effusion (c.) Hilar enlargement *(d. All of the above)*

(Quiz 1, Question 10) Which one of the conditions contributes to digital clubbing?

(a.) Lung cancer (b.) Chronic bronchitis (c.) Congenital heart defects *(d. All of the above)*

(Quiz 8, Question 8) Which one of the following should be considered in the differential diagnosis list based on the radiographic finding seen below?

(a.) Lung cancer. (b.) Tuberculosis, (TB) likely secondary (c.) Lung abscess. *(d. All of the above)*

(Quiz 2, Question 1) Inspiration and expiration can be used to detect ________.

(a.) Pneumothorax (b.) Atelectasis (c.) Air-trapping *(d. All of the above)*

(Quiz 6, Question 5) Between A and B, which solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is likely to be malignant?

*(a.) A* (b. B)

(Quiz 8, Question 3) Which of the following statements is false regarding adenocarcinomas of the lung?

*(a.) Adenocarcinoma is the least common type of primary bronchogenic carcinoma* (b. Adenocarcinomas are more commonly found in periphery of the lung rather central) (c. Adenocarcinomas do not have strong association with smoking history in contrast to other types of bronchogenic carcinomas) (d. Adenocarcinomas are the most common type of bronchogenic carcinoma in women and non-smokers)

(Quiz 6, Question 13) Which type of bronchogenic carcinoma is likely to stimulate the appearance of miliary TB as seen on the chest X- rays provided below?

*(a.) Bronchoalveolar carcinoma* (b. Squamous cell carcinoma) (c. Large cell carcinoma) (d. Small cell carcinoma)

(Quiz 1, Question 6) Which imaging modality has a highest sensitivity in detecting lung cancer?

*(a.) CT* (b. X-ray) (c. Ultrasound) (d. All of the above imaging modalities have the same sensitivity in detecting lung cancer)

(Quiz 3, Question 4) 44-year-old female presents with complaints of tingling sensations at the tip of her right fingers whenever she sweeps the floor as well as a nagging pain in her neck. Based on the radiographs, which is likely associated with her symptomatology?

*(a.) Cervical ribs* (b. Anomalous bifid ribs) (c. aortic arch dilatation) (d. soft tissue mass in the superior mediastinum)

(Quiz 7, Question 10) Right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain exacerbated by fatty meal. Positive Murphy's sign. What is the diagnosis?

*(a.) Cholecystitis with gallstones* (b. Cholecystitis without gallstones) (c. Hepatitis) (d. Appendicitis)

(Quiz 7, Question 4) 73 year old female with a history of dysuria and hematuria. Based on the clinical history and radiographic findings, what is the most likely diagnosis?

*(a.) Cystolithiasis/bladder stone* (b. Nephrolithiasis/kidney stone) (c. Ureterolithiasis) (d. Cholelithiasis)

(Quiz 1, Question 4) 62-year-old female presents with low back pain. Upon observation of the patients hands, what is the most significant finding?

*(a.) Digital clubbing* (b. Fibrotic change of the skin) (c. Spoon-shaped nails) (d. Severe arthritic change of the all of the fingers)

(Quiz 6, Question 3) Solitary pulmonary nodule is defined as:

*(a.) Discrete, well marginated, and round radiopacity* (b. Ill-defined consolidation area of the lung field) (c. The size of the nodule is larger than 3 cm) (d. Multiple focal radiopacities in the lung field)

(Quiz 4, Question 6) What are two direct radiographic signs indicating the presence of atelectasis?

*(a.) Increased radiopacity of the affected lung and displacement of the interlobar fissures* (b. Increased radiopacity of the affected lung and elevation of the diaphragm) (c. Elevation of the diaphragm and mediastinal displacement) (d. Compensatory hyperinflation of the normal lung and mediastinal displacement)

(Quiz 8, Question 5) 59 year old male with SOB. Choose two most likely conditions that can show the following radiographic appearance of these CT scan images.

*(a.) Lobar pneumonia and brochoalveolar carcinoma* (b. Pancoast tumor or hamartoma) (c. Lobar pneumonia and hamartoma) (d. Squamous cell carcinoma and Pancoast tumor)

(Quiz 7, Question 6) 50 year old male with no abdominal symptoms. Incidental noted is a structure pointed by arrows and also seen on a coronal CT image. What is the diagnosis?

*(a.) Normal variant - Riedel's lobe* (b. Hepatomegaly) (c. Cholecystitis) (d. Colon Cancer)

(Quiz 6, Question 15) Which type of bronchogenic cancer is most commonly associated with paraneoplastic syndrome?

*(a.) Small cell carcinoma* (b. Adenocarcinoma) (c. Squamous cell carcinoma) (d. Large cell carcinoma)

(Quiz 2, Question 9) Which one of the following statements is FALSE regarding the pleura?

*(a.) The parietal pleura is in direct contact with the lung* (b. The air collection between the visceral and parietal pleura is called pneumothorax) (c. Inflammation the pleura can cause pain and is called pleurisy) (d. Pleural effusion refers to a fluid collection between the visceral and parietal pleura)

(Quiz 7, Question 7) 68 year old female with constipation and anemia. Based on the radiographic findings, which of the following statements is false?

*(a.) There is an "apple core" lesion* (b. Adenomatous type is considered a precursor of the colorectal carcinoma) (c. This is a lower GI [Barium enema] study) (d. This is a pedunculated type)

(Quiz 4, Question 1) Which of the following describes the correct of the airways from the proximal to distal structures?

*(a.) Trachea - main bronchi - segmental bronchi - subsegmental bronchi* (b. Terminal bronchioles - bronchioles - alveolar ducts - alveolar sacs) (c. Subsegmental bronchi - alveolar sacs - alveolar ducts - segmental bronchi) (d. Trachea - subsegmental bronchi - main bronchi - segmental bronchi)

(Quiz 2, Question 15) Bowel gas in the hepatic flexure can be visualized adjacent to the liver due to density difference. True or False?

*(a.) True* (b. False)

(Quiz 4, Question 9) Chest radiographic presentation of the bronchial asthma can vary from normal chest to increased central interstitial markings. True or False?

*(a.) True* (b. False)

(Quiz 7, Question 13) With paraesophageal hernia, the location of gastroesophageal junction is unchanged staying at the level of the esophageal hiatus. True or False?

*(a.) True* (b. False)

(Quiz 8, Question 7) Transthoracic needle biopsy is used when the pulmonary nodule/mass evaluated is located in the peripheral aspect of the lung. True or False?

*(a.) True* (b. False)

(Quiz 5, Question 5) Aortic dissection refers to separation of _________.

*(a.) Tunica intima and tunica media* (b. Tunica media and tunica adventitia) (c. Thrombus and tunica intima) (d. Location of blood in the tunica adventitia)

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